Beach Daddy

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Beach Daddy Page 45

by Mia Ford

  “Well, I think that we should leave it up to fate,” I said with a smile. “When we run into each other again, we will know that is the perfect time to go out.”

  With that, I walked into my room and shut the door, standing there with my head pressed against the wood and butterflies lighting up my chest. Wow. Just wow.

  Chapter 11


  I stood there and watched as this captivating woman closed the door. While I would have loved to go inside and continue forward with our conversation and obviously more, I was okay with the fact that she was making this a little harder than most girls that I met. There was something about her that made me want to try harder. There was an innocence about her eyes that made me know that she was guarded, having been burned by this ex-boyfriend. Though I knew this was not about being long-term, I wasn’t against drawing this out past one date, and that was something completely new for me.

  I stood there by her door for a little while, my body leaning against the wall and my eyes blankly staring down the hall. I was replaying every way that her lips moved as she talked about her life back home and her dreams for the future. She was incredibly intelligent, I could tell, but she didn’t rub it in people’s faces at all.

  After about ten minutes, I decided that I should probably head back down. Not only was it slightly creepy that I was still standing there, but I knew that Glen would be waiting for me with some choice words on how I just dipped out on him and left him to clean up alone from the class. Hopefully, when I told him about how I was feeling, he would cut me some slack, playing on his whole “happily ever after” mentality. There wasn’t a girl I considered my happily ever after, but Bea had definitely caught my attention in a way that I had never experienced before. I had been traveling a long time and had met a lot of different girls, but there was something different about this one, something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  I turned and walked back toward the elevators, jumping onto one that a couple had just exited. The doors shut slowly, and I leaned up against the wall, crossing my arms in front of me and letting the smile that had been simmering below the surface finally come out in the open. When the doors opened, I got out and walked over to the bar where Glen was sitting, waiting for me to come back. He had actually walked in before I left, but he had sat down, seeing me talking to Bea, giving me a chance to talk to the girl I had been obsessing over for two days.

  “Thanks for leaving me completely alone at the top of the mountain to put everything away,” he said, sipping his beer. “Was it worth it? I mean, I saw you talking to the girl.”

  “Dude,” I said, letting out a deep breath, “It was more than worth it, no offense. There is something crazy special about that girl. She is a hell lot sexy, totally into me, but she is like a normal human being. She has dreams, aspirations, can hold a conversation, knows where Alaska is.”

  “Wow,” Glen said, laughing. “That is way above the curve for ski resorts.”

  “I know, right?”

  “So, did you bang her?” he asked. “I mean, if you did, it must have been like the best ever because you were up there for like fifteen minutes at the most.”

  “No, I did not bang her,” I said, laughing. “What are you like fifteen? We had a really good conversation, talked about like everything we could in that little span of time, and then I left her at her door.”

  “You mean she turned you down,” he said, smiling.

  “Yeah,” I replied chuckling. “But I was strangely okay with it. She thinks that if fate wants us to go back out, we will run into each other again.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I feel like maybe it’s time that I started to manipulate fate a little bit,” I said, laughing. “I mean, I can’t just meet this girl and then leave it up to chance. It just can’t happen.”

  I sat there looking around the room at all the women that were coming into the bar. There were some hot ones, but every time I started to check one out, Bea would pop into my mind. Her fair skin, striking eyes, and perfect body were giving me chills down my spine. All I wanted to do was go knock on her door with champagne and strawberries, but I knew that she wouldn’t appreciate it. This girl was different than any other girl I had ever met. She was more down to earth and appreciated something like getting to learn how to ski. I had never felt appreciated before, except by the women I pleasured late at night in the resorts I stayed in. This was a completely different kind of feeling. She actually listened to what I was saying when I was talking, and she could tell that I was doing the same thing. That, in itself, was a huge deal since I was usually zoned out half way, just waiting for the moment where the woman would invite me back to her place.

  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get her off my mind. I could see Glen watching me struggle, his eyebrows furrowed together. It was like the wires weren’t connecting in my brain, and I was having a very difficult time being the carefree guy I usually was. There had never been a girl that had caught my attention to the point where I was no longer able to just let it go when I got turned down. Normally, I would just brush it off, figuring there were plenty more where she came from, but not with Bea. This was something completely different. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realize a tall, hot brunette had walked up to us. I shook my head as Glen elbowed me.


  “I said, ‘hi, I’m Sylvia.’” She giggled. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over and sit with us, or I could buy you a drink, and we could talk.”

  “I, uh, I have a drink,” I said, sounding completely idiotic. “I mean, thank you, Cynthia.”

  “Sylvia,” Glen said, clearing his throat.

  “I mean Sylvia,” I corrected myself. “Thank you, but I am going to just spend the evening with my best friend tonight.”

  “All right,” she said, slightly snobbish.

  She turned and walked away, going back to her friends and whispering. They all looked over at me with nasty looks, and I turned back to the bar, not giving two shits whatsoever. I had never turned down a girl like that before, especially not one as hot as her, but my head was somewhere on the fifth floor, floating around the suite with Bea. How was I supposed to hit on someone else when I couldn’t even keep my mind on them for more than thirty seconds? This chick had really gotten into my head.

  I looked up at the bartender and nodded, signaling for another beer. When he came back, I ordered two shots of whiskey and passed one to Glen. He raised an eyebrow at me and picked up the shot, throwing it back and slamming it down on the bar at the same time as me. I breathed deeply, feeling the warm liquid flow down my throat and into my chest. I needed to calm the hell down. That was what I needed to do.

  “So, what’s going on?” Glen asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You just turned down a hot girl and then pounded down whiskey like you were soothing the pain.” He chuckled. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “I just don’t feel like dealing with women tonight. My head is swimming, and my mind is way too busy for me to be attentive enough to score with some girl. I’d rather just relax and then go up and get a good night’s sleep before we have to start all over again tomorrow, but with a ton of classes.”

  “Oh, because for a second there, I thought maybe this Bea chick had turned you off to all the others,” he said with a smirk.

  “Don’t be crazy,” I said, shaking my head. “I just need a break. That’s all. I mean, my manhood is going to be exhausted if I keep this up, and that isn’t going to bode well for me if I actually do land Bea.”

  Glen looked over and shook his head, smiling as if he knew something I didn’t. I rolled my eyes and went back to watching Sport’s Center on the muted television. When I was done with my beer, I paid the tab and stretched high in my chair. If I was going to sit around and watch television, I might as well do it in my room with sound and a fire.

  “All right,” I said, yawning. “I
’m going to call it a night.”

  “Bro, it’s like eight,” he said, laughing.

  “I know, I’m just not feeling it,” I said, standing up. “I’ll see you on the hill in the morning.”

  “All right,” he said. “Try not to think about your new girlfriend too much. It makes you grumpy.”

  “Try to get laid, you might actually get back in touch with reality,” I snapped back, smiling as I walked away.

  I took the elevator up to my floor, staring at the fifth-floor button. All I would have to do is press it, and I could show up at her room with a cheesy smile. I shook my head, practicing restraint, and got out on my floor and made my way to my room. Inside, the fire had been started by the maid, and I changed my clothes, putting on flannel pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. I sat down in the chair and flipped on the television, going from station to station, trying to find something other than Christmas movies to bide my time. I settled on the Hunger Games, but only made it halfway through before I started to yawn.

  I turned off the television and the lights and climbed into my bed, pulling the covers up to my chin and turning over on my back. I stared up at the ceiling, watching the shadows of the flames dance across the ceiling of my bedroom. There was no denying it. My mind was hellbent on staying completely focused on Bea. She was so beautiful and so sexy that I couldn’t help but want her. This want, however, was different than the others. It was like it went beyond physical attraction, and I found myself thinking about just sitting around talking to her and finding out more and more about her.

  This was so stupid. I couldn’t go and get attached to some girl at the resort when we were both headed in different directions after the new year. I was going to upstate New York, and she was going back to her home somewhere in Colorado, making anything more than just a few hot nights almost entirely impossible. But there was no denying it. I wasn’t going to be able to stay there, knowing she was so close, and not see her again. I needed to come up with a way to “run into her” without her knowing that it was completely planned. I wanted her to think that it was fate bringing us together, even though I didn’t believe in fate.

  I sat there for most of the night thinking about Bea, formulating a plan to get close to her once again.

  Chapter 12


  After gorging ourselves on room service, including an excess of desserts, we polished off another bottle of wine, and I wandered back to my bedroom, passing out face down in the bed. The only thing I remembered from falling asleep was wrapping the huge, down comforter around my body and sighing as sleep took me. It was not without dreams, though.

  I opened my eyes to find myself standing in an embankment of snow, wearing nothing more than a flowing, white silk gown. My feet were bare, and the wind blew my hair around me wildly, but I didn’t feel a bit of the cold. I stepped forward, looking through the swirling snow and out over the edge. I gasped, realizing I was at the top of Mount Denali, looking out over the beautiful landscape of Alaska. Above me, the night sky was alive, moving and glimmering from the colorful waves of the Aurora Borealis. I couldn’t believe how beautiful everything was, and I reached out, touching a fluttering cloud as it passed by the mountain top. I took in a deep breath and turned back to where I came from, wondering what I was doing all alone on top of this mountain. It was the same feeling I often had standing in my living room back in Colorado, looking out at the world from behind my windows, feeling completely alone.

  Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw movement, and I jumped back, peering into the drifting snow. Slowly, someone began to walk forward, and my heart raced, not knowing where to go or where to hide. From the swirling snow drifts came Cameron, walking forward in nothing more than his snow pants, the suspenders swinging at his sides. His upper body was bare, and his muscles rippled in the wind. I stood and watched as he made his way toward me, stopping just inches away and reaching out, grabbing my shoulders. He pulled me into him, leaning down and pressing his mouth against mine with a lust more intense than I had never known before. I whimpered in his arms as the wind blew wildly around us.

  When Cameron pulled away, his eyes pulsated like the lights in the sky, and he reached down and scooped me into his arms, cradling me tightly and staring deeply into my eyes. He turned and walked back toward where he came. As the snow cleared, I could see a large, four-poster bed with the same down comforter that I had curled my body in when I went to sleep. Carefully, he walked through the snow, gently laying me down on the bed and running his fingers up to the ties that held my dress on my shoulders. He untied each one and walked around to my feet, pulling on my dress and watching as the silky satin moved down my body, leaving me lying naked on the bed.

  Cameron pulled off his pants, and I watched as they fell down around his ankles before he crawled onto the bed and up toward me. Slowly, he inched his way forward, reaching for my thighs with his hands and pushing them apart, his body lowering down onto the covers and his head landing right above my pulsating mound. His eyes shimmered, and he licked his lips before pulling apart my folds and moving his tongue through my wetness. I gasped, unable to make any sound other than that, feeling the pressure in my stomach and chest scream out. His thumb rubbed hard against my clit, and his mouth ran circles through my lips. I could feel the warmth of his tongue above all other sensations, and the heat in my face glowed brightly.

  I laid there staring up at the ribbons of color flowing across the sky, feeling myself move in waves closer and then farther away from orgasm. I reached my hand down, feeling the soft, silky curls in my fingertips as he continued to eat my pussy hard and fast. As the winds shifted, I looked down as Cameron lifted his head, pulling himself over top of me and pressing his mouth wildly against mine. He pulled my arms up over my head and held my wrists tightly. He pulled his head back and stared into my eyes as his hips thrust forward, and he entered me, his cock being bigger than I could have possibly imagined. My mouth opened to moan, but nothing came out, starting the pleasure and suffering all over again.

  Over and over, he pushed his hips toward me, his huge dick thrusting in and out of my body, the heat in my stomach beginning to rise. I breathed heavily, feeling his hands gripping down on mine and our bodies smashing into each other. Finally, I was able to let out a sound, and my voice carried across the skies, interrupting the flow of color in the night sky. He growled into my ear, and I felt his huge shaft massaging every inch of my pussy. I pulled my legs up in the air and arched my back, knowing I was getting closer and closer. He let go of my hands and sat up, pulling my hips toward him and thrusting hard and fast, our skin slapping together with each push.

  I looked up at his eyes, darkened with lust, and could feel myself reaching the point of explosion. He gritted his teeth, the muscles in his chest contracting and his strong arms pulling my hips toward him, pushing his dick deeper inside of my body. As his hips cascaded against my clit, my head flew back, and I breathed in deeply, watching the waves of snow drifts swirl wildly around as the heat in my stomach exploded. Echoes of pleasure washed over me, and I closed my eyes, unable to comprehend the feeling which I was having.

  When I opened them again, my body collapsed in the bed, and I looked around, realizing I had woken from my dream. I sat up in the bed, breathing heavily, sweat peppering my forehead. Cameron was gone, left behind in the dream I had just had. I let out a deep breath and let my arms fall down to my sides, falling backward onto the pillow. I had just dreamt that I was having sex with Cameron, and for the first time in my life, I had a full-on orgasm from a dream. I looked around the room, almost embarrassed for the acts that I had performed in my head, knowing that unless I was screaming in my sleep, no one else knew of my fantasy.

  I pulled myself from the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom, splashing water on my flushed face. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and my body was shaking from the pleasure. I grabbed my clothes off the edge of the bed and pulled them on, moving back to the bedroom and slipping my b
oots onto my feet. It was still dark out, but it was late, so I knew the resort would be incredibly quiet. I tiptoed out of my room and took my jacket, gloves, and hat out of the pile and carefully left the hotel room. Once in the hall, I pulled on my layers and headed to the elevator, pressing the button and climbing inside. As the elevator moved down, I looked up at the numbers, wondering which one belonged to Cameron and what he was doing right at that moment. He was probably asleep, like I had been before his intrusion into my dream world.

  I stepped out into the lobby and nodded at the receptionist, who smiled kindly and watched me walk toward the doors. The cold air hit me hard in the face, unlike my dream where it felt like nothing more than cotton falling from the sky. Flashes of the dream kept moving across my mind, and I walked around the resort to the courtyard and took a seat on the covered benches. I looked up at the mountain in front of me, the slopes illuminated, but the lifts frozen in time. Everything was absolutely silent, almost painfully so, and then I looked up, watching small snowflakes begin to fall from the sky. As they hit my warm, flushed cheeks, they melted, leaving tiny flecks of water on my face. For the first time in a very long time, I actually felt like myself again. I hadn’t been at peace like that since long before Grant came into my life.

  There had actually been a time where I thought for sure that Grant was the peace and love that I was looking for. I was pretty sure that I had stayed so long in the relationship because I was craving that family, that bond, the things I should have known I would never get from him. Still, I had gotten so used to him, so used to the feelings that swirled through me when he was around, that I found it hard to break away. I was certain that him breaking it off from me had been the best thing that had ever happened to me. Finally, I had permission to go running in the opposite direction, finding a safe place on my own.

  When I got to the resort, I never thought I would meet anyone that I could actually have a conversation with, much less be madly attracted to at the same time. I literally thought it would be a nice, quiet getaway, far from the hustle and bustle of real life. I didn’t really think that I would find someone I wanted to sleep with, much less find myself enjoying him as a person as well. However, there I was, having sex-filled dreams of him and running outside in the cold night air just to try to get him off my mind. It seemed completely wild, and it wasn’t like me at all.


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