Inciting a Riot

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Inciting a Riot Page 11

by Karen Renee

  Triple hell! All four Sullivan men, in one place, after six years of not having seen them? Be still, my beating heart.

  Before I could give it any further consideration, Vamp stood up to say, “Come back to bed with me. You can sleep on it, but either way I can’t sleep without your ass in that bed, babe.”

  “I’m not the balm to your sleepless nights, you know. The only justification I could come up with for your need for multiples was that it helped to make you sleep.”

  “Not the reason –”

  I held my hand up as I stood up, “I really don’t care. I haven’t decided if I’m willing to explore things with you.”

  “You want to,” he said with an arrogant look on his beautiful face.

  I glared at him, “I want to eat an entire pan of Mississippi Mud brownies, but I’m not willing to do it. It’s destructive to my health, much like revisiting a relationship with you.”

  “I’m not destructive to your health.”

  “Whatever. A committed relationship takes work.”

  His eyes softened, “Nothin’ is work when I’m with you.”

  Six years ago, I would have melted inside to hear something like that from him. Now though, it only served to harden my resolve.

  “Well, that flip attitude makes me think nothing’s changed.”

  Vamp grabbed my hand and led me into my bungalow. He closed and locked the sliding glass door and then, grabbing my hand again, we went back to my bedroom. Once we were there he said, “You better think again, because everything has changed. Now go to bed.”

  “Shut up, Cary,” I said, dropping his hand.

  “What’d you say?” he asked immediately.

  The tone of his voice put me on alert, so I said, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again—”

  His tone softened as he said, “No, babe. Nothin’ to be sorry for, I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. Apparently, I did.”

  *** ***

  When I woke up the room was very bright, and I could hear the sounds of Maroon 5’s song “Misery.” I was wondering why I could hear music, and then I remembered how Vamp woke me up with the sounds of waves the morning before. Vamp had wide ranging musical tastes which included pop music. He also was not the least bit ashamed to show it. Way back when, we communicated with music and songs. I knew immediately what he was telling me this morning. He wanted me back, and he thought he was going to get me back. Adam Levine he was not, though. Of course he isn’t and that’s a damn fine thing, because Vamp’s better than even your most vivid imagination of how Adam Levine might be. Grr! I had to get my deepest thoughts and feelings under control, stat!

  I was laying on my right side facing my alarm clock. Opening one eye, I could see it was ten minutes after eight. I knifed up because I hadn’t called anyone at work to let them know I would not be coming in today. Vamp rolled toward the nightstand on his side of the bed and then rolled back toward me with my phone in his hand.

  “Here ya go, woman. Figure you need to make an early call,” he said in a husky voice.

  I let out a relieved sigh, and took the phone from him. I pulled up Roxanne’s office number and hit the call button.

  “Good morning, Frankie. You stuck in traffic?” she asked in greeting.

  Straight-to-the-point bosses are the best, have I mentioned that?

  I sighed and said, “Good morning. No, I’m not in traffic. I’m not going to be in today.”

  There was a pause, and I was nervous that she was going to give me grief about calling in today, but to my surprise she said, “Well, that’s probably a good thing.”

  “Um, what? What do you mean?”

  Now Roxanne sighed, “Well, after you left yesterday, Alex called me. He was thinking it might be best to have you take a few days off. After getting a good look at you yesterday, he figured you must need a couple of days to recoup. Plus, if this bozo is going to push his issue, and he doesn’t know that you’re out of the office, then if we press him for a date on which you made sexually-inappropriate overtures and it’s a day that you haven’t been here, then we’ve got him for the liar he is.”

  This all made perfect sense, but my income was terribly dependent on constant vigilance to my pipeline. If little things popped up this week, but weren't handled immediately, then I might find myself scrambling to close a loan at the end of June when it could have closed earlier in the month had I been around this week. Further, I couldn’t continue to build my pipeline to ensure an adequate number of loans for June if I was out of the office for any length of time this month.

  “I appreciate that, Roxanne, but what about my pipeline and loans that I have on the hook for the end of this month? None of this does me any good if I end up taking a huge hit this month and next month to boot.”

  “I mentioned that to Alex. We’ve got some loan coordinators who are looking to move up into the loan officer ranks. One of the top candidates is taking on your pipeline, and building it for a chance to prove her worth. You’ll end up with the credit for her work, and if it’s up to snuff, she gets promoted next quarter. Bottom line, I made sure that you’re going to be covered. I worked my way up the ranks, lady. I know what taking even one sick day does to a pipeline, let alone a commission check, so I wanted to be certain you were taken care of. Does that make you rest easier?”

  I nodded, but added verbally, “Yes. It does. Thank you so much, Roxanne.”

  “You sound wiped, Frankie. Nobody deserves what you got Saturday afternoon. But it’s not just the physical that gets wounded. There’s an employee assistance line if you need to talk to someone, and it won’t cost you anything. Company pays for it whether anybody uses it or not, comprende?”

  A small smile on my face was getting bigger. Roxanne could be such a good boss that she sometimes seemed like the sister I never had. I often thanked my lucky stars to have so many good people in my life who felt like family.

  I knew she could hear the smile in my voice when I said, “I comprende, Roxanne. Thank you for everything. Your support makes you one of the best bosses a loan officer in the trenches can have. You know that, right?”

  “Oh, shut up and stop stroking my ego. Get some rest. I’ll call you Sunday evening, and let you know the lay of the land. Later.”


  I lay back on my pillow on the bed with a sigh. I couldn't decide whether Roxanne's decision was all good news or as much bad news as good for me. In the back of my mind, I felt like the loan processor who was up to bat in my absence was gunning for my position; at the same time, I knew that what Roxanne said was true. If she and Alex took me out of the equation, then anything Mark Stillman had to accuse me of would be moot and this loan processor could help me while simultaneously helping herself.

  I was staring at the popcorn ceiling and letting my gaze get lazy until I saw various figures, shapes, and other odds and ends. I didn’t disagree that popcorn ceilings were passé, but I had to admit that with no drug or alcohol influences, I was almost always able to find crazy and weird shapes within the ceiling. Without fail, finding those weird images or patterns made me feel a deep sense of calmness. It might be disconcerting to some, but it was actually pretty relaxing to me.

  Before I could let my eyes cross or laze in any other way, Vamp asked, “So, what did your boss have to say about all of your loans and making sure you don’t take a big hit next month?”

  How could I even remotely forget that he was in the room with me? Suddenly, I had to wonder what I looked like to him. I mean, I had to assume he had been watching me since I lay back from my phone call and I started staring at the ceiling. Seriously. I had to look like a complete lunatic. Had he offered me a doobie or a shroom or something, then it might have made sense, but as it stood, no way. I could feel blood creeping into my cheeks from my embarrassment, but I tried willing myself to not blush.

  Shaking my head I responded with, “She said her boss thought it would be a good idea for me to take a day or two to regroup. He hadn’t s
een me this week until yesterday afternoon. It wasn’t said outright, but I’m no dummy. My guess is that he doesn’t want any customers straight off the street to encounter a loan officer with my physical appearance. At any rate, in the interim, they have a loan coordinator who’s going to handle my pipeline and try to prove their worth to become a loan officer. It should be win-win for me, but we’ll see.”

  Vamp propped himself up on his elbow and then put his head in his hand to say, “For the most part, all of that sounds good, baby. Not that I work for a credit union or anything, but bottom line, you got today off, right?”

  I couldn’t very well argue that, so I nodded, and then Vamp asked, “What about tomorrow?”

  Part of me was afraid of him asking about that, and the part of me that was afraid was determined that I should lie and say I had to work. Again, my not-fully-awake hesitation caused Vamp to jump to a conclusion. Unfortunately for me, it was the correct conclusion.

  With a broad smile he said, “You don’t have to go in tomorrow, either. I’d ask you if that’s true, but damned if I’m gonna give you half a chance to lie to me, baby.”

  Then he laughed. He didn’t chuckle, like he had previously. He out-and-out laughed. I tried to think he wasn’t laughing at me, but that was a damn fine challenge, to say the very least. Vamp put his hand on my lower belly and then ran it up over my midriff, my bosom, and stopped with his hand at my chin. I looked at him expecting to catch his eyes, but to my alarm he was looking at my belly. Then using his nose, he nudged the hem of my camisole up and over my belly-button.

  He looked up at me from my belly. “Where’s your belly-button ring?”

  Could I have no secrets from this man? It was beginning to frustrate me. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  Suddenly Vamp sprawled his entire frame on top of me. He grabbed my left hand and the tips of my fingers on my casted right hand, pinning both hands next to my ears.

  “Considering that was your special birthday gift to yourself when you turned twenty, and it’s the reason you and I met so many years ago, I’d say it’s abso-fucking-lutely my business. So, where’s your hardware, baby?”

  I tilted my head to the left, away from his hard stare and I blew out a sigh. Vamp used his hand and mine (since he didn’t release my hand) to turn my face back to his. Both of his eyebrows went up in a gesture for me to answer him.

  “I took it out.”

  “I got that much already, babe. Let me rephrase. Why did you take it out?”

  That was so not his business, but it was my grouchy show of attitude that landed Vamp’s solid bulk on top of me. I opted to remain silent. Patience was never one of Vamp’s strong suits. His hands squeezed mine.

  “Answer me, baby.”

  A strange curl of feeling slid through my torso at him calling me ‘baby’ again.

  “Get off of me, Vamp,” I said, through gritted teeth.

  His blue eyes searched my green eyes. Then to my dismay, he wiggled and forced my legs apart so he could settle there. Well, isn’t this nice, I forgot how much I like him being on top of me. Dammit, dammit, dammit! I had to stop these wayward thoughts of mine! A satisfied smirk twisted Vamp’s lips, and I hoped I was keeping a decent poker-face, but I highly doubted it.

  “I’ll get off of you when you answer me. Maybe.”

  “Pfft! No maybes and no answers. Get the hell off me, or I’ll shout the house down.”

  His grin was almost evil when Vamp said, “No, you won’t, baby.”

  I didn’t try to hide the determination in my eyes, which was a big mistake. Vamp saw the determined glint, so as soon as I opened my mouth, he kissed me. I was going to lay there immobile and not participating, but then I figured, if he was kissing me I wouldn’t be on the spot to answer him. I kissed him back, but the problem with that was it communicated the wrong thing. Hence, things escalated in ways I did not need. My tongue was in his mouth and landed on the ball of the vertical barbell in his tongue. I heard myself moan because I forgot how much that damn thing turned me on. His left hand left my cast and slid down the side of my torso to my right breast. I decided to take what little advantage that afforded me. Hiking up my right leg, I pushed against his weight to roll him over.

  Instantly, the kiss stopped and Vamp shoved my leg down and glared at me. “Now who’s fightin’ dirty? That shit ain’t cool, Frankie.”

  It might have been dirty on my part, but at least I was back to being ‘Frankie’. Now, if only I could get him off of me.

  As calmly as I could, I said, “Get off of me.”

  He lowered his face back toward mine. “Nope.”

  I let go of a silent chuckle. “Fine. You’ll have to change the damn sheets, because I gotta pee like a racehorse.”

  “Answer me, and I’ll let you up to piss.”

  “Navel rings are against credit union dress code,” I lied, but it could be true. Maybe that would be a question the HR department could actually answer for me.

  I almost thought Vamp would buy it, but then he asked, “Who the fuck would know you’re wearing a belly-button ring?”

  I should have been at the ready to answer that one, but without coffee, I wasn't and Vamp figured me out.

  “You little minx. You’re shittin’ me. Damn it, woman. Why? All this bullshit, pretty sure I know why. So just fuckin’ tell me.”

  With an incredulous look I said, “Full of yourself much?”

  His tongue peeked out to flick his lip-ring, “No, but you could be.”

  “Fuck,” I sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

  When I looked back to Vamp, he was smiling and nodding, “Just what I’m talkin’ about.”

  My lips pressed together with anger. Vamp’s smile faded, but he stared back. His eyes are prettier than the ocean. I closed my eyes tight at that errant thought. When I opened them again, Vamp was grinning.

  “Why?” he asked in a whisper.

  The fleeting curl of feeling in my torso returned at that. I actually did need to pee, and I knew Vamp and I could keep at this all day. One of the many things we had in common was our stubbornness. Unfortunately, his stubbornness brought out my attitude.

  “Fine, you stubborn ass! And just to say, if I didn’t genuinely need to pee so badly, we’d be at a stalemate for the rest of the day. I left that compound six years ago, and before I even got to my car, I ran straight into Henry. I didn’t know what I was about, but I took my ring out and gave it to him. I told him to keep it and give it to a girl who really deserved it. So, not that you need it, here’s your ego stroke of the day: I ditched the belly-button ring the day I ditched you.”

  Vamp closed his eyes, hung his head, and hissed out, “Fuck!”

  Then just as quickly, he released my hands and rolled off of me. I knifed out of bed and as I was rounding it to the bathroom, Vamp called out, “Frankie.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him. “What?”

  “That’s not an ego stroke. Really, I meant it last night. I’m sorry for what I did.”

  I nodded, went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

  I came out of the bathroom, and heard Vamp puttering around in my kitchen. I went in my closet and wheeled out my three-bag laundry hamper. As I entered the kitchen to head toward the garage where my washer and dryer were, Vamp shot me a disapproving look. I was going to ask about the look, but I decided I didn’t give a shit. I started a load of laundry that could wash in cold water so that I could be sure to get a warm shower after I had some java. I came back into the kitchen to find Vamp at the counter with a carton of eggs and a package of bacon that I didn’t remember getting.

  “How do you want your eggs, babe?”

  “In a cake, thanks.”

  With an eye roll Vamp said, “Whatever. I’m makin’ eggs, and you need to eat. So, scrambled or fried, what’s it gonna be?”

  I was still a little ticked about the pinning me down over my belly button ring business, so I said, “Poached. Nothing better than E
ggs Benedict.”

  Vamp turned away from me and took out five eggs. With his back to me he said, “Don’t keep up the smart-ass, babe. You’ll pay if you do.”

  I left the room, saying over my shoulder, “I’m so sure.”

  *** ***

  I woke up to fingers running through the hair on the right side of my head. The room was bright, but I had no idea what time it was because I had climbed back into bed around eleven in the morning. While Vamp made eggs and bacon for breakfast, I took a quick shower and put on yoga pants and a loose red t-shirt. After breakfast, I had started another load of laundry while the first load was drying. I offered to do the breakfast dishes, but Vamp insisted on doing them. I read my Kindle until I couldn’t hold my eyes open any longer and then took a nap. The hand in my hair slid to the back of my head holding my hair there. Then lips were kissing my neck just below my ear.

  “Wake up, baby,” Vamp whispered.

  I had really hoped Vamp would leave while I napped. He had laid down with me earlier, but we both woke when my phone rang around twelve-thirty. I sent the call to voicemail and dozed off again, but Vamp had gotten out of my bed, closing the door behind him.

  I opened my eyes to ask him, “What time is it?”

  “Two-forty-five. You keep this up, you won’t sleep at all tonight.”

  He was right about that and I really hadn’t meant to sleep that long. I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed.

  Stretching, I asked, “Don’t you need to be down in Daytona right now?”

  “Not without you, I don’t.”

  Standing up, I faced him and said, “I didn’t agree to going.”

  Vamp left the room saying, “You did. You just didn’t know it yet.”

  I followed him into the living room. To my surprise, it appeared that two loads of my laundry were dry and neatly folded on my couch. When we lived together, Vamp never touched a scrap of laundry. This might be the only evidence that he had changed, as people kept telling me.


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