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Dumfries Page 60

by Todd, Ian

  “I never knew much about the Simpson family when I had my affair with Thomas,” Alison wrote.

  “Naw, Ah dare say ye didnae. None ae us lassies fae across in Springburn knew the full facts or the extent ae whit wis gaun oan either, at the time…we still don’t, Ah suppose. Anyhow, tensions started reaching boiling point wae the boys, who wur forced tae lie low, keeping their heids doon, apart fae wee skirmishes happening every noo and again, and then the ceiling came crashing doon oan tap ae everywan. Even though the whole ae Springburn knew fine well that Joe McManus wis severely disabled, Toby and they gorillas ae his continued tae assault him, either in frustration or tae try and bait Tony and The Mankys tae come and show their faces. Anyway, wan night, Joe McManus wis ambling up Gourlay Street in Springburn oan his ain when a car screeched tae a halt ootside The Princes Bingo Hall. Three men, consisting ae Toby Simpson, Jo Jo Robson and a right scary character called Frisky Frank McKenna jumped oot and started ladling intae poor Joe, who’d attempted tae escape through the foyer doors. It wis then that Toby Simpson seemingly withdrew a big knife…a bayonet…fae inside his jaicket and repeatedly stabbed poor Joe tae death in front ae a couple ae auld age pensioners, who wur bingo regulars.”

  “My God!” Fanny gasped, her hauns involuntary gaun up and covering her mooth again.

  “Aye, it wis a terrible time fur everywan, especially fur Tony. Although he never said, Ah think he always felt guilty fur no being able tae dae mair fur Joe. It didnae help that him and Joe hid fallen oot jist before he’d been attacked the first time, efter Joe’d refused tae gie up seeing Kate Simpson.”

  “I’m sorry, Senga, it must have been terrible for you, all his friends and his family,” the pad said.

  “Aye, it wis a terrible time fur everywan. Look at poor Mrs Simpson. Two sons and a daughter, aw deid within a space ae a year tae fifteen months. How dis somewan cope wae something like that?”

  “Were you aware that Tony Gucci and his friends were suspected of being behind the shooting of Thomas and me, when you were looking after me in The Royal Infirmary in Glasgow?” the pad asked.

  Alison looked Senga straight in the eye as Fanny shifted uncomfortably oan her end ae the sofa.

  “Despite whit ye might think, Alison, Ah’m no gonnae sit here and attempt tae defend the indefensible…bit the answer is naw…no at the time. Ah did pick up a whisper a few months later, long efter you’d been discharged and moved oan, that some ae The Mankys hid possibly been involved, although Ah still find that hard tae believe.”

  “Why?” Fanny asked her.

  “If ye wur tae staun back and look at whit wis happening in Glesga at the time. Two ae the biggest gangster gangs go tae war, vying tae be the tap dugs. According tae the newspapers and whit wis said oan the news at the time, it wis o’er territory. It also involved big time gangsters fae up in Milton as well. None ae us lassies that wur hinging aboot wae The Mankys at the time ever heard Milton being mentioned. Granted, The Mankys hid been hivving trouble wae Toby Simpson, bit Ah think that wid’ve been a sideshow tae whit wis actually happening between the big boys. The trouble at the time wae Tony Gucci’s crowd wis between them and Toby Simpson. It wis o’er Kate Simpson winching Joe McManus…pathetic though that may sound. Ah could be wrang, bit Ah suspect that Tam Simpson widnae even hiv been aware ae whit wis gaun oan between Toby and The Mankys,” Senga said, shrugging, before continuing. “These people…the real gangsters…ur aw ages wae ma ain ma and da. Everywan knows that tae be part ae that scene, ye’d need tae hiv proved yersel o’er a long period ae time…tae hiv built up a reputation as a hard man…tae even be in their company. Tony Gucci, at seventeen or eighteen at the time, and the rest ae The Mankys, some ae who wur even younger, wid never hiv been accepted as associates wae the likes ae them. Granted, The Mankys ur well-known fur being scallywags…everywan knows that…bit planning and carrying oot the murder ae wan ae the biggest gangsters in Glesga? Somehow, Ah don’t think so. Think aboot it. It wis Toby that murdered Joe. He wis the wan that Tony Gucci and the rest ae the boys hid the bother wae. Why wid somewan like Tony Gucci bypass Toby and go fur his elder brother, who wis the leader ae The Simpsons? It jist disnae make sense. Anywan who thinks they know how Tony Gucci’s brain works wid know fine well that it wid’ve been Toby he wid’ve gone fur, as a comeback fur Joe’s death. Nowan oan the streets up in Springburn his ever, tae ma knowledge, linked Tony Gucci or any ae the other boys wae Tam Simpson’s murder. Alison, believe it or no, bit somewan like me and ma pals, don’t hing aboot wae murderers. Christ, Ah deal wae the eftermath ae violence every single day ae ma working life. Dae ye think Ah’d leave work tae go and socialise wae the perpetrators responsible fur inflicting it? There’s an inspector up in Springburn who isnae a very nice person. Everywan calls him The Stalker. He used tae be a sergeant in the Toonheid when we wur aw young. Him and his sergeant partner, a right hard bugger they call Bumper, hiv been hivving run-ins wae Tony Gucci and Johnboy Taylor since they wur weans. Ah heard that The Stalker hid been spreading it aboot that Tony Gucci hid been involved in your boyfri…er…Tam Simpson’s murder. Ah also picked up through lugging in tae conversations between the polis at ma work, that none ae his colleagues ever took his allegations seriously, due tae there being a long history ae trouble between The Stalker and the Toonheid boys, or Tony Gucci in particular. Wan ae the lassies hid brought it up wan night in Jonah’s, the lounge where aw us underage drinkers used tae drink,” Senga confessed, looking at them, as they aw smiled at each other. “Ah think it wis Helen Birnie, wan ae the lassies that wis doon visiting Silent earlier, who asked Tony aboot it. Anyway, he replied that despite being challenged fae various quarters, including his ain solicitor and fae the polis themsels, The Stalker could never produce any evidence. When the press ur looking fur a story, especially when there isnae anything else worth printing, they always refer tae The Stalker’s allegations aboot some young thug who goes by an Atalian name who’s behind every crime known tae mankind in the north ae the city. It’s funny, because the press always refer tae this inspector as ‘The Stalker’ insteid ae his real name ae Paddy McPhee. Fur years, they’ve built him up as being the wan that always gets his man, bit in actual fact, the name originated fae the local wummin in the Toonheid, because he wis a well-known pervert, who used tae creep aboot the back courts ae the tenements at night, peeping in the windaes at aw the wummin and young lassies getting dressed and washed at their kitchen sinks, as maist ae the hooses didnae hiv inside bathrooms. Noo, Ah’m no saying that Ah wid’ve known everything The Mankys wur up tae during the period ye goat injured, Alison, bit putting somewan like Tony Gucci in a league up there wae real big-time gangsters wid be stretching it. Christ, Alison, ye should know fine well whit the scene is like, in a place like Glesga, you being a senior social worker up in Possil and aw that.”

  “Do they belong to you?” the barman jist starting his shift asked Simon, nodding tae the racket up at the far end ae the bar ae The Shore Inn.

  “Aye, Ah’m afraid so. Look, don’t worry, Ah’ll get them tae shut up and sit doon when they finish killing this song, mate,” Simon apologised, wincing as the lassies continued tae dice wae death.

  They wur aw staunin up, balancing oan tap ae wobbling bar stools, flashing their arses in their miniskirts, threatening tae spill their drinks everywhere fae the glasses they wur using as microphones as they continued tae murder ‘When Will Ah See Ye Again,’ which wis blasting oot ae the jukebox o’er in the corner.

  “No, no, laddie, you’ve picked me up wrong. The fitba laddies at the bottom of the bar are asking if you would mind if they bought the girls a drink?”

  “Bit, Ah thought they awready hid a few roonds oan the tap?”

  “They do.”

  “Ach, ye better jist add the roond oan tae the rest then, mate. It looks as if Ah’m gonnae be here a while. If they found oot that Ah wis knocking back free drinks oan their behauf, they’d hiv ma guts fur garters, so they wid. And Ah’ll hiv a fresh orange juice while ye
’re at it,” Simon said tae the smiling barman, missing a heartbeat as Aggie nearly toppled o’er, only tae be saved by Frances pulling her back tae a staunin position by her bra strap.

  “Look, it seems tae me that we need tae separate the two main issues here,” Tony said tae them.

  “Johnboy’s corroborated evidence and Senga’s situation,” Snappy said.

  “Fuck…” Johnboy cursed.

  “Look, Johnboy, it’s goat tae be done. We’re wasting time here by skirting roond the field. Ah need tae be able tae gie Simon clear instructions oan whit tae dae next. Ye’ll also hiv tae get Senga tae play her part as well. We know it isnae easy, bit we’ve goat tae be honest wae each other and try and salvage as much as we kin before Wan-bob…er…if things dae go pear-shaped,” Tony said, coughing, as aw eyes focused oan Johnboy again.

  “It’s awright fur you tae say that.”

  “Senga’s oor pal tae, Johnboy,” Snappy reminded him, jumping in.

  “Ye kin either sit there and put in yer tuppence worth and accept the reality ae the situation or ye kin leave us tae it and we’ll sort things oot as best as we kin. It’s your call, Johnboy,” Tony said, challenging him, his voice hardening, as he stared him straight in the eye.

  “Ye don’t think Ah’m gonnae leave Senga’s life in aw your bloody useless hauns, dae ye?” Johnboy retorted, sounding pitiful, as everywan nodded wae relief.

  “Good. Noo, where wis Ah?” Tony asked, looking aboot.

  “Wis any ae whit Haufwit said written doon, Tony?” Pat asked, changing the direction ae the discussion.

  “Ah asked Simon, bit he’s no sure.”

  “Senga said that her flatmate clocked The Stalker taking doon everything in a wee black book.”

  “Yes!” Snappy exclaimed, clenching his fist.

  “Typical bizzy…cannae fucking remember a thing,” Tony scowled, raising the first smiles oot ae any ae them since they’d arrived doon fae their cells tae the rec room earlier.

  “So, we know he’s goat whit Haufwit said written doon. How secure dae ye think that wee black book is then?” Johnboy asked, looking aboot and no expecting a straight answer.

  “It wid aw depend oan whether Wan-bob feels comfortable that he’s covered o’er aw the loose ends left in the wake ae Wee Eck’s confessional session wae Haufwit. If he believes that he’s done away wae any threat, then The Stalker’s link tae Wan-bob via whit Haufwit said is worthless. Mind you, getting oor hauns oan that wee black book could dae us a lot ae favours.”

  “It wid strengthen ma case if a witness, even if he wis deid, hid gied a statement tae an inspector, who’d written it doon, saying that Ah wisnae in the bank that day,” Johnboy added.

  “Aye, bit that same witness also claimed that ye shot Shaun Murphy, whose body his never turned up,” Snappy reminded him.

  “Everywan knows where Johnboy wis the last time Shaun wis seen alive. That’s the easy part,” Tony said thoughtfully tae nowan in particular, rubbing his chin.

  “So, where’s the other piece ae corroborative evidence coming fae regarding the bank? The Stalker’s written statement fae Haufwit is useless unless we kin come up wae something jist as strong,” Pat said, deciding tae remind them ae the obvious.

  “Aye, well, we’re noo getting doon tae the nitty-gritty. The only person that kin help us wae that is Wan-bob,” Tony reminded them grimly.

  “So, why don’t ye get Simon tae deal wae that end then?” Pat asked.

  “Because even though it’s obvious tae us, we don’t really know fur a fact how much Wan-bob really knows aboot the fuck-up wae the nurse, so we widnae want tae alert him tae something he disnae awready know aboot,” Johnboy replied.

  “And the chances ur that Simon and the others wid cop it as well. Wan-bob won’t fuck aboot, weighing up the pros and cons. He’ll act first tae protect himsel and The Big Man’s interests and then take anywan else in tae consideration later.”

  “Ah think we need tae try and collect as much evidence oan ma innocence as a priority meantime, and deal wae Wan-bob’s moves when the time comes. That wid be your job, Tony,” Johnboy said, a pained expression crossing his coupon.

  “That could mean hivving tae wait up tae eight months, until May ae next year, when we’re oot,” Tony warned Johnboy, leaving unsaid whit the implications could be. “Senga and that flatmate ae hers wid require a helluva lot ae luck fur this wan tae run its course.”

  “Well, whit choice dae we hiv?”

  “If Ah goat parole, Ah could dae it,” Pat volunteered, even getting a smile fae Johnboy oan that wan.

  “Pat, ye’ve as much chance ae getting parole as Ah hiv ae getting ma hole the night,” Snappy scornfully hooted, as everywan burst oot laughing, easing the tension amongst them further.

  “Ach, you fuckers…jist wait and see. Ah’ll be swanning aboot, living the life ae a free man, while youse ur still in here bashing yer bishops while Ah’ll be gieing it tae Paula in stereo,” Pat retorted.

  “So, whit’s Simon’s thoughts oan aw this, Tony?” Johnboy asked, bringing everywan back tae the subject in haun.

  “As I’ve said, he cannae believe that Wan-bob fucked up. He wis clearly glad tae haun the responsibility back tae us doon here oan whit the next move should be. He also cannae believe that The Stalker won’t find oot that they’ve goat the wrang nurse, in which case, the chances ae Wan-bob no finding oot sooner or later ur slim.”

  “Aye, that wid be ma thinking as well,” Johnboy grimaced. “The bloody problem is that we’re aw stuck doon here,” Johnboy cursed, looking aboot the rec room.


  “Look, Simon is the best wan tae be oan tap ae this. Ah don’t mean tae sound disrespectful or anything, bit oot ae us aw, he’s the wan Ah wid want tae be dealing wae this ootside. We’ve awready accepted that things ur no looking good fur Senga and her flatmate and difficult though it is, let’s leave that tae the wan side fur later. Whit is it that we hiv tae come up wae the night, before Ah talk tae Simon and Johnboy speaks tae Senga the morra?”

  “Ah’m feeling right giddy, so Ah am,” Senga admitted, giggling, as Fanny haunded Alison another bottle ae wine tae open and she threw another couple ae logs oan tae the fire, causing an explosion ae sparks. “Ah love sitting in front ae a log fire. It’s the smell. By the way, ye’re looking great, Alison. Everything must’ve turned oot okay noo that ye’re back wae that governor man ae yers?”

  “I miss him. That may seem strange, but I can’t help it,” the pad confessed, as Alison let oot a sob.

  Senga stood up, a wee bit wobbly oan they feet ae hers, and went across tae the other couch and put her erms roond Alison.

  “Alison, nowan could ever question yer love fur Tam Simpson, bit at least ye goat reconciled wae yer kids. Unfortunately, we cannae bring back the dead. That part ae yer life is aw in the past,” Senga soothed, as Alison sobbed intae her shoulder.

  “I know I’m being stupid,” Alison managed tae scribble across the tear drops awready soaking in tae the page ae her pad, while struggling tae keep her composure intact.

  “Ah widnae say ye wur stupid. Stupid’s loving somewan who disnae love ye back, like me and Johnboy Taylor, fur instance…that’s stupid,” Senga declared sheepishly, looking across at Fanny, who’d also started bubbling.

  “After all these years, I still feel trapped without any future in a loveless marriage,” the pad confessed, fae in amongst mair teardrops that hid landed while Alison wis writing.

  “Alison, don’t greet. There’s always hope. Christ, look at me? Ah’ve been hoping aw ma life and Ah’m still here, hinging oan, wondering if whit Ah’m efter is suddenly gonnae jump oot at me and bite me oan that bum ae mine when Ah’m no looking. Look at Fanny and whit she’s goat gaun fur hersel wae that man and lovely wean ae hers. We’ll aw hiv that someday…don’t ye worry aboot that. Is that no right, Fanny?” Senga asked, looking fur a bit ae support and encouragement.

  “Ah’m sorry,” Fanny sobbed, hauf smiling, hauf greeting, and wavi
ng her haun in front ae her face, tears flowing doon baith cheeks.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t control myself,” the pad continued, as Alison held it up fur Fanny tae see whit she’d written, while still fighting tae contain her sobs.

  “Oh, don’t be, Alison, this isn’t to do with what you’ve just said. It’s me…and…Jardine…he’s, he’s given me until Sunday night when he comes back with Jake to choose between him and my job. He says he can’t cope whilst I’m working where I am anymore,” Fanny choked, sobbing, as baith Alison and Senga shot across tae the couch tae comfort her.

  “Ye don’t think this his goat anything tae dae wae aw this lovely wine we’re skoofing, like it’s gaun oot ae style and the music in that tape deck that’s playing, dae ye?” Senga wondered oot loud, as Leonard Cohen laughed, cried and laughed aboot it aw again, efter saying so long tae Marianne.


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