Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)

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Lucius (Luna Lodge #3) Page 2

by Madison Stevens

  Hannah felt her stomach lurch and the room start to spin. This was all getting way out of control.

  “I don’t think—”

  She yelped as Rachel plunged the needle into her arm. Within seconds, she was out.

  Chapter Two

  Her ears started to work long before her eyes and brain caught up.

  “I’m telling you she’s perfectly fine.” Rachel’s muffled voice floated into her head.

  “You better hope that’s all that’s going on,” Lucius growled.

  “Back it up, lover boy,” Rachel said quietly.

  Hannah moaned as she tried to sit up. If she didn’t move, things were going to get serious.

  Her eyes slowly blinked open, and she was faced with two very yellow eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Lucius asked. He was closer than she remembered his voice being. She could see the worry on his face as he leaned forward.

  Hannah closed her eyes slowly. She was processing what he said, but replying was harder than she had anticipated. It was always a little hard to talk when he was near, but this was a little different.

  She opened her eyes to find a cup very near her lips.

  “Maybe you should drink something,” he said quietly.

  When she struggled to sit up, his thick arm slipped behind her head and supported her.

  She took several long drinks from the cup. The cool water soothed her parched mouth, and she was glad he thought of it.

  “All right, big guy,” Rachel said. “I think you should let me take a look at her.”

  His arm flexed under her head. Hannah was surprised when he leaned over her.

  “No fucking way,” he growled. “I think you’ve done enough.”

  Panic rose in her. The last thing she wanted was for them to start arguing again. She lifted her hand and placed it on his wide chest.

  “It’s okay,” she rasped out. His concerned eyes came to rest on her again. She gave a weary smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  Lucius glared at Rachel and then looked back to Hannah. She couldn’t help but think she saw hurt flash over his face.

  “Fine,” he said brusquely and laid her back on the table.

  She watched in silence as he stomped to the other side of the room as Rachel examined her. It wasn’t like there was much she could do though. Rachel was the doctor, and she was the only one who knew what had been given to her. It was silly. She shouldn’t have to feel bad because she wanted a doctor to look at her.

  “Open your eyes as wide as you can,” Rachel said and flashed a bright light in Hannah’s eyes.

  Her head throbbed a little as she looked into the bright light. Within a few moments, Rachel pointed it away.

  “Good,” Rachel said. “Looks like there were no side effects.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Lucius stormed over from the wall. “She passed out.”

  Hannah swallowed hard as her friend crossed her arms over her chest. She had learned that was Rachel’s no-nonsense look.

  “That had nothing to do with my shot.” She glared at him. “If I had to attribute it to something, I’d guess that Hannah has a fear of needles.”

  Lucius stepped forward. His hulking shadow fell over Rachel. “Well, if you had taken the time to ask, that might never have happened.”

  Rachel looked down to her with guilt in her eyes. “I had no idea,” she said. “I was just excited I’d actually created a birth control that worked with the hybrids.”

  Hannah nearly choked on her own tongue. “A what?”

  She sat up and hung her legs over the side of the bed. Just the act of sitting up was proving to be a little more difficult than she expected. She sighed when Lucius stood behind her and steadied her upper half. His strong hands wrapped around her shoulders, and she leaned back against him. It was strange having her head cushioned against his firm chest.

  Rachel rolled her eyes at them and moved to shuffle through some papers on the counter.

  “We all have to have the shots while we work here.” She glanced over her shoulder at Hannah. “Titus’s orders.”

  “I’m betting his orders weren’t to randomly poke people,” Lucius mumbled.

  Hannah placed her hand on his arm to quiet him.

  “Did you just say you put me on birth control?” she choked out.

  Rachel turned around with a paper in hand and stared at her.


  She nearly laughed. It was all so ridiculous being given birth control when she wasn’t even with anyone to have sex, let alone being given it without her consent.

  “And you didn’t think you should maybe ask me first?” Hannah snapped.

  Rachel stepped back like she had just been slapped.

  “I didn’t really think…”

  Hannah flinched. She hated being angry. It reminded her too much of her past. Even one step in that direction was one too many. She sighed and closed her eyes. Everything was just too much to handle.

  “Let me take you home.” She nearly jumped when Lucius rumbled in her ear. He had been standing quietly behind her while she rested on him. It had been comforting. She liked his nearness and his calming effect.

  Hannah tilted her head back and opened her eyes to look at him. They were a deep amber, and she wondered why that color seemed to dominate the hybrids.

  She watched as his eyes shot across the room to Rachel, who hadn’t moved since Hannah closed her eyes.

  “Let’s go,” he said, unwavering.

  Hannah turned her head to look at Rachel.

  “I can’t,” Rachel said meekly to Hannah, the guilt heavy in her voice. “I’ll call Marius to stop by on his way out. He’s always working late on some project.”

  Lucius seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. “I’ll call him now,” he said.

  Hannah gasped as his hand pulled out from under her hand and slid it up her middle.

  “I’m just going to help you stand,” he mumbled in her ear.

  She shivered as his words stirred the hair at her neck. Her heart raced, and his hands stilled on her ribs. Again, she could have sworn he was smelling her. The idea of it excited her. She hoped it did the same for him. And Lord did she hope that she smelled good.

  Without much trouble, Lucius swiveled her on the table and set her on the floor, her body brushing his as they moved.

  “Thanks,” she whispered. Her knees shook as she swayed toward him.

  His eyes flashed yellow and before she could say something, Lucius moved to the door, phone in hand.

  “Oh, Hannah,” Rachel said and raced around the table. “I’m so sorry. I was so excited about the shot and that Titus approved it. I just didn’t think.”

  Hannah sighed.

  “It’s fine. I’m just not a fan of needles or blood.” She blushed. It was silly considering the life she had been dealt, but maybe that was just the thing. Too much of that had led her to never want to see it again.

  “You’ll need this.” Rachel shoved a paper in her hand. “It’s all the information you’ll need. Should be good for three months, but it wouldn’t hurt to use a condom.”

  “I don’t think that’s a problem,” she grumbled.

  She watched as Rachel hitched an eyebrow and looked around her. “Uh huh.” She winked.

  “Rachel!” she nearly shouted.

  The young doctor grinned broadly at Hannah and tilted her head toward Lucius in the door. His back was to them, and what an amazing back it was. The deep grooves of his firm muscles were clearly outlined by the thin material of his t-shirt. Once again she was reminded of how amazing he looked.

  She turned back to her friend and glared. It wasn’t like she wasn’t aware of the situation. Rachel knew more than anyone of her feelings for Lucius. Everything in her was pulled to the distant and brooding man.

  Rachel grinned at her, and Hannah knew what came next couldn’t be a good thing.

  “I’m sure you’ll find a partner,” Rachel said loudly. “Ma
ybe Apollo.”

  Hannah started to say something but stopped when she noticed a low growl resonating through the room. She looked over to Lucius and found him standing in the doorway, his muscles tight and eyes glowing slightly.

  “Marius will pick you up,” Lucius said, glaring at Rachel.

  He stomped into the room, his eyes still on Rachel as he came to her side of the bed. Hannah jumped when he placed a gentle hand at her back. He was so large, and yet every time he touched her, it seemed to soothe her very soul.

  “Let’s get you home,” he said. His voice was low and sent tingles through her.

  Hannah nodded, too afraid to speak. When she turned to Rachel, she winked at her and gave a thumbs up. Hannah rolled her eyes. Her friend was going to seriously get her into trouble one of these days.

  There was going to be hell to pay from Marius next time Lucius saw him. He wasn’t too happy about having to come pick up the doctor, not that he could blame him. The damn woman was too reckless and never seemed to care about the consequences. He’d have to talk to Titus about this. Something had to be done. They couldn’t just allow her to run around as she pleased anymore doing random experiments on them like they were still at the Horatius Group.

  Lucius breathed a sigh of relief when they hit the cool night air. He knew he was more man than beast, but there were times when he really wondered how true that was. Being outside always seemed to set him more at ease, especially at night.

  He guided Hannah over the uneven gravel and offered his hand until they were at the car. It wasn’t until she was safe inside that he was actually able to breathe easy. Her fall bothered him more than he cared to admit. Something just wasn’t right about Rachel, and the sooner he could get Hannah away from her, the better. They had already dealt with one traitorous doctor after all.

  After climbing in, he took a deep breath. This had been one long night, and he still had to make sure she made it home. He would have expected the job to be simple, but it was proving to be more challenging than he ever expected.

  She was quiet as they drove to the women’s quarters. It bothered him that she was sitting so quietly and wondered if maybe the shot had done more than the doctor anticipated. Lucius glanced at Hannah a few times. She seemed to be normal. Maybe she was just overly tired. Working back in her hot little room, it was a wonder she hadn’t passed out yet. Maybe he’d request a fan be installed.

  They stopped outside the plain brown building. It looked more like a house than quarters, but there were only four living spaces available. Originally, it was meant to house any extra staff they hired for the lodge, but that whole idea had fizzled quickly after Sol outed them to the world. The revelation hadn’t really bothered Lucius. He had always assumed they were just a time bomb waiting to happen, and technically, he had been right.

  “Let me help you,” he said and climbed out of the car.

  When he reached the other side, he could see just how tired she really was. Her eyes drooped, and she stumbled slightly as he helped her from the car.

  “Maybe I should take you back to the doctor,” he said.

  Hannah shook her head sleepily.

  “I’ll be fine,” she said and pulled her body toward the door. “I just need to get some sleep. I’m always like this after fainting.”

  Lucius steadied her as they made their way.

  “Does that happen often?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

  She stiffened.

  “Not really,” she said tightly.

  He wanted to ask more, but her body language made it very clear she wouldn’t be receptive.

  They stopped outside her door, and he waited for her to get out her keys. When the door was unlocked and opened, she turned her sleepy face up to him.

  “Thank you for everything,” she said softly.

  His throat tightened. He didn’t want things to end.

  “Do you need me to help you get to your room?” he asked.

  Hannah smiled and shook her head.

  “I think I can manage,” she said.

  He paused. There was nothing really left. She had been delivered just like he had said. Lucius cleared his throat uncomfortably and nodded.

  “Goodnight,” he said and quickly walked back to his car. He needed to get out of there before he did something stupid.

  Hannah watched in the window as he drove away and sighed. She couldn’t really explain her feelings for Lucius. Ever since she’d first met him, something in her just ached to be near him. Too bad she couldn’t convince him to feel the same way.

  After hanging her purse on the hook, Hannah made her way into the common area. There were four bedroom suites inside the dorm-style housing. They shared a common living room and kitchen, but each suite had its own bathroom as well as room for a small sitting area. When she first moved in, she was struck by how much it was similar to a hotel, including the presence of a small refrigerator and microwave in each suite. Hannah had wondered how much input the military men had given. It just seemed like something a bunch of men would do.

  Over time, she made it more home-like. A few touches here and there. Bits of colors. A picture on the wall. It made her happy to turn the drab place into something entirely more cheerful. Now, if only Rachel would let Hannah at her suite. There were so many things she could do, but the room was the one place Rachel had been firm about. No one went into her room. As a matter of fact, she was very secretive about it. They had been living together for a year now, and she had never even caught a glimpse of it. To say it wasn’t driving her crazy would be a lie, but if there was one thing Hannah understood, it was secrets.

  She sighed as she walked into the living room. A coffee mug, half full, sat on the table without a coaster, likely an early morning jolt for Rachel before work. Just something else she’d gotten used to. Rachel was an in-the-moment sort of person. If something came into her mind, it had to come out. One evening, when they were eating dinner, she excused herself quickly and rushed off to the office. Not that Hannah couldn’t understand. She had traded her sitting area in her room for work space because she needed room to develop all the ideas she had. If someone were to come in there and examine her walls, they’d think she was some sort of party planning hit-man, red string and all.

  Hannah carried the cold mug to the sink and poured it out. Things had been going well between her and Rachel, but with the latest incident, she was at a loss. Maybe she didn’t know her as well as she thought if Rachel could just poke her like that, not to mention that Rachel had been pulling away recently. Things just weren’t adding up. Throw in her secret bedroom and the recent deception of Dr. Fisher, Hannah wondered if she should be more concerned. It wouldn’t be the first time she had been burned by someone she cared about.

  She shook her head. It wouldn’t do any good being suspicious of everyone. Even if Rachel was a bad guy, there wasn’t much she could do. Besides, why would she be working so hard for an organization she would just betray? The hybrids were keeping an eye on her as well.

  Her hand rubbed absently over the injection site. The muscles in that arm were sore, and she yawned. Maybe a good night’s rest would be enough to put her mind at ease.

  Slowly, she climbed the stairs to her room and entered. She loved the light green that popped in various parts of her room. Every time she saw it, her spirit was refreshed. Without bothering to shower, Hannah pulled off her clothes and slipped on a worn t-shirt. She had never really been big on nightgowns, despite her love of frilly things.

  Deep in the covers, she thought of Lucius, specifically the way he had looked when she had woken up. She had never actually seen him worried like that and wondered if his emotions meant something. Maybe after all this time, she was finally breaking through his shell. Her eyes grew heavy as she drifted off on that final thought.

  Chapter Three

  Hannah jumped at the light rap on her door. She had been so busy working all day that there hadn’t been much of a chance to even think about lunch. As soon a
s she got in, Titus sent her a note saying that he wanted to have a fall event. All the details would be up to her. This was gold.

  She smiled up at Apollo. The tall, easy-going hybrid often came to chat with her, so it wasn’t surprising to see him there.

  “You about ready for lunch?” he asked.

  Hannah was always struck by his face. Although he had the same height and build as many of the other hybrids, his face didn’t have the weathered look that most of them carried. Of course, that look was exactly what did it for her as far as Lucius went, but she could appreciate Apollo’s charm. Lord knew he certainly saw the charms in himself.

  “Just about,” she said with a smile. “I’m just getting things sorted for the fall party.”

  He stooped down to her spot on the floor and helped her stack the magazines to the side. As he had been by often enough, she trusted him to put things in an orderly manner. Unlike some, he seemed to understand there was a method to her madness.

  “I like that you’re including green,” Apollo said, standing.

  She held onto the table as she slipped on her shoes. “What’s fall without green?” She shrugged.

  “Seems like you’ve got a lot of ideas here.” He held up a picture of hay and some pretty ballroom lights.

  Hannah wrinkled her nose. “I’m in a predicament. Titus wants a costume dance, but that’s really only one aspect of fall. I’d really like to do a festival.”

  Apollo looked at the pictures and then at her. “Can’t you do both?”

  “Well,” she said, leaning over his arm and looking at the ballroom lights. “I might be able to.” She stared hard at the pictures. Her stomach growled loudly, and she blushed. “Maybe after some lunch.”

  Apollo laughed, and she liked that he didn’t make her feel self-conscious about those sorts of things. After turning the lock, she followed him out the door and through the halls. At first, she had found it annoying constantly being escorted by someone, but more often than not, it was Apollo, and most times he would stay to eat with them. Without Erica or Kate, meals were far quieter than they had ever been. A little distraction was nice. Hannah was certain that he was under orders to do so, but she didn’t let that bother her. Apollo was funny, and it was just nice spending time around a man that actually treated them like women. The men had been trying, and she knew that Kate had been pushing for more, but there was only so much that could be done. It was like living on a military base half the time.


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