Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #2)

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Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #2) Page 10

by Jaimie Roberts

I raised my eyebrow. “But you are.”

  “Come again?”

  I turned to face him more directly. “You are by the mere fact that you’re saying that you drive her nuts. You went into a relationship with Mia knowing of her occupation. If it is something that bothers you, then maybe you aren’t meant to be together.”

  Alessandro hissed like I had just caused him pain. “Now that I’ve found her, I can never let her go. I just…” he trailed off for a moment before looking back at me. “I think I’m falling in love with her, and I don’t want her past coming between us. I’ve already nearly knocked one of your clients out just because he spoke to her.” My eyes widened.

  How did I not know about this?

  He saw my reaction and smiled. “Don’t worry. I didn’t touch him, but Mia and I certainly argued afterwards. I just get so angry. I don’t want anyone else looking at her, wanting her, or missing her in that way.”

  I placed my hand on his arm. “I can understand where you’re coming from, but if you truly love her, then you’ll have to move past this. You will lose her otherwise.”

  Alessandro nodded. “I know. I’m trying. I’ve been with her, and I can never understand why someone would want her just in that way. Mia’s amazing.”

  I saw the twinkle in his eye, and it made me smile. “She is amazing. That’s why she’s worth it all, Alessandro. Mia deserves happiness in her life.”

  Alessandro sighed. “I know. I’m working through it. I can never promise not to go mad if someone else tries to make a move on her, but the past I know I will move on from.”

  I patted his arm before setting it back at the bar. “Good. Otherwise, you’ll have me to deal with. Fuck it up, Alessandro, and you will understand the wrath of Clara. Do you get me?”

  Alessandro laughed. “I get you. I think you’re scarier than Luca.”

  I wriggled in my seat and smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I paused for a minute. “So, what’s your surname?”

  Alessandro smiled. “Vincenzo.”

  Even their surnames sounded sexy. “So, Alessandro Vincenzo and Tony Vincenzo?”

  Alessandro nodded. “Tony è la mia famiglia.” I hissed in a breath without meaning to. My legs were suddenly all jelly. “Is there something wrong?”

  I violently shook my head. “No. Nothing is wrong at all.” I bit my lip, resisting the urge to make Alessandro speak to me some more in Italian. I wasn’t sure what it was about hearing it, but it seemed to be my personal aphrodisiac.

  “You look uncomfortable all of a sudden. Have I said something wrong?”

  I made a squeaky noise. “No, nothing. It’s all tutti frutti.”

  Alessandro laughed loudly. “No wonder Luca loves you. You’re completely nuts.”

  I smiled at that. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  After laughing, we both fell silent for a moment. “So, I gather you met Luca at the same time as Tony?”

  Alessandro nodded. “Yeah. We were all very young, but we were looking to follow in our families’ footsteps. It’s been a tradition of ours for around eighty years. We’re all such a tight-knit family. The Belatoni’s and the Vincenzo’s go way back.”

  I nodded. “What was Luca like back then?”

  Alessandro laughed. “A crazy son of a bitch. He’s actually mellowed since he met you.”

  My eyes widened. “You call that,” I pointed upstairs, “mellowed?”

  Alessandro kept on laughing. “Yeah. Would you believe it?”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t believe it.”

  “I must admit, he has been difficult to live with these past couple of days, but everyone understood why. He was frantic about you.”

  My smile faded as I nodded my head. “I can imagine. It wasn’t a picnic for me either. I thought I would never see him again.”

  Alessandro chuckled. “He would never let that happen.”

  I puffed out some air. “Yes, I believe that.” I stared at Alessandro for a moment. “So, tell me more about the families. Aren’t you all called clans or something?”

  He laughed. “I suppose you could say that. As you know, the Belatoni’s and Vincenzo’s go way back. We are all practically family. There are even cousins, aunts, and uncles married to each other on both sides of the family. Then, there are the Cavelli’s.” I groaned. “Yeah. They are not well-liked at all anywhere—not here, New York, or in Sicily. Neither are the Salvatore’s.” I frowned, and he noticed. “There aren’t that many of them here … thankfully. But, they’re hated. Even the Cavelli’s hate them.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  Alessandro thought for a moment. “It’s partially to do with their underhanded tactics, but it’s mostly because around twenty years ago, one of the Cavelli girls was raped. She was only fifteen, but a Salvatore had an unhealthy obsession with Antonio’s cousin, Francesca. He plagued her. He was told to back off, but he didn’t listen. He cornered her on her way back from school and raped her. She was distraught and told the family what had happened. Her father, Pasquale, was so angry that instead of ordering a hit on him, he took pleasure in torturing him personally before cutting his head off. A week later, though, Francesca took her own life.”

  I gaped. “Oh my God, that’s terrible.” Alessandro nodded in agreement. “Didn’t the Salvatore family apologise for this particular Salvatore’s behaviour?”

  Alessandro shook his head. “No. The Cavelli’s and the Belatoni’s were too angry. It was the one and only time that both families agreed on something. The Cavelli’s are too ruthless, though. They cause destruction wherever they go. Lots of men have been put at the bottom of the Hudson River and the Sicilian lakes for something as simple as an order being placed wrong. They’re ruthless, dangerous fuckers who show no respect and gain no respect. That’s the one thing the Belatoni’s have that the Cavelli’s don’t. You can’t buy respect.”

  I nodded in agreement. “You got that right.”

  I heard giggling behind me and turned to find Belinda and Tony returning back from their little “tête-à-tête.” Belinda’s cheeks were flushed, and Tony was beaming from ear to ear. “Have a good time?”

  Tony pulled Belinda to him. “You have no idea. This woman will be the end of me.”

  Everyone started laughing except for Belinda, who slapped him on the shoulder. “Hey! Watch what you say about me.”

  Tony smiled adoringly at Belinda and kissed her head. It made me sigh a little. They were such a cute couple. I was in the middle of admiring that fact when I heard a flurry of voices outside. One of Luca’s men entered with another man, who I had never met before. Immediately, my legs turned to jelly. Tony was talking about Belinda being the death of him; I reckoned these Italian men were going to be the death of me.

  When he saw me, he appraised me with a cheeky smile. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. This man was tall, athletically built, and looked to be in his early thirties. His hair was black, slicked back perfectly, and he had the most amazing light brown eyes. I thought Luca had the most amazing eyes, but these were certainly a close second.

  “Che bellezza è questo che vedo davanti a me?”

  A noise I can only describe as a cross between a moan and a squeal left my lips. The girls smiled, and so did the mystery man. Luca’s other men looked uncomfortable.

  “This is Clara, Giovanni. She is Luca’s fiancée.” Alessandro was making sure Giovanni knew that very important fact.

  Giovanni didn’t seem to flinch at all. In fact, he just nodded and came towards me holding out his hand. “So nice to meet you. I’m Giovanni Belatoni—Luca’s uncle.”

  I took his hand, noticing how strong it was, and I gasped a little when he placed his mouth on the back of my hand. “Oh my,” I breathed. I didn’t mean to let that out; it just came out with a will all its own. Once I came to my senses, I cleared my throat. “Aren’t you a little young to be his uncle?”

  Giovanni kept hold of my hand as he
chuckled slightly. “You could say that, but my father was a little rogue, shall we say. I was born when he was in his forties.”

  I nodded. “Ah. That makes sense. I take it that this isn’t just a passing visit?”

  Giovanni wouldn’t let go of my hand, but at that moment, I didn’t care. His touch was rather hypnotic. “I must apologise for turning up unannounced. Luca’s mother is very concerned with what has been going on. She sent me here to see if I could help, but I see you’re here and looking extremely healthy to me.” He studied me from top to bottom, and it made me shudder a little. My God, this man was intense.

  “She is fine, Giovanni. So, you can take your fucking filthy hands of my fiancée.”

  I jumped as Giovanni looked over and smiled towards Luca. “Ah, my nephew has decided to grace us with his presence. I was just getting to know your fiancée. She’s fascinatingly beautiful, Luca. If I had met her first, I would have scooped her up before you.”

  Luca was soon next to me. At that point, Giovanni finally loosened his grip. “Well, she’s mine. So, no fucking touching.”

  Giovanni laughed. “Still the same hot-headed Luca, I see.”

  I puffed. “You have no idea.” I rolled my eyes, making Giovanni smile wider. My goodness, his smile was hot.

  “What are you doing here? Other than groping my wife.”

  Giovanni tutted. “She’s not your wife … yet.”

  “She would have been if that fucker hadn’t gotten to her.” He looked down to me and squeezed me to him. “Are you okay?” I nodded, and Luca turned his attention back to Giovanni.

  “That is why I’m here, little nephew. Your mother is very worried.”

  Luca stiffened. “Is she okay?”

  Giovanni smiled. “Yes, but she is ready to commit murder on Antonio. She is not happy that she’s missed her eldest son’s wedding. She had prepared everything and was expecting the wedding to be today. All the family members have gathered for the occasion.”

  My jaw dropped. “Today?”

  Giovanni turned to me and smiled. “Yes. Having second thoughts?” He winked.

  I blushed, and Luca gripped his hold on me. “No, she fucking isn’t. Remember my warning, Giovanni. You may be family, but I’ll have no regrets in chopping your hands off if you ever dare touch her.”

  I elbowed Luca, and he winced. “Will you keep your pants on? For God’s sake, you’re like a parrot! Don’t touch her. Keep your hands off her. Stop looking at her!” I boomed. Giovanni laughed, and my attention went straight back to Luca. “Can we please concentrate on the task at hand rather than this obvious show of you flexing muscles?”

  Luca tried, but failed miserably at smiling. “Flexing muscles?” I nodded. “I’ll be flexing a muscle inside you shortly. I think we need to be reacquainted again.”

  My cheeks flushed red, and all the girls around me giggled. “Please forgive your little nephew, Giovanni. He’s obviously just woken up on the wrong side of the bed this afternoon.”

  Giovanni smiled, and Luca whispered in my ear. “You know there is nothing little about me, amore mio.” More giggling commenced as I elbowed Luca again. “Ouch! What was that for?”

  I rolled my eyes again. “For being an overbearing ape!”

  Giovanni burst into laughter. “I think this woman is about the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I think I’m already in love, and we’ve only just met.”

  Luca was about to retort when I put my hand up. “Enough!”

  Luca frowned. “You didn’t know what I was going to say.”

  I nodded. “Oh, yes, I bloody did. Now, stop it. Let’s talk. Giovanni, you can let your sister know that everyone is alive and well, and we will be over as soon as we can. I would also like to apologise for not being there just yet. It would seem I was otherwise engaged.”

  Giovanni raised his eyebrow and then looked at Luca. “I hope you caught the coglione.”

  Luca growled. “No. He fucking slipped through our fingers … again.”

  Giovanni paced a little in thought. “I think we need to step up our game and catch him before he does something stupid. All the Belatoni family know about the situation and are awaiting news on his capture. They want justice just as much as you do. I am here to help. What are we going to do about the wedding?”

  Giovanni looked at Luca and then at me. “I think we should go over as soon as we can.”

  Luca kissed my head. “Are you sure about that?”

  I nodded. “I was sure about it when I was trying on that dress three days ago. I want to marry you, and I don’t think we should let Antonio get in the way of that. He has already succeeded once.”

  Luca liked that. I could tell by the shit-eating grin on his face. “Only a few more days until I own you.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “Own me, ha?”

  Luca nodded. “Yes. I’ll have a licence that says so.”

  I gazed into his eyes. They were as serious as ever—almost like a dancing fire blazed within—challenging me to retort. “If you have a licence, that means I’ll have one too. It works both ways, you know.”

  Luca growled a little. “You are mine.”

  I waved my hand, dismissing him. “Oh, shut up.” I puffed out some air and watched as everyone around us smiled with great amusement.

  “What am I missing?” We all looked up and found Natalie strolling into the bar, looking as sexy as ever. Her hair had a dark shine as it cascaded down her back. Her movements were slow and purposeful. She had the art of seduction down to a tee.

  In her coolness, she suddenly spotted Giovanni. Her cool demeanour suddenly wavered as a small gasp left her lips. Switching my gaze over to Giovanni, I quickly gathered that he was just as taken with her as she was with him. The air in the room was suddenly sucked out to dry. You could have cut the sexual tension with a knife.

  Awkwardness soon followed as no one knew where to look. Just when it grew uncomfortable, I cleared my throat to speak. The noise I made snapped Giovanni and Natalie out of their trance. “Natalie, this is Giovanni—Luca’s uncle.”

  Natalie frowned, but then smiled in his direction. “Uncle?” She was obviously just as confused as I was when I was introduced.

  Giovanni smiled, took Natalie’s hand, and the staring commenced again as he kissed her tenderly on the back of her hand. “My father has always been somewhat young at heart.”

  Her eyes sparkled a little as they stared. “Nice to meet you.”

  Giovanni smirked. “Believe me when I say the pleasure is all mine.”

  Silence fell again, and I instantly felt like a voyeur on this obvious eye-fucking match between the two of them. “So, Giovanni, do you live in Sicily?” I thought it best to change the subject. Even I felt we had entered into a pornographic movie all of a sudden.

  Giovanni’s reluctant gaze pulled away from Natalie and returned to me. “Yes. I run things there. I did spend a lot of time in England, though. I studied here before moving back several years ago. Luca was always set to run things when he was older, but when he left, it was up to me.”

  I frowned. “Were you okay with that?”

  Giovanni looked at Luca with a playful smile. “I’m comfortable with the fact that I’ve done a much better job than Luca could ever do.”

  Luca suddenly growled. “As I said before, you’re not family enough to prevent me from shoving your own balls down your throat.”

  I waved my hand in front of him. “Just ignore him, Giovanni. I do.”

  I felt Luca stiffen beside me. “I’m warning you. You know what happens when you try to go against me.”

  I looked up at Luca and smirked. “Oooh. I’m shaking.”

  Alessandro suddenly started laughing, making Luca angry. “What the fuck are you laughing at?” Alessandro quickly shut his mouth, earning him a dirty look from Luca.

  I slid off my stool and watched as Luca watched me. “Where are you going?”

  I moved past him and started walking. “I’m going to get a wash, and
then I’m going to get my local masseuse, Philippe, to give me a massage. I think I need to relax.” I smiled inside, knowing that hearing his name would make Luca’s hackles rise. I wasn’t going to mention that Philippe was gay. Well, not just yet anyway.

  “Who the fuck is Philippe?”

  I walked forward a little. “I already told you. He massages my troubles away from time to time.”

  Luca’s nostrils flared. “When was the last time he touched you?”

  I placed my finger on my lip and pretended to ponder this for a second. “Hmm… I think it was two weeks ago.”

  Luca looked really mad. “Two weeks ago, another man had his hands on you?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I think that’s about right. He’s very good.”

  “Where does this fucker live?”

  I suddenly laughed. “Stop being a baby. It’s his job.”

  He stepped forward again. “He’s not touching you again. I’ll find him and chop his fucking hands off.”

  I moved my finger back and forth tutting as I stepped back. “Oooh, tetchy, Mr. Belatoni.”

  Luca suddenly smiled. “You’re joking with me, aren’t you?”

  “Are these two normally like this?” Everyone laughed at Giovanni’s question.

  “All the time,” Tony piped. “It’s their prelude to sex.”

  I raised my eyebrow to Luca in challenge. I was always ready for sex with him, but when he got possessive and angry like this, it just made the fires rage even more. This was my control over him. “I’m all dirty, Luca. I need to get very naked and very wet.” I pierced him with a heated stare, and my heart rate picked up a notch as he growled in my direction.

  I took tentative steps back, but kept my gaze on Luca. All these hot men and Italian accents were getting the better of me.

  As my steps took me out into the hallway, Luca suddenly placed his phone in Tony’s hand. “Hold my calls, Tony. I’m going to fuck-love my woman.”

  “No matter how many times I have you, I just want more.”

  Luca held me in his arms tightly as I smiled. He was being even more possessive with his hold than normal. It was almost as if I would suddenly vanish if he let go.


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