Moonshine For Three

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Moonshine For Three Page 2

by Lauren Gallagher

  The gun wobbles slightly. "People change, Paul."

  "So you're a wanted crook," I say with a smirk, "but you're a family man, too?"

  His glare sets my teeth on edge. I don't give a damn how respectable he thinks is. Married? Him?

  But it does make sense. I should've known when she asked about me. If I was that Paul. Robert's no idiot, and he wouldn't have told some passing broad about a thing like that. He may be a crook, but Robert Parker's never been the kind of man who'd kill a woman to keep her quiet, so he wouldn't leak it to anyone he didn't trust to take it to the grave.

  He doesn't say a word and neither do I. Don't know what he's thinking, but all I'm thinking is how I can get out of this situation. And what Alice did to turn Robert into a marrying man. What'd she give him that no one else did?

  "You know I ain't the kind to stick around long," was the last thing he ever said to me before tonight.

  Yeah? What's changed, Robbie?

  She comes back a few minutes later with ropes coiled on her slender arm.

  Robert takes the ropes from her and holds out his gun, butt first. "Keep an eye on him. He moves, you know what to do."

  "Got it." Alice points the pistol at me. She ain't one of those delicate broads who can't handle a gun, I can tell. The way she's holding it with two hands and keeping her feet apart and shoulders set, this is one girl who knows what kind of noise a gun can make. She ain't afraid of it, and she ain't afraid of me.

  Robert slams the chair down against the bulkhead along one side of the cramped room. "Sit."

  I don't move.

  "He told you to sit," Alice says.

  I sit. Robert ties my hands behind my back. Then he coils the rope around my ankle and the leg of the chair. My other foot is still free, and I've got visions of connecting it with his jaw, but that wife of his will have my brains splattered on the bulkhead if I do.

  "Now. Paul." Robert stands, dusting off his hands on his expensive trousers. "How's about you tell the lady and me the real reason you're on our boat?"

  "I ain't talking," I say with my jaw tight. "You keep me down here all night like an animal, your boat will be crawling with men looking for me tomorrow morning."

  He laughs dryly. "Cops can't do a thing out here. You know that."

  "Not legally." I glare up at him. "But if one of their own is missing, I'd like to see you, or the law, keep them from finding me."

  His laughter stops. Eyes narrow, he says, "Then talk, and I'll decide if you can go."

  "Not while you've got me tied. I came here to talk as men, not as your damned prisoner."

  "All right, then." Robert shrugs. He takes the gun from Alice with a murmured, "Thank you, darling," and points it at me. "Let the men come, and if they find you, it'll be with a cinder block tied to your feet and seawater in your gullet."

  I stare him down and he stares right back at me. No one's moving. No one's speaking. My guns are at Robert and Alice's feet. He's got a pistol pointed at me. My hands and ankles are bound.

  And Alice is standing behind him, arms folded beneath her ample, barely-covered chest, eyes flicking back and forth between her husband and me. Something's going on in that head of hers, but I haven't got a clue what it might be.

  Then she says, "He really is that Paul, ain't he?"

  Robert bristles. His eyes slide toward her, then me, then away from us both. He says nothing.

  Alice grins. She looks at me, and her first step in my direction makes my heart skip. Another step, and I gulp. She's going to get us both killed. I'm tied up in a room with a man who's got a gun and a jealous side the size of California, and his wife's coming at me like a gambler to a table.

  "You know, Robbie," she says. "I can see why you've never forgotten him."

  Robert stands straighter. The corner of his mouth twitches. "What are you talking about?"

  She flashes a coquettish smile and inches closer to me. As she slides her arm around my shoulders, she says, "I always wondered how a lady killer like you ever went near a man." She raises my chin with a single gloved finger and makes me look straight into her kohl-lined eyes. "Now I know, don't I?"

  "Get away from him, Alice," Robert growls.

  "Robbie." She's looking at me but talking to him. "He's not gonna hurt me. He's all tied up, you see?"


  "Oh, lighten up," she says, and there's an edge to the singsong tone of her voice. "After everything you told me about him, I'm curious, that's all."

  Before Robert can tell her not to, and before I can suggest she not screw around when the man's got a gun in his hand, Alice eases herself onto my lap. She moves in close, too, pressing against me so there's no keeping myself from reacting to her. My heart's going fast, because if Robert sees the effect his wife has on me…

  "You like women, Paul Hanson?" She wiggles a little, because she knows damn well I do, and runs a fingertip along my jaw. "Or you just have eyes for big, strapping men like Robert?"

  "Alice," he growls.

  I clench my teeth, trying to keep them from chattering. I don't know what to say. Haven't got the foggiest idea what'll rein her back without setting him off.

  She grins. "You as good a kisser as Robbie says you are?"

  "Alice." Robert's getting dangerous. "Stop this now."

  She turns her head at him. "Come on, Robbie." She grins again, but her voice ain't all fun and jokes this time. "Everything you've told me about him, I want to see if it's true."

  He sets his jaw and looks away. "It's all true. Of course it is."

  "Is it?" She looks at me again, and the tip of her tongue runs along her lower lip. Then she wriggles in my lap, grinding her rear end against me. Her grin gets even bigger. "Well, I can tell at least one thing is true."

  "Alice, for God's sake…"

  She kisses me. Not just a little peck or nothing like that. She kisses me like her husband ain't standing right there, or she ain't even married at all. I tell my lips not to move, but there's no just sitting there and taking a kiss like that, just like there's no stopping my cock from pressing against her rear. Much more of this, there won't be any stopping—

  "Alice." Robert's voice sends a chill through me. When she breaks the kiss and looks at him, he says, "Get. Up."

  She glares back at him. "I don't know what you're so sore about," she says, and he has to notice how out of breath she is. "You kissed him. Why can't I?"

  "Just get up." He ain't snarling now. Still dangerous, still volatile, but there's something else in his voice.

  "Oh, Robbie." Alice huffs, then finally stands. "I don't get what the problem is."

  He puts a protective hand on her waist and glares past her at me. I think he's glaring.


  No, I know that look.

  He's angry, but that's not all.

  Robert pulls Alice closer to him and leans down like he's going to kiss her neck, but he pauses. Closes his eyes. Takes in a long breath of her, and I squirm in my chair because I know what she smells like now.

  "Damn you, Robbie." Alice wrenches away. "You always said I'd have liked him. I was just seeing if you were right."

  "I know." There's nothing in his tone to tell me one way or another what he's thinking. He reaches for her again, and quietly says, "That's… that's an expensive dress." His hand moves to her back. "Sitting on him like that, you're… you're going to wrinkle it."

  Alice's lips part. My spine straightens.

  Robert doesn't look at either of us. He just watches his hand drift downward, and as it does, her dress loosens. First over her shoulders, then around her middle.

  He tugs it gently and lets it slip off, and my heart's going mad as the red dress lands around her feet.

  I hold my breath. Robbie will probably shoot me, but I give myself a look anyway. Slender, white legs under black stockings that stop partway up her thighs. An auburn triangle of thin hair between her legs. A smoothly curving waist sculpted just right for a man to grab on and hold on. Beauti
ful breasts barely restrained by a black brassiere.

  And Robbie's fingers drifting from between her breasts to her stomach, sending a shiver right through me because it's been too long since he's touched me that way.

  She slides a gloved hand over his and draws it up to her mouth. Eyes locked right on me, right on mine, she sucks one finger into her mouth. Then two. Her rouged cheeks hollow, and Robert pulls in a breath through his teeth.

  "Alice…" He's not stopping her this time. Not telling her to quit, or reminding her I'm here. It's like he's just saying her name because he wants to taste it.

  My mouth waters. Her kiss is still tingling on my lips, and without thinking about it, I run my tongue across my lower lip.

  Robert sees it. His eyes flick toward my mouth, my eyes, my mouth again.

  Something in his expression changes. He tugs his hand free from Alice's grasp. Disappointment thins her lips as fear sends my heartbeat ever upward, but then he nudges her toward me.

  "Sit on his lap again." That growl is deep and low, a sound I remember from countless nights years ago. "But face me this time."

  She looks over her shoulder. I can't see her face, but I can imagine the question in her eyes. He smiles, nods toward me, and I swear he winks at her.

  Alice steps out of her fallen dress and does as she's told, high heels echoing off the tight confines of this tiny room. I'm out of breath before she even comes to rest on me, and once she's on my lap, on my painfully hard cock, I'm out of my mind. She leans back against me. Her scent—sweet perfume mixed with faint remnants of tobacco—makes the room shift even harder than the waves outside.

  Robert kneels in front of us. He slides his wife's long, black glove off. Then the other. She reaches back and slides her hand around the back of my head as Robert pushes her knees apart. All the way apart, one hooked over my left leg and one over my right, and she moans and squirms, grasping my hair.

  Then he disappears. She gasps, and my eyes roll back because I know damn well the things Robert's mouth is capable of. If he can turn a grown man—if we could call ourselves that back then—inside out with his lips and tongue, it's no surprise he can make her shake like this.

  I can't begin to say what arouses me the most. Her bottom rubbing against my cock while her fingers grip my hair? Her whimpers and moans and gasps? Or his palm on the back of my leg, sliding up and down, and his occasional deep, quiet groan?

  A violent shudder shakes her on my lap, and she claps her other hand over her mouth to muffle what would have been a loud, breathless moan. Her body writhes against mine, rubbing her against my cock and getting her neck so close to my mouth, I can't resist kissing her skin. She shivers. Presses harder against me. Below us, Robert curses softly, and Alice sounds like she's on the verge of tears. Her nails bite into my scalp, so I nip the side of her neck, and she grinds against me.

  Her breathing quickens. Shallows. Her grasp on my hair tightens. The hand over her mouth drops out of sight, but she barely makes a sound.

  Then her body tenses. Her back arches. With the way she's shaking violently and whimpering helplessly, I'm about to go over the edge with her, and I clench my bound hands into tight fists as I try to keep myself from climaxing too.

  She shudders one more time, and relaxes. God, she's liquid warmth against my body, quivering and panting.

  "Robbie," she whispers.

  He sits back, and I curse under my breath as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

  "Robbie, kiss him." She lifts herself off me and stands on wobbling legs. "Kiss him, baby." She grabs onto one of the shelves for support. "Let me see… let me see you kiss him."

  Robbie grins at her. Then he stands, leans over me, and the instant our lips meet, his kiss is everything I remembered it to be: almost angry in its fierceness, and somehow still tender, just as it always was back then, and has been every night while I've slept. And this time it's sweetened by Alice's cunt. Ain't any wonder I've never been satisfied with any man since him—not when he kisses me like this.

  A soft whimper gives Robert pause, and when he breaks the kiss, we both turn toward Alice.

  She leans up against the locked hatch. Hair mussed, makeup smeared, only her brassiere, stockings, and garter still on, and her hand is over that patch of auburn hair, tucked between those long, milky legs, and working furiously at her pussy.

  Robert sits back on his heels. "You need to be fucked, don't you, darling?"

  She closes her eyes and shudders. Biting her lip, she nods.

  He turns to me again and whispers, "Do you want to fuck her?"

  I lick my lips. "What?"

  "My wife." He kisses me again. "Do you want to fuck her?"

  He could punch me, he could shoot me, he could throw me overboard, but with his kiss on my tongue and his hand on my trousers, all I can say is, "Yes."

  Robert kisses me again. Hard. He squeezes my cock, then starts undoing my pants, and I groan with frustration because I can't touch him. The ropes are too tight, too strong. Nothing I can do except grasp empty air.

  His warm hand closes around me.

  I swear under my breath and let my head fall back. He strokes me. Squeezes me. Drives me crazy the way he's always loved to.

  Movement in front of me. A hand on my leg. Then another.

  One hand leaves my cock. A second later, a finer, cooler one takes its place, and I look down to see Alice grinning up at me. She leans forward with her lips apart, but hesitates.

  She sits back and shifts the grin toward her husband. "Show me how he likes it, Robbie."

  My eyes roll back and I groan just thinking about his mouth on me.

  And I don't have to just think about it, because they're both kneeling now, and their hands are on me, and I can't tell his mouth from hers. Only when her smooth chin grazes my skin, or his stubbled jaw brushes my flesh or my clothes. One tongue teases, then the other. Lips all the way around and down to the base. Again. God Almighty, I've never been so aroused and aggravated at the same time.

  Robert's low, gravelly voice barely makes it to me: "Sit on his lap again."

  She stands. I can't breathe. Can't think. Can't do anything except let the world spin around and around my head, and I'm helpless, immobile, on the brink of losing my mind as Alice lowers herself onto me like she did before, back to me and legs apart. I silently beg God and anyone else who'll listen to let me last long enough to even get inside her.

  Her cunt is hot and wet, and she slides it back and forth on my cock, but I'm not in her yet. I try to move my hips. Try to get into her so she can ride me and I can fuck her, but I can't, not like this.

  "Not yet, sweetheart," she teases, glancing over her shoulder at me.

  I don't get a chance to protest before Robert kneels in front of us again, just like he did earlier.

  And then his mouth is on me. Holy shit. Her cunt, his mouth, both hot and wet and sliding up and down. She whimpers and wriggles against me. He groans, and I feel it, and I don't know if I want to fuck her or force my cock all the way into his magic goddamned mouth.

  I can't move. My arms and my legs, they're bound to the chair, but I'm not sure I could move even if I wasn't tied.

  His mouth isn't there anymore. Then Alice does something with her hips, and next thing I know, I'm all the way in her, and she's so tight and so wet and so hot. Just moving slow like this, taking me an inch at a time, she's making my eyes water.

  "Christ…" I bite my lip and try to thrust up into her. "Oh, sweet Jesus…"

  "Like the way she feels, Paul?" Robert growls, and his wife and I both moan.

  He stands and puts his hands on my shoulders and leans in to kiss Alice. I can't see their mouths moving together, just the way her head tilts and his brow furrows. He kneads my shoulders. She rises and falls painfully slowly on my cock. I'm so far into heaven, I can't believe I'm still alive.

  Then he looks at me. Looks right at me. He's got that glazed look he always used to get, and his pupils are wide. And he's kis
sing his wife. Kissing his wife whose tight, wet cunt I'm buried in.

  One of his hands leaves my shoulder. It's between him and Alice now, and then she moans into her husband's kiss in the same moment she gets so, so damned tight.

  And I can't do a thing except watch them. And sit completely still while he touches her, and she rides me.

  Then Robert breaks the kiss and pushes her hips down. She's got every inch of me inside her, but she's not moving. Neither of us can move while Robert's got us held down like this.

  "Alice," Robert says, breathing hard, "get on your knees for him."

  She whimpers, and when he lets her go, she slowly rises off me. I bite my lip to keep from groaning with frustration; God Almighty, I want to be back inside that gorgeous woman. I want to come—in her, in him, I don't give a damn—before I lose my mind.

  She starts to kneel, but pauses. Panting as hard as her husband and me, she says, "We need more space, Robbie."

  "Hmm, yes." He nods. "That we do."

  They look at each other. They've got that telepathy thing me and him used to have, because neither one says a thing, but then they both nod like they each know just what's on the other's mind.

  Alice goes to work on the ropes around my ankles. Robert rifles around on the shelves above me, and comes back with a big gray blanket. He hands the blanket to her, and then he finishes untying me while she wraps the blanket around herself. They collect her rumpled clothes while I shake my hands a few times to get blood back into my fingers. Then I fix my trousers and stand.

  "Here." Robert shoves her dress and underthings into my hands. While I hold her clothing, he picks up the moonshine and the glasses.

  Alice takes the guns; both of mine and also Robert's. Guess it's safer that way, but I don't think no one's going to be getting shot any time soon.

  Robert leans out of the hatch and looks to the left, the right, the left again. He motions for us to follow him. All three of us hurry down the passageway. The weather's rocking the boat hard, but that's probably not the only reason Alice and I each brush the bulkhead with a shoulder, a hand, a hip, from time to time. Robert, too.

  He pushes open another hatch and gestures for us both to go inside. Then he looks around again before joining us.


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