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The International Assassin: A Sexy Times Crime Thriller

Page 24

by Asher, Adele

  I buried my head under the pillow to drown out Charlotte’s noisy nocturnal exertions and tried to sleep.

  Chapter 24

  I ARRIVED at the casino just after lunch dressed for the occasion accessorised by my trusty killer Loubi’s just in case things got out of hand.

  Anatoly was already waiting for me at a table in the lounge bar flanked by a pair of shiny suited gorillas. The bar was full of the usual collection of committed gamblers, their bored courtesans, a smattering of hanger-on’s and tourists. I strutted over to Anatoly, overweight with a ruddy complexion and a boozers nose - the family resemblance to Vladimir was unmistakable.

  “Am I late or are you early?” I inquired casually. Anatoly gestured for me to sit down. He feigned a smile.

  “I’m glad to see you in such good health Miss…”

  I nodded at the waiter who came over to take my water.

  “Water, an unopened bottle please,” I said.

  I wouldn’t put it past Anatoly to have someone working in the bar to try and drug me.

  “Very good Madame,” the waiter replied and departed to fulfil my request.

  “You can’t be too careful these days,” I said to Anatoly.

  “Quite… a lesson my brother could have taken heed of.”

  Anatoly poured another large Vodka from the open bottle of Grey Goose on the table.

  “To business,” I said coldly.

  Anatoly smiled.

  “Let’s talk a little first. You’ve caused me quite a few problems. I’m interested to know more about you and why we under-estimated you so much.”

  “You always fear what you don’t understand.” I replied coldly.

  “You think we fear you?” he said then laughed softly to himself. “No Miss. We do not fear you. You have been a mild irritant on the great journey that is life. A challenge perhaps. But not something to be feared.”

  “Over-confidence can get you killed.”

  “True…true. But this can work both ways,” he replied looking around to see if I had some trap planned for him.

  “There’s nobody hiding behind the pot plant with a sniper rifle if that is what you were worrying about,” I said.

  “One cannot be too careful. A man in my position, in my business has more enemies than just pretty young ladies who have mislaid their boyfriends.”

  “And what business are you in exactly?”

  “I would have thought Mister Salinger would have enlightened you to that. But perhaps you are just a mere innocent passenger along for the ride.”

  “Indulge me…since we’re making polite conversation.”

  The waiter arrived with the water. I checked it was sealed before drinking it straight from the bottle.

  “I’m just a simple businessman trying to make a living. Mostly I deal in the flow of information. Sometimes that information is given willingly…sometimes I have to be more persuasive.”

  “The arms deal? It’s all bullshit then isn’t it?”

  “It is just another form of information,” he said with a knowing smile.

  “False information.”

  “It can be helpful to tell people what they want to hear, to put them into a position that is favourable to a good outcome.”

  “And what good outcome are you hoping to achieve with all this?”

  “A profitable deal as always. The contents of that deal are not important. Only that it is profitable,” he replied. I smiled softly at Anatoly. “Something amuses you?”

  “The irony.”

  “Of what?”

  “You and Johnny or Roy…however you wish to know him are just two sides of the same coin.”

  “And what coin would that be?”

  “He’s a con-man…you are a con-man. He steals from me with a lie and you steal from him with another lie.”

  “It’s an interesting chain of events do you not agree? We are not stupid. That was Mister Jones first mistake. As soon as he approached us to do business we knew who and what he was. Let us just say mutual friends-“

  “The KGB?”

  “They prefer FSB these days.”

  “Meet the new boss same as the old boss,” I replied.

  “Our mutual friends had a prior interest in Mister Van Sant’s activities. So Mister Jones attempted deception came to our attention quite quickly.”

  “So why didn’t you act sooner…more directly?”

  “He was how to say, a useful idiot. Everyone needs someone to take out the garbage. Nobody wants to get shit on their hands.”

  “You were using him?”

  “Everyone was using him. Since he had no idea what he was doing his allegiance was easily bought from every side. Like a cheap Amsterdam window girl he was on display for the entire of our world to see and use as we pleased.”


  “Conflicting interests. When the garbage man plays all sides sooner or later he takes out garbage that is another mans gold.”

  “Your brother?”

  Anatoly smiled and nodded.

  “So we decided to bring things to a conclusion, things did not go according to plan. And here we are.”

  “Yes here we are.”

  I looked around nervously wondering if Anatoly was just stalling for time.

  “To our agreement. You have the money?”

  “I do.”

  “Where is it?”

  “Now now Anatoly. This is strictly a cash on delivery deal.”

  “Of course. So how to make the arrangements?”

  “How do I know I can trust your word? He was your brother. Russians tend to get vexed about that sort of thing. Blood is thicker than Vodka and all that eye for an eye horseshit.”

  “Because my dear girl I have been in this business too long. I have to think about my retirement, my grandchildren. It is of no personal benefit to me to take your life in payment for my brother. I prefer cash compensation for my losses.”

  “I’m sure he would be touched by your sentimentality.”

  “Besides, you were carrying out the orders of another. We are all puppets of some master. It is the master that is the guilty one.”

  “While it’s beneficial for me to agree with you for the purpose of blame I can assure you I’m not Roy’s puppet.”

  “Of course not. You are Mister Salinger’s very beautiful puppet now.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “It is the reason you are here is it not? Not for any ideological reason or at the will of government or business but for the oldest motivation possible. Love and duty to that which is loved.”

  “Have you hurt him?”

  “I already told you. Mister Salinger is not my enemy. In fact the enemy of my enemy is also my friend. I have no reason to hurt him if you honour our agreement.”

  “A friend you happen to be holding to ransom.”

  “I’m sure he would return the favour if the opportunity arose. We are both professionals. This is the game we have both chosen to play. He is a very good player but he cannot always be on the winning side.”

  “You haven’t won yet. The game’s not over.”

  “So let us talk business. We will make the trade yes?”

  “Three million.”

  “We agreed on eight.”

  “No you suggested eight. I’m telling you three.”

  “Are you planning to negotiate with me? The price is eight.”

  “I don’t think my puppet master is worth a penny over three.”

  “Oh but my dear. How can you put a price on true love?”

  “You can and it’s three.”

  “Don’t tempt me to put this offer out to a wider audience. It’s in my interest to secure the highest bid for the merchandise in my possession.”

  “I have three million in cash. If you want more you will have to wait. The longer you wait the more chance Nick’s employers are going to decide to even the odds and take steps to render your deal worthless.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure.
From what I hear on the winds…”

  “And what do you hear?”

  “Government cuts. Austerity. People are easily replaceable these days. Sadly not worth the asking price or the cost of retrieval.”

  “In that case it’s a buyers market. Three million.”


  “Done. And that settles things between us? Because I really don’t think you can afford to lose any more of your employees coming after me.”

  “Four million and you have my word we will let sleeping dogs lie.”

  “And Roy?”

  “If you see him before us then wish him an unpleasant death with my regards.”

  Anatoly took a piece of paper and started writing.

  “These are co-ordinates to where my yacht will be at exactly eight p.m this evening. We will wait here for one hour only. If you are not here with the money I will take Mister Salinger to North Africa and sell him to the highest bidder.”

  He handed me the paper.

  “It would be easier if we did this on land,” I said.

  “For you maybe, these are my terms. Buyer collects.”

  “How do I know you haven’t killed him already?”

  “It would be very bad business. If he is of no value to you I can always find someone who is prepared to buy him. Jihadists…the Irish. Many people would like such a high valued token in this game.”

  “If you feel that way you could have just put him on Ebay and saved us all this trouble.”

  “Maybe next time,” smiled Anatoly.

  I got up and took the paper.

  “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Then let us hope you and Mister Salinger both take early retirement.”

  “I’ll see you later Anatoly.”

  “Don’t be late. You have exactly one hour. This is your last chance. No more problems.”

  I made my way through the Casino and slipped into the kitchen to head out the back door. I was sure Anatoly couldn’t be trusted as far as I could throw him and would have a tail waiting for me outside the casino entrance where he had probably planned to have me followed to the hotel, retrieve the money and dispose of me in a uncomfortable manner.

  Slipping out the back fire escape I grabbed the gun I had hidden the evening before and waited behind the door to see if I had been followed. After nobody emerged I walked down the back alley and around the side of the casino where I had parked the G-Wagen out of view.

  I drove round to the edge of Casino Square. Sure enough two of his men were trying their best to blend in hanging around the line of expensive cars parked outside the Casino entrance. I parked and waited for Anatoly to emerge.

  After approximately thirty minutes Anatoly finally came out and gestured for his two lookouts to return. They walked over to him whilst one of them retrieved his car before they all got in and headed south towards the marina. I started the car and followed them at a safe distance of three or four cars behind.

  Of course it was dangerous to tail Anatoly. If he had any idea I was there he would jump to the conclusion I was planning to renege on our deal. With one phone call he could probably have Nick killed or disappeared for good but it would be of no benefit to Nick or myself to walk into such a situation unprepared.

  Anatoly arrived at the harbour and walked down the jetty and got on a small tender sized boat. The boat departed and headed out to rendezvous with a large, luxurious one hundred and eighty foot long tri-deck super-yacht lying at anchor just outside the harbour.

  This was extremely annoying. I was hoping Anatoly would be aboard a boat docked in harbour so I could at least go and take a sneak peak around. The boats offshore location would mean the first knowledge of the handover point I would have was when I was onboard. I knew exactly what Nick would have said. It was a suicide mission and don’t go. Lucky for Nick I’m more irrational and prone to following my heart over my head regardless of the potential dangers of the situation - I would go in headfirst and worry about details and risk after the event.

  Once Anatoly and his men had departed I got out and walked down to the harbour to find a boat to rent. Being Monaco where every available space was leased out to Saudi and Russian billionaires to park their waterborne penis extensions it was a little more difficult than hiring a pedalo at Rimini. Not being an especially aquatic sort I had no idea how to arrange such a thing or even where to look. I just presumed it was like Hertz, you went to a harbour and rented one which sadly proved to be incorrect. I did however find a FOR SALE notice with a brokerage name and address plastered to the back of a reasonable looking seventy foot floating gin-palace. It looked fast and pointy so would probably do the job.

  Writing the number down I returned to the G-Wagen and headed back into town to find the brokers office.

  “Can I help you madam?” asked the broker.

  “Yes. You have a boat for sale in the harbour. Little Nelly?”

  “Ah of course, the Sunseeker Predator.” the broker gestured for me to take a seat. “It’s a very good price, a very motivated seller.”

  He took out a brochure and handed it over to me.

  “Is it fast?” I asked, completely ignorant of such things.

  “Absolutely Madame! She will do thirty knots and more,” he replied.

  I had no idea what a knot was or if thirty of them was good or not.

  “So for arguments sake, that large one hundred and eighty foot monstrosity just outside the harbour. If it had to could it catch up and outrun it?”

  “La Perla? Without doubt madam. Actually we have La Perla available for charter if you are interested?” he said as he took out a brochure for it from his draw. “As you can see from her specification she is built for long distance trans-atlantic voyages. More than six thousand kilometre range so she cruises at twelve knots.”

  “Interesting,” I said as I checked the boats deck layouts printed in the brochure. “Can I keep this?” I asked.

  “Certainly Madame. If you are interested in a tour of the vessel we can arrange it. Now back to the Predator?”

  “Of course.”

  “Would you be interested in a viewing?”

  “Yes. A test drive would be lovely.”

  “You mean a sea trial?”

  “No I don’t want to go berserk in it. Just bob about for a couple of hours.”

  “My apologies Madame, a sea trial is nautical term for a test drive.”

  “Of course. I know nothing about boats. It’s a present for my boyfriend. He’s just taken to the sea recently so I thought I would drop in on him.”

  “I am sure your boyfriend will be very pleased with the Predator.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. It sounds like its named after a vibrator.”

  “The boat is listed for one point seven million Euro. It is very well specified.”

  “I should bloody hope so.”

  “We can arrange for you to sea trial her with a ten percent refundable deposit to cover damage and fuel.”

  “No problem,” I said and handed the broker my Coutts world card. “It doesn’t have a limit,” I said.

  The sight of the Coutts logo lit up the broker’s face that I was in fact monied-up and not some joyriding tart.

  “That’s perfect. So when will you be available?”

  “Call it seven p.m to ten p.m tonight. My boyfriend is a guest on La Perla as it happens. It would be fun to drop in on him. Make good our escape and watch the sunset together.”

  “Of course Madame. I will make all the arrangements for you for this evening.”

  The broker returned with the paperwork ten minutes later.

  “Very good Madame. Everything is taken care of. The boat will be available for you from six p.m onwards tonight at your convenience.”

  “You’ve been most helpful.”

  “Bon voyage. And if there is anything else I can help you with please contact me on this number.”

  I took the paperwork and drove back to the small parking garage at the back
of the hotel.

  As I arrived in the lobby the receptionist stopped me.

  “Madame there was a phone call for you while you were out.”

  “Really? Did they leave a message?”

  “No Madame. The gentleman did not. He said he would call back later.”

  I nodded and frowned to myself. Nobody knew I was here so I couldn’t imagine who would be calling me at the hotel.

  “Is my friend still here?” I asked him.

  “Yes. She’s in her room.Entertaining a…gentleman,” he replied slightly embarrassed.

  “Of course she is. She does like to entertain strange men.”

  Charlotte clearly hadn’t got bored of her Italian carnal adventure yet. I stopped and walked back over to the receptionist.

  “If the gentleman calls back please tell him I already left. But let me know if he calls again,” I said.

  “Of course Madame,” he replied.

  I returned to my room still perplexed as to the identity of the caller. Perhaps it was the broker checking the arrangements but I didn’t recall giving him the hotel number.

  I took out the two large duffel bags I had hidden in the bottom of the wardrobe. In one I had the remains of the cash we had recovered from Roy. It wasn’t the full four million that I had agreed with Anatoly due to the spending spree in Munich and G-Wagen purchase but I didn’t have time to make a large withdrawal to round it up and since I was ninety percent certain Anatoly would make his move and kill me and Nick before he bothered counting it the shortfall seemed academic. It would simply buy me enough time and get me in the same room as Nick. From then on we would have to improvise an escape plan.

  I unzipped the second duffel bag that contained the cachet of arms including M4 carbine, assorted pistols and what was left of the C4.

  I took out two small blocks, after my previous explosive experiments I had become more proficient at judging the quantity/effect ratio and used a small enough block to take out what I estimated to be a several foot radius without enough to sink the entire boat and all those who sailed on her. I took a contact breaker trigger and remote detonator and wired the explosives together then hid the C4 in the middle of the bundles of cash wiring the contact breaker to the underside of the zip runner. Closing it I connected the terminals carefully, the intention being that when one of Anatoly’s men opened the bag it would blow up their face and provide the vital seconds of distractive mayhem Nick and I would need to find cover, jump overboard or do whatever needed to escape the situation.


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