Being Diane

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Being Diane Page 4

by Dennis Adkins

  Chapter 4

  The next day at school was a repeat of the day before as always except Baby Hughie wasn't there to finish the job he had promised he would. Then I heard a couple of the guys talking about how he wasn't going to be coming back for a long time since he had gotten caught breaking into someone’s store and got arrested. Maybe my luck was going to change. I went to P.E. as usual but today instead of having to climb a rope, we had to go out and run on the track. This time as we took off I took my usual position in the back and tried to keep up on the mile run. We had gone three quarters of a mile when I realized that I felt great and was running a little faster than any time before. I guess I was daydreaming and not paying attention because I suddenly realized that I was running and the rest of the class wasn't in front of me, it really didn't matter because I didn't feel the pain that came with my other experiences with running the mile. It was when I came around the turn where all the others were, that I realized that they were all staring at me. I started to slow down and stop but the coach called out and told me to go on. He had his stopwatch out and was watching it as I ran.

  I guess I ran three miles that day and when I got through the coach called me aside and asked me why I had never been able to do that before. I really didn't have an answer, but I still felt great even though I was tired. Something changed that day because I didn't get popped again and he made sure that none of the others tried to.

  The rest of the day was a lot better except we had a new history teacher who announced that she would be giving a test on Friday and that we needed to be ready for it, so she would ask us questions and make us stand up to answer. She asked one of the football guys a question and he stood up and told her that he didn't know anything about it. The rest of the class laughed at that but I could tell that it made her mad because she gave him a paper to write that night about the question.

  Ms. Givens class was great as usual, she looked awesome in a navy blue suit and navy blue Mary Jane pumps. She made us work harder than usual and she walked up and down the aisle making sure that we were doing the work. As she walked by me, I caught a whiff of her perfume. She smelled like a flower in bloom in the spring, like the roses in our front yard. I couldn't help but notice that I wasn't the only guy mesmerized by the wonderful aroma that hung around after. It was torture to have to sit there and experience that without being able to do anything about it. I was actually glad when the bell rang and I left to go to band.

  After band, I started to leave and get on the bus to go home, but I suddenly remembered that I had to meet Ms. Givens at her car. I really didn't want to but I guessed that I really didn't have much of a choice so I walked out to the teacher’s parking lot and waited for her. I really didn't know which car was hers, so I just stood at the edge and waited patiently for about ten minutes. She came out carrying a box with papers in it and walked up to me and handed me the box and said. “Honey would you mind carrying these for me and put them in my back seat. Thanks.”

  There it was again “Honey”. I didn't think I would ever reach a point of not liking the sound of her calling me '”Honey”. I took the box and looked around as she started off. I followed her obediently and couldn't help but admire the way she walked in the high heels. She seemed to glide not walk, as though she was floating on air. I had never seen any woman walk like that before, confident almost forceful without a single bobble. I suddenly thought, hey I'm not horny, but jealous, alright what’s going on here. I should be thinking of doing things to her that I am not old enough for. Am I turning queer or something? Naw, that couldn't be it, but still I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I would like to be able to walk like that someday..

  When we reached the car, it was a really sharp red two door Chevy Nova SS with dual exhaust and rally wheels, red and white interior. It was badged with the 396 V-8 emblem. We had all wondered whose it was and now I knew. This was an information coup that was worth a fortune. The only thing wrong with it from a guy standpoint was that it was an automatic transmission. I put the box in the back with my books also, like she said and just stood there not knowing whether to get in or go back inside for the tutoring. She looked at me and said, “Well get in, we have a lot to do and it is starting to rain.”

  Sure enough, it was sprinkling rain. So I got in on the passenger side, I watched her get in on the driver’s side and as she did, her skirt rode up revealing the tops of her hose and the blue garters. She blushed and tugged at it and got it back down. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, two of the girls that sat next to me were holding their books over their heads in an attempt not to get wet. Ms. Givens pulled up next to them and rolled down her window and called to them. “Sally, Annie come on I'll give you a ride.” Then she turned to me and asked, “You don't mind do you?”

  “No. Of course not.” I stammered and started to get out and get in back but Sally pushed me to the middle and climbed in and sat in my lap and Annie got in beside me. There I was with three of the hottest girls in town. Sally had a short plaid skirt on that didn't cover her bottom when she sat and I could feel her bottom on my legs. I was glad I put my books in the back then.

  Sally spoke up and said, “Thanks, Ms. G. I just knew we were going to get soaked before we got to my house.” Then she looked at me and asked. “What are you doing here Dennis?”

  Before I could speak Ms. Givens said, “We are running away to live in sin. So mums the word.”

  I don't believe that I had ever blushed before, but I knew I was then. My cheeks were burning and my head was swimming. I stammered, “Ms. Givens, don't be telling them that.”

  “Why not sweet heart it's the truth. We have been planning to run away to Tahiti for the longest and live naked on the beach.” and she winked

  “Why you little stud. I suspected all along that you were fooling around with an older woman, but I never thought it would be Ms. G. So do you make her happy?” Annie asked with a snicker.

  “Annie you know we aren't going to Tahiti and I wish you shouldn't say things like that Ms. Givens.” I said.

  “Okay I'll tell you the truth. Dennis has to be tutored to get back up with the rest of the class. So I am taking him to my house to work,” admitted Ms. Givens.

  “Great then you won't mind if I put my arms around your neck then.” Sally said as she encircled my neck and came in close, closer than I had ever been to a girl before. I had my hands down at my side trying not to touch her, but it made it to where I was touching both Ms. Givens and Annie's legs. “Tell you what I won't bite you if you put your arms around my waist. That will make it easier for me to stay in your lap when the car stops. Okay?”

  I reached up and did as she said. She had a small waist and a well-developed chest that was right in my face. Her hair smelled sweet and felt lite against my cheek. Her sweater was soft to the touch and once again, I was wishing I could wear something like that. It was actually very pleasant, but I could still feel my cheeks burning.

  “You know if I didn't know better, I would say you have never had anything to do with a girl before,” said Sally in a very soft and sweet voice.

  “I'll bet that he has never been kissed,” said Annie.

  “Is that right?” asked Ms. Givens.

  “Yes mam.” I said softly. “But I'm not queer or anything I just haven't....” and I let it trail off.

  Then Sally took my face in her hands and looked me in the eyes and said, “I don't think you are queer. As a matter of a fact, you are one of the nicest and sweetest guys I know. You hold doors for the girls and carry their books for them. I even saw you carrying one's purse for her. You had it on your shoulder and everything and you didn't complain a bit. That was the coolest thing I have ever seen a guy do and I am so glad that you didn't get in the back seat.” Then she leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

  I almost fainted right then. She had the softest lips and her breath smelled like baby’s breath. My head started spinning and my cheeks burned even hotter. “Thanks.” was all I c
ould say.

  “All right Sally that's enough.” said Ms. Givens and she swatted Sally on the bottom. “I have enough trouble with all the rumors going around now. I don't need people saying I'm driving you around so you can make out with the boys.”

  “I wasn't making out with Dennis. I just gave him a little kiss and I didn't hear him complain,” whined Sally. “And that hurt.” As she rubbed her bottom.

  We pulled up to Sally's house and parked in the driveway. Annie got out but Sally didn't move. “Dennis, I meant what I said. We'll see you in school tomorrow. Okay?”

  “Sure, if you don't mind being seen with me.” I said and as soon as I said it, I knew it was not the right thing to say.

  “Dennis, I would love to be seen with you anytime. Bye.” and Sally got out and ran inside.

  “Damn boy you are full of surprises,” muttered Ms. Givens as she drove off.

  I just sat there for a second trying to digest all that had just happened when it suddenly came to me that I was still sitting next to Ms. Givens. I practically jumped over to the passenger side of the car and said, “Sorry I didn't mean..... You know, uh I wasn't trying to do anything.” I was stammering and choking.

  “Don't worry sugar, I was enjoying it myself. You seem to be really shy around girls, but you have a presence that is nice to be around. I won't attack you or anything like that, but I am enjoying being around you.”

  That completely flabbergasted me. I wasn't expecting that at all. I mean I couldn't put two words together around the girls and they didn't seem to want to be around me so this was a complete surprise. Gosh, only twenty minutes ago, I was trying to figure out how to make this a better experience and now it has turned out to be phenomenal day.

  Ms. Givens parked her car in front of a really cute little house about two blocks from Sally's house and announced, “We are here, don't forget your books Stud.” and she giggled.

  I really felt the burning in my cheeks then. I got my books and the box and followed her inside. Once inside she told me to go to the kitchen table and have a seat. Then she went into the back of the house. I could hear her singing and wondered what she was doing. She reappeared wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts and a tie-dye T-shirt with the words Chicago Forever on it, I couldn't help but notice that both were very snug fitting and showed off her figure even better than before. She was barefoot and her toenails had a mauve polish on them. She looked even hotter than ever before. This was going to be tough trying to concentrate on the work.

  “Honey, why don't you move over to the side so I can sit next to you. That way I'll be better able to see what you are doing.” she said and pulled out the two chairs on the side. “So would you like a coke or something else, a beer maybe or some wine.” she had a malevolent smile when she said it but quickly followed it up with, “Oh sorry but you are too young to be drinking, OR SMOKING. So what will it be a Coke or tea.”

  “Well, I don't smoke so I guess I had better settle for the Coke. Oh and I don't like the taste of beer or wine.” I said smugly and grinned at her. “So, Ms. Givens what are we going to work on today?”

  She was pouring the Coke in glasses and she suddenly stopped and stood there for a second. Then she turned around and looked at me funny, “Dennis, would you do me a favor?”

  “Uh, yes mam anything.” I answered. I thought I had done a serious faux pause from the way she looked.

  “My name is Julie. Please don't call me Ms. Givens when we are alone but when we are in school I will expect you to continue to address me as Ms. Givens. Okay?” She said.

  “Sure, Okay. I don't mind.” I said suddenly relieved that I wasn't in trouble again, but I secretly to myself decided to try not to use her first name unless I couldn't help it. To me it was sign of disrespect to call an elder, or someone in a position of authority, even one as young as she, by their first name. In school since we were more or less equals so it didn't apply but I felt it did here.

  She started to bring the drinks over to the table when suddenly a mouse ran out in front of her and stopped. She screamed and started hopping around trying to avoid the cute little thing and in the process; she managed to pour an entire glass of coke on me. She stopped and stared at me with her eyes wide open covering her mouth with her hand. I heard her say. “Oh my, honey I am so sorry. I didn't mean to pour that on you. Please forgive me. Please?”

  I happened to look down and saw the mouse sitting up on its hind legs looking from me to her. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen and started laughing at the sight of the two of them both staring at me like that. She had managed to get Coke in my hair and all over my shirt and pants. Was there no end to the new and strange events of this day?

  I reached down and held out my hand to the mouse and it climbed onto it. It was so cute and small and apparently fearless. I guess that it knew that I had no intentions of hurting it. I had to hide the fact that while I enjoyed target shooting I despised the thought of killing except in self-defense or to obtain food. There was something immoral about it that I couldn't accept even though putting it into words was at that time difficult. The little mouse moved around on my hand and then ran up my arm and onto my shoulder where it sniffed at my ear and then laid down on my shoulder.

  Ms. Givens just stood and stared at me in awe. Then she spoke, “You are an amazing person like no other I have ever seen before in my entire life. How did you do that?”

  “What?” I answered.

  “You know. How did you get that mouse to come to you like that?” she asked in amazement.

  “I don't know. It seems to me to be pretty fearless and brave. I mean it ran out and stood up in front of you in defiance. Hey that seems like the perfect name for you little one. I think I will call you Defiance.” The mouse stood up on my shoulder and squeaked in approval. “Do you have a cracker for Defiance?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do. And I'll bet he would like a marsh mellow too. Don't you think?” and she went and got them and set them on the table. Defiance ran down my arm when I put my hand on the table and over to the food and started eating.

  “Alright now we have to get you cleaned up. So I'm going to run a bath and wash your clothes and dry them while we work. So you can strip in the bathroom and I will bring you some clothes.” she ordered.

  I hesitated and she looked at me and said. “NOW!” and she went off to the back and I heard her running the bath water.

  “Defiance, you don't know the trouble you have just caused.” and he sat up and squeaked and went back to eating like 'yeah get over it'. So I unbuttoned my shirt and took off my shoes and socks. I didn't want to take off my pants or T-shirt yet but she suddenly reappeared.

  “Come on we don't have all day. Get that t-shirt and shirt off now and you can take the rest off in the bathroom.” She ordered.

  I did as she ordered and took off my shirt and t-shirt and stood there completely mortified and embarrassed. Let me just say that in the stud department, I wasn't and I had noticed that my chest was getting bigger and was very sensitive to touch. My nipples were actually very large for a boy and my waist seemed to be getting smaller this year. About three years ago, I had fallen while climbing a tree and managed to land on a branch below me with my legs on both sides. I fell off onto the ground and passed out from the pain and for about a week, I was black and blue where my testicles were and even ran a fever for a day or two. I didn't tell Mom about it because she would have gotten pretty mad because I was where I wasn't supposed to be. I had begun to wonder if that had anything to do with how I was developing.

  Ms. Givens was staring at me again. “Dennis, are you taking any medicines to make you look like that?” she asked.

  “No mam. I started noticing this about a year ago but was afraid to say anything to anybody. I catch hell in PE when I have to take a shower with the boys. I mean look at me I don't have much of a penis and I seem to be growing boobs. Now my butt is bigger than my waist and none of my clothes fit right. I seem to be a lot more em
otional than I ever have been.” and I started sobbing. “And now the one person that I admire the most is going to hate me too.”

  She suddenly reached out and pulled me to her and held me until I stopped crying. “Sweetie I could never hate you no matter what. Just because you look different doesn't mean that people hate you. Come on and get into the tub and get cleaned up. I think I have some clothes that you can wear until yours are ready.”

  I went into the bathroom and found a tub filled with bubbles that smelled...well...girlie. I took off the rest of my clothes and got in and felt the hot water warming me and washing all my cares away for a minute. To me a bath was like getting baptized, washing all your sins away. I guess that is a rather unusual way to look at it, but to me it made sense. Then she came in and told me to get my hair wet so she could wash out the coke. I stammered that I was naked.

  She said, “Don’t worry you are covered in bubbles so I can’t see anything.”

  It seemed to help ease my embarrassment a little so I told her okay. She used a shampoo that smelled divine and put some more stuff on my hair and rubbed it in. Then she stood up and told me to get out and put on the clothes and robe that she had left me on the chair. She left to let me get out and even after I got out, I could still smell the wonderful aroma of all the bubbles and bath oils she put in the water. I drained the tub and cleaned it for her so she wouldn’t have to.

  I got out and dried off and found a pair of pink bikini panties with lace around the leg openings and the waist along with a pink silky slip that had two satin ribbons that held it up. She had left a robe and a pair of fluffy slippers that had a little heel to them also. I didn't have much of a choice so I put them on. When I put the panties on, I felt a tingle all over. The satin against my skin was the most exciting thing I had ever felt in my life. Then I put the slip on and decided that that was the most exciting thing, it was satin and felt smooth against my skin and it didn't irritate my breast like the cotton T-shirts did. I was in heaven, finally God had granted me my wish to die and go to heaven. I put the robe on and the slippers and came out of the bathroom. Ms. Givens was standing there with a camera and caught me as I came out. I knew then that my wish wasn't granted. She took two or three pictures of me like that then told me to bend over.

  I looked at her with a questioning look. She saw it and said. “I want you to throw your hair over to the front and I will wrap a towel around it to help it dry.” And she wrapped my longish hair up into a turban. “Are you alright with this for the time being?”

  What could I say it was wonderful. I felt like I was on top of the world right then and strangely enough I seemed to be enjoying the feel of being as I should. “This is fine. Actually, it is great. I wouldn't mind being able to do this every day of my life.” I blurted out before I could stop it.

  She smiled and said. “Wonderful. Come on and let's get started on your homework. Oh and by the way, you look better in my clothes than I do. I do believe.” She said and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me back to the kitchen.

  The sound of the heels clicking on the floor was like a song of joy to me, making me want to dance if I knew how to. This was the best day of my life and I didn't want it to ever end. We started in on the math that I was having so much trouble with and it seemed as though I understood with a clarity that I had never had before. I even was able to do the quadratic equations for the first time. We worked on math almost the whole time and she declared that I was catching up very well. Julie was sitting there staring at me

  “I was right, he is much more feminine than he realizes. I wonder how long he has been acting this way and does he even know it. I wonder if he is gay.” She was thinking to herself.

  “Dennis can I ask you some questions?”

  “Yes mam, I guess so.” I speculated on what she wanted to ask me. Did she think I was queer or did she think that I was enjoying this too much. Well I was enjoying it a little too much, but I really didn’t want it to stop.

  “You seem more animated right now, why?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I answered and looked at her in confusion.

  “Well look at you. You are sitting up attentive, smiling, and happy even. You are using your hands to gesture with while you speak. You are more lucid and precise with your speech.” She pointed out.

  I looked at her and thought about it for a second. “I feel like I am happy and I feel safe. I don’t have a lot of worries clouding my ability to think and comprehend.”

  “What worries do you have?” She asked and looked at me closely.

  “I can’t talk about that now.”

  “I see, maybe later?” She persisted and got me back on my studies.

  Then out of the blue while working on some of the algebra she asked me to stand and take off the robe. She left and came back with a measuring tape and measured my chest in two places across my breast and under my breast, then she measured my waist and my butt, which should have been the same if everything was growing right but as luck would have it, they weren't. “Dennis, you are a 32-25-31 in size, and you are about a B cup, you have a beautiful figure and I think it will only improve from here. How about if I do something with your hair to make it look better?”

  “Okay. What do you have in mind?” I asked.

  “Just keep working. I'll be right back.” she said and took off to the other room.

  I kept working since it seemed a lot easier to focus and I also noticed that I was more relaxed and open to trying something new. This was not me at all. I had never been so willing to try new things or do anything new. As a matter of a fact, I was a stick in the mud very set in my ways to the point of not growing at all. I wonder if that had something to do with why I was having so much trouble adjusting in school with all of the others. It made sense to me once again. Although I couldn't help but remember the passage in the bible about not wearing clothes of the opposite sex and wondered how would my church accept me now. They really were having a difficult time accepting me as it was. Also, was I committing a mortal sin? Was I going to burn in hell for what I felt was right and obviously was having a very positive impact on me? Well I didn't care I felt whole for the first time in my life and I didn't want it to stop.

  My work was improving and even my handwriting, which had always been atrocious, was getting better as I continued. I started out having the style of a fourth grader and as I continued, it started flowing in a more feminine style. I even experimented with putting little smiley faces over the i's instead of a dot. Alright this was getting weirder and weirder as time progressed. How would I explain the change in my hand writing to some of the teachers. Oh well I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

  Ms. Givens came back in and had a box filled with rollers and other hair stuff and she took the turban off and started brushing out my hair while I worked. I had never had anyone brush my hair much less a beautiful woman. Then she put my hair up in rollers. I started to get worried at that point but once again it was exciting to have someone work with my hair and I needed to be fussed over I guess. Then she stopped me. “Have you finished all of your homework?”

  “Yes mam.” I answered.

  “Okay then put your books away. I need to do some things to you.” She said. I did as she said without question and she took my hands and started to file my fingernails. Then she had me take off the slippers and she filed my toenails also. Then she took out a bottle of clear nail polish and applied it to my toes and fingernails. After that, she took a pair of tweezers and started plucking my eyebrows.

  “That hurts.” I whined.

  “It won't hurt long. Just sit still and let me finish. You have the longest eyelashes I have ever seen. They are so beautiful and full, I am jealous.” She said.

  “Not as jealous as I am of you.” I muttered.

  “What?” She asked obviously taken aback.

  “I said not as jealous as I am of you.”

  “Why would you be jealous of me?” she asked

  “I am jealous of the way you look and walk and talk and how smart you are and I am jealous of the way you dress and everything.” I said and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

  “Oh, honey. I never even realized that you felt that way. I hope it's not because I have you dressed this way?” she said with a sadness in her voice. “I would never forgive myself if I knew I had caused that.”

  “No, no, you haven't caused anything. I have been feeling this way for a long time even before I met you. So, no, you haven't done anything. I guess I am confused about whether I am a boy or really am I a girl. The truth be known this has made me see that I am really a girl after all. I mean that would explain a lot of things like the way I don't like to play football or baseball, but I love to watch and cheer the team on. It would also explain why I love the feel of soft things against my skin and the smell of perfume. I feel a freedom that I have never felt before now that I am wearing a slip and panties. This is an eye opening experience for me.” I said through the tears.

  Once again, she pulled me to her and held me close quietly telling me, “Sugar everything will be alright. There's no need to cry. So dry your eyes. You know you are my favorite student and I think even more of you now than I did before. You have apparently suffered in silence for a long time, you are not going to have to suffer much more. I promise.”

  I hadn't seen what she had done to me so I didn't know what I looked like. She took the rollers out and brushed out my hair. She stood back and looked at me “Wow, you are a hottie and it didn't take much to achieve it. Let me go get a mirror so you can see.” and as she started to get the mirror a knock at the door interrupted her.

  I didn't hear the knock so when I heard a woman's voice I panicked and started looking for a way out. All sorts of fears were going through my mind right then. What if it was one of my teachers or worse one of the churchwomen. I was going to be in trouble for sure. So I moved as far away from the door as I could and tried to hide.

  I heard the woman introduce herself as a Mrs. Killibrew and then she introduced her daughter as Chrissy. “Ms. Givens...”

  “Please, call me Julie.” interrupted Ms. Givens.

  “Thank you, Julie. My daughter is a student at the private academy and she isn't doing well in her studies at all and I was wondering if you could help her. You came highly recommended by Mrs. Fletcher at the academy. I am willing to pay twenty dollars a session if you would.” stated Mrs. Killibrew.

  “Well right now I am tutoring another student but I could use the money. Would you mind it if she came at the same time as the other student. By the way what subjects is she having trouble with?” asked Ms. Givens.

  “She is having a lot of trouble with math and English. Who is the other student? I would rather it not be a boy.” Said Mrs. Killibrew.

  “It is a very nice young lady from one of my classes and she also is having trouble with math and English so it would work out very well. As a matter of a fact, she's here right now. Would you like to meet her?” asked Ms. Givens.

  “Why yes. That would be great.” Said Mrs. Killibrew and she sounded very sincere.

  Great Scott! What was she doing? I didn't look anything like a girl and this would get both of us in trouble. I couldn't go out there and meet them like this. I looked like a faggot.

  “Diane, would you come out here please I want you to meet someone.” called Ms. Givens.

  Oh well. I was stuck and had no way out, but to go out there and let them meet me. I would never come back though. I would have to run away and join the circus. Hmm do they even have circuses anymore. I screwed up all the courage I could and walked out to meet them. Now the heels had the sound of a death knell. Click, click, click. And with each step, I imagined the three of them snickering and then breaking out into boisterous laughter then becoming indignant and demanding to know what the meaning was to parade a boy out and claim it was girl. But none of that happened.

  “Mrs. Killibrew this is Diane Allen. Diane this is Mrs. Killibrew and her daughter Chrissy.” said Ms. Givens.

  “Hello.” I said shyly. I was wondering if they could hear my knees knocking. Because I was as frightened as a deer meeting a hungry bear.

  “Hello, Diane it's a pleasure to meet you.” Said Mrs. Killibrew with a smile.

  “Please excuse her attire. We had a little accident involving a mouse and two glasses of cola earlier. Have a seat Diane and Chrissy.” Said Ms. Givens.

  I sat down as femininely as I could in one of the chairs and Chrissy sat across from me. I noticed that she was staring at me pretty hard. Had she figured out what I was and was she going to blow my cover? Why hadn't I just gone on and gotten on the bus today instead of coming here? How was I going to get out of this jam. If she was going to come the same days as I was then I would have to dress as a girl each time. Where would I get the clothes and how do I pretend to be a girl when I didn't know how. Oh, woe is me. I was interrupted in my miseries by Mrs. Killibrew.

  “So Diane where do you live? What do your parents do?” She asked.

  “I live about five miles west of town on a farm. My father is an over the road truck driver and my Mom works uptown in one of the clothing stores. We had been taking care of my Grandfather before he died.” I said figuring that the truth would be easier to keep up with.

  “I remember you now, you were in the store the other day when I took Chrissy in to buy a party dress. You recommended one to us and by the way, she was the hit of the party because of you. I can't thank you enough. You looked a lot different that day with your farm clothes on. Now you look gorgeous today out of those drab clothes and with you hair fixed.” She said.

  “That's where I had seen you!” suddenly shouted Chrissy. “You are very pretty out of your work clothes. So are you going to be able to study with me?” she asked.

  “Well we have been pretty busy lately so I don't know if I will be here every time but I would like to if you don't mind.” I said trying desperately to think of a way out of this situation.

  “I would love it if she could be here with me, Mom.” said Chrissy.

  “Okay then it's settled.” announced Mrs. Killibrew. “When do we need to start?”

  “How about the day after tomorrow? That will give me time to prepare and that is Diane's next scheduled session and don't worry I'll make sure she is here then.” Said Ms. Givens.

  “Damn how could this day get any worse. Now I was committed to this. All I need is one more thing to go wrong and I think I'll go nuts and shoot myself.” I was thinking and sure enough, it did. Someone was knocking at the door.

  Ms. Givens excused herself and went to the door and opened it.

  “Hi Ms. G. we came by to see how your star pupil was doing with the work.” and in rushed Sally and Annie.

  They both came to an abrupt stop when they saw me. The jig was up. Put a fork in me I was done. “Hi Sally, Annie, I said sheepishly.”

  Ms. Givens came over and saved the day. “I know she was dressed differently earlier but “Diane” and I had an accident and she had to change clothes.” And she nudged Sally.

  “Wow, 'Girl' I have never seen you with your hair done before. You look great doesn't she, Annie?” exclaimed Sally.

  Annie was staring at me and Sally had to nudge her. “You bet. I almost didn't recognize you. You really need to look this way more often.” Exclaimed Annie as she walked up to me and adjusted my hair.

  “Girls. This is Mrs. Killibrew and her daughter Chrissy.” said Ms. Givens to break the silence.

  They both turned and said hello to Mrs. Killibrew then they recognized Chrissy and ran up to her and started jabbering. Mrs. Killibrew looked at them with a questioning look. “Excuse me, Chrissy do you know these young ladies?” Asked Mrs. Killibrew.

  “Sure do Mom. We met at some of the ball games and at camp last year. These are my best friends even though I don't get to see them enough.”

  “How wonderful. I think this deserves a celebration. How about if we go
out to supper. My treat.” announced Mrs. Killibrew.

  “That would be wonderful, but I would have to ask Diane first if she would like to go.” said Ms. Givens. “Diane?”

  “Well I really need to get home. And I only have my work clothes with me so I am not prepared for going out.” I said thinking that would suffice but once again, my luck intervened.

  “I bet you can wear my size so I can run home and get you something to wear and we could be ready in about thirty minutes.” Said Sally with a mischievous look in her eye.

  “Well, Okay, but I still have to get permission to go from my Mom.” I said realizing that I wasn't going to get out of this and hoping that she would say no.

  “You all get that done. I have one more errand to run and I'll be back in about thirty minutes.” said Mrs. Killibrew.

  “Mom, do you mind if I stay here?” asked Chrissy.

  “If it's alright with Julie. Then it will be fine with Me.” she answered

  “It will be fine with me.” Said Ms. Givens. “Uh girls I do need to talk to you for a minute though.”

  “Alright then I'll see you in a few minutes.” and Mrs. Killibrew left.

  “Sally, Annie, in the bedroom now. March.” said Ms. Givens. The three of them trooped into the bedroom and closed the door.

  Chrissy came over to me and got real close. “I know that you aren't a girl, but I don't care. You seem to be a very nice person and I want to get to know you. My Mom is afraid that I am going to meet some boy and start screwing all the time. She is kind of old fashioned so try not to let her know you are a boy.” and she leaned in and kissed me.

  I had never been kissed by a girl before and now I have been kissed by two. Something is definitely going my way. “So you don't care if I'm not born a girl?”

  “Not at all. Right now, you look better than you did the other day. And you smell better. I'm wondering though what the rest of you looks like.” She said rather coyly.

  “Uh I don't think I had better show you that right now.” As I stepped away a little. I was thinking this girl is going to get me in trouble if I am not careful around her.

  The girls came out of the bedroom and grabbed Chrissy and ran out the door. I looked at Ms. Givens and she just shrugged her shoulders. She picked up the phone, “What is the number to the store?”

  “Oh its 555-1212.” I turned and walked to the dryer and took my clothes out and quickly put them on. I put Ms. Givens slip and panties in the dirty clothes hamper and picked up her shoes and robe and carried them out and handed them to her.

  “How did you know your mother wouldn't let you go with us?” she asked.

  “I didn't, but I had a feeling she wouldn't. If you don't mind could I borrow a ribbon to tie my hair back with?” I asked. I felt sad and was a little disappointed that the day had to end like this, but I knew that it was for the best.

  “Of course you can.” and she got me a very pretty blue one and tied my hair up for me.

  “I will go ahead and leave so I won't have to answer a lot of questions.” I said. I picked up my books and said goodbye to Defiance and left out the back door so I wouldn't run into the girls. I had to make a decision about whether or not I would be coming back especially in light of the afternoon’s events. I ducked through several backyards and came out on the street that lead to the store so I could catch a ride with Mom back home. I was walking up to the store when she came out. She didn't look very happy at all.


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