Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)

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Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) Page 4

by Love-Wins, Bella

  She’s giving me the cold shoulder, and I’m tired of acting like I don’t notice.

  When Alexandra had agreed to stay with him for a week, he was not sure what he envisioned—well, maybe he knew what he had hoped for. He had pictured her slipping up enough for him to call her bluff about who she was, and then everything else would progress naturally. He would have told her he had known all along, and probably add that he had a crush on her for years. Then he would take her to his bed and work through all that pent-up sexual tension that had been building up between them over the past month. After that, everything else was up in the air, but in that sequence of events, they would have some closure if she never saw him ever again. Overall, it was a good vision—maybe a little lofty, but at the very least, they could continue their friendship in some way. The last few days were nothing like he had imagined. The distance between them was growing, and he could not understand why.

  He walked into the living room and found Alexandra frowning at her laptop.

  “Why won’t you give me the answers I need, dammit?” she huffed to the screen.

  Sebastian took it to mean she clearly wanted to engage in a conversation with him, even if she didn’t show it, and he casually sat on the sofa next to her. He ignored her surprised expression when she pointedly looked at him as though she hoped he would go over to the chair on the other side of the room.

  “What’s wrong, dude?” he asked. “Tech problems?”

  “No, I’m looking for…wait, don’t you have something else you need to do?”

  “At the moment? No. Well, we did talk about hitting the video games this evening, but that’s no biggie.”

  Alexandra shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Maybe I can help with whatever’s bothering you, and afterward, we can kick back and relax. You seem pretty preoccupied. You’ve been acting so weird the past few days.” Sebastian said the last part with a slight chuckle, hoping it was light-hearted enough that Alexandra would not have any hard feelings.

  She closed her laptop and set it aside. “No. There’s nothing weird going on. I’ve just been busy the past few days, bro.”

  Sebastian lifted a brow, unconvinced. Alexandra tried to hold his gaze, but was the first to look away.

  What’s going on with her?

  “I’ve checked so many local construction websites, and spoke to a dozen people today, and I still have no idea which one I should hire to do the repairs next door. I think I just need a carpenter, but God, the people I talked to keep throwing around that they’re contractors, construction workers, brick layers, cement companies. I just need them to come out here and give me a damned quote.”

  Wait, is she changing the subject?

  If she was, he went along with it. “No, you need to look for someone with the right credentials. Looking for just a carpenter, you might come across anybody with a hammer. Give me a second. I think I have my a contractor’s business card here. It’s the company that did the renovation work here at my place.”

  He found his wallet and rifled through its contents. Pushing aside a random assortment of business cards, he found the right one and returned to the living room. “Yeah, here you go. These guys remodeled the kitchen and the third floor master suite a couple of years ago. I can take you over to their office tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?” Alexandra asked, taking the card from him.

  “Positive. It will keep me from sitting around the house all day.”

  “Thanks. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Alexandra relaxed. She kicked up her feet up on the coffee table, getting comfortable as she lounged back. It was the first time Sebastian had seen her decompress since she became his house guest. He studied her face, riveted by her eyes and the smile that finally crept up her face.

  “Now, how about that game, Bash? I don’t want you thinking I’m being weird on you by ducking out early again.”

  “Aww, I’d let any weirdness slide tonight on account of that smile.” Alexandra blushed a beet red, so he left it alone. “So seriously, that construction thing…is that what was bothering you?”

  “More or less. I wanted to make sure I get this right, you know? I don’t want my uncle to have all that to worry about when he gets out.”

  “I hear you. Okay then. Game time.”

  “Deal,” she said.

  When Sebastian glanced over, she was yawning. He remembered she had been up quite early, and now it was pretty late. Even he was not in the mood for this. What he wanted was to spend time with her—ideally in his bed. Alexandra was barely holding on to consciousness. Her eyes were already fluttering shut.


  She shook her head. “I’m not trying to fall asleep on you.”

  “Let’s try this some other time. I’m beat, too. You go ahead, get some sleep.”

  “Don’t think I can’t still beat you,” she said, yawning again. “Okay. Another time is fine. Hey, about tomorrow, I think I’ll take you up on that offer to introduce me to your contractor. That will be a big timesaver if they’re available.”

  “Not a problem.”

  “The clean-up crew finished today, but that puts me a little behind schedule. The sooner I can get the repairs started, the better.”

  “Cool. Whenever you’re ready in the morning just let me know. By the way, I have a friend who wants to meet you. Two of them, actually. Beth and Clint. Clint’s a retired firefighter I’ve known for years, and Beth is his girl. Maybe we can hang out with them tomorrow after we get back from running that errand.”

  Alexandra seemed puzzled and reluctant. “Why do they want to meet me?”

  Sebastian eyed her closely, wondering if he could pull this off for Clint, and possibly for Alexandra’s benefit too. Back when he had suggested Clint and Beth should meet Alex Roberts, he was sure this game would have already been done with. Plans had changed when Alexandra told him she was leaving Tucson, so Sebastian had called it off. Now that she was staying at his house, it made sense to squeeze in the dinner meeting.

  “Can you keep a secret?” he asked, knowing full well he was not going to tell her the real reason.


  “My friend Clint is a big fan of your cousin, Lexxi Rock. When he heard you were related to her, he begged me to introduce you so he can feel like he met Lexxi by proxy. Don’t mention it if you do meet him, though. He will deny his secret fascination with celebrities at all costs, and then he’ll hold it against me for a while. The guy’s a big, burly firefighter. He doesn’t want to come off like a super fan.”

  Alexandra perked her head up, alarmed. Sebastian pretended not to notice. He glanced at his watch.

  I’m sure she knows she can’t fool a Lexxi Rock fan the way she believes she has fooled me.

  Alexandra’s face was on magazines, splashed across websites and all over MTV and celebrity TV news programs. It would be impossible for a discerning fan not to see the striking similarities between Alex Roberts and Lexxi Rock.

  I wonder how much longer she’ll stick to her act. After she meets Clint, she won’t be able to keep this up.

  Hopefully she won’t be too upset with me if he innocently outs her.

  Alexandra agreed reluctantly.

  Amused, Sebastian smiled. “Well, it’s late and we’re both tired.”

  “Yes. I’ll head up too. I could use a full night’s sleep.”

  “Is the guest room okay? I thought I heard you moving around in the middle of the night.”

  Standing to leave, Alexandra nearly dropped her laptop at the question. “Yes,” she answered in a snap. “It’s fine.”

  He gave her a puzzled look, trying to figure her out. He followed behind her as she nervously climbed the staircase. Pausing on the second floor landing, he said, “I’ll be upstairs if you need anything. Enjoy your night, Alex.”

  “Goodnight, Bash,” she mumbled.

  This is ridiculous.

  No, it’s pointless.

  She’s not going
to clue me in.

  Sebastian was so sure Alexandra would have told him by now. She seemed so close that night at the hospital, after the fire. For some reason, she was not ready to be honest with him, and now they were right back where they started. He had gone along with it because she had a good reason for hiding her identity in the beginning. The thing was, she had been around him for over a month, and she was going back home in a week.

  Why hide from me?

  What does she plan to do, wait until the day she leaves so she doesn’t have to face me?

  It occurred to him that perhaps she was holding off to save his feelings somehow.

  Maybe I let her to take this gay thing too far.

  For fuck’s sake, she could be in my bed right now.

  He decided right then—if Alexandra didn’t fill him in within two days, he would confront her. It couldn’t be any worse than watching her leave with this new wall she had erected.


  SEBASTIAN drove downtown with Alexandra to the construction company around midmorning the next day. So far, it had been uncomfortable for the past few days. They barely talked to one another, but now that he committed to confronting her, at least an end was in sight. In the close quarters of his Jeep, he turned on the charm to get her to loosen up a bit. It was obvious she had doubts about staying at his place, which easily explained why she made herself so scarce. Hell, he was rethinking it too.

  Somehow, the question of exes entered their strained conversation, and he had to ask. “So are you telling me it was so bad that you would rather have a one-night stand instead of going out on one date with your most recent ex?”

  Alexandra squealed with horrified laughter. “That’s so messed up, Bash! Hmmm. Let me think. You know what? That’s easy. If I had to choose, I’d pick the one-night stand. My ex is such a douche—d-d-delusional broad, I mean!”

  “Delusional broad? Does anyone say ‘broad’ anymore?”

  “What? I like it, and delusional fits. If you ever met my ex, you’d completely get it.”

  “Okay, I guess,” he said, shaking his head. “Well you’re lucky we don’t have time to get into it. That’s the building up there at the next corner.”

  Sebastian found a parking spot and turned off the engine.

  “Well, this is it. Are you ready?”

  Still giggling, Alexandra hopped out of the vehicle as Sebastian walked around to the sidewalk. She shielded her eyes and gazed up at the towering corporate office.

  “Wow, that’s big,” she murmured.

  “Yes, but, don’t let the size intimidate you. This contractor’s rates are reasonable, and I’m pretty sure they can handle your timetable and get things started before Max gets released from the hospital. These guys are good.”

  He pointed the way and motioned for her to go in through the revolving door at the front of the building. His eyes kept straying to her. Alexandra had this uncanny way of holding his attention. He was not sure how much of that allure had to do with the forbidden nature of their attraction while she was busy trying to pull off being a guy.

  I’ll find out soon enough.

  He pulled out the business card from his wallet to confirm the floor they needed to go to, and led Alexandra to the elevator bay. The two of them slipped inside before the elevator doors closed.

  Alexandra turned to look up at him. “I don’t mean to get all sentimental on you, but I want to tell you as I’ll be leaving soon. I feel lucky to have a friend like you…”

  For a moment, their eyes locked. She seemed like she was so open.

  This is a weird place for her to confess, but whatever.

  Instead, she said, “Thanks for helping me find a contractor. I’d probably still be calling on less than qualified handymen right now if it wasn’t for you. You know how much guys hate asking for help.”

  The elevator dinged on their floor, and the doors slid open. “It’s women who think that, Alex,” he said, giving her a nudge on the arm so she would step off. “I won’t speak for every guy, but I prefer to figure things out on my own if I can. I don’t mind asking for help when I need to.”

  She had no response, not even a nod. Shaking his head he ushered Alexandra to the suite. Without thinking, he opened the door and stood aside for her to go inside.

  Alexandra did not skip a beat, and entered, until she realized he had held the door for her the way he would for a woman. Looking back, she flashed him a glare. “Thanks bud. You know I can get my own doors, right?”

  He walked in behind her. “It’s not a big deal, but I get it. After all, how else are you gonna build up those pecs if you don’t open your own—”

  Sebastian’s jaw dropped and he stopped dead in his tracks just inside the office.

  What in the hell is she doing here?

  Aileen stood at the front desk of the construction company’s office. Aileen, the cheating married woman who played him like a fiddle until that phone call over Christmas, was here.

  Alexandra turned to him and quickly noticed his reaction. Sebastian looked back and forth between the two of them. He instantly wanted to turn and leave, but that was not an option. Alexandra needed this contractor to get the restoration work started. Gritting his teeth, he stood his ground and waiting for his ex to notice them.

  Aileen threw her hands to her face and shrieked in surprise when she finally looked up. “Sebastian? Sebastian Sullivan!” she squealed. The waiting area of Ward & Baron Construction was a small space. Thankfully there were no other clients waiting around, but Aileen’s animated greeting made Alexandra’s head snap toward her at lightning speed. Sebastian forced a polite smile and hoped for the best.

  Alexandra was now the one looking back and forth between the two of them, curious as ever. Before Sebastian could explain—hell, before Alexandra could even formulate the right questions to ask—Aileen sashayed from behind the desk and positioned herself between him and Alexandra. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his jaw seductively, making it clear what kind of history they had. The realization dawned on Alexandra’s face.

  Now she has to know I’m straight.

  “How nice to see you, Bash!” Aileen gushed, pulling out of the embrace and now wrapping her arms around his waist. “This is such a surprise.”

  At the flash of Aileen’s wedding band, Sebastian got angry all over again at something that happened over seven months ago.


  Forcing a smile, he pushed down the involuntary reaction and pulled himself from her clingy grasp.

  “Yes, definitely a surprise. What are you doing here, Aileen?”

  “I work here, honey. I started a few months ago.”

  “Great.” Remembering his manners, he added, “Aileen, this is my friend Alex. Alex, this is, Aileen…someone I used to know.”

  Aileen tossed her glistening honey blonde hair and barely looked over her shoulder toward Alexandra, as though the person who walked in with Sebastian was irrelevant.

  “Is that all I am to you? Someone you used to know? Don’t say it like that, baby. Unless you mean you knew me in the biblical sense, in which case, yes you did.” She pressed her hands on his chest and popped up on her tiptoes to whisper, “You knew me very well,” for only him to hear.

  Sebastian took a step back. Over Aileen’s shoulder, he saw Alexandra staring at the back of Aileen’s head with something more than annoyance. She was obviously pissed as hell, but, the minute she noticed him looking at her, she strained a pleasant smile.

  “Bash, what impeccable taste you have,” Alexandra said.

  It was such a catty, feminine response that Sebastian was sure Alexandra had forgotten she was still playing her Alex Roberts role. He could not tell if she was upset at finding out he was not gay, or if she was simply reacting to the way Aileen ignored her.

  Aileen chuckled and did a half-turn. “Oh, you’re so cute! What are you, in college or something? Way to use your SAT words, kid.” She turned back to Sebastian. “Who’s you
r little friend, Bash?”

  Embarrassed, Sebastian grimaced. “As I said, this is Alex. We’re looking for Gerald Campbell, and we’re kind of in a hurry, here. Is he available?”

  “Aww, babe,” she pouted, “Mr. Campbell is at a job site. You just missed him, but he’ll be back in an hour. You two should wait here for him. We can catch up on old times.”

  “I’d rather not. We’ll come back to see him.”

  “I haven’t seen you in months, Bash. What have you been up to?” She pushed closer and dropped her voice, but not enough for Alexandra to miss what she was saying. “You stopped taking my calls, baby. I figured you blocked my number or something. I’ve missed you, Bash.”

  Sebastian didn’t bother to confirm Aileen’s statement. When he put Aileen out of his life, he had intended it to be for good. It was just bad luck that they ran into each other today.

  He stepped toward the door. “We have to go now. Come on, Alex.”

  Aileen ran back to the front desk. “Wait, let me give you his new card. Phone his cell number. He has the afternoon open and can meet you in person if you need an estimate.” She scribbled something down on the back and, with a wink, flirtatiously tucked it into the pocket on the front of Sebastian’s shirt. “Make sure you don’t lose my number again, honey.”

  Alexandra rolled her eyes and marched through the door in front of him.

  Sebastian took the card out of his pocket and passed it right back to Aileen. “Thanks, but no thanks. I already have his card, so I can phone his cell. Hey, how’s your husband been lately?”

  He could not resist the reminder before he turned to leave after Alexandra. A genuine smile rose up on his face at the uncomfortable glimmer in Aileen’s eyes.

  “He’s fine,” she said nervously. “Thanks for asking.”

  Sebastian nodded and walked out. He found Alexandra waiting at the elevator bay. The awkwardness rapidly presented itself on the elevator and when they made their way to his car. Once inside, he turned on the radio to drown out the silence. He looked over at Alexandra before starting the car. She was her staring out the window.


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