Which Way to the Wild West?

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Which Way to the Wild West? Page 19

by Steve Sheinkin

  “I am tired of fighting” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “The Indians are prisoners” Nerburn, Chief Joseph.

  “Where were you born” Singleton, Testimony.

  “What, go back!” Painter, Exodusters.

  “There is Nicodemus!” Nugent, American West.

  “The scenery was not” Nugent, American West.

  “Mr. Horace Capel” Miller, “English Runnymede.”

  “It was startling” Miller, “English Runnymede.”

  “The immense cattle” Love, Life and Adventures.

  “I surrender this rifle” Utley, Lance and Shield.

  “I think you had better” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “A warrior I have been” Utley, Lance and Shield.

  “We were all out playing” Horn, Pioneers.

  “How it cut” Nebraska DAR, Reminiscences.

  “A cloud of dust” Howard, “Rush to Oklahoma”

  “Never before” Howard, “Rush to Oklahoma”

  “Suddenly great excitement” Standing Bear, My People.

  “When I first heard” Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks.

  “Indians are dancing” Ward, The West.

  “What do you want” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “You think you are going” Utley, Lance and Shield.

  “I saw the soldiers” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “If they had left him” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “We tried to run” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “It was a thing to melt” Barnard, Great American West.

  “There can hardly be said” Turner, The Frontier.

  “From now on” Abbott, We Pointed Them.

  “I took a homestead” Abbott, We Pointed Them.

  “With the march of progress” Love, Life and Adventures.

  What Ever Happened to …

  “I had always worked” Abbott, We Pointed Them North.

  “The prosperity of Texas” Webb, Handbook of Texas.

  “My relatives told me” Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks.

  “It is to be lamented” Morris, Fate of the Corps.

  “It is nothing to be proud of” Twain, letter to Orion and Mary E. Clemens, October

  19, 1865. The Mark Twain Papers and Project, The Bancroft Libary, University

  of California, Berkeley.

  “The reports of my death.” Twain, New York Journal, June 2, 1897.

  “I regard Custer’s” Leckie, Elizabeth Bacon Custer.

  “General Custer’s name” Leckie, Elizabeth Bacon Custer.

  “KING OF FRAUDS” Bain, Empire Express.

  “Good-bye, Jack” Ebbutt, Emigrant Life in Kansas.

  “My eyes are getting real bad” Bankes, “Wild Bill Hickok.”

  “I see my beloved South” De Bruhl, Sword of San Jacinto.

  “I only ask” Joseph, “Indian’s View.”

  “I may die” Nerburn, Chief Joseph.

  “Chief Joseph died” Nerburn, Chief Joseph.

  “had eaten only” Morris, Fate of the Corps.

  “After quitting the cowboy life” Love, Life and Adventures.

  “Red Cloud” “Red Cloud, Sioux Chief, Dead.” New York Times, December 11,


  “They made us many promises” Brown, Bury My Heart.

  “that he would shoot Murphy” “Virginia Reed Elopes.”

  “wife of Charbonneau” Thomasma, Truth About Sacajawea.

  “If nominated” Fellman, Citizen Sherman.

  “Anything in the way of eatables” Fleming, “Pap Singleton.”

  “Without having discovered” Sutter, Diary.

  “What a difference” Vallejo, Historical and Personal Memoirs.

  “The places through” Yellow Wolf, His Own Story.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


  Abbott, Teddy “Blue,”

  African Americans: western migration of

  Alamo: battle for; description of

  American River: gold from


  Austin, Stephen


  Baptiste, Jean

  Battle of Buena Vista

  Baugh, John: quoted

  Beard, Dewey

  Beckwourth, James

  Bent, George

  Benton, Thomas Hart: mapmaking and

  Bidwell, John

  “Big Drunk.” See Houston, Sam

  “Big Four” directors

  Black Buffalo

  Black Elk

  Black Hills

  Blue jeans: invention of

  Bonaparte, Napoleon: quoted

  Bozeman Trail

  Brannan, Sam

  Bronco Jim

  Buffalo: disappearance of


  California: bad ways to travel to; Chinese immigrants in; diversity of; earning money in; gold in; high prices in; population of; quickest route to; rats in

  California Trail


  Campbell, William

  Cannibalism: in the Donner Party

  Capel, Horace

  Carson, James

  Casement, Frances


  Cattle trails: map of

  Central Pacific Railroad

  Charbonneau, Toussaint


  Chief Joseph

  Chief Toohoolhoolzote

  Chinese immigrants: railroad deaths of

  Chivington, John

  Cholera: spread of

  Christman, Enos

  Civil War

  Clark, William; mission of; quoted

  Clemens, Samuel

  Clyman, James

  Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,”

  Comstock, Henry “Old Pancake,”

  Conner, James

  Coolidge, Susan

  Corps of Discovery

  Coursey, O.W.

  Cowboys: need for; retirement of

  Crazy Horse

  “Crazy Judah.” See Judah, Thoedore

  Crocker, Charles

  Crook, George

  Crow Foot

  Cruzatte, Pierre

  Custer, Elizabeth

  Custer, George Armstrong


  de Ampudia, Pedro

  de Barbé-Marbois, Francois

  de Santa Anna, Antonio López; attempted escape by; quoted

  de Talleyrand, Charles: Livingston’s request of; offer to buy Louisiana

  Dey, Peter

  Dickinson, Almeron

  Dickinson, Susanna

  Dodge, Grenville

  Donner Party

  Durant, Thomas


  Eagan, T.P.

  Ebbutt, Percy

  Esparza, Enrique

  Evans, James


  Ferguson, Arthur

  Fetterman Fight

  Fetterman, William

  Fighting: with Native Americans

  “Fire Thunder,”

  Foreign Miners’ Tax

  Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868


  Freeman, Minnie

  Frémont, John: mapmaking and


  Garcia, Manuel “Tres Dedos,”

  “General Day-and-a-Half-Behind.” See Howard, Oliver O.

  “Ghost Dance,”

  Gold: discovery of; fever around the world; from American River; mining techniques of; Sutter’s declaration of

  Gold rush: from different points of view; in Rocky Mountains

  Golden Mountain

  Golden spike

  Goliad, Texas: battle in

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Grasshopper invasion

  Great Sioux Reservation

  Gum Shan


  Hastings Cutoff

p; Hastings, John

  Hau-hon, Wong

  Hays, Grace

  Hickman, Williana

  Hickok, James “Wild Bill,”

  Higbie, Calvin

  Homestead Act 1862

  Horn Toad

  Houston, Sam

  Howard, Oliver O.

  Howard, William

  Hoxie, Howard

  Hunkesni. See Sitting Bull


  “Indian problem,”

  Indian Territory

  “Iron Men,”


  Jackson, George

  Jefferson, Thomas; quoted

  Judah, Theodore; death of


  Kip, Leonard

  Knower, Daniel


  Lakota Indian Boys


  Last land: rush for

  “Last Night’s Shootings” (news column)

  Leon, Nuevo

  Lewis and Clark: gifts for the chief; meet Sacagawea; mission of

  Lewis, Meriwether; impression of Sacagawea; mission of

  Lincoln, Abraham

  “Little Bear,”

  Little Bighorn

  Livingston, Robert: advice for; quoted

  Lockwood, Erastus

  Louisiana: asking price for; Jefferson and

  Louisiana Purchase: effect on United States; price paid

  Lousy Miner, The (song)

  Love, Nat

  Low Dog

  Lyon, Mary


  Mail. See also Pony Express: delivery of

  Manifest Destiny: defined

  Marcks, Lillie

  Marcy, Jennie

  Marshall, James

  Mason, Biddy; quoted

  Maxfield, James

  Mayer, Frank

  Megquier, Jenny

  Meriwether, David

  Mexico: ban on slavery; conflict with; declaration of independence; independence from Spain

  Mexico City: captured by Americans

  Meyer, Frank

  Miles, Nelson

  Mining techniques: of gold

  Monroe, James: negotiations with France and

  Mormon religion

  Mormon Trail

  Mountain Men: as guides on Oregon Trail

  Murrieta, Joaquin


  Native Americans: cultural misunderstandings and; desire to trade; fights with; gold rush and

  New Orleans: American shipping and

  New York Herald: on railroads

  Nez Perce; Christianity and

  Nueces River: as southern border


  O’Sullivan, John

  “Old Chisholm Trail, The” (song)

  Olsson, Olof

  Oregon: climate and soil

  Oregon conflict

  Oregon Trail; Catherine Sager on; top causes of death on


  Pacific Railroad Act of 1862

  Parker, Ely


  Pengra, Charlotte: quoted

  Peterson, Mathilda

  Plains Indians: fall of

  Polk, James K.

  Pony Express; failure of; Native American warriors and

  Population: of California; of United States

  Prentiss, Narcissa

  Preuss, Charles

  Promontory Summit, Utah


  Railroads: as threat to Indian life; building through mountains; meeting of; robbers on

  Red Cloud; quoted

  Red Cloud’s War

  Reed, James

  Reed, Virginia

  Reno, Marcus

  Rhoads, Daniel

  Rhodes, W. H.

  Rio Grande: as southern border

  Robbers: on railroads

  Rocky Mountain Fur Company

  Rocky Mountains: gold rush in

  Rosebud Reservation

  Roughing It (Clemens)

  Ruede, Howard

  Runnymede, Kansas

  Russell, Majors & Waddell’s Central Overland California & Pike’s Peak Express Company

  Ryan, William


  Sacagawea; gives birth; Lewis’s impression of; meets Lewis and Clark

  Sager, Catherine; death of parents; Oregon Trail and

  San Francisco Bulletin, The: on advancing civilization

  Sand Creek Massacre

  Sanford, Mollie Dorsey

  Santa Fe Trail

  School Children’s Blizzard

  Scott, William

  Seymour, Silas

  Sherman, William Tecumseh; quoted

  Shilling, Watson

  Sierra Nevada; dangers on

  Singleton, Benjamin

  Sitting Bull

  Slavery: Mexican ban on

  Small, Henry

  Smith, Jedediah: as Mountain Man

  Smith, Robert

  Smith, Tom

  Snyder, John


  Spalding, Eliza

  Spalding, Henry

  Spokane: Christianity and

  Stanford, Leland

  Stephens, Alexander: quoted

  Strauss, Levi

  Strobridge, James

  Summerhayes, Martha

  Sutter, John; declaration of gold

  Swain, William


  Tamaulipas: invasion of

  Taylor, Zachary; quoted



  Texas: annexation of

  Thompson, William; scalping of


  Toponce, Alexander

  Trading route: of David Meriwether

  Transcontinental railroad

  Transcontinental telegraph

  Travis, William

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  Turnly, Ned

  Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel

  Two Moons


  U.S.-Mexican War: leftover anger from

  Union Pacific Railroad


  Vallejo, Guadalupe Mariano; quoted


  Walla Walla: Christianity and

  War: declared on Mexico; Polk’s declaration of


  West, The: 1803 definition of; 1848 map of; declared “settled,” weather in

  Whig Party: campaign motto

  Whitman Massacre

  Whitman, Marcus

  Whitman, Narcissa; quoted

  Williams, Michael

  Wilson, Elijah

  Wilson, Luzena Stanley

  Wilson, Margaret

  Wimmer, Jennie

  Women: moneymaking opportunities for

  Wooden, Martha

  Wounded Knee, Battle of


  Yellow Bird

  Yellow Wolf


  Young, Brigham: quoted


  1 another name for Lakota

  Text © 2009 by Steve Sheinkin

  Illustrations © 2009 by Tim Robinson

  Published by Roaring Brook Press

  Roaring Brook Press is a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership.

  175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010

  All rights reserved

  eISBN 9781429964968

  First eBook Edition : August 2011

  Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress

  Roaring Brook Press books are available for special promotions and premiums. For details contact Director of Special Markets, Holtzbrinck Publishers.

  First Roaring Brook Press edition: July 2009



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