Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included! Page 63

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “How you doing over here?” Dace asked. He handed me a bowl of ice cream and took the seat next to me. “You tired? Need anything?”

  “This is exactly what I needed,” I said, digging into the homemade strawberry ice cream.

  Dace was the fourth O’Reilly boy, and the bad boy of the bunch. He liked to live fast and hard. He was the thrill seeker, daredevil. Tattoos were his thing and complimented his gritty, rugged look. But he was all heart, just like the rest of them.

  I knew why he waited to talk to me alone. He had that look on his face he got every so often: girl trouble.

  I’d known these boys most of my life; they truly were like brothers to me. We’d all grown up together in a sense. I knew them as well as they knew themselves. I adored them.

  “Trouble with Ivy?” I asked.

  Ivy was his true love. They’d been together since before they were out of school, like Liam and I, but their journey hadn’t been as smooth.

  They were meant for each but wanted different things at different times. He wanted a future with Ivy, but in due time; Ivy wanted their future to be now. Like the rest of the O’Reilly brothers, he’d joined the armed forces. Also like his brothers, they didn’t settle for typical soldier life.

  Dace didn’t talk much about what he did, but it was definitely something covert and under the radar. He’d be home for day, even weeks, then disappear in the middle of the night to parts unknown, eventually turning up again stating he was at work.

  Work usually brought him back with a bandage or bruise. If not that, a new tattoo he wore proud like a badge of honor. Despite not knowing what he did for sure, we knew he wasn’t out selling vacuums door to door in the middle of the night for weeks on end.

  I understood how that had to be hard for Ivy. She loved him as fiercely as he loved her, but losing him like that, time and time again, with no explanation, had to be wearing. Ivy had secrets of her own, though. I wasn’t sure what they were — she was good at hiding them and deterring conversations away from her personal life and past. Nonetheless, she was a sweet girl, and they complemented each other perfectly.

  “There’s always trouble with Ivy.” Dace laughed. “She’s easy to love, but hard to talk to. She has her own plan and sometimes…”

  “You worry it doesn’t include you?” I finished his sentence. I’d had this conversation with him before. “She loves you, Dace.”

  “I don’t doubt that. In fact, it’s how she loves me that makes it hard. She wants it all now. Everything. And we aren’t ready.”

  “You’ve known each other nearly as long as Liam and I have. Surely, you’ve got to be ready by now. What’s holding you back?” I asked.

  “Work. I have another year on my…contract,” he said, like contract was supposed to throw me off his trail. “But they offered me a hefty bonus if I sign up for another three years.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  Dace snorted. “Ivy. She doesn’t want me to sign it. She thinks the year I have left is enough, and then I can work with the boys, here, fulltime. No more missions…errr, jobs.”

  “You don’t want to commit to your brothers fulltime?”

  “I do. That’s the end goal and why I’ve worked so hard up to this point, so I can contribute equally. But the money I’ve been able to put away and the three-year bonus from my other job would allow me to be a full partner with the guys and set Ivy and me up for a good life.”

  “Okay. So, what part of that does Ivy not like? Is there a compromise?”

  “More like an ultimatum.” He snorted. “She thinks if I go past this year, I’m choosing work over her and she doesn’t think she can wait another three years beyond that.”

  “That sounds pretty serious,” I offered. “Maybe she’s worried if you sign it’s a gamble. Maybe she’s worried about your safety. You know, as a mechanic or whatever it is you do.”

  “Pshhh…nah. I’m an O’Reilly, we’re too stubborn and strong to get into that kind of trouble,” Dace guffawed. He was deflecting. “Do you think she’d really leave me?”

  “Dace, the only way you’re going to know is to talk to her. Really talk to her. Find out what’s really bothering her and see if there’s a compromise in there somewhere.”

  “Yeah. You’re right.”

  “Look, you two are meant to be together. No matter what happens, I have no doubt you’ll always find your way back to each other. Just don’t wait too long to find your happily ever whatever. If we’ve all learned anything, it’s never to take time for granted. We’re only promised today.”

  Dace wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side so he could place a kiss on top of my head.

  “Thanks, Cassy. I think you’re the only smart one in the bunch sometimes.” In true Dace fashion, he palmed my hat covering my barely-there hair and pulled it down over my face. “Need anything, kid?”

  I laughed while adjusting my hat. “Just you to get your crap together, O’Reilly. And maybe some more ice cream.”

  “You’ve got it.” He took my bowl and wandered off to fill my request.

  I didn’t really need more ice cream, and I was sure he wouldn’t return with any. It just so happened Ivy was standing at the ice cream maker scooping a bowl for herself. So, I sent him in her direction. They needed to talk and not let this thing between them fester.

  Something Dace had said stood out. Stubborn. He was certainly that — all the O’Reilly men were. And maybe the women — it was that Irish blood. I wondered how things would turn out for them, all of them. A sudden sense of sadness settled in when I realized I would be missing out on their milestones as well. Marriage, children, who would end up with five or more cats.

  I made a mental note to leave them something behind, so I’d be there on their life journeys as well. It was important to me. They were siblings to me, really. And it saddened me to think I’d miss all their greatest moments. But, in my own way, I’d still be there for them.

  The fireworks were in full effect when Liam took a seat next to me, pulling my legs over his lap after draping a blanket around my shoulders. How did he know what I needed exactly when I needed it?

  A letter from Cass…

  Dear Dace…

  There are so many things I want to say to you and not enough time to say them, so I’ll keep it short and get right to the point.

  I’ve always thought of you as my brother. You’ve all been that to me, and not just because I married one of you. I cherish your unique perspective on life and how you face it head on. Mostly, I admire how fearless you are. I’ve never seen you worry or scared, just entirely brave and ready to take on the world.

  Your only weakness is your love for one girl, and that’s the best weakness there is. I have no doubt you and Ivy will find your way. Someday, you’ll start your forever, and it’s going to be spectacular — one for the books.

  Just remember to always be fearless, and to face your challenges head on, even when it comes to her. Fiercely protect what you have like you do everything else you hold close. Let that determination and desire for the next thrill fill your relationship. That’s how you will always find each other.

  Remember, no matter the challenges before you, you, Dace, can move mountains. Be fearless as you do it, and you’ll always get exactly where you are supposed to be.

  Don’t forget to enjoy the ride, dear brother. We only get one chance at this, make it unforgettable.

  I imagine you’re rolling your eyes and shaking your head at this… Get over yourself, boyo!

  I love you dearly, and can’t wait to see the life you make for yourself and that special girl…

  With all my heart…

  Love, Cass

  A letter from Cast…

  Dear Liam…

  I love how you always know just what I need, when I need it. You are a gift, a treasure, and I’ll always cherish you.

  It’s your favorite day, Fourth of July. I imagine you’re all gathering at the rooftop, making ice c
ream (I hope it’s strawberry) and waiting for the sky to sparkle. This day, each year, is among my fondest memories. Mostly because of you.

  I see that same excitement in our daughter when the sky lights up and goes for miles. You share something so special. It’s a tradition I’ll miss, but hope you’ll continue to cling to. Some things may be different now, but there’s so much that can stay the same, and I hope it does.

  We’ve built so many incredible memories, talk about them. They are what make the time apart more bearable. They’re how you’ll know I’m there with you always. If not for yourself, please do it for our girl. Help her remember how much we loved to celebrate this day and everything important in it.

  This is a special day. Enjoy it. Love it for all the reasons you always have. I’m never far, Liam. You’re always in my heart, and I in yours.

  I’ll love you forever…

  Love, Cass

  A letter from Cass…

  My sweet Reagan…

  Tonight is the night the sky sparkles! My favorite part of this day each year is watching you and daddy get so excited. You are two peas in a pod. That means you two are just alike.

  I know it’s another special day without me, and that might be hard for you, honey. Just think of all the special days we did have, and I think it will make things easier. We are so lucky to have all those memories. It makes it seem like we’re always together, kiddo.

  You know the drill, right? Barbecue, ice cream, counting the boats on the river, and seeing how far the sky goes when all the sparkles fly.

  Have a special day and make new memories with daddy and everyone else. Talk about all your favorite things about today and make sure you hug everyone at least once. That’s how we make more memories, sweet girl.

  Do you feel that thing in your heart right now? Maybe a little pinch? Maybe a warm twinkle? That’s me, baby. I’m always with you.

  Tonight, I’ll watch the sky sparkle too, right along with you…

  I love you more than ice cream, to the moon and back…

  Love, Mama


  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

  “Oh my God!” I shouted when Liam walked in the bedroom unexpectedly. “Go! Or…turn around!”

  Liam stared at me with a puzzled look.

  “Turn around!” I shouted, scrambling to grab the scarf on my nightstand.

  Liam did as I asked. “Are you okay? What’s going on, Cass?”

  I struggled to wrap my head in the scarf, and in the process, knocked everything off my nightstand with one quick sweep of the elbow.

  Hearing the commotion, Liam quickly turned back to face me. “Are you okay?”

  “Liam!” I shouted again, grabbing a pillow to shield my face. “No, I’m not okay. I mean, yes, but no.”

  Liam approached the bed and took a seat next me. “Cass?”

  He tried to pull down the pillow. “Stop. Turn the other way.”

  “Cassidy,” he pled, “you’re starting to worry me. Do I need to call the nurse or Doc Mendoza?”

  “No. Just…turn away, please?” My voice cracked. I was begging.

  I felt the bed move and peeked around the pillow to see Liam’s head turned away as he stretched out his legs in front of him and clasped his hands like he was staying. Of course he was. I’d worried him; I wasn’t getting rid of him anytime soon.

  I scrambled to sort through the mess I’d made on the floor and found my eyeliner. It would have to do. I unwrapped the mess of a scarf from my head and rewrapped it properly.

  “Cass?” Liam began to fidget.

  “Don’t look!” I scolded.

  Using the camera from my phone stretched in front of me like a mirror, I used the eyeliner to fill in what was left of my eyebrows and line my lids as if that was all it would take to look fresh and new. Just past the arch on the second eyebrow, Liam turned to me, forcing me to rush that final sweep of the liner.

  “What are you doing?” He chuckled. “You don’t need to wear makeup around me. In fact, when did you start wearing so much?”

  “When I started to look like this,” I said, pointing back at myself. I couldn’t help the tears rimming my lids.

  “Like what?”

  “Like…like I’m sick.” The tears broke free, and I imagined the eyeliner went with them. “This is where my eyebrows used to be,” I pointed to my brow, “and this is where my lashes used to be long and thick, now both are barely there. And don’t get me started on how pale I am, and the grey hue I’ve gained.”

  “Cassy…” There was sympathy in his voice, as he faced me straight on.

  “Should I tell you about my hair? I’ve never been a hat person, and now that’s all I wear — a scarf if I’m dressing up.”

  Liam reached for me, cradling my face in his hands, letting his thumbs swipe away the tears that wouldn’t stop. “What’s really going on?”

  “This,” I said, pointing to my face, “and alllll this,” I swept my hands down the length of me, indicating my whole body.

  Liam grabbed my hands and held them in his. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I see is you. Beautiful you.”

  “That’s what nice people say to sick people to make them feel better.” I was in full blown tears, followed by sobs. “I’m petty and vain. I’m dying, and I’m upset about eyebrows and boney hips.”

  Liam chuckled softly as he took the blanket I’d been holding from my hands and gently wiped away my freshly applied eyebrows. “You don’t need any of this. Besides, the left one was crooked.”

  I laughed a snotty, tear-filled laugh and looked up from my hands, meeting his stare.

  “I don’t see any of those things, darlin’. I just see you. Beautiful as always, Cassidy.” Liam smiled. “We all do, baby.”

  I shook my head in disagreement. If I saw it, surely everyone else had. But when I really took him in and read his expression, I realized he was looking at me as he always had. He didn’t see the barely-there brows or boney hips. He saw me. So, either he was full of crap and I’d always looked this worn down, or he really saw something beautiful despite the brows and hips.

  Liam leaned back against the pillows and pulled me into him. I rested my head on his chest and began to cry. This was one of those rare moments where I gave in and felt sorry for myself. And he let me. He knew I needed to let out the bad days with a few tears in order to have the better days. Liam was so good to me that way.

  “You’ll always be beautiful to me, sweetheart. Always.” He kissed the top of my head and that was all I remembered. I’d cried myself right into an unintentional nap. Feeling sorry for myself was exhausting.

  I woke up some time later to Felicity sitting in the chair next to my bed, Liam no longer at my side.

  “Finally!” she said, jumping from her seat. “It’s time to get you ready! You feel okay?”

  “I mean, yeah?” I replied, confused. How long had I been sleeping?

  I looked around the room, then back to Felicity. “Why are you here again?” My hand stroked the side of the bed where Liam had been. It was cold. He’d been gone for a while. “Did something happen? Where’s Liam?”

  “Liam is busy, just like you’re about to be. Get up, sunshine, it’s your special day! I’ll go let everyone know you’re awake and bring in the team.”

  “Everyone? Team? Felicity, seriously, what’s going on? Who are you bringing into my bedroom? Is this a prank? Oh my God, is this one of those lucid dream things?”

  Felicity laughed. “Hair and makeup. They’ve been waiting patiently.”

  “Hair and what?” I patted my face to make sure I was awake and felt my forehead to find there was no fever. “Oh my God. Did I…die?”

  Grabbing my hands, Felicity gently pulled me up from my bed. “You’re fine, and it isn’t a dream. Although, it is pretty dreamy. Just get up. I promise you’ll love this. It’s your special day!”

  Before I could protest, there was a swarm of people in my room, surrounding me.
Colleen was in the background, arms full of flowers, while someone trailed behind her with arms full of garment bags. I was seated in the middle of my room, no idea where the salon worthy chair came from, while people went to work stroking my face with various brushes and sponges and dragging combs and brushes through what was left of my hair.

  I couldn’t say exactly how much time had passed, but it wasn’t long before I was in my bathroom, stripped down to barely anything, stepping into various dresses — the most beautiful dresses I’d seen. Somehow, each fit like a glove. It felt nice to wear something that actually fit me — especially something this glamourous.

  “That’s the one,” Colleen said, prompting the small cast of a glam squad to shuffle me back into my room.

  My bed was made. There were beautiful new throw pillows and luxe blankets draped from the corner. Floral arrangements filled every worthy surface, along with beautifully lit candles. Even my bedside chair had been replaced with something more regal. Not only had I received a full makeover, but so had my bedroom.

  Colleen stood by a full-length mirror that hadn’t been there before. “Come here, sweetheart. Just look at yourself.”

  Nervous at first, I followed her instructions and stood before her, staring back at my reflection. What I saw took my breath away. I turned from one side to the other, spun a time or two, taking it all in. I was overwhelmed by what I saw. The clicking behind me brought me back from my brief escape to somewhere where I didn’t look or feel sick.

  It was a photographer, capturing my reaction. She asked me to pose here and there. From the chair, to the window, to the edge of my bed, surrounded by the beauty these people, mostly strangers, had showered me with.

  Felicity sniffled, and wiped a stray tear. “It’s about time to wrap things up, honey. We need to get you upstairs. Everyone is waiting.”

  “Everyone? Waiting for what? I’ll just go get out of this dress, and—”


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