Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition

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Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition Page 86

by Spielvogel, Jackson J.

  More, Thomas

  Mortality. See Death rates


  Mother, The (de Hooch)

  Mothers See also Families Women Motion

  Mountain, the (France)

  Movable type

  Mozart family: Leopold, Nannerl, and Wolfgang Amadeus

  Mughal Empire

  Mühlberg, Battle of


  Multiracial society, in Latin America

  Mumbai (Bombay)

  Münster, Anabaptists in

  Müntzer, Thomas

  Murad (Ottoman Turks)

  Music: in Enlightenment in Renaissance

  Muslims: in 18th century Enlightenment and in India in Spain trade and

  Myanmar. See Burma (Myanmar)



  Nantes, in French Revolution

  Naples Austria and kingdom of market square in revolt in

  Napoleon I Bonaparte (France) Civil Code of defeat of Grand Empire of

  Narva, Battle of

  Naseby, battle at

  National Assembly (France)

  National Convention (France)

  National debt

  National Guard (France) Nationalism German Napoleon and in Prussia Spanish

  Nationalization: of churches

  Nation in arms: in France

  Native Americans. See Indians

  Native peoples: Christianization of See also Indians (Native Americans)

  Nattier, Jean Marc

  Natural law of economics natural rights and

  Natural philosophers

  Natural rights


  Navigational aids astrolabe compass

  Navy: British French Russian in 17th century See also Armada (Spain) Military Neoclassicism



  Netherlands: Calvinism in in 18th century France and sciences and See also Austrian Netherlands Dutch Dutch Republic Low Countries Spanish Netherlands Neumann, Balthasar

  New Cicero, The (Bruni)

  New England: exploration of


  New Jerusalem, John of Leiden and

  New Model Army (England)

  New monarchies, in Renaissance

  New Netherland

  New Spain


  New Testament See also Bible

  Newton, Isaac

  New World England and European diseases in exploration of Portugal and Spain and voyages to

  New York

  New Zealand

  Nimwegen, peace at

  Niña (ship)

  Ninety-Five Theses (Luther)

  Nobility: absolutism and in Denmark in 18th century in England in 14th century in France grand tour and in Poland in Prussia in Renaissance in Russia in Scandinavia as social estate in Spain in Sweden

  “Noble savage” idea

  Nocturnal Spectator (Restif de la Bretonne)

  Nogarola, Isotta

  Nomads See also Migration

  Nördlingen, Battle of


  North Africa: Ottomans and

  North America: British in Dutch in French in 1700–1803 in Seven Years’ War Spain and in War of the Spanish Succession

  Northern Europe: artistic Renaissance in governments in sciences in

  Northern Renaissance humanism

  Northern War: Denmark in

  Norway: Hansa and Scandinavian unification and See also Scandinavia Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris): as Temple of Reason

  Nova Scotia

  Novels See also Literature Nuns

  Nuremberg Lutheranism in Nutrition

  Nystadt, Peace of

  Oath of the Horatii (David)

  Observations upon Experimental Philosophy… (Cavendish)


  Occult: Hermetic writings and

  Ohio River region

  Old order: in France

  Old regime (France)

  Old Testament. See Bible

  Olivares (Count)

  On Anatomical Procedures (Galen)

  On Crimes and Punishments (Beccaria) Onesti, Nastagio degli

  On the Fabric of the Human Body (Vesalius) On the Family (Alberti)

  On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Luther)

  On the Motion of the Heart and Blood (Harvey)

  On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus)

  Open-field system


  Orange, house of See also William and Mary (England)

  Oration on the Dignity of Man (Pico della Mirandola)

  Oratory of Divine Love

  Orbits, of planets

  Order of Preachers. See Dominicans

  Orders (classes) See also Religious orders specific groups

  Orders of Friars Minor. See Franciscans Orléans

  Orléans, duke of

  Orthodox Christianity. See Eastern Orthodoxy

  Ottoman Empire Charles V and Russian expansion and in 16th and 17th centuries

  Ottoman Turks

  See also Ottoman Empire

  Overseas trade

  Oxenstierna, Axel

  Oxford University (England)

  Pachakuti (Inca)

  Pacification of Ghent

  Pacific Ocean region: Balboa in

  Padua: medical school in

  Painting: Baroque of Giotto Mannerist Realist


  Paleologus dynasty

  Palladio, Andrea

  Pamela: or, Virtue Rewarded (Richardson)

  Panama: Isthmus of


  Papacy: at Avignon in Catholic Reformation church-state struggle and decline in France and Italy and Reformation and in Renaissance supremacy of See also Pope specific popes

  Papal bulls

  Papal States in 14th century Italy and


  Paper money


  Paris: in Enlightenment fall of Bastille in foundling homes in French Revolution and Fronde in medical school in

  Paris, Treaty of: of 1763 of 1783 Paris Commune: in French Revolution

  Parlement of Paris Parlements (France)

  Parliament: in Sweden See also

  Parliament (England)

  Parliament (England) Cavalier

  Parliament and English civil war and monarchy and structure of

  Parma, duke of

  Parr, Catherine

  Partitions: of Poland

  Pascal, Blaise

  Patriarchies (family): in 18th century


  Patriots: in American Revolution in Dutch Republic women in France as

  Patronage: in England of scientists Paul III (Pope)

  Paul IV (Pope)

  Peace of Augsburg

  Peace of Lodi

  Peace of the Pyrenees

  Peace of Utrecht

  Peace of Westphalia

  Peasants in 14th century in 16th century in 18th century diet of in England in France in Germany in Japan literacy and in Poland potato and in Prussia in Renaissance revolts by in Russia as Third Estate

  See also Serfs and serfdom Peasants’ Revolt (England, 1381)

  Peasants’ War

  Penny, Edward

  Pensées (Pascal)

  Periodicals: in 18th century

  See also Magazines Newspapers

  Permanent Committee (Paris)

  Persian Letters (Montesquieu)


  Peter III (Russia)

  Peter the Great (Russia)

  Petition of Right (England)


  Phèdre (Racine)

  Philip, Landgrave of Hesse

  Philip II (Spain) Elizabeth I (England) and French Wars of Religion and revolt of Netherlands and Spanish power under

  Philip III (Spain)

  Philip IV (the Fair, France)

  Philip IV (Spain)

  Philip V (Spain)

  Philip VI (Fra

  Philip of Burgundy, marriage of

  Philip of Orléans


  Philosophes on enlightened rulers French Revolution and as historians

  Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society)

  Philosophic Letters on the English (Voltaire)

  Physicians: in 14th century in 18th century See also Medicine Physiocrats

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Pietism

  Pinta (ship)

  Piranesi, Giovanni Battista


  Pisa: Council of

  Pitt, William: the Elder the Younger

  Pius VII (Pope)

  Pizarro, Francisco, Inca and


  See also Black Death Plains of Abraham

  Planetary motion


  Plantation economy


  Plants: in Columbian Exchange See also Agriculture; Crop(s)

  Plassey, Battle of


  Platonic Academy (Florence)

  Platonic thought, Neoplatonism and


  Plurality of Worlds (Fontenelle)

  Pocket boroughs (England)

  Poem of Joan of Arc, The (Christine de Pizan)


  Poitiers: battle at (1356)

  Poland: Anabaptists in Jesuits in Jews in monarchy in Ottomans and partitions of Russia and


  Political Treatise, A (Spinoza)

  Politics: of Anabaptists Enlightenment and in 14th century French Wars of Religion and in Germany religion and slave trade and violence in

  Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture (Bossuet)


  Pollaiuolo, Antonio

  Poll tax: in England

  Polo, Marco

  Poltava, Battle of

  Pombal, marquis of

  Pompadour, Madame de


  Pontiff. See Pope

  Poor people. See Poverty

  Pope: Luther and Napoleon and Philip IV (France) and See also Papacy specific popes

  Popolo grasso (industrial class)

  Popolo minuto

  Popular culture: in 18th century and religion

  Popular religion: in 18th century in Middle Ages

  Population: in 17th century in 18th century of Amsterdam Black Death and famine and in France growth of in Latin America in Prussia Portolani (charts)

  Portraiture: in Renaissance

  Portugal: Americas and Asia and China and in 18th century empire of expansion by India and Japan and Jesuits and Latin America and New World and slavery and Spain and sphere of influence of

  Portuguese Empire


  Poussin, Nicholas

  Poverty: in cities in 18th century in France of peasants

  Pragmatic Sanction


  Praise of Folly, The (Erasmus)

  Predestination, Calvin on

  Prefects (France)



  President (U.S.)

  Prester John, magical kingdom of

  Price revolution

  Primary education

  Primavera (Botticelli)


  Prince, The (Machiavelli)

  Principia (Newton)


  Prisoners of war

  Prisons, reform of

  Private schools: Protestant

  Proclamation to the French Troops in Italy (Napoleon I)

  Procurator (Russia)

  Progress of the Human Mind, The (Condorcet)

  Prostitution: in 14th century grand tour and in Renaissance Italy

  Protestantism: by 1560 in 18th century church organization in education and Peace of Augsburg and Pietism and Puritans and revivalism in spread of women and See also Huguenots Protestant Reformation

  Protestant Union

  Provence, France

  Prussia Dutch Republic and in 18th century military in Napoleon and nobility in Poland and population of in Seven Years’ War See also Brandenburg-Prussia Silesia Ptolemaic-Aristotelian cosmology

  Ptolemaic universe

  Ptolemy, Claudius

  Public credit

  Public education. See Education

  Public health

  Public schools

  Publishing See also Books Printing Pugachev, Emelyan

  Punishment: in Austria in 18th century



  Putting-out system

  Pym, John

  Pyramids: Mayan

  Qianlong (China)

  Qing Empire (China)



  Querelles des femmes

  Quesnay, François

  Quetzalcoatl (god)

  Racine, Jean-Baptiste

  Radical Reformation

  Radicals and radicalism: in French Revolution



  Rastatt, Peace of

  Rationalism See also Reason

  Raw materials

  Reaction: in French Revolution

  Reading See also Literacy

  Realism: in Dutch painting in medieval painting in Renaissance painting

  Realschule (Germany)

  Reason: in Enlightenment See also Rationalism

  Reason of state

  Rebellions. See Revolts and rebellions Recessions: in 17th century

  Reform and reformers: in Austria of Catholic Church Christian humanism and in Denmark in France Napoleonic in Prussia in Russia in Sweden

  See also Reformation Reformation See also Catholic

  Reformation Protestant Reformation Reformed churches


  Regency: in England

  Regensburg Colloquy

  Reichstag (Germany)

  Reign of Terror (French Revolution)

  Relativism. See Cultural relativism

  Relics (Catholic Church)

  Religion: in eastern Europe in 18th century in England expansion and in France in Germany politics and popular culture and science and skepticism about Thirty Years’ War and Voltaire on Wars of witchcraft craze and See also Popular religion Reformation specific groups

  Religious orders

  Religious toleration: in 18th century by Joseph II (Austria) Voltaire on

  Rém, Nicholas

  Rembrandt van Rijn

  Renaissance arts in Catholic Church in education in in Italy magic in music in in northern Europe papacy in printing in social orders in state in

  “Reports of the Genevan Consistory,”

  Republic of Virtue, in France


  Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas

  Restoration: in England in France

  Revivalism, Protestant

  Revolts and rebellions: in cities in England in France in Japan Luther and in Russia in Saint Domingue Th irty Years’ War and

  Revolution(s) American in England in France See also Revolts and rebellions

  Revolutionary Tribunal, The (Milligen)

  Revolution Settlement (England)


  Ricci, Matteo

  Richard II (England)

  Richard II (Shakespeare)

  Richard III (England)

  Richardson, Samuel

  Richelieu (Cardinal)

  Rights: in France Locke on natural

  Riksdag (Sweden)

  Rivals, The (Sheridan)

  Roads and highways: Inca

  Robespierre, Maximilien

  Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, duc de la

  Rococo style

  Rocroi, Battle of

  Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church Roman Inquisition

  Romanov dynasty

  Romanticism Rousseau and

  Rome (city): sack of (1527)

  Rossbach, Battle of

  Rossi, Luigi de’

uen, revolt in (1382)

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Royal Academy of Sciences (France)

  Royal College of Physicians (England)

  Royal College of Surgeons (England)

  Royal Council (Britain)

  Royal council (France)

  Royalists: in England

  Royal Observatory, at Greenwich, England

  Royal Society (England)

  Rubens, Peter Paul

  Rucellai family


  Rudolf II (Holy Roman Empire)

  “Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy” (Newton)

  Rump Parliament

  Russia: China and economy in in 18th century Enlightenment in government of Jews and military in Mongols in Napoleon and Peter the Great and Poland and population of revolts in West and women in World War I and

  Russian Orthodox Church See also Eastern Orthodoxy Ryswick, Treaty of

  Sacraments: Calvin on Luther on

  sacrifices: in Benin

  Sailors and sailing Portuguese Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre


  See also Haiti Saint Helena, Napoleon on

  Saint-Just, Louis

  Saint Lawrence River region

  St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome)

  St. Petersburg, Russia in 18th century foundling home in “Saints,” Anabaptists as

  Saint-Simon, duc de (Louis de Rouvroy)

  Saint Vincent de Paul: religious order of

  Salerno, medical school in


  Salvation: Calvin on charity for Luther and before Reformation

  Sanitation: in cities in 14th century

  San Lorenzo, Church of


  Santa María (ship)

  Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

  Santi di Tito

  Santo Domingo

  Sardinia Austria and


  Scandinavia: Black Death in in 18th century Lutheranism in

  Schmalkaldic League

  Scholarship. See Intellectual thought Scholasticism

  Schönborn prince-bishop (Würzburg): palace of

  School of Athens (Raphael)

  Schools: in 18th century for girls humanist Jesuit medical in Middle Ages monastic Protestant See also Education Universities and colleges

  Schwartz, Matthaus

  Science: agriculture and in Enlightenment religion and society and women in See also Medicine Scientific Revolution

  Science of man: Diderot on

  Scientific laws: of Kepler of Newton

  Scientific method

  Scientific Revolution medicine in

  Scientific societies

  Scotland: Calvinism in England and Knox in Mary, queen of Scots, in Presbyterian Church in in United Kingdom

  Scripture See also Catholic Church Protestantism Theology Sculpture: Baroque in Italian Renaissance


  Sea Beggars

  Sea routes: in Renaissance

  Seasons, The (Haydn)

  Secondary schools

  Second Continental Congress

  Second Estate: in European society in France

  Secret societies: in Enlightenment Secularism


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