Surrendering to Her General

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Surrendering to Her General Page 12

by Sadie Marks

  He brushed the back of his hand lightly across her cheek and sighed. "I hadn't intended to keep you for myself, but once I'd had a taste, I couldn't help claiming you. I don't regret it," he said with a soft expression on his face.

  She flushed, leaning into the caress with a sound of contentment. She loved the idea that she'd been irresistible to him. Every time he showed his gentler side to her, she was convinced that he was growing to care for her, and now he was confessing his deeper plans as though she was more than just a pet. Her heart gave a little flutter of happiness. It wasn't easy to force her mind back to the conversation, but it felt important to learn all she could.

  Thinking about it, Kenzi wasn't even sure how their government was run; no one on Earth knew much about it. The Sadecs had been as close-mouthed about that as they had been about everything else. She knew the generals were important, and she'd never heard of anyone of higher rank, but now she was wondering. "Are you the rulers? The generals, I mean?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "We have a ruling body of three High Generals. When one dies, the general with the most honor is chosen to take his place. One day, that will be me, pet, but not yet," he said in a tired voice. He yawned and rearranged her in his arms, "That's enough for tonight; sleep," he ordered—as though it was that easy with her mind whirling.

  She protested and received a hard slap to her exposed thigh in response. She yelped, shooting him a scowl that just made him smirk, and then she let herself relax back into his arms. Her mind wouldn't slow down, though, and she kept turning over everything he'd told her. Generals, by their nature, were ambitious, but she'd never imagined that her general had so many plans, or that she would play any part in them.

  The way he'd spoken, she couldn't help but wonder if she was somehow meant to help him achieve this goal of gaining honor, too. She couldn't imagine she'd be much use in that. Back on Earth, she'd been very good at martial arts and average at just about everything else—so the idea that she was some key part in his plan was almost beyond belief.

  But she didn't hate the idea of being important to him in any way.


  He woke her early, and when she opened her eyes, he was already dressed in his usual uniform. The lack of a shirt and the tight pants accentuated the muscles in his warrior's body, and as always, the sight of him caught her attention. He exuded dominance, even more so than usual, with the firm stance he'd taken.

  She sat up slowly, yawning and stretching her arms above her head. "Do you have to go back to work already?" she asked, frowning as she looked at the lighting in the room and tried to determine how late it was. She hadn't mastered their version of telling time yet.

  It had been a week into her new life before he'd bothered to explain that the tint and strength of the lights in the room were how they kept track of the time of day. She'd asked if a clock wouldn't be easier, but he'd just laughed and said they were closely attuned to light waves. Then he explained why.

  She hadn't understood most of what he'd said but gleaned that it had something to do with the coloring of their skin and how the light was absorbed by the silver flecks that glinted as they moved. What she'd taken for an aesthetic quirk of genetics was actually some kind of system of receptors that gathered nutrients from the sun, or here on the ship, it was the lights that simulated it.

  They required a certain amount of each light frequency throughout the day, which was why they left half of their body uncovered—she'd thought that was just to show off all their muscles, but, no, it was because exposed skin was necessary for their health. She'd thought maybe it was similar to humans getting depressed when they didn't get enough light, because their vitamin D levels dropped, but he implied it was more than that.

  At any rate, she didn't have the silver flecks, so all she could do was squint at the overhead lights and try to guess what ship cycle they were currently in. It didn't feel late enough to her and she didn't feel like she'd slept very long, either.

  "No, but it's time for you to get up," he said firmly. He turned, walked over to the closet panel where her things were kept, and popped it open. As he reached inside, he pulled out the green tunic that hung there. She'd never known what it was for, so it had been untouched since her arrival, and when he returned to the bed and held it out to her, she looked at it curiously.

  "What's that for?" she asked.

  "It's what you'll be wearing today," he said impatiently. "Clean yourself quickly, and then put it on." There was a snap to the words, and she hurriedly took it from his hands and then held it against her bare body.

  She wanted to ask what the special outfit was for, because she couldn't for the life of her think of any reason for the short tunic. The way it hung on her body, loose like a sack, was unattractive, even though it only came down to mid-thigh. It reminded her of the old-fashioned hospital gowns she'd seen sometimes in dated vids, right down to the way it had ties in the back. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she wondered about the sinister reason for the odd garb, but when she asked its purpose, he ignored the question.

  She ducked into the hygiene alcove and used the sonic shower to freshen up. She stayed in there as long as she dared, but that only bought her a few more minutes before he called for her to move faster. She stepped out and slipped into the gown quickly. When she went to tie it, she discovered an odd extra set of fastenings halfway down, but they didn't seem to have a useful purpose so she left them alone.

  As she moved, the tunic swung open in the back. She could feel an embarrassing breeze as it shifted, and her bare skin was exposed. Frowning, she looked up at him. "Is it supposed to be open like this?" she asked plaintively.

  "Yes, turn around," he said, giving her a sharp order.

  She presented her back to him, and he examined the tunic, nodding finally. If she didn't move too quickly, it stayed mostly shut, but as she tugged at the hem of the short gown, trying to pull it further down, she realized that her backside wasn't the only part that would be peeking out when she walked. She had a feeling that there was a pretty good view of the short curls covering her mound as well.

  "Present," he ordered, gesturing to the bed. It wasn't an unusual order. He liked her in that position for both pleasure and punishment, and it was her favorite for sex, also. Being taken from behind made her feel dominated and owned, but the position also left her wide open, literally, for a number of unpleasant activities, too, and she was wary.

  There was the faintest hope that this was some kind of sexy outfit for him, the Sadec version of lingerie, and no one but him would see her in it, but when he looked at her wearing it, there was none of the sexual heat she'd have expected if that was the case. All at once, the words of the other slaves came back to her, along with the knowledge that she was going to be punished. The gown suddenly made an ominous kind of sense when she realized it was part of the punishment she was owed.

  She gave him a pleading look as she took a few slow steps to the bed. "What are you going to do?" she asked. Her voice trembled with nerves, and she bit her bottom lip when his eyes narrowed in response.

  "Present, now, or I'll be adding something extra to your punishment that you won't enjoy," he said sternly.

  She took one more look at those deep black eyes and scurried to obey. She settled on the bed with her ass in the air, breasts down against the bed, and her knees spread wide apart so that nothing was hidden from him. She'd learned the hard way that attempting to hide her private parts tended to get them spanked, too, so now she spread without having to be ordered.

  The gown fell open to both sides, tickling as it slid across her skin and left her exposed from the shoulders down. Oddly, it made her feel more naked then she would have if she'd worn nothing at all, and she squirmed nervously as she waited. She expected some kind of spanking, so she wasn't surprised when he went over to the toy cabinet to retrieve things. He was inventive, and with a whole locker full of things to experiment with, there was always something new to exper

  She turned her head to watch him anxiously. The strap and the thin switch, of course, she knew immediately, and the bulbous plug-shaped item was new to her, but the function was easy enough to guess. There was a sudden trickle of arousal between her thighs when she thought about him inserting it inside of her ass. They'd done a little anal play already, but he'd never put anything too large into her yet—the idea of being plugged and then spanked was exciting.

  The other things he carried back made her curious, but he was clearly not in the mood to explain because he snapped, "Head down, girl!" when he saw her watching his movements.

  She buried her face in the soft furs to resist the urge to look again. She'd gotten used to their presence by then and found the soothing, silky touch a comfort, especially on stinging skin after punishment, but she was afraid they weren't going to be enough comfort for the ordeal she was about to endure.

  "Today, others will see you, others will touch you. You'll suffer, but I expect you'll enjoy it, too—some of it, anyway," he said, chuckling.

  She'd gotten used to balancing enjoyment with misery so that didn't surprise her, but curiosity and worry were practically eating her alive with the need to know what was going to happen to her. At the very least, she'd expected him to start by spanking her, since he'd brought out implements for that, but instead, his hand slid between her thighs and she felt the touch of a cold gel being slathered between her folds. She tried to squirm away automatically, but his large hand cracked down hard on one cheek in warning.

  "Stay," he ordered.

  "But it's cold," she whined.

  "It won't stay cold long," he replied, and there was a worrying sound of amusement in his tone. Sure enough, the gel quickly warmed from her body heat, and she relaxed as his fingers massaged it into her clit, and then with two thrusting fingers, he coated her inner walls. She enjoyed the fingering and her body began to move in a pleasant way, rocking back and forth, but just about the time he slid them out of her body, she realized something felt odd.

  The gel was continuing to warm. It wasn't hot or painful, but it began to tingle in a surprising way. She worried, because this was at least partly punishment, that it would get unpleasant, but it didn't. In fact, it was actually increasing her arousal quickly toward a level that was going to send her right over the edge.

  "I'm… It's going to make me climax," she said. The words were staggered by small gasps, and they came with a fear that he was going to forbid her that orgasm because she knew she'd never be able to obey unless he cooled her down with pain. Being stuck on the edge of pleasure was a terrible thing, too, which didn't give her any good choices if he refused permission.

  But no order came. "Yes, it is," he said simply, and then he returned to torment her with another cold blob, but now it was pressing against the puckered ring of her back hole. It wasn't as much of a surprise this time, and she didn't try to move away, but he'd barely worked the first digit inside of her when the orgasm rolled over her body and she clamped down as all of her muscles suddenly tightened. He waited patiently until she stopped mewling into the bed covers and settled down, and then he spanked her ass as a reminder to relax.

  She did so, slumping forward with a limp little whining sound, which he ignored. He continued to press the coldness into her. A second finger joined the first, stretching her slowly as the gel warmed inside of her, but he didn't stop there. Once he decided she was prepared enough, the larger tip of the plug began to make the same journey. It was heavily coated in the same cold gel to lubricate its entrance into her bottom.

  It wasn't painful; she'd been prepared well enough that it didn't hurt when it stretched and settled into her bowels, but it felt enormous inside of her, and she shifted uncomfortably on the bed, looking over her shoulder with a frown. "Do I have to have that? I think it's too big," she said plaintively.

  He snorted and shook his head. "You could take something much larger there with a little practice," he assured her. Then he added, "And you will, but not now. You can get up."

  She didn't want to, because that meant jostling the plug that was filling her, and she didn't like the way it felt when she moved off the bed and got to her feet. It seemed huge, and she stood awkwardly, wishing she could push it back out, but she didn't dare try.

  He left her briefly to clean his hands, but when he came back, she realized he wasn't done with the odd cream he'd inserted inside of her. This time, he lifted the gown in front and smeared a generous amount on each nipple. The coolness instantly hardened them into points, and he gave each one a hard flick that made her whimper and twitch in place, but at the same time, the pain seemed to shoot an arrow straight to her clit, which began to throb again.

  "Come with me, Kenzi," he said. He left the sleeping room, and she followed him, waddling like a duckling and very aware of the thing inside of her, but when he walked to the outside wall and the door opened onto the corridor, she stopped short. He looked back and frowned when he saw that she wasn't moving. "Now, girl," he snapped.

  "I can't go out there like this!" she protested. It was partly the gown, but mostly the plug that was the problem. On two occasions, she'd been forced to wander the halls entirely naked, and it was embarrassing, but that was balanced by the pride she had in the beauty of her new body. It seemed easier somehow, for people to see her nude, when she felt so much more confident in her appearance. But this awful, short, gown somehow managed to make her feel more exposed than simply being without any clothes at all would have.

  She tugged at the bottom, pulling it down as far as it would go but was still left feeling like she was showing everything in an obscene way. Even pulling at the hem with all her strength brought it just barely to reach mid-thigh, covering very little when she walked. But it was clear from the look on his face that she wasn't being given a choice, and over the past month, she had learned to accept that she wasn't the one making the decisions any longer. Her general could be a considerate lover and a kind warden, but like all of his kind, he was eager to punish disobedience, so she started to walk, slowly and with great reluctance.

  She'd been grateful enough to find that, while he always enjoyed causing her pain, he was also willing to give equal amounts of pleasure, when she wasn't being punished. She'd come to crave the sharp bite of pain that came with all their love-play, but whatever he had planned for her now had her trembling with uncertainty and fear.

  As they walked down the corridors, people paused and looked at her with an odd combination of eagerness and hunger. She felt like some kind of exotic prey, and she replayed the words of her fellow slaves, desperately trying to extract clues from them, but nothing they'd said gave her any definitive ideas about what was about to happen. Making it worse was that during the walk, something began to happen inside of her body that made it hard to concentrate on anything.

  The plug shifted with each step, causing some weird reaction with the gel—it had her skin flushing and tightening. To a lesser degree, her nipples, as they brushed the inside of the gown, were causing a similar feeling, and she found it more than a little overwhelming. She stopped, leaning against the wall as her breath came with shallow gasps and pants. Suddenly, an orgasm rippled outward from her core, splashing across her skin like a tidal wave of sensation, and she let out an embarrassingly loud wail that attracted knowing looks to her predicament.

  It would have been more embarrassing if she was paying attention, but she was focused on clinging to the wall as her body rode the wave. Distantly, she was aware of Tal giving her an order, but she just shook her head, eyes closed, refusing to move. Her whole body trembled with muscles that had suddenly lost strength.

  Another command, his voice sharper now, and she opened her eyes, showing the dilated pupils as she looked at him uncomprehendingly. Her mouth was suddenly parched, and she licked her dry lips as she tried to speak, but nothing was there.

  He sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed her and tossed her facedown over his shoulder. It shook her out
of the post-orgasm haze immediately, and she screeched and flailed wildly with embarrassment when the robe split open in back and slid to the sides, exposing everything, including the plug sticking out of her bare ass.

  "I'll walk! I can walk, Tal! Sir!" she blurted. The words were filled with desperation and so was the way her body thrashed and rolled trying to get herself down. For all her fears about her martial arts training causing her to lash out when forced into an uncomfortable scene as a submissive, she was spectacularly ineffective when it came to using her skills against him. Her struggles resembled a teenager having a tantrum more than a strong woman trying to escape the grip of an opponent.

  Of course, her teachers had never taught her any techniques for breaking the hold of an alien warrior while she dangled upside down over his shoulder, either. Her attempts to work her way free caused only two things to happen, and neither was helpful to her situation. One, was that his hand landed across her exposed rump several times in a row, making her squeal in pain. The other, was that the plug inside of her began to cause that same building of pleasure. The combination convinced her to stop the wild thrashing immediately, and she resigned herself to hanging there like a sack of laundry as he carted her down the hall.

  From her odd angle of vision, she watched as they left the red section that held their quarters and made their way to one that was colored a bland beige shade. It hadn't been included in her original tour when Dez had led her through the ship on her first day, but she'd learned later that it held the living areas for most of the crew, as well as the dining rooms and some sections that were marked as forbidden.


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