The American Soldier Collection 13: Her Lucky Number Thirteen (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The American Soldier Collection 13: Her Lucky Number Thirteen (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “A few more weeks and if you submit and accept your fate, I can do away with the chains,” he said and brought the links up to her cheek and caressed her bruised jaw. He looked at the gap in the stupid smock they made her wear and he licked his lips at the sight of her breasts. They were bruised too from the strokes against her skin by Vlladim. But at least they didn’t try to touch her sexually. Not until today as Cornikup licked his lips and stroked a finger into the gap.

  She shivered at the feel of his thick finger pressing into the cup of her bra. She stared at him, trying to maintain eye contact as he demanded, but not show her disgust or the daggers she wanted to throw at him. Again, as he watched her, got aroused by it, she stared straight faced and contemplated a plan. She relaxed. She wasn’t such a patient woman. That she had a temper, a fire in her that kept rising up, and she needed to tamp it down and tell herself to wait. Just wait, and this sicko’s time will come.

  He trailed his finger from her breasts to her throat then her chin, grasping it as he looked down at her. Kneeling on the floor like some servant really pissed her off. I’m going to kill you the moment I have an opportunity and I don’t even care if I die.

  She had to sit up completely on her knees and raise her chin as he pulled harder. She was losing balance and shifted forward, having to place her hands on his knees for support. His teeth clenched. He closed his eyes and inhaled.

  “Sweet, sweet Nalia. My plans keep changing for you. I thought I would just keep you as my pet and then eventually kill you, but it seems Vlladim wants Malayna for himself.” He licked her lips and she clenched her eyes closed, both disgusted and shocked at what he was doing to her and also at his plans for Nicolai’s daughter. The man was as good as dead if she could just get her and Malayna out of here.

  He gripped her head a little more firmly and then pressed his mouth to hers. The forceful kiss and plunge of his tongue had her gripping his thighs and pushing back.

  When he released her lips she felt like vomiting.

  His eyes never left hers.

  “Still resistant to your fate.” He nodded and when she went to see who was behind her strong arms gripped her around the waist and set her on her feet. Vlladim grabbed her chains and tugged tight.

  “Seems you need more discipline.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest as he dragged her along, limping from her sprained ankle and not caring at all. Anger, so deep, so dark, pooled in her belly.

  I can’t take this much longer. I won’t let them rape me and break me down. I need an opportunity. Please, one opportunity to take them out and then I don’t care what happens to me.

  * * * *

  Night had set and the compound was surrounded by a dozen men. All Special Forces and Navy SEALs, all members of the Merkovicz family. Cosivan looked at Star Mulicheck, the leader of Krane, Luca, and Border. They were very lethal men. The kind of men Cosivan and his team respected and trusted with Nalia’s life. The fact that they were working together was rare. These men hardly socialized. They were warriors, special operations men who only did heavy shit like this when the family called upon them. Funny thing was, they lived all over the place and rarely settled in one place too long. They did have investments in various clubs and other businesses they had other people run. They were powerful, wealthy men and resourceful.

  “Okay, Star, you’re running this operation, our woman’s life is in your hands. Are you certain the count of guards is accurate and all security around the perimeter can be disengaged?”

  “They won’t hear us coming in. They won’t know we’re even in there until it’s too late. The concern is locating where Nalia is once we’re inside. It’s not such a small place. We take out everyone, no witnesses, no evidence left behind,” Star warned as if Cosivan and his men were not so experienced. It didn’t really piss Cosivan off. He would be saying the same thing if he was leader of this.

  “No evidence, but can’t promise not to make these fuckers suffer,” he added and Star nodded.

  He spoke into his mic.

  “On my count of three, we begin,” he said and they heard the command loud and clear through their earpieces. They would be in constant communication so that when Nalia was located they all could do whatever was necessary to get to her. He glanced at his brothers and their angry, ice cold expressions. They were desperate to find Nalia and bring her home. Desperate to hold her in their arms and make this up to her. They let their guard down, and here they were nearly two months of searching, of longing to have her back and coming up empty handed with every search, and now they found her. Or so he hoped.

  * * * *

  “Take a sip of this. It will help,” Malayna whispered as she helped Nalia drink.

  “Oh God, what is this?” she asked her. It tasted disgusting.

  “It’s a bunch of herbs and things that help numb pain but also give energy to your system like a reboot.”

  “Reboot? I want to lay here and not move at all.”

  “No, you need to drink and be ready. Vlladim is getting impatient. I fear he’s going to try to touch me, or worse. I saw how Cornikup was touching you. He wants you, Nalia. We have to make a move and try to escape.”

  Nalia’s eyes widened. “My damn ankle is worse.”

  Malayna looked down.

  “It may be broken. It’s awfully swelled up and way worse than yesterday. We’ll figure it out.”

  She touched Malayna. “We’ll have to kill them,” she whispered and Malayna swallowed hard.

  “Then I need a gun. This knife won’t do,” she said and showed Nalia the knife.

  Suddenly they heard arms going off.

  “Take this,” Malayna said to her and gave her the knife.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To try and find a weapon and see what is happening.”

  As she turned, the door burst open.

  Malayna stood up as Vlladim headed toward her and Cornikup stomped toward Nalia. They had guns and looked panicked.

  “Cornikup?” Malayna said aloud as Vlladim grabbed her arm.

  “We need to move. Now.”

  “Get up. They won’t find you. I’ll kill you before I let them ruin my plans.” Cornikup struck Nalia across the mouth and then gripped her, pulling her up to stand. Her ankle gave out and she cried out in pain. She heard Malayna scream and saw Vlladim dragging her toward another set of doors.

  “Fuck you,” Nalia screamed out and used both hands and arms as a bat and slammed into his arms. The gun fell from his hands and she lost her balance and fell to the ground. She saw the knife and gripped it but the boot landed against her shoulder and she fell back down.

  She scrambled over, grabbing the knife and as Cornikup ripped her dress, pulling her up off the ground, she struck the knife at his face. He hollered and grabbed his face. She used both hands, still locked in chains, to swing the knife at him again and again. She cut his stomach through the shirt he wore and then somehow got up on her knees and lunged for him again.

  He went down and they scrambled for the knife. She felt the cut to her side as she screamed in anger and pain but kept fighting. They were rolling and she somehow wrapped her chains between her wrists around his neck. She pulled back. His hands gripped the chain to try and stop her from choking him. With the little strength she had left she pulled back. He landed hard on top of her, back to her chest. She wrapped her legs around his midsection, squeezing, clenching her teeth as she pulled the one around his neck tighter. This was it. It was either he died or she died.

  She heard the gurgling and him shaking then the crack, just as the doors burst open and her strength left her. She thought she was going to die. That the ones entering were Cornikup’s men but then she heard her name.

  “Nalia!” Viktor’s voice filled the dim room and then there was gunfire echoing in the background and her men shoving Cornikup off of her.

  “Oh God, she’s alive. She’s alive,” Viktor said into his wrist. Chatham cupped her cheeks and she moaned in pa

  “Fuck, she’s bleeding in multiple places,” he said and then more light shown on her.

  “She has stab wounds,” Boian said.

  They were all dressed in black, looking like military insurgents. She blinked her eyes and shook. Then other men were standing there.

  “The place is clear. Our men are on foot outside the perimeter for anyone who could have escaped.”

  “Malayna. You have to save Malayna,” she said and grabbed on to Viktor.

  “We need to get the hell out of here, now,” another voice she didn’t recognize chimed in.

  “Let’s get her up. We can look over her injuries on the plane.”

  She grabbed on to Cosivan as she felt her head spinning and weakness beginning to overtake her. There was another man next to him. She clenched her teeth.

  “You must find Malayna and save her.”

  “Who the hell is she talking about?” the other man asked.

  “Cosivan, she’s Nicolai’s daughter,” she told them.

  “What? His daughter is here?” another man said.

  “Nalia, Nicolai doesn’t have a daughter besides Aspen,” Viktor said to her.

  “He does. It has to do with your father and the whole reason behind the revenge and the killings.”

  “Malayna is here? You’re certain?” this other man asked. She didn’t know if she should reply.

  “Nalia, this is Star, he’s part of a team Nicolai sent in to rescue you with us. Trust him,” Cosivan told her.

  “It’s her. I swear it is. Vlladim wants her and took her just as Cornikup came in here trying to take me.”

  “We have to find her,” Star said then stepped away and spoke into his mic.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Chatham said, lifting her into his arms.

  She held on to him and felt her other men touching her, caressing her. She looked at Boian and Cosivan. “Go with them. Vlladim is evil, and Malayna won’t be able to fight him.”

  * * * *

  Malayna was trying to slow Vlladim down as she fell several times along the border of the property. She could still hear gunfire and then the sound of yelling.

  When she heard her name, she instinctively screamed out. “Help!”

  Vlladim struck her and she fell to the ground. When he reached for her she kicked at him and used what strength she had to fight him off.

  She heard her name again and it sounded like it was coming closer.

  “Help!” she cried out and Vlladim grabbed her shirt and yanked her up but she stayed on her knees, making him struggle. She heard more yelling and turned to see men running toward them.

  Vlladim gripped her throat and she thought he was going to kill her right here. She slammed her hands at his arms. “This isn’t over. I will hunt you until you’re mine again.” He struck her so hard she fell back onto the ground, feeling dizzy and out of sorts.

  “Malayna?” She heard her name and saw a man in black with bright blue eyes staring down at her. She tried to move and couldn’t. She was so dizzy. He placed his hands over her belly.

  “Don’t move. We’re here to help you. Nalia sent us,” he said to her and Malayna felt the tears fill her eyes.

  Then other men were there, too. “This is her? What happened to Vlladim?” some other man asked.

  “He took off that way,” the blue-eyed guy said as he put a flashlight over her and checked her injuries.

  “Cosivan and Luca went after him,” another man said and he leaned down. “Malayna, I’m one of Nalia’s men. You’re safe now. We’re going to bring you home to your father.”

  “My father?” she asked.

  The man with the blue eyes nodded. “We’ll get you there. My men and I will ensure your safe return to Nicolai,” he said and then reached for her to pick her up.

  She heard them talking as he carried her in his arms and she lay against his shoulder. She felt numb, yet safe until she heard one of the men talking. “They can’t find him. Vlladim got away.”

  “Send them back. We need to get the hell out of here, daylight is on our asses,” he told them in a commanding tone as he carried her through the darkness and to an awaiting vehicle. It was over. She was finally free.

  * * * *

  Nicolai fell slowly to his chair as he listened to Star speak to him on the phone. Karlicov was there with him as word came in that Nalia was alive and safe. They needed to stop for medical attention for her. It was pretty bad.

  “Nicolai, Nalia found Malayna. She was being held prisoner all these years by Cornikup and this guy, Vlladim.”

  “What?” he asked and looked at Karlicov.

  “Oh my God,” Karlicov said and stood up, placing his hand on Nicolai’s shoulder. He knew his right hand man knew the story and how long they searched for her. Star and his team had gone on various hunts that led to nothing at all.

  “Star, it’s her? You’re certain?”

  “Yes, sir, it seems to be her. She has a concussion and some bruising. She’s insistent on remaining with Nalia, because Nalia saved her life.”

  “How is Nalia? What are her injuries?” he asked.

  “She has knife wounds, a broken ankle, and lots of cuts and bruising. Cornikup and Vlladim worked her over good. We’re about ten minutes out from a medical facility,” Star told them.

  “And Cornikup and Vlladim?” Nicolai asked as Karlicov gripped the desk.

  “Vlladim disappeared as we stopped him from taking Malayna, and Cornikup is dead.”

  “So you got him? It’s over?” Karlicov said.

  “Nalia killed him,” Star said and Karlicov lowered his head. Nicolai was in shock.

  “Bring our daughters home safely, Star. Thank everyone for us as well.”


  Nalia gasped and then moaned loudly before she felt the warm, large hands caressing her skin. “You’re safe, Milaya,” Cosivan whispered.

  Her mind began to process what was going on and where she was. The sounds were somewhat familiar as machines beeped and the scent of antiseptic filled her nostrils. She blinked her eyes open and saw all the people there. She felt the tears emerge. It was real. She was rescued. She was safe. Nalia tried to see clearly but this groggy feeling consumed her and her head and body felt so heavy. Then came the sound of her father’s voice. She turned slightly, feeling an ache but then she felt his hand on her shoulder.

  “You amaze me, Nalia. So strong, so persistent to fight and fight and stay alive.” He kissed her forehead and she felt the tears fill her eyes. She loved her father so much. That thought made her think of Malayna.

  She gasped. “Malayna,” she said and went to push up and cringed.

  “No, lay still,” multiple voices said to her. She blinked her eyes and saw her men, and then the door to the room opened and two very large men came walking in with Malayna. She had a bandage on her head, and a swollen lip. The guys moved out of the way and Malayna began to cry. So did Nalia.

  She got to the bed and hugged Nalia. “Thank you. You saved my life and I could never pay you back,” she said.

  “Sure you can,” Nalia whispered.

  Malayna pulled back and looked at her. “How?”

  “By being my friend, besides my family.”

  Malayna smiled and hugged her again.

  “Friends for life,” she said and Nalia smiled then cringed.

  “What’s going on in here? She can’t have this many people here.” The doctor came into the room and slowly everyone began to leave. Nalia closed her eyes, feeling so tired and just heavy like she could lay here and sleep forever.

  She felt the fingers stroking her hair and then lips press against her cheek.

  “You need to rest,” Boian said to her and she gave a soft smile. She looked at all her men who gathered around her now. Viktor stood on the other side next to Chatham and they both had a hand on her arm. Dusty and Boian were on the left side both caressing her skin and Cosivan stood at the end of the bed, arms crossed and very serious.

  “I missed you so much. I was so scared that I would never see you again.” The tears fell and her men looked serious and hard.

  “We never should have let our guard down,” Chatham said to her.

  “No, Chatham, it was out of your control. No one, not even Nicolai, knew about Cornikup and his plan of revenge. I knew you would eventually find me, that you would never give up.”

  “Did you really, or are you just saying that?” Boian asked her. She thought about it a moment and gave a wise guy expression. Even though she planned on fighting until she died if necessary, she did hold on to a hope that her men would search and rescue her.

  “Hello? You’re my American soldiers. Of course you would find me. Besides, you’re my lucky charms,” she said and closed her eyes.

  She felt the kiss to her lips and blinked one eye open to see Viktor. “Your lucky charms? What happened to number thirteen not being lucky for you?” he teased.

  “Not being lucky? The number thirteen means everything to me. I was born on Friday the 13th. I found out about my father on my thirteenth birthday. You found me after thirteen weeks on the run. I can go on and on, but the very best is so obvious. It’s the five of you. You’re my everything. The loves of my life, my own personal bodyguards, my American soldiers, and my lucky Team 13.”

  She closed her eyes and smiled softly. “Yup, I’d say thirteen is indeed the luckiest number I’ve ever known.”




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.


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