Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)

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Lucius (Luna Lodge #3) Page 11

by Madison Stevens

  She climbed off the bed and slipped on her t-shirt, not bothering with her panties. There was only so much a person could take before they broke inside. She was at her limit.

  “Hannah,” he said and started to climb out of bed. She held up a hand for him to stay. When she reached the door, she finally looked over to him.

  “Some people spend their whole lives looking for the perfect person,” she said. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke, but otherwise, she was able to stay under control. “While others spend their whole lives with the right person.”

  He moved to get out of bed, but she shook her head.

  “I hope you find your perfect person, Lucius,” she whispered.

  She shut the door and raced to her own room before the tears started. With her back to the door, she allowed the silent sobs to wrack her body and slumped to the floor.

  * * *

  The days blended together as Hannah readied for the big fall festival. It was good to be busy, and she was glad to have something to keep her mind occupied. She’d wondered if Titus would cancel the event after the attack, but no additional enemy hybrids moved against them. If anything, Titus seemed more convinced they needed to have the festival, in his words to “not let Romulus win.”

  Her heartache had swallowed any fear she felt about the bestial light-averse spawn of Romulus coming back.

  Luckily, she hadn’t been forced to stay in the house with Lucius. Jenna was willing to take on whatever might come their way, and from what Major Carter had to say, was likely a better shot than most the men in the compound. Hannah didn’t know how true that was, but at this point, it wasn’t going to take much to convince her.

  Hannah watched as a few of the younger hybrid boys showed off by moving around the bales of hay for her. Each day they seemed to be assimilating more and more. They had even decided to take more American names in order to fit in. With as much TV as they watched, she could imagine that the Roman names were a little odd for them.

  “What do you think of here, Hannah?” Nate called.

  “Or here?” Ben, who was slightly older, asked. He flexed his muscled, and she had to cover her face with the clipboard, so they wouldn’t see her smile.

  “Those are both perfect boys.” She beamed at them. They smiled back, proud of all the hard work. “Now I’ve got a whole truck full of pumpkins that need to be placed. Dean, why don’t you take the map and help direct?”

  The youngest of them, not quite twelve, grabbed the list excitedly and ran off.

  “You aren’t doing him any favors.”

  Hannah stilled. It just couldn’t be. One week. One week she had managed not to talk to him except via email. She had managed to avoid him at lunch and just about everywhere else and then there he was. The day of the festival. Her stomach ached as the acid bubbled around.

  She turned to look at him. It was clear he hadn’t been sleeping, and she was certain that he wasn’t eating enough.

  Hannah turned to watch the young hybrids as they did their work.

  “Why aren’t I doing him any favors?” she asked.

  Lucius looked to the boys. “He’s smaller than the others, so he just needs to learn to use what he has.”

  Hannah shook her head. “Or he’ll grow into his age.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more but stopped and instead pointed to the open tent for the dance later.

  “We’re having issues with a few of the camera angles due to some of the lights,” he said.

  She balled up her fists. Hannah swore that if he was asking her to take down the lights, this late in the game, she really might rebreak his nose.

  “What if we put the cameras on the lights instead of next to them?” he asked.

  Hannah thought for a moment. It might work, but there was no way she was going to have time to get it done and still get herself ready. She glanced back over to the kids. They had been so helpful, and none of these men ever seemed to even notice them.

  “It sounds like a good plan, but there’s not going to be enough time to put them up,” she said. “Unless you have a little help.”

  She watched as he followed her line of sight.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled and frowned.

  “Oh please.” She rolled her eyes. “They are super sweet. I’m sure it will be just fine.”

  As she called the younger hybrids over, she watched them as they approached. Much like anyone who came up to Lucius, they approached with caution.

  “I’ve got to get ready, but Lucius has a big security issue that he needs your help with.” The three boys stood a little taller to take on their very important mission. “It would be really great if you could go help him for me.”

  Dean glared over at Lucius, and Hannah couldn’t help but smile.

  “I don’t like you,” Dean said.

  Lucius looked down at him. “Good.”

  “But I’ll still help you,” Dean said.

  Lucius nodded to him.

  She watched as they made their way to the dance area and wondered if she made a big mistake. There was no avoiding it though. She had to get ready and certainly wasn’t going to spend her time with the one person she had been avoiding the whole week. She stared over at the dance floor one last time. Lord, she hoped it was still standing when she got back.

  He didn’t care if they wanted to work with him. The important thing was that they worked hard. Lucius stood on the ladder and handed down the round paper lanterns for the boys to place the cameras on. They were steady, and he was surprised with how quick they could be. The little one eyed him the whole time, but if he was being honest, he liked that the kid had the balls to stand up to him.

  After the last placement, he climbed down and surveyed their work. The cameras were only slightly noticeable without compromising the security of the whole place. He glanced over to the boys.

  “Nice work,” he said stiffly.

  Their eyes widened in shock.

  “Look out!” Dean yelled. They all stepped back.

  Lucius turned only to be sent back by a fist in his nose.

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” Apollo roared. It was rare to see the easy-going hybrid so angry. “You were lucky enough to be a match, and you just piss it all away?”

  Lucius rubbed his throbbing nose and glared at the other man. Beating Apollo down wouldn’t help. It’d only piss off Titus and make ensuring security harder if everyone was spun up.

  “What the hell are you talking about? She didn’t respond.” He closed his eyes. “Do you know what it’s like to have every instinct in you scream something only to have it be wrong?” His eyes snapped open, and he took a step forward. “Mind your own fucking business,” he growled from deep inside.

  The smaller boy stepped between the two men and looked directly at him.

  “There’s something wrong with his nose,” the boy said.

  Lucius stepped back as if he had been struck.

  “Now listen here, you little—” Lucius began.

  “He’s right,” Apollo cut in. “If you can’t smell it, something is wrong. Have you seen the doctor?”

  Lucius made a face. “She won’t see me. I’ve still got packing in, and she won’t take it out.”

  Apollo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “But she’s the doctor.”

  Lucius crossed his arms. “She’s also friends with Hannah.”

  Apollo frowned. “Marius needs to get a handle on his woman.”

  Lucius snorted. He doubted anyone was going to get a handle on the feisty doctor.

  “You boys go finish setting up,” Apollo said. “Looks like we’ll be picking up Hannah together. Do you have your costume?”

  He nodded and raised a brow. “I’m confused. Are you here to hit me or help me?”

  Apollo grinned. “Looks like I’m here to do both,” he said. “Besides, how many guys get to say they laid one on you? I figure with the audience I just had, my street cred just doubled.” He winked.

  Lucius laugh
ed and was surprised by how good it felt. For the last week, he had been living in hell.

  “Try and catch me on a good day and see how you do, punk,” he said.

  Apollo held up a hand. “I think I’ll take what I got.”

  “I don’t see how she’s going to get in the car with me in it,” Lucius said. “She’s been avoiding me all week.”

  Apollo scrunched up his face. “Are you a gladiator?”

  Lucius grimaced. He hadn’t wanted to be. There was typically too much exposed skin, and he didn’t to show his scarred chest. There wasn’t much choice. The theme was Rome, and he would stand out if he didn’t.

  Lucius nodded.

  “Good,” Apollo said. “And helmet?”

  He shook his head.

  “Well, you can just borrow mine and sit in the back,” he said. “She likely won’t figure it out until it’s too late.”

  Lucius swallowed. He just wished that he could have that certainty.

  Apollo looked at him for a moment as they walked to the car. “You really do know how lucky you are, right?”

  “I guess we’re about to find out,” Lucius said. “If she’ll take me back, then I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  Apollo gave a short nod.

  “That’s about right.”

  * * *

  Hannah twirled in the mirror. She wasn’t really feeling like a party, but it would be strange for her not to be there seeing as she was the one who planned the whole thing. If they hadn’t let an enemy hybrid attack stop them, she couldn’t let her feelings over a pig-headed man get in the way.

  Another quick twirl in the mirror confirmed the costume looked good. She hadn’t wanted to do another costume dance, but this costume made the whole thing worthwhile. It fluttered around at knee length in a shimmery blue-green gauzy material. The chest had attached on two golden sea shells with golden straps, and she’d chosen to wear thin golden sandals.

  The whole thing was set off by the pretty blue-green spherical stone pendant that dipped between her breasts. Hannah unscrewed the top and stared at the vial of liquid inside. She might not know what it would do, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t take if it came time. She just needed to corner Rachel and figure out what exactly it actually did.

  She jumped when a knock came at the door.

  “Just a minute,” she said.

  Hannah screwed back on the lid and checked the mirror one last time. She tucked a few stray hairs away.

  “As close to the goddess Venus as I’m getting.” She sighed and moved to the door.

  When she opened the door, she was a little surprised to find Apollo had gone back to the car, but maybe he was in a hurry. She waved at the car and turned to lock the front door.

  A chilled breeze swept through and swirled her dress as she walked to the car. Hannah shivered and wondered if she shouldn’t have brought something to wear over her costume.

  Hannah opened the door and slipped in, nodding to the guard in the back.

  “Getting a little cool out there.” She grinned.

  She had barely gotten the door closed before Apollo was tearing down the drive.

  “In a hurry?” she asked.

  “Okay, don’t be mad, but you need to talk,” he said.

  Hannah frowned.

  “Talk? Talk about what?”

  “Let’s talk about what a colossal ass I am,” Lucius said from the back.

  Hannah spun in her seat and looked at him. He’d slipped off the silly helmet and sat staring at her.

  “What the hell?” She turned to glare at Apollo. “What’s he doing here?”

  “I’m here to win you back,” Lucius said.

  Hannah turned back to him. “What, so you can fuck me, and then tell me you don’t feel anything for me again? Thanks, but we’ve already been through that.”

  A lump formed in her throat as she spoke.

  “It’s not like that,” he said and leaned forward. “Hannah, please, just listen.”

  “No.” She turned around, tears brimmed her eyes. “I can’t do this.”

  Apollo patted her arm. “How about this? We’ve got to go see Rachel. Can you convince her to take out the packing in his nose?”

  Hannah glanced at him from between the seats. “Why doesn’t he ask her?”

  “Because he would like to keep his balls,” Lucius grumbled from the back.

  Despite herself, Hannah snorted.

  “Fine,” she said. It was against her better judgment, but she couldn’t let Rachel go on like this.

  * * *

  “No way,” Rachel said as she stormed around the clinic.

  Hannah sighed. “You can’t just leave it like this,” she said.

  “Oh, yes I can,” she said and shot Lucius a nasty look. “I hope it falls off.”

  Hannah wondered for a moment what she was wishing would fall off. His nose or another part.

  “What about do no harm?” Apollo asked.

  Rachel stopped. Hannah knew that she took her position very seriously and her doctoring even more so.

  She looked over to Marius, who was waiting to go to the festival by the door.

  “Something is wrong with his nose,” Apollo went on. “He’s not smelling things that he should.”

  Hannah noticed the three hybrids look her way and blushed.

  “Fine.” Rachel slammed down the book she was holding. “Lie down up here.”

  Lucius moved around the table until he was sitting on the table. She moved a little closer when he was lying down and wondered what he must be thinking.

  Rachel came over with some forceps and tissue.

  “This might hurt.” She smiled sweetly.

  Hannah winced when Rachel went in with the forceps. She might be upset with him, but she didn’t want to see him hurt.

  When the gauze started to come out, her stomach did a little flip, and she looked the other direction.

  “What the hell?” Rachel muttered.

  Hannah looked back and swayed a little at the long strip of red gauze gathered outside his nose. Apollo came to stand beside her and placed a hand at her back. A rumble filled the room.

  “Relax,” Apollo said.

  Hannah turned to him. “I’ll be okay,” she whispered.

  Apollo nodded behind her. “I was talking to him.”

  Hannah turned to find Lucius had his eyes fixed on the two of them. He looked back to Rachel and glared. “Just fucking yank it.”

  “Whatever, big man.” She rolled her eyes and turned to Hannah. “Put you hand on his shoulder, so he doesn’t try to get at me when I do this.”

  She moved closer. The hand at her back fell away and Lucius seemed to visibly relax.

  “Ready?” Rachel asked.

  Before either of them could answer, she yanked hard. Hannah felt her body sway but stayed standing thanks to the strong arm pinning her to the table.

  “I’m supposed to be soothing you,” she whispered to him.

  His arm tightened around her when he looked up. “You are.”

  “What the hell? Is that a fucking chip?” Rachel said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lucius sat up with Hannah still on his arm. He stared at the little microchip hanging at the end of the gauze.

  “How…” he started but couldn’t seem to process where to go with the rest of that sentence. It was obvious where the chip had come from but how long had the Horatius Group been using something like that and what was it for?

  “My smell,” Hannah said quietly. “You said over and over that you couldn’t smell me.”

  Lucius turned to her and took in a deep breath. Everything he ever expected to be there before was. The edging note that called to him. That had been calling to him this whole time and nearly driving him mad.

  “What does scent mean to a hybrid?” Apollo asked Rachel.

  Lucius suspected that it was more for Hannah’s benefit than his own.

  “Well…” She picked up the chip and examined it. “It
’s sort of the key element. Hybrids act very much like most canines in that scent is how they do practically everything. This also includes moods, sex, hunting, sickness and a large variety of things. There have been studies done on this and about those that have had their senses messed with in some way. Often they are aloof, skittish and react inappropriately when coupling.”

  She stopped talking and fell silent. Every set of eyes fell on him.

  “I think maybe we should contact Titus over this,” Apollo said and started to usher the group to the door.

  Lucius got up and walked slowly behind Hannah. If they walked through those doors, all hell was going to break loose. Everything that he wanted to say to her was going to be put on hold until they figured out what the chip was and what it meant. Her scent drifted to him, the sweet smell of her he had been missing all this time, the one piece that made him complete.

  They walked through the door, and he stopped. He didn’t want it to be like this. The chip could wait. Everything could wait. If he didn’t have Hannah in his life, none of it even mattered.

  Apollo turned to say something to him, and they locked eyes. He gave a nod as if he knew what Lucius was thinking. Without even stopping to think, he swooped Hannah into his arms and raced from the building.

  Surprisingly, she had remained fairly quiet, but then, maybe she realized there just weren’t many places for them to go. He stopped not far away, in the cover of the trees and placed her feet back on the ground. The sun had set, leaving them under a blanket of stars. Lucius wasn’t sure what to expect from her with all this. After all he had done, she had every right to be mad.

  He started to pace as he spoke.

  “I just need to talk to you away from everyone,” he said.

  Hannah leaned against a tree and raised a brow. He wasn’t really sure if that meant she was going to listen, but he was sure as hell going to try.

  “I’ve just been so confused,” he said. “I know that doesn’t sound like much, but from the moment I first saw you, I knew something was different. It was like my heart was battling with every instinct I had ever known.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I guess we know why now.”


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