Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 2

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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 2 Page 75

by Elle Thorne

  And again.

  Over and over.

  He released a low, long, drawn out groan, grunted once, then flipped her with a swift wrestling-style move. With one fierce push, he plunged in, filling, demanding, punishing, claiming.

  Lani pushed against him, taking him deeper, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  The intimacy of their merged breathing, the sounds of their sex, the smacking of skin against skin, was too much.

  Starbursts appeared behind her closed lids, like uber-sparklers. Her body felt like it belonged to a wild, wanton woman. She dug her nails into the carpeting, climaxing with a long moan, biting on her lip to keep the frenzied scream that threatened to explode from her lungs.

  His grip on her hips was ferocious. He pulled her tightly against him and was still while his cock pulsated streams of his passion deep within.

  Judge swept the hair on her neck aside, placing his lips on her nape. His breath was warm, his body hot against hers.

  She bit a sob back.

  I shouldn’t have done this.

  How would she ever be able to work with him, day in, day out without wanting him. Without sensing that he wanted her.

  She sensed his bear’s conviction that she was their mate.

  What she couldn’t convey to him was how this couldn’t happen. She couldn’t disappoint her family, her community.

  She didn’t swipe at the tear that made its way down her cheek. She didn’t want him to know.

  * * *

  The next morning, Judge woke feeling as if the largest piece of a puzzle had finally settled into place. He awakened Lani with a kiss on her shoulder. She’d leaned back, her body pressed into his.

  Then jumped up, a horrified look on her face.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Then she grabbed clothing, half-putting it on, half-carrying it, and ran out, leaving behind a very confused, very naked Judge.

  With morning wood.

  Chapter Six

  Judge snapped himself back to the moment at hand. Lani had just walked out on him.


  Anger renewed itself in Judge. His bear roared in frustration, insisting they go after Lani. He opened the door as the engine of her car purred to life. Judge ran inside, grabbed his keys and headed toward his vehicle.

  The sight before him drew him up short.

  A knife lay on the ground next to his tire.

  Next to his flat tire.


  Admiration at her quickness in action and thought rose in him, even though she’d thwarted him. Behind her departing vehicle, dust gathered and settled.

  But she hadn’t won this one. Not yet. Not by a long shot.

  This is my mountain.

  Judge gave his bear his way. The morphing was excruciating, but swift, thanks to Judge’s ability to shift adeptly. A few bone-crunching and sinew-tearing seconds later, Judge had shifted into his bear and was heading down the mountain at a breakneck lope. He could beat her down the mountain, she had to take all the curves. His path would be straight.

  Maybe a bit treacherous.

  Maybe a lot.

  But then he’d be at the third curve and could stand in front of her car. She’d have to stop. They’d talk. They had a lot to talk about.

  From her AWOL, to Pepper, to why she left their unit and wouldn’t respond to his calls.

  Yeah, we have a lot to cover.

  But right now he had a lot of ground to cover.

  He barreled between trees, oblivious to the terrain and roots that reached upward, almost tripping him over and over.

  Out of breath, his bear’s heart beating mightily in his chest, he pushed on, saliva dripping from open jaws, unaware of the frightful sight he’d make to a human, this out of control, rabid-appearing bear.

  * * *

  Tears blinded Lani’s sight, making everything blurry, making the road precarious to careen down. She swiped at her cheeks.

  That did nothing to improve her vision. She should slow down, but the last thing she needed was to be close to Judge. His essence was still making her body vibrate in response, as though her Intuitive senses were on high alert. Or as if he was getting closer.


  She had to figure out how to help Pepper on her own, but right now, she needed to be as far from Judge as she could. Nausea rose in her tummy, knots and bile joined forces. She dry-heaved, catching herself midway, swallowing nothing down.

  “Damn it.” She barely managed the words out when a large entity, brown, furry, appeared in front of her.

  Lani tried to react. She swerved. She hit the brakes. She couldn’t have said what happened—did she over-correct? Did her car underreact?

  In the split second she hit the entity, she realized it was a grizzly.



  Red and orange glowing in its eyes.

  Something else was in its eyes.

  Lani didn’t have the time to figure out what it was. Her car spun, refused to obey and began a slide, ricocheting off a tree.

  Her head snapped in one direction while it seemed her car went in another.

  With an unyielding snap, her temple slammed into the car’s window.

  The world went dark. Instantly, shutting her off completely.

  Chapter Seven

  Judge froze.

  Lani slammed on the brakes, but the car clipped him just as she swerved, sending the vehicle hurtling into the trees on the wrong side of the mountain—the side facing downhill.

  Judge stumbled, his side felt like it was on fire. He fell forward on all fours, then crumpled briefly.

  His bear bellowed, rising to unsteady paws.

  Lani’s car dangled precariously off the ledge, held in place only by a few young trees. Judge loped, limping, to the driver side of the car, shifting into his human form rapidly. Thankfully his training as an Enforcer allowed him to keep his proficiency at shifting. Too bad it didn’t lessen the pain. Just made the process quicker, so the pain didn’t last as long.

  He drew to a stop next to her car door. The side window had blood on it. She was slumped forward, clearly unconscious.

  Judge tugged on the door.

  The car made a creaking sound—or maybe that was the trees. It teetered, then settled back in.

  Not good.

  It could fall at any moment.

  He pulled on her door handle, opening it, and pushed her head backward, hoping he wouldn’t create more damage from doing that.

  Blood dripped down her temple toward her cheek.

  He grunted as a stabbing pain seized near his ribs.

  He didn’t have the time for this shit. He needed to get her out of the car before it fell.

  Judge tugged her out of the car, glad she hadn’t fastened her seatbelt.

  Then again maybe that would have kept her from hitting her head.

  Another set of hands reached for her. He turned to look at the newcomer.

  “Lance,” he grunted through the pain.

  “Step back. We’ll get her.” Cross stepped up, putting his hand on Judge’s side.

  “No. I can’t lose her.” Judge groaned from the touch, though it shouldn’t have hurt, not normally, not if he hadn’t been hit by a speeding car.

  “Mac,” Lance called out. “Take care of Judge. He’s bleeding.”

  Judge looked down, saw blood on his shirt. He glanced up. Mac, Lance’s mate was raising his shirt.

  Next to Judge, Lance and Cross had taken a still-unconscious Lani out of her car.

  Not a moment too soon, as her car made a protesting groan and slid down the mountainside, rolling several times in an angled clearing, then landing with a thunderous thud.

  “What the hell is going on up here?” Cross’s voice seemed loud to Judge’s ears.

  Mac touched his rib. Judge grunted from the pain and pushed her hand away, shaking his head. “Take care of Lani. I’m fine.”

  Mac frowned at him. “You’ve always been too ha
rdheaded for your own good.”

  She turned toward Lani. Judge couldn’t tear his eyes off Lani’s pale face.

  “She’ll be fine. Let’s get her to the clinic, though,” Mac said. “I want to get an X ray and check her vitals. She hit her head, maybe a concussion. We’ll take her.” She indicated toward Lance to get the oversized suburban.

  “I’m riding with you,” Judge announced.

  “Not a chance,” Cross said. “You’re riding with me and Ariadne. You have some questions to answer.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving her alone,” Judge snapped at his older brother.

  He helped them get Lani in the car, reclining her in the extended cargo area that Mac used for transporting, they laid a blanket beneath her. Judge crawled in next to her, favoring his injured side. He stretched out his legs in front of him, wincing as it pulled on the injury.

  As soon as he could be sure she was fine and safe with his brothers, he planned to go into a healing hibernation. Shouldn’t take long if he could only get into his bear form and hibernate. It always amplified and accelerated healing.

  “What are you guys doing?” Judge asked. “You were headed toward my Dragon’s Point.”

  “Yeah, you called. Then Cross talked to Griz. He said he had a feeling—that we should check on you.”

  “Griz has his fingers on the pulse of things more often than not,” Judge grumbled. He didn’t exactly mind that Griz seemed to always predict when he or one of his brothers needed him, but how he knew was confusing, to say the least.

  Lani moaned.

  Judge brushed her hair away from her face. “Lani, you’re going to be okay.”

  I hope.

  Lani’s eyes fluttered open. Her pupils dilated, then her lids closed again, then opened. She focused on Judge’s face. “What—who—where am I?” She tried to raise her head, then dropped it again. Her hand reached toward the bloody laceration.

  Judge caught her hand just in time and held it away from the injury. “You had an accident. We’re taking you to Mac’s clinic. She’s going to do some tests. Run an X ray.”

  Lani’s eyes widened. She wriggled, struggling to rise. “No. No X ray.”

  Judge frowned. What’s the big deal?

  “I’m sure it’s fine. Mac’s good.”

  “You don’t—no—I can’t.” She panted, almost seemed to be hyperventilating.

  She jerked her arm up, striking his injured side.

  He flinched, fighting to keep the grimace of pain from his face. “Okay. Relax.” What the hell was her problem with getting checked by Mac?

  He leaned back, closed his eyes against the pain.


  Trying not to keep his pain from ruling his senses, while also struggling to push his feelings for Lani back, Judge opened them again. “Yeah?”

  She’d turned her head and her face was almost touching his thigh. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “That was you I hit? Your bear? I didn’t mean—”

  “I know. I know you didn’t.”

  “I’m okay, really.”

  “I’m an Intuitive. You can’t lie to me.”

  He fought to keep his pulse even, even though he wasn’t sure if that was how she read his emotions. Pulse-reading was how shifters ascertained another’s fear, joy, sadness, as well other emotions.

  “Who said I’m lying?”

  “Judge.” That single word came off her lips in a sigh.

  The sigh tugged at Judge’s gut, at his heart, at his bear’s soul. Then the anger set in.

  She walked away.

  He turned his head toward the window.

  Damned if he’d let her see the emotions on his face.

  Moments later, or maybe forever later, they pulled up in front of Mac’s clinic, part of the Bear Canyon Wildlife Reserve Mac was the head of.

  Judge helped Lance get Lani out of the vehicle, even though the effort made his side feel like he was being stabbed—over and over again. He gritted his teeth against the pain and put his arm around Lani. She was more important right now. She hit her head.

  Mac was already inside, a medical bag in her hand.

  “I can walk.” Lani nudged herself away from Judge’s hold. “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Mac had put on her best bedside manner. “Come in here.”

  Lani gave her a wry smile. “I can’t believe I’m being treated in a vet’s office.” She pointed to Judge. “He needs help. I hit him with the car.”

  Mac snapped her head in Judge’s direction. “Is that what happened?”

  Judge nodded, giving Lani a dirty look for turning the attention away from her own needs. “It’s no biggie. I can wait ‘til you’re done with Lani.”

  I think.

  He leaned against the wall.

  “Bro,” Lance whispered. “You don’t look so hot.”

  “I’m fine. Nothing a short hibernation heal won’t take care of.”

  Lance frowned. “If you say so. I’m going to make sure Mac’s got this covered.”

  Cross and Ariadne walked in just as Lance went into the examination room.

  “Hey, got her car pulled out of the trees,” Cross said. “Called a tow truck. Where are they?”

  “Examination room.” Judge indicated with his head.

  “You’re next.” Cross’s voice was firm. “You’re not looking good. And your pulse is getting weaker.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Cross shook his head. “You’re not.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lani braced against the tightening of the blood pressure cuff. Why did they always have to get so tight?

  “So, you’re Lani.” Mac kept her eyes on the blood pressure monitor.

  Lani nodded. She didn’t pick up any negative vibrations from the blonde with the clear blue cornflower eyes. “You’ve heard of me?”

  Mac nodded. “Not until recently. Judge called Lance. Something about someone being AWOL. That’s you?”

  Lani nodded. Her Intuitive senses said she could absolutely trust the blond veterinarian.

  “Why’d you go AWOL? Aren’t there severe repercussions?”

  She gave another nod. “I had to.” She flinched when Mac touched near the head injury.

  “Hang on. A little sting.” She dabbed at the spot.

  Though really, if felt like she’d used a jackhammer on it.

  “Ouch!” She calls that a little sting? “I’d hate to see a big sting.”

  “Sorry.” Mac gave a sympathetic wince. “You don’t need stitches. Look here, please.” Mac shone a light in her eye, then in the other eye.

  “Hurting anywhere else? You were limping when you walked in. I have an X ray machine here.”

  “No! No X ray.”

  Mac raised Lani’s sleeve, tied a piece of elastic tubing over her bicep, and took out a syringe. “Just a little bit of blood. To be sure.”

  That didn’t seem normal, but Lani didn’t even think about it until after it was done.

  “So why are you AWOL? Why are you in Bear Canyon Valley?”

  “Word gets around, doesn’t it?”

  “Small valley. Close-knit shifter community. You know how it goes.”

  No, actually. I don’t.

  How could she possibly get it? She was from a different community. The Intuitives were more reserved, less likely to show emotions because they didn’t need to show them—they felt what others were feeling.

  That was what attracted Lani to Judge, to the shifter ways. Expressing rage, love, anger, sorrow, all of those emotions she’d always felt like she had to control.

  For an Intuitive, expressing emotions was like screaming, just wasn’t done. Not in public, and rarely in private.

  That includes sex.

  Sex didn’t seem to be anything like it had been with Judge. Loud, messy, sweaty, juicy, hot, full of pumping pulses, elevated blood pressure, heightened sensations.

br />   Lani realized she’d been so lost in her own thought, she hadn’t answered Mac. “Long story.”

  “I’ve got a few moments.” Mac slipped into a reach-in cooler and grabbed two bottled waters. She handed one to Lani.

  “I don’t have that much time.”

  “Give me the Cliff notes.”

  Persistent, much?

  Lani bit back the sigh of exasperation.

  “You never know,” Mac said, as if she could read Lani’s mind. “We may be able to help.”


  Cliff notes, here we go. “My best friend Pepper is missing. She’s an Intuitive, like me. You know what that is?”

  Mac nodded. “Lance told me. I do have some questions about that. They can wait though.” She waved her hand for Lani to continue.

  “Pepper freelances. She applied for the Compliance Unit when I did.” Lani grimaced. “She didn’t make it.” She blew a breath out. How could she sum up almost four years of Pepper’s freelancing? “Anyway, some of the organizations she works for…” She shrugged. “She has no business associating with those types.”

  “Like what types?”

  Another grimace. This part was hard to tell. Pepper was a good person, she didn’t engage in illicit activities. “Like maybe criminal organizations.”

  Mac took a long drink off the bottle, then wiped her lips with a tissue from the dispenser. “Why does she do that?”

  “She didn’t plan to. Guess she got involved with a guy…”

  Mac nodded. “Yeah—keep going.”

  “Didn’t find out until later that he wasn’t such a great guy.”


  A knock at the door interrupted Lani’s response.

  Lance peeked his head in. “You’re needed.”

  Mac gave him a strange look. “Right now?”

  “Yeah. In the back. Large animal bay.”

  “Wh—” Mac started.

  “Now, babe.” Lance took her by the hand. “Cross and Ariadne are back there now too.”

  “This way.” Mac nodded toward the door opposite the one they’d come in, clearly the one that led to the back. “I’ll be back in a couple,” she said to Lani.


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