Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included! Page 136

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “Good idea. It would be nice to know who we’re facing because I don’t think they’re done just yet.”

  “They did most of my ass kicking,” Wylie admitted. “They had me in an interrogation center before the prison. That media footage you watched…all for show. We never entered that prison—they put me in the back of a black van, no windows, drove rough to toss me around, and then pulled me out and squeezed me for info on Eva.”

  “They did that to you…for me?” she asked.

  He nodded. “They wanted your location. I told them you were dead because they poisoned you. That’s when they let up.”

  “So they think I’m dead?”

  “I don’t know if they believed me or not, but mentioning the poison seemed to tell them what they wanted. They may or may not believe it. That and Carter found me. Said he needed me as a key witness to a bunch of international bullshit. Whoever they work for, they think he does too because they just stopped.”

  “That may be why they suddenly decided to move you. They figured out Carter was full of shit, and they were going to clean house,” Declan chided.

  “That’s my guess. There was something about them, though. I didn’t get the feeling these guys are all bad. I don’t think they realize who they’re working for. I watched them, and some of the orders that came down while I was around them seemed to surprise them.”

  “So maybe they’re being played too?” Dace asked.

  “I mean, it’s possible, right?” Wylie paused on that thought a moment. “What if that’s exactly what’s going on? What if they are just a bunch of puppets being played by that DC club? Look how they seem to be playing the cartel. Use them for muscle and to do their dirty work to keep their own hands clean and everything off the books.”

  “So maybe they’re much like some of the units we’ve all worked under in the past. We may have all signed up for the armed forces, but we retired from units buried so deep and off the books it isn’t funny,” Dace admitted. “Wy may be on to something.”

  “I’m telling you, this is still my father. He uses people. Deceives them. It’s all a sick game,” Eva pleaded.

  “Where are we on that?” Wylie asked. “Eva filled me in on what she saw in McKenzie, and it adds up. Do we have anything on the DNA?”

  “Any time now,” Liam said. “I’ll share it as soon as it comes through. Mendoza is overseeing the results so we can trust whatever we find. If this is him, he’s in deep with this DC group. I’ve been fighting our own software all day, trying to stay undercover. I finally went in a back door and gave the software on their end a virus to shut them down completely. Kills me to do that because it was pretty sophisticated shit and some of my best work, but it was like fighting with myself, and I didn’t want to lose.”

  “I think I followed that.” Wylie laughed. “You took our software away from them. Is that what I’m hearing?”

  “Basically.” Liam shrugged with an eye roll. “I was spending so much time building wall after wall to keep them out, and now I can focus on all the financials I’m digging up and ledgers I’m finding. This group kept digital records…can you believe that?”

  “Can you tie anyone to those ledgers? Attach any names?” Wylie questioned. “Sounds like you’re getting close to something.”

  Liam nodded, face still buried in his laptop. “I am. I have a lot to start with. When our government retires old equipment—think military equipment—they destroy the things that can’t be reused or repurposed. Other items are redistributed like hand-me-downs to states, then counties, then cities—think local law enforcement. So rocket launcher…destroy. Something like, say…a Humvee? Hand it down.”

  Wylie had a puzzled look. “Okay, makes sense. Nothing new, right? That’s pretty common knowledge? So what’s the catch?”

  “Well, I’m digging through some ledgers and found some discrepancies.” Liam grinned like he had a secret.

  “Let me guess, missing and unaccounted for crap,” Wylie said, blowing Liam’s punch line out of the water.

  “Ding. Ding. Ding. Normally, I’d run data and let a program sort it all out for me, but I had to go old-school with the limited resources out here—I miss the lair—but it worked in our favor. I was able to see some pretty quick information that I may not have dug up with the algorithms and programs because I didn’t take this into consideration…”

  Wylie waved his arm in front of him out of frustration. “Okay, are we supposed to guess or are you just going to tell us?”

  “The items seized at the coast? All on the missing and unaccounted for sheet. Not only that…but they’ve also been marked as missing and unaccounted for multiple times.”

  “So instead of destroying it, it somehow landed in the hands of the cartel,” Eva said. “But I would have known about all of that. I would have been the one buying. That was my organization out there.”

  “Unless your rogue members were really working for someone else, which…”

  “My father.”

  “Maybe.” Liam stopped typing briefly to deliver his findings. “Or they’re working for whoever the seller is and distributing to other organizations…your enemies.”

  “To take me down,” she deadpanned. “Again. My father. This is his MO. I wish the DNA would come back and prove what I already know.”

  “We’ll have to wait and see,” Wylie replied, gripping her hand. “But at least we have confirmed what we suspected all along. It’s all connected. Someone sells it to the cartel, we seize it, then they buy it back. Someone is making a shit ton of money off the same rotating inventory. We just need to find out the endgame.”

  “Yes, but there’s more. I found a big problem…we have missing submarines.”

  “What the fuck is the cartel doing with submarines?” Dace hollered.

  “To be fair and totally transparent…they’re small ones. They’re used for exploration and small shit—not battle.” Liam delivered it as if it was of lesser concern. “Look at this spreadsheet I was able to pull together. Interesting stuff on here. Tell me when you see it.”

  “Shit,” Wylie sneered. “Looks like we need to head back to Corpus Christi—I have a few questions and a new friend to make.”


  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Eva asked, lying next to Wylie. “Nobody would think twice if you needed to sit this one out. You’ve been through a lot, and you’re injured.”

  The team had landed just outside Corpus Christi and took up residence in a nearby safe house that would serve as their headquarters. Multiple teams spilled in throughout the day, and before dusk, they had their own small army ready to deploy and take on their roles in what would be the largest takedown the company had ever made. It was the last night before everything around them was to change.

  Rubbing her arm with the tips of his fingers as she rested her head on his shoulder, Wylie let out a sigh. “I have to. I need to face this. I want to look all of them in the face when I take them down. Every. Single. One of them. For what they did to you… for what they did to our family… for what they did to me… and everyone else they’ve hurt along the way.”

  “I know you do, and I don’t blame you. I would do the same.” She agreed. “I’m a little pissed I don’t get to go. I want to be there when it all goes down. Especially if this is my father because we have unfinished business. I know I’m obsessed with the idea of him being behind all things evil, but you know how you just know something?”

  “I do. I know it feels like he’s behind it, but I don’t want you to be disappointed if it turns out it’s someone else. It’s actually a good thing if it isn’t him because if it is, there’s a bigger mess to clean up at the end of this.” Wylie reminded her of the rare chance that her dead father was really dead.

  “If I hadn’t seen that man in the car, I wouldn’t even be hanging onto this idea.”

  “I know, darlin’, it’s been a few long hard weeks for you. For us. And it’s almost over. I promise. We’re going to get
to the bottom of this tomorrow and, God willing, start making arrests…as soon as we know who isn’t corrupt and can arrest these assholes.” Wylie laughed. “Man, this is such a crapshoot.”

  Wylie picked up his phone from the bedside nightstand when it suddenly pinged. “DNA is in. The body we exhumed is your father. He’s dead, honey. It isn’t him causing all of this. Mendoza oversaw everything and gave it his stamp of approval.”

  There was a long pause before he finally asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m just a little surprised because…”

  “I know. Because of what you saw. Maybe there will be more answers later, but at least for now, we know it wasn’t Esteban you saw.”

  “I’ll be happy when it’s over. I honestly don’t care who’s behind it anymore. The more Liam uncovers and the more people the Keepers bring in…it’s jaw-dropping.”

  “It really is. But…we’re going to get through it. It’s almost over,” he reiterated. “At least where we’re concerned, and then we can focus on…us.”

  “We really haven’t.” She laughed. “We spent so much time ignoring each other and annoying each other…it was exhausting.”

  He kissed her forehead and chuckled. “I’ll never ignore you again. Not a single day will go by when I don’t tell you how I feel. You’re going to be so sick of me, and I can’t wait.”

  “Oh, great.” Eva dramatically rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Just what I need.”

  “You’re what I need,” he said in return. “You’re all that I need.”

  With the back of her hand gently stroking his face, she smiled. “Me too, Wylie. If I’ve learned anything through this, it’s that you are the one person for me. The one I can count on. The one I can turn to. The one who’ll carry me through heaven and hell over and over again. I wondered how I did all this without you before, and I realized something…I wasn’t without you because you were always there. Maybe begrudgingly at times, and from a distance, but from the day I met you, you’ve been my person. And I’ve been yours.”

  “And I always will be. Those days when you were missing, it was like rediscovering who I was and trying to navigate that without you—I didn’t feel complete. Life wasn’t complete. And when I finally had you safe by my side, I knew.” Wylie let out a hard sigh. “And when you got sick, and it felt like I was losing you all over again, a piece of me was dying with you.”

  “I could never leave you. We have too much to do, too much to see, too much to discover. We’re building a life, Wylie. A long, beautiful life.”

  “God, I love you,” he shared before taking her mouth to show her what words couldn’t.

  He wanted more of her, a lot more of her, but she was still on the fighting end of health, and he was dealing with significant injuries himself. It wasn’t fair. They’d finally made their way back to each other for the third time, in a very short span of time, and it wasn’t the charm, as they say.

  It was a cock block that frustrated him more than anything else going on around them. Wylie found satisfaction in feeling her perfectly curved body pressed into his. It was made to be the perfect fit, and knowing this was only the beginning for them and not the end. He could wait for her…he would wait for her. As much as he wanted to be inside her, showing her every which way he loved her, this would have to be enough for now. They still had forever.

  “I love you too,” she whispered, breaking their kiss. “You have no idea how badly I want to strip away your clothes, straddle you, and….”

  Wylie turned to his side so he could face her and draped an arm over her, resting his hand on her ass while laughing at her admission. “Baby, you have no idea. I’d give anything to taste you, then bury myself inside you all night long.”

  “Jesus, Wylie.” Her hand drifted below his waistband. “I can tell.”

  “When this is over and you’re healthy, I’m taking you away. I don’t know where or for how long, but it’ll be just you and me, naked in bed, in the shower, on the counter, outside, in the bushes…everywhere.”

  Eva’s head fell back in laughter at his graphic description. “Sounds magical. I cannot wait…and it sounds like I don’t need to pack anything.”

  “Not a thing,” he teased. He stared into her. “When I say I love you, I don’t think you understand.”

  “Should I get a restraining order? This sounds serious.”

  He gently smacked her ass. “Maybe.”

  “Are you obsessed with me, O’Reilly?”

  “Unhealthily obsessed.”

  “Good. I have you right where I want you.”

  “And where is that?” he asked.

  Her eyes welled with emotion, and she grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart. “Right here.”

  “And I’m never leaving, baby…”


  “Oh, thank God you’re here,” Petra announced as the brothers entered her executive office. She broke out into tears. “I don’t know who to turn to.”

  “And why is that?” Wylie asked.

  With her eyes trained on him a second or two longer than necessary, there was an obvious shift in her behavior. Tears began to form, and her tone became more frantic. “My daughter. She’s…oh, I can’t even say it.”

  “Just say it,” Wylie deadpanned with zero emotion.

  “Dead.” She sobbed. “I think they killed her. My security team never located her, and now…they’re gone. I think they are working for the other side. I think they were only here to spy on me and keep me quiet. I received a call from one of those men… they said to stop production of this new drug, cancel the patent, and…I can’t remember the rest of their demands. There’s a bomb. Many will die, they said. We need to get out of here. Please…help me.”

  “Are you done?” Wylie asked.

  “Am I… What is wrong with you?” She moved toward the door, but Mercy and Eli quickly blocked it. “What are you doing? There’s a bomb…my daughter...”

  “Let’s be clear…” Liam laughed. “You don’t have a daughter.”

  “So you can cut the bullshit,” Wylie finished. “You can cut a deal and work with us to bring the rest of your bullshit ring of criminals down for a lighter sentence, or…face a judge like the others being taken into custody as we speak. Your choice, Petra.”

  Petra Delfonzo was stunned and slowly backed away from the team, seeking some sort of shelter behind her desk.

  “Keep your hands where we can see them,” Wylie warned. “We’re having a shoot first, ask questions later kind of week, and I’d hate for you to lose a hand over an envelope opener.”

  “What kind of monsters are you? You work for those men, don’t you…?” She turned her focus to Wylie. “You’re that man from TV, the fugitive, aren’t you?” Her eyes narrowed and darkened. “Yes…you escaped after killing two guards and injuring that US attorney guy…you should be in jail.”

  She picked up the handset to her desk phone and began to dial.

  Wylie rolled his eyes and warned her once more. “You should put that down.”

  “I’ll do no such thing. You’re a wanted man. There’s a large bounty on all of you.” She went on. “I’m calling the authorities. You must have my daughter, Molly, too. That’s right because you are affiliated with the cartel. You and that cartel whore.”

  “One, the authorities are already on their way. They’re probably right outside by now, actually.” Wylie took a step in her direction. “Two…you’ll never speak of Eva like that, do you hear me? After what you did to her, you’re lucky she isn’t here to deal with you herself. I’d never hit a woman, but man, does my girl pack a punch.”

  Petra gasped at the warning. “Threats? Just more to add to the list. It’s such a shame. You could have done great things for this country and had a wealthy life…too bad you’ll be spending the rest of your pathetic days in cells.”

  The side door to her office opened and in walked none other than David Kimble, followed by an armed entourage. He stood between Petra and the br
others’ team, facing both.

  “My, my…what do we have here?” He snickered. “Are we at a bit of a standoff?”

  “Thank God you’re here, David. These men are threatening me and my company. I believe they are the ones who have been behind everything we’ve discussed. And they’re wanted fugitives.”

  “I know exactly who they are. Especially the one covered in those…tattoos,” he seethed. “Looks like we finally get to put an end to all of this and put everyone out of their own misery because that’s what this is, right? Misery?”

  “Kimble…” Dace warned.

  David looked Dace in the eye and offered a threatening tone, “With all due respect…Will you just…shut…up? It’s my turn to talk. I have the floor now, son. I am sick and tired of all the bullshit,” Kimble went on. “All of this tampering and interfering. I’m done with it. It’s over. There is a special place in hell for you, and I plan to deliver you. You’ve cost me my wife, my daughter lost her freedom, and don’t get me started on my grandson because I’m having the kind of day where I’d put a bullet in someone’s ass for simply mentioning him. You follow me? I was in a fucking coma because of you. Shot! Can you fucking believe that? Today is the day of reckoning, my friends.”

  The room remained quiet, but the tension was thick, and it could be felt with every breath. Petra stood with a smirk, pleased with the turn of events. David was her saving grace, it seemed. There was no way she was getting out of that room without him, and she knew it and hung on his every tempestuous word.

  “Loud and clear, David. Your timing couldn’t be better. These men were here to do God knows what, I’m assuming to make good on all those threats I’ve been receiving,” Petra blurted, joining his alliance.

  “Wait…” David waved a finger between the brothers and Petra, and he began to laugh so amused, it was more of a pitchy cackle. “You thought…” He continued to laugh breathlessly. “You…” David wiped tears from his cheek and held his stomach. “This is good…this is so good.” With his hands on his hips, he leaned back and took a loud, deep breath. “This is rich…”


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