Diamond, A Girl's Best Friend [Diamonds Are Forever Book 2]

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Diamond, A Girl's Best Friend [Diamonds Are Forever Book 2] Page 1

by Peggy Hunter

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  Whiskey Creek Press


  Copyright ©2009 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  Published by

  Other Books by Author Available at Whiskey Creek Press:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  About the Author

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  Peggy Hunter



  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052


  Copyright © 2009 by Peggy Hunter

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-60313-645-7


  Cover Artist: Vinessa Riley

  Editor: Chere Gruver

  Printed in the United States of America

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Other Books by Author Available at Whiskey Creek Press:


  A Lesson in Passion

  Tempting Tara

  The Lyon's Heart

  The Knight Before Christmas

  Will's Rocky Way

  April's Fool

  The Wrong Mr. Wright

  Sweet Revenge

  The Fox and the Heir

  Who Wants to Be the Millionaire's Mistress?

  Diamonds Are Forever Book One: Diamond In the Rough

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  For Kathie.

  You are and will always be my dear friend.

  Thank you for being you.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 1

  Brianna O'Ryan grabbed a towel and wiped perspiration from her brow before she sat down. “Are you serious?"

  "Yes, I am,” Zachary Diamond replied as he plunked his ass on the bench beside her. “I want you to attend my brother's wedding with me."

  "Come on, Zach,” she said as her green eyes darkened. He knew the wheels in her head were turning. “Just admit it."

  He stared at her. “Admit what?"

  "You couldn't talk one of the women you screw on a daily basis to go with you."

  Zach grinned. “You think you know me so well,” he said as he wiped his face with a towel.

  Bri laughed. “Of course I do. I just beat your ass at squash because I could anticipate your every move."

  Okay, so he had to give her that much. She was a formidable opponent on the court. But that didn't mean she knew everything about him. He curled the towel around his neck and looked at his best friend. “The fact is I'm taking a break."

  Brianna chuckled. “Oh really?"

  Zach tensed. He didn't like being put on the defensive ... not with anyone, and that included Bri, best friend or not. As CEO of Diamond Industries, Zach was not used to defending his decisions. And he sure as hell never felt the need to defend himself in personal relationships. “Yeah, really,” he said, his jaw tense.

  "So you figure I'm safe.” It wasn't a question.

  "Sure you are,” Zach replied with conviction.

  Bri placed her towel on the bench beside her and leaned back against the concrete wall. “Why should I go with you?"

  Zach gazed at her. He'd met Bri almost a year ago when, after a particularly bad day at the office, he'd wandered into O'Ryan's Bar and Grill. Although the bar was located just a block from the Diamond Industries building, Zach had never been there before. Bri was tending bar.

  Zach was instantly attracted to her. Long auburn hair always tied back in a ponytail or some sort of knot, her petite body was perfect in every way ... or at least it was from what he could see of it. Zach witnessed right off that she was feisty. When a burly drunken man came into the bar and insisted upon being served, Bri didn't bat an eye when she refused. And when he threatened to get physical, Bri's sea green eyes darkened. No matter how big they were, she wasn't going to take shit off them. The drunken guy eventually agreed to let her call a cab to take him home.

  He'd left the bar that night bent on finding out just who she was. His sources quickly returned with a report ... the only child of Thomas O'Ryan, whose great-grandfather came from Ireland and opened an inn in downtown Toronto, which down the years became O'Ryan's Bar and Grill. Her mother, Mary, died of cancer when Bri was seven years old. She was pretty much raised in the bar her father owned ever since.

  Though Bri's stature was small, some might even say delicate, her personality was as large as life. Zach admired everything about her. Unfortunately, his sources revealed something that would keep a sexual relationship from ever happening. Brianna O'Ryan was a lesbian.

  "Because that's what best friends do,” he replied simply. “They help each other during times of need.” The fact Bri was off-limits for any man made a difference too.

  Brianna got up from the bench. Turning her back to him, she tore the band from her hair, letting the riot of auburn tresses free. Zach loved her long out-of-control hair, and had often wished he could run his fingers through it.

  As she ran her fingers through her long tresses, she replied very simply, “No."


  Brianna whirled around. Her eyes speared him. “No, I won't go to your brother's wedding with you."


  "Because, if you weren't taking a so-called break, you wouldn't even consider asking me."

  She was right. Zach couldn't deny it. They'd been friends for only for a year but Brianna seemed to have a sixth sense ... an ability to see through him. Too bad she hadn't had her sixth sense in play when it came to her latest relationship.

  "So what?” he said. “Maybe taking off for Manitoba for a long weekend will get your mind off Dawn."

  Bri's face fell and she turned away from him again. “Why did you have to bring that up?"

  Zach felt guilty. He knew he'd mentioned her broken relationship for his own gain. But he'd never intended to hurt her. She didn't protest when his hands gently cupped her shoulders and turned
her to face him.

  When she looked up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, it took everything within Zach to keep himself in check. He wanted to pull her against him and tell her she'd never be hurt again if only she gave herself to him. Damn it! He wanted her in his bed.

  "I'm sorry,” he said softly. “You know I'd never intentionally hurt you."

  "I know,” Bri replied. “It's just that my feelings are still pretty raw...” her voice trailed off.

  "You really loved Dawn, didn't you?"

  Bri sniffled. “I thought I did. I thought we were soul mates."

  And therein lay the problem. Zach knew there was no such thing as a soul mate. He'd tried to tell Bri so many times within the past year, but she was convinced Dawn was meant to be her life partner.

  He knew he shouldn't feel sorry for her. She'd had her head stuck in the clouds for a long time in spite of his frequent warnings. He often thought if Bri were one of his male friends, he'd have ripped into her more. But he simply could not laugh at her fallen dreams. Even though he knew Bri was off-limits, he wanted to find a way to comfort her, to assure her that life would indeed go on.

  "Look,” Zach said, “I can't fix your broken heart. But I can whisk you away for a few days. Maybe a change of scenery will help you get over that shithead."

  Bri's eyes brightened. “You know, when you put it that way, it makes sense."

  Zach grinned widely. “Good!"

  "When I look at you, I realize you're much worse off than I am."

  Zach's grin fell. “What do you mean?"

  "I mean, you have sex with any woman who appeals to you but you have no idea what it's like to be in love."

  Zach wasn't about to discuss his relationships. His eyes narrowed. “Are you coming with me or not?"

  "You're paying?"

  Zach nodded.

  Bri shrugged. “In that case, why not?"

  * * * *

  "Let me get this straight,” Julie Thorton said as she watched her friend pack her bags. “Zachary Diamond, CEO of Diamond Industries, the sexiest man alive, the guy every woman wants in her bed, asked you to attend his brother's wedding with him."

  Bri cast a frown at her friend. “Stop drooling,” she said. “My relationship with Zach isn't like that."

  "Not by your choice,” Julie pointed out.

  No. Not by her choice. The moment Zach walked up to the bar a year ago and ordered a Martini, Bri was smitten. Tall and muscular with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to penetrate her soul, he was everything a woman might dream about. When she learned who he was, the fact he was a gazillionaire added to the fantasy. If she hadn't been madly in love at the time, she'd have gladly taken Zach to her bed.

  Not that Zach would have considered her as a lover. In fact, she was surprised someone like the great Zachary Diamond would take any kind of interest in her at all.

  Yet they'd developed a friendship. As manager of O'Ryan's Bar and Grill, Bri tended bar and generally kept watch over the goings-on every night. Zach was always a pleasant change of scenery when he came in. And he seemed to like her from the start. Soon they were having coffee and spending an afternoon on the squash court at the local gym.

  While Bri was sure she'd seen desire in Zach's eyes from time to time, he never once made a move toward a sexual liaison between them. Though it was disappointing at first, Bri came to accept the fact she wasn't his type. Besides, the friendship they'd developed was much better than any relationship she'd ever had.

  "I'm very content with my relationship with Zach,” she said as she dumped another armload of clothes into her suitcase. “At least I have a relationship with him. That's a lot more than what you have going with his younger brother."

  "Hey!” Julie said scornfully. “I'm sorry I ever told you about my crush on Maxwell Diamond."

  "Relax,” Bri said, waving a hand in the air before she wrestled with the zipper on her overstuffed suitcase. “You've been hiding in the mail room at Diamond Industries for two years. Your secret crush is safe with me."

  Truth be told, even if she mentioned Julie's name to Zach, she was sure he'd have no clue who she was. And while Julie secretly admired Zach's youngest brother from afar, Bri thought the woman had little chance of ever getting his attention.

  The Diamond men seemed completely oblivious to women ... unless they wanted to get laid. Even the old man, Edward Diamond, had gone through three failed marriages before he married a woman a quarter of his age. If the old man thought he'd found his happily ever after, he was sadly mistaken. Like his previous wives, Samantha Diamond was soon crying about her need for his money to maintain the life she'd grown accustomed to while sleeping with the old man. And Edward, like the fool he was, accepted it and paid the bitch handsomely.

  It was truly no wonder Zach, the son of Edward's second marriage, didn't believe in love or happily ever after. Considering what he'd witnessed over the years, it was amazing Zach would even consider a woman as a friend.

  As attracted as she was to Zach, Bri knew he was a broken toy. And she needed to believe she'd finally meet the right man who would make all her dreams come true. She'd decided not to focus her energy on Zach soon after they became friends.

  When Don White walked into the bar one night and chatted with Bri, she thought he was too good to be true too. But he was everything ... well, almost everything ... she'd wanted in a man. Several months later, Bri discovered he wasn't her knight in shining armor after all and ended the relationship. She wasn't sure why she broke it off. All she knew was she needed something more ... something Don wasn't able to give. Having no idea what that certain something was, Bri decided to continue looking. Surely she'd recognize it when she finally found it.

  "Thanks,” Julie said. She flopped down on Bri's bed, her long blond hair fanning against the pillows. Julie's stunning violet eyes stared at the ceiling as she took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. “If only Maxwell asked me to go to his brother's wedding. Sometimes I ache all over for him."

  Bri suppressed a chuckle as she lifted her suitcase off the bed and set it on the floor. Max Diamond was way more out of Julie's league than Zach was of hers. Yet Julie was young, just twenty-four. She had so much to learn about life and, unfortunately, the learning wouldn't begin until she'd had a few hard knocks.

  "Maybe it's time for you to make your feelings known,” Bri said as she lugged her suitcase to the bedroom door.

  Julie sprang upright on the bed. “Do you think I should?"

  Bri stifled her true opinion. The kid had no idea what she was up against. But telling the truth wouldn't stop her anyway. “Sure, the sooner the better. At least then you'll know if Maxwell has an interest in you."

  Julie flew off Bri's bed and ran through the bedroom door ahead of her. “You're right,” she said. “I need a plan.” Julie raced to the apartment door and opened it. Then she breathlessly turned to Bri. “Will you help me plan something?"

  Bri frowned. She wasn't so sure helping Julie attract Maxwell Diamond was the best way to go. If anything, she should be encouraging the girl to meet other men. “Oh, I don't know—"

  Julie's blue eyes glistened with tears. “Oh, Bri, please help me. I love Maxwell Diamond so much!"

  Bri wanted to laugh. How on earth could Julie love a man she'd never even met face to face? Still, she liked Julie and had taken her under her wing the first time she walked into her father's bar and grill two years ago. Fresh from the country and, at twenty-one, ten years Bri's junior, Julie had an innocent nature Bri felt compelled to protect. “Sure,” she said finally. “I'll help in any way I can."

  Julie smiled widely just before she ran out of the apartment. Bri's reassuring smile faded the moment her friend left. Hell. Bri hadn't been able to draw more from Zach than a friendship. How in the heck could she help Julie attract his youngest brother?

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 2

  Dust billowed behind the limousine as it made its way towar
d Alexander Diamond's ranch. Three hours after they'd left the airport in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the sleek black limo hit dirt roads. The trip seemed endless, especially since Bri had to pee in the worst way. She should have turned down the second glass of mineral water offered on the Diamond family jet. Served over ice with a twist of lemon, it had been presented to her like she was the Queen of Sheba. Bri simply could not resist asking for a second glass.

  Zach sat far away from her, against the other door of the limo. Since they'd landed, he'd either had his laptop open or was talking on his cell phone. He offered an occasional smile when their eyes happened to meet. Bri wasn't sure she liked this Zach, the one who was comfortable in a stretch limo as he managed Diamond Industries via his cell phone and laptop. He was nothing like the man she'd befriended. He was stoic, tense and, she had to admit, a bit of a prick. She felt for the last person he'd talked to ... someone named Kevin ... who'd taken a tongue lashing when something, somewhere, didn't go as well as Zach expected it would.

  When the limo hit another pothole, Bri was drawn from her concerns about Zach to a much bigger concern ... her bladder felt like it was going to explode.

  "Just when will we get there?” Bri moaned.

  Zach gazed at her blankly ... his mind clearly on Diamond Industries. “What?"

  Bri gritted her teeth against the pain of her overloaded bladder. “How much farther to your brother's ranch?"

  "No idea.” Zach leaned forward and touched a finger to the intercom. “When will we arrive at our destination?"

  "Approximately thirty minutes,” the chauffeur replied.

  Zach looked at Bri and nodded lightly. Her question had been answered.

  When Zach nonchalantly opened his cell phone to make another call, Bri darted across the seat and closed her hand over his. “I can't wait another half-hour."

  Zach's eyes darkened as he frowned. “I don't think we have much of a choice."

  Bri rolled her eyes. “I have to pee,” she said.

  "Well, we aren't far from the ranch—"


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