Beach Daddy

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Beach Daddy Page 54

by Mia Ford

  New Year’s Eve


  I had put my tux on, even though I didn’t have a date to impress, and walked down to the lounge to get a drink. The crowd was already in the ballroom, but I didn’t feel like being surrounded by all of those people. I did a quick sweep of the room to make sure Bea wasn’t in there and then headed outside, figuring if she was going to find me anywhere, it was going to be where we first kissed.

  I walked across the path, leaving large footprints in my wake. I sat down on the covered bench and stared out at the snow-covered slopes, lit up with bright colors. There was still twenty minutes until the countdown, but I had exhausted my anxiety, and I knew the best thing for me to do was to sit in one place and hope that if she came, Bea would find me. As I stared out at all the partygoers, my heart was starting to sink, feeling like I was destined for a night alone. However, as the thoughts passed through my mind, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes for a moment and smiled, making sure it was not just another dream.

  Slowly, I turned in my seat and looked up at Bea, standing in the snow. She stepped back and placed her hands in front of her, her cheeks red from the cold. She looked absolutely stunning, and I felt like the words that I wanted to say were stuck in my throat. Her long, black, velvet gown moved over her hips and down into the snow. Wrapped around her shoulders was a fur shawl with a diamond snowflake pin stuck in the right corner. She grasped her hands tightly together in front of her, and I couldn’t tell if she was cold, nervous, or a bit of both. I looked up into her beautiful green eyes and smiled wide, standing up and taking her hands.

  “Bea,” I whispered. “I didn’t think…”

  “That I would come?” she finished for me. “I wasn’t sure that you would be here. In fact, I was terrified that I would find myself standing here all alone when the ball dropped. But I couldn’t believe you came. I have something I want to talk to you about. Something that has been in my life and on my mind for the last year.”

  “Me too,” I said, taking her hands. “Come here. Sit down next to me.”

  She smiled and allowed me to pull her over to the bench. Gracefully, she sat down and turned toward me, something different in her eyes. She looked almost scared to be there talking to me. I reached out and grabbed her arms, pulling her into me.

  “Come here,” I said. “I am so happy to see you.”

  “I am so happy that you feel that way,” she said.

  “How have you been?”

  “Busy, to say the least,” she said, smiling. “But I have to admit, a little lost.”

  “I know how you feel,” I said, deciding that if I was going to tell her how I felt, it had to be then and there. Otherwise, I feared I would lose my nerve. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes, for the entire last year,” I said. “In fact, when you came to look for me, I saw you, but I didn’t realize it was you until you had already left. We crossed in front of each other without even realizing it.”

  “That is insane,” she said, shaking her head. “I thought everything was strange. When I checked in, Brian told me I was staying in the same room that you had stayed in during that month together.”

  “That was you? The hotel couldn’t let me check in until the room was clean because they said a guest was staying there.” I laughed. “Talk about that little thing called fate.”

  “Yeah,” she scoffed. “I’m starting to think that I may have been wrong about that whole thing. Maybe fate does have some sort of truth to it.”

  “Look,” I said, taking her hands. “I want to tell you some things, and I need you to just listen. I am afraid if you talk back, I will lose my nerve.”

  “All right,” she said with a worried look on her face.

  “From the moment that I left you in your room and went to the airport, on that last morning together, I have felt completely lost,” I said. “There hasn’t been a day that has gone by that you haven’t been on my mind. There has been no one else since you, and I was starting to worry that I would never find anyone again. I searched and searched for you, but I didn’t have enough information to find you. So, I sat around, barely living for the last year, counting down the days until New Year’s Eve. I didn’t know if you would actually come here today, or if you would still feel the same connection that we had back then, but I couldn’t go another day without at least finding out how this would end. Bea, you are the first woman to ever make me want to change who I am. No, more than that. You are the first woman to ever change my mind about the things I thought so strongly about in my life. You have made me want to stop, to settle down, and to embrace a beautiful life that I know that we could have together.”

  “Cameron,” she said quietly, putting her hand on top of mine. “You can’t even know how happy I am to hear you say all of these things. There are so many personal things I want to say to you about the way I feel about you, but first, there is something I need to talk to you about.”

  “All right,” I said, feeling nervous. “You can tell me anything.”

  “Well, for the entire month after we parted ways, I was miserable, wanting you, yearning to be close to you,” she said, lightening my heart. “Then one morning, I woke up, and I was terribly sick. Hailey had to come and get me up off of the floor of the bathroom.”

  “Oh, no,” I said, worried. “Are you all right?”

  “Well, I am now.” She smiled. “But I didn’t have the flu or food poisoning or anything else like that.”

  “Okay, then what did you have?”

  “I didn’t have anything,” she said. “I found out that I was pregnant. Immediately, I knew I had to find you, to tell you what was going on. I spent the last year trying to track you down, but I lost you at every turn. So, when it got to the point where I was too pregnant to continue chasing you down, I came to the conclusion that I would have to wait until after the baby was born, when I could meet you here in our spot and tell you everything.”

  “Wait,” I said, looking into her eyes. “Wait just a second. Let me process this. You had a baby? You had our baby?”

  “Yes,” she said calmly. “Her name is Lily Eliza, and she is a little over three months old. She has your hair and your nose, and she giggles at everything. I have to admit, at first, I was terrified, especially when I realized that I might not find you, but when I held her in my arms for the first time, I fell completely in love with her. I know this is a lot, and I didn’t come here expecting anything from you. I just thought that you had the right to know that you had a child out there.”

  I turned and clasped my hands in front of me, staring down in the snow. I had so many emotions running through me that I could barely get ahold of all of them. I was in complete shock by this news. Suffice it to say, this was not anywhere in the conversation that I thought we would have. I took in a deep breath and absorbed the information into my brain. Then, I opened my eyes and turned back to Bea.

  “Where is she now?”

  “She is in the nursery,” she said, smiling.

  “Here? Like in Aspen?”

  “Yes, right inside.” She laughed.

  “I have to meet her,” I said, standing up and smiling big. “I have to meet my daughter.”

  Bea giggled and stood up quickly, looking at my face as if she were trying to figure out if I were serious or not. I turned to her and grabbed her, pulling her into a huge hug. She laid her face on my chest and let out a deep breath, something I felt like she had been holding since we left each other.

  “I can’t believe that I’m a father,” I said, looking down at Bea. “This is absolutely amazing. Unexpected and a little confusing, but amazing nonetheless.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” she asked, reaching out her hand. “Come meet your little girl.”

  I smiled and grabbed onto her, following her around the corner and back into the resort. The atmosphere of the inside seemed completely different than when I left, and there was an excitem
ent in my chest that I just couldn’t shake. The colors were brighter, the laughter louder, and the fact that Bea was by my side was so amazing that I felt like I was in a dream. I followed her around the corner and through the corridor where the conference rooms were. At the end of the hallway, there was a brightly-painted room with the sound of children’s laughter coming from the inside.

  “Well, hello,” a woman said happily as we walked in the door. “You’re back early.”

  “We are,” she said, winking at the woman.

  “Lily is in the infant room in her pack and play, listening to music and watching the mobile,” she said.

  “Wait here,” Bea said, smiling before disappearing into a back room.

  My palms were sweating, and I could feel my heart racing. I was about to meet my daughter, a little girl that I didn’t even know I had. As Bea emerged from the room, I took in a deep breath and watched her get closer. She stopped in front of me and smiled. I looked down at the most beautiful baby I had ever seen in my life. She was cooing and moving all over the place, and her little hands and feet were so cute, I wanted to eat them. I melted into a giant puddle right then and there.

  “Cameron, meet your daughter,” Bea said, handing her over to me.

  I held her tightly in my arms and looked down, watching her eyes search for me. She reached up and grabbed at my face as I leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead. Tears pulled at the corners of my eyes, and I looked up at Bea in amazement. She had created this little life, and the whole time, I was thinking that she didn’t want me around. I had hoped for one love, and I had been given two. This was hands down the best New Year’s I had ever had. I knew right then and there that I wanted to be with Bea, and I wanted to be the father to Lily that I should be. This baby was now my life, and I couldn’t have been happier if I tried.

  Chapter 28

  New Year’s Eve


  “Why don’t you guys come stay in my room?” Cameron asked, leaning over and kissing me on the forehead. “I have an adjoining office in my room where we can set up the baby.”

  “That sounds perfect,” I said, laying Lily in her carrier and covering her with a blanket. “Let me just get her things.”

  I walked around with Mrs. Mouser, collecting Lily’s bag and pack and play. My heart was racing a million miles a minute, and I couldn’t even catch my breath. That had gone even better than I could have ever imagined. Not only did Cameron tell me how much he cared about me, he embraced Lily with open arms. Now, some of that excitement might fade when he realized how hard it was to take care of a child, but I had complete faith that he was ready to be an amazing father to Lily. I walked back out, and Cameron took the bag and pack and play from me. I leaned down and picked up the carrier and thanked Mrs. Mouser for being so amazing.

  We walked through the lobby as if we were actually a real family. Inside the elevator, Cameron was beaming, staring down at Lily as she gave a big toothless yawn. He laughed and looked at me with every coo, every twisted face, and every little stretch that came out of her. He was completely enamored by her. When we got to his room, I set up the pack and play in the office and carefully lifted the sleeping Lily from her carrier, kissed her on the forehead, and laid her down in her crib. I stared at her for a moment, so excited that my beautiful little girl wasn’t going to have to grow up without a father in her life. It was definitely a dream come true on many levels.

  When I walked out of the room, Cameron was in bed with the blankets thrown back, waiting for me. I grabbed a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt and changed really fast, blushing, knowing he was watching me the whole time. I climbed into the bed and sighed, sinking down into the covers. I had almost forgotten just how comfortable these beds really were.

  “Can we talk, or will we wake her up?”

  “She is fine,” I said. “I’ve been playing louder music randomly throughout her daytime naps to get her used to outside noise. She is a pretty heavy sleeper, when she does sleep, that is.”

  “Thank you for doing that on your own, and I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there,” he said shaking his head.

  “Don’t apologize,” I replied. “I’m the one that didn’t even give you a chance to decide what you wanted. I do have to say, though, I’m so happy at the reaction that you had for Lily. I mean, I knew you were an amazing man, but I was terrified at what you might say or think.”

  “I can understand how that might have been terrifying for you,” he said. “You carried this child on your own, without my support for nine months, and then you were facing the possibility of raising her on your own. That had to be scary.”

  “It was, but not for myself, for her,” I replied. “I want her to have everything in this life, including a beautiful relationship with her dad. Now that you are here and happy, I can finally take a deep breath. I don’t think I have slept since the last time I saw you.”

  “Me either.” He chuckled. “But I’m here now, and I will do everything I can to make up for lost time. Bea, I knew my feelings for you were stronger than anyone I had ever been with, before I ever even talked to you. When I saw you standing in the courtyard, I swore you were an angel sent by God. Everything that you touch turns to gold, and I am no exception. You have changed me in a way that I can never fully explain. You have made me a man instead of a boy. I want to thank you for that, and I want to tell you that I love you.”

  He reached over and turned me toward him, grabbing my chin and kissing my lips softly. I leaned into his body, allowing a whimper to escape my throat, finally feeling Cameron close to me once again. I hadn’t fully realized the agony that I had been through over the past year until that moment. I never wanted to be separated from him again. I didn’t care if it meant Lily and I had to move or travel, or whatever he needed me to do. Before I could get any deeper in my thoughts, I felt his hands rub up my sides and across to my breasts, grasping them firmly over my shirt and massaging them as his tongue flittered across my lips. I reached forward with my mouth and nibbled gently on his bottom lip before pulling it into my mouth and sucking hard. He groaned at the feeling, his hands tightening even more.

  I pulled my leg up over his hip and pushed my hips inward, feeling the light brush of his huge cock between my legs. Immediately after that, I could feel myself wanting more, wanting all of him, wanting to feel so close that we would never again be split apart. My breathing increased as his hands slipped under the edge of my shirt and touched my bare skin, sending pulses of electricity surging through my body. I reached my hands over and did the same, running my hands up his side and back down, pressing my fingertips in as I came back down. He groaned, and I could feel the goosebumps rising on his skin.

  I sat up in the bed and pulled my shirt over my head, flinging it to the side. I reached down and undid his pants and pulled them off and to the end of the bed. He leaned up and pulled his own shirt off, watching me as I ran my fingers down his rock-hard body to the edge of his boxers. Slowly, I dipped my fingers inside and grazed the head of his cock, biting my lip and taking in a deep breath. I slid his boxers down and off of his body and reached down, grabbing his long, hard shaft. I looked over at him and then back down, leaning over and spreading my lips as his dick pushed through and down my throat. He groaned and grabbed onto the blanket next to him as he watched me suck his big, hard cock. Up and down I went, feeling his shaft grow stronger as it filled my throat, pulsating with each swipe of my tongue. As I pulled my head back up slowly, I sensually wrapped my lips tight and sucked hard in the back of my throat.

  I could see his legs tensing with each bob of my head, and I turned, looking him in the eye as I slid back down, deepthroating his erection. He chuckled nervously, pulling his hand up to his face and grabbing his hair. He bit his lip as I came up to the top and paused for just a moment before going back down, listening to him let out a deep groan. Suddenly, I felt his hands around my waist, and he lifted me up, pulling my pussy toward his mouth. I reached down and tore my shorts
away, feeling it as he slid my panties to the side and began to lick me feverishly. I moaned with a mouth full of his cock, feeling the warm, soft touch of his tongue swirling around my clit. Immediately, I started to move faster and faster on his shaft, taking out my inability to scream on his dick. He reached his hands forward and pulled my mouth free, pushing me up into a sitting position.

  I screamed out, grabbing my tits and grinding my pussy against his face. He flicked his tongue wildly against my clit, and I watched as one of his hands stroked his cock while the other held on firmly to my hips, not letting me squirm away. I could feel the heat burning in my stomach as my hips moved back and forth, feeling the suction of his mouth against my nub. My juices ran through my folds, and his tongue lapped wildly at them. I breathed deeply, trying to control myself, but there was no use. I was going to come, and I was going to come hard.

  “God,” I said breathlessly. “I’m gonna come, baby.”

  “Yes,” he said, the vibrations of his deep voice bouncing off my clit.

  As my hips moved faster and faster, I felt the heat in my stomach completely explode. I threw my head back and covered my mouth, feeling my whole body shaking with ecstasy. My pussy vibrated around his shaft as my juices flowed down it. I couldn’t move, my body was so engrossed with pleasure, and I moaned out as he lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. I was helpless to do anything but submit to his control, and I was perfectly okay with that.

  He moved up close to me and kissed me gently on the lips as my body began to relax. I could feel the warmth of his body moving over me, and I spread my legs apart, welcoming him in. He grabbed the base of his shaft and rubbed it up and down through my juices before stopping and pushing into me. I gasped, and my eyes rolled back, feeling every inch of him moving deeper and deeper. He shifted up on his knees and pulled my legs up on his shoulders, reaching down and grabbing my hips. He thrust his hips into me, pulling me forward at the same time, his penetration filling my body with waves of pleasure. I breathed deeply and opened my eyes, staring up into his, the lust between us so heavy I could barely stand it.


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