Primal Desires

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Primal Desires Page 4

by Susan Sizemore

  David Berus took them, and Sid moved away as Antonia imperiously demanded his complete attention.

  Only to have another Wolf Clan Prime instantly step up to her. A second male put a hand heavily on the first male’s shoulder. The first one’s fangs came out. A scuffle began.

  Sidonie sighed.

  These meet-and-mate evenings were always the same; it was an ancient ritual overseen by the Matri and Mothers. Available females were trotted out for available Primes to vie for their favors in secure surroundings, away from any mortal eyes. A little blood might be shed for the sake of impressing the ladies and cooling the Primes’ more violent urges. By the end of the evening, the females would choose one or two Primes as sexual partners. It was not unusual for the Matri to orchestrate which Primes the younger females mated with. Perhaps a child would be conceived, or the spark of a bond might ignite. Since there were far fewer females than there were Primes, it was always hoped that a female would produce several offspring with different fathers before she found a bondmate to settle down with. This was how it had always been done. For the continuation of the species, this was how it had to be.

  Sid wasn’t so sure.

  Fifty years ago, vampires couldn’t go out in the daylight. They couldn’t tolerate garlic. The touch of silver brought agonizing pain. Modern medicine changed all that; why shouldn’t it be used to change the culture, as well? What Sid needed was a volunteer to prove her point.

  “I’ll take him,” she said as a stranger approached at Lady Juanita’s side.

  He had wavy brown hair and very blue eyes. You could probably seat six around the width of those shoulders. Long legs, trim waist. Assured, graceful walk. Beautiful hands.

  Sid wouldn’t mind having a kid with beautiful hands.

  She smiled and stepped around the Primes fighting over her, even though the Matri gave her a disapproving look as she approached.

  The tension level in the place went up when the blond woman smiled at him, and Jason would have preferred not to have the attention. Having a Clan female look favorably upon a Family Prime while surrounded by males of her own kind was not a good way for him to be welcomed into Wolf Clan territory. All he wanted was to get out of here and get back to Sofia.

  Lady Juanita stopped and put herself between him and the other woman. She closed her eyes and touched his cheek, and the Matri’s mind sliced through his shielding with gentle, determined skill. He could tell that he was the stronger telepath, but he suffered the intrusion politely. She was equally polite, taking only information important to the moment. And at this moment, Lady Juanita’s mind was on matchmaking.

  She was quite pleased when she said, “Blood sings in you, and calls.”

  He couldn’t deny he’d tasted a mortal recently, but he wasn’t so sure about that other stuff. “There is a woman who needs my help,” he said. “She’s the reason I’ve entered your domain, Matri. I have a duty to her family that goes back several mortal generations, and I must fulfill my obligation.” Clanfolk liked hearing about things like honor and duty and protecting mortals; their old-fashioned ethics came in handy for him.

  “Does this mortal know what you are?”

  “Not yet,” he admitted.

  “Does she know about us?”

  “My obligation to her in no way compromises the secrecy and safety of your Clan. I ask permission to dwell in your territory for a time, and to hunt if I must. But I swear that my being here will bring no harm or attention to you and yours.”

  Jason spoke so that everyone within earshot could hear. He didn’t want any of the Primes having even the faintest suspicion he was a threat. So he really wished the Wolf female would stop peering over the Matri’s shoulder with a look like she wanted to eat him up. He wasn’t in town to give the Primes competition in any form.

  Lady Juanita studied him intently for a time herself, then finally nodded. “I thank you for seeking me out. I value your intention to honor your mortal debt. I grant the permission you ask for.” She spared a moment to give a stern look to the other female, then added, “And I congratulate you on finding the one every Prime is born to seek.” She dropped her formal attitude then and said, “You arrived just in time for dinner. You will stay for dinner, of course?”

  She seemed genuinely welcoming, but Jason wasn’t tempted to spend the evening among his own kind. “Sofia needs me,” he said, though he certainly hadn’t meant to make any sort of desperate declaration about the situation. He was a Prime who usually knew how to keep his business to himself.

  “And you need her as well.” Lady Juanita’s smile was knowing.

  Might as well let the Matri think whatever she wanted. “With your permission?” he asked.

  She gave a regal nod. “Go, for now. Know that you are welcome in my citadel. Take my greetings to your own Matri, Prime of Family Caeg.”

  “I will.” He hurried out of the courtyard to collect his wolves and get away before the female he could feel still watching him put any moves on him.

  “Imagine that,” Sid murmured as the Family Prime made for the exit. “There’s somebody here who doesn’t want me. Isn’t that interesting?” Since the last thing she wanted was to be wanted, she followed him.

  Only to be stopped by her sister-in-law as she reached the hallway that led to the entrance of the house. “Did you get a look at that guy?” Eden demanded.

  “I’m trying to get a better look,” Sid answered.

  “Talk about melodramatic—he travels with a pair of wolves. I’ve never known any vampire to call attention to himself like that. Pretentious, no?”

  Eden was descended from a long line of mortal vampire hunters. Before she’d become the bondmate of a Clan Prime, she’d been more likely to sneer at vampire behavior than participate in it. She still had bouts of being terribly unimpressed with the culture of the ethnic group she’d married into.

  Eden’s news about Jason Cage set off alarm bells in Sid’s head. “Wolves?” she asked. “Or werewolves?”

  “I think I know the difference between wolves and werefolk by now,” Eden answered a bit testily. “He called them George and Gracie—wait a minute. Do you think he knows something about Cathy’s disappearance?”

  “He said he was in town to help some mortal damsel in distress,” Sid said. “No names were mentioned, but I don’t believe in coincidences. I think we need to check this guy out.”

  It won’t hurt to find out all I can about the sperm donor of my future child.

  “Right now, we’d better get back to the party,” Eden said, taking her by the arm and turning her toward the courtyard. “We’ve got at least an hour more of being dutiful Clan females before they’ll let us skip out and get back to work.”

  Chapter Eight

  T he wolves snapped and poked their long, hard noses against her skin. They pushed her this way and that between them, playing an evil game. She knew it was a game by the way they grinned, showing huge, glistening fangs. She whimpered, blinded by tears. Deep down under the fear, she was furious for showing the weakness she knew they wanted from her. Sofia hated the animals as much as she feared them, but she hated the helplessness even more. Finally she got up the courage to beat against one’s flank, but it took no notice of the blows. The fur was warm and soft, but she was more aware of the hard muscle underneath. These creatures could easily tear her to shreds.

  Then a shadow materialized at the head of the alley, and Jason was there and…

  Sofia shook her head and the drab motel room came back into focus. They were just dogs, she told her child’s memory. Don’t be so melodramatic.

  And it had been her great-grandfather who appeared at the head of the alley, not some stranger she’d only met today.

  The old man had saved her, and he’d died the same night. The exertion had killed him. She still blamed herself.

  She didn’t blame herself for what happened after that. Oh, no, only her crazy father was responsible for the next tragedy of that horrible day.

/>   Stay, Jason ordered the wolves when he parked in the lot behind the small motel. I know it’s hard to teach a wolf tamer her trade without having the real thing to work with, but this has to be handled delicately. You want her to like you, don’t you?

  He wanted Sofia to like them, even if that wasn’t really necessary to the training. He wanted his wolf companions to accept the mortal woman as an alpha member of their pack, and the realization that he wanted these emotional commitments shook him. He was fulfilling an obligation with Sofia Hunyara, not looking for permanence, right?

  He must be having some sort of weird reaction to the Matri’s reading his mind. Maybe Lady Juanita had even put the notion of finding a mortal bondmate into his head to keep his attention away from the Clan female who’d been eyeing him. Whether it was obligation or sexual interest, he was anxious to see Sofia again.

  He was all too aware of her presence calling out to him from inside a nearby ground-floor room. Heat raced through him, fueling the urge to be near her.

  Gracie gave a jealous snarl and George glared when Jason got out of the SUV, but the wolves settled down as he left them.

  He was nearly at the door when once more he found her memories flowing easily into him.

  “Go to the hospital. Grigor needs you,” Daddy said. He continued loading the gun she hadn’t known he had, while Grandpa stood in the middle of the living room, staring at him.

  They both stared at him, Grandpa’s dark skin pale with worry, she barely aware of the aches of the cuts and bruises covering her face and body. She was so cold her teeth chattered. She didn’t understand why she was freezing on such a hot day. Her muscles were tense with dread. The things she forced herself to focus on were crystal clear, but everything outside that small circle of reality was fuzzy and full of shadows.

  “Why do you have a gun?” she asked.

  “What are you going to do?” Grandpa asked.

  “Protect my daughter.”

  Grandpa gestured at the weapon. “You know that isn’t our way.”

  “Those bastards aren’t our people. The old ways don’t mean a damn thing to me. Go to the hospital,” he ordered Grandpa. “Take Sofia with you.”

  She wasn’t going anywhere with Grandpa. Her father was so intent on his own business, he didn’t notice when she followed him out of the house.

  He went to the motorcycle shop two blocks from their house. Even the local gangbangers had learned to steer clear of the bikers who’d recently started hanging out there. But her father showed no fear when he turned down the back alley and walked into the open garage in the back.

  Shaking with dread, Sofia crept along the back of the building and peered cautiously inside the doorway just as the first shot filled the air with noise and the smell of sprayed blood.

  She watched three men die, one after another. Then her father took out a knife—

  “By the Goddess of the Moon, you are one messed-up woman.”

  Sofia heard the words, felt the warm strength of the arms surrounding her, and realized she’d been sobbing against Jason’s shoulder long enough to get his shirt wet. “I’m not this bad normally,” she answered between sniffles. “I’ve just had a rough day and—”

  She pulled away from Jason. For a moment she was totally disoriented. Nothing looked right. The only thing that felt right was…him.

  Then she realized they were seated on the bed in the room she’d rented for the night. Strangers, in a strange town, at the end of a very, very strange day. It seemed to have somehow gotten stranger still.

  “How did you get in here?” she demanded. Somehow, she couldn’t question how he’d found her. Having him with her was too disturbingly natural.

  “I’m a professional magician. I always carry lock picks.” This answer seemed too smooth and pat. She started to protest, but he added, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?”

  She didn’t want coffee, but the walls of the room closed in on her like a prison. And the thought of a prison cell conjured up an image she never wanted to think about. Jason Cage’s presence was reassuring, steadying, though she didn’t understand why. The man claimed to believe in werewolves, for God’s sake. And he’d broken into her room. Yet she trusted him.

  If anyone was crazy here, it probably wasn’t him.

  She rose to her feet and held out her hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  He touched her fingers, and the contact was electric. Heat raced through her when he stood close to her.

  “Lust is definitely clouding my judgment.”

  Had she really said that out loud? His smile was all the answer she needed.

  “Let’s save the coffee for later,” he said, and kissed her.

  She’d never needed anything as much as his mouth pressed against hers, devastating and demanding. The need that blazed in her burned away all doubts; sensation took her.

  She clutched at him, ran a hand through his thick brown hair. Such beautiful hair.

  His laughter flowed through her like champagne. Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?

  Your hair’s prettier than mine.

  His fingers tangled in her thick curls. Eye of the beholder, darling.

  She wasn’t so sure about this darling thing, but it sounded good coming from him.

  Sound? What sound? Their lips were locked together and their tongues were busily twined around each other.

  You’re thinking too much. Don’t.

  The thought was commanding and cajoling at the same time. Then his clever fingers and lips worked magic on her skin.

  It was only a step back to the bed, and they fell onto it in a frantic rush to pull off each other’s clothes, eager for the touch of skin to skin. She’d never wanted anything as much as to touch and taste every solidly muscled inch of his body. She needed his claiming touch on every inch of her. Nothing had ever felt so right or real, and her body came to life like it never had before.

  “I’ve never thirsted like this before.” He spoke in a rough whisper, his lips brushing her ear. The heat of his breath sent shudders through her, as did the touch of his tongue gliding down her throat a moment later.

  She suddenly felt sharp teeth pressing against tender skin and closed her eyes, waiting breathlessly. The urgency of his need pounded against her senses. This moment was important, imperative, though she didn’t know why or how. Instinct urged her to flee or to submit, and submission was really the only choice. What would come next would be terrifying or wonderful, or both, but she didn’t want to run.

  You’re braver than you think. Braver than I knew. Be mine.

  Not a question but a demand.

  She opened her eyes and stared into his, saw a soul as lost as her own, on fire with consuming hunger. Then she saw the sharp, bright fangs. Arousal ran through her, far stronger than the instant of fear.

  She held on tight. “Yes.”

  Chapter Nine

  J ason hadn’t meant for this to happen, hadn’t known he needed it to happen. Of course he’d intended to make love to Sofia from the first moment he saw her, but this…

  I’ve found you at last.

  He hadn’t known he’d been searching for a bondmate, but here she was in his arms, his body covering hers, his mouth pressed against her warm, yielding flesh, her heartbeat matching his. Her need matching his.

  It terrified him, but it seduced him even more. He couldn’t pull back. He couldn’t stop. She belonged to him.

  And he took her, fangs sinking deep to draw the sweetest blood he’d ever tasted, heaven and honey and fire. Her life filled him, her soul sang in him.

  Orgasms rushed through her as he took her blood and slammed through Jason with the force of lightning strikes. Soon his body was demanding more than the taste of her. He needed to be inside her.

  He gave her one swift, fierce kiss, sharing the last drop of blood on his tongue with her. Then he knelt over her and she lifted her hips, urging the deep, hard thrust that took him into her. He gasped at the sweet, surrounding heat an
d moved in a slow building rhythm that brought them both to a long, shattering climax.

  Jason rolled onto his back and flung an arm over his eyes.

  Oh, Goddess, what have I done?

  He had never been more satiated, or hungrier for more of the same. The woman slept beside him, curled against his side. He was all too aware of the pleasure and peace he had brought her.

  It made him happy—and worried the hell out of him.

  Had this been a normal sexual encounter with a normal mortal, he would be content with the mutual satisfaction they’d shared. The Families weren’t out to protect mortals the way their Clan cousins were, but they did believe in fair exchange in all their mortal dealings.

  If Lady Juanita was correct—and Matris always were in these matters—Sofia Hunyara was his fated bondmate. Not that he needed the Matri’s opinion. He knew in his gut, in his groin, and most of all in his soul that Sofia was his destiny, his completion.

  “Damn it all to hell,” he complained to the ceiling. “Why now? Why her?”

  She belonged to her own people. They needed her whether she knew it or wanted it. It was his duty to make her accept her gift, to train her and—

  Let her go.

  “You belong to me,” he whispered, turning to her and kissing her on the cheek. “Always and forev—”

  “What?” She sat up and groggily ran a hand across her face. A flash of fear went through her, and she stared at him for a moment as if she didn’t recognize him. Then she said, “Oh, it’s you.” And yawned.

  Jason had never felt more deflated in his life. Here he’d been making a declaration of his undying devotion and she—

  “Oh, it’s you,” he repeated sarcastically. “We just had the best sex of our lives and you act as if—”

  “How do you know it was the best sex of my life?”

  “Believe me, I know.”

  “Arrogant, aren’t you?” She pushed her heavy curls out of her face and grinned at him. “Arrogant with good reason. It was the best.”


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