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Collision: Book Four in the Secret World Chronicle - eARC

Page 62

by Mercedes Lackey

Ubermensch, in his full armor, being pulled along by Valkyria. He was gesticulating, clearly objecting to retreat. She was not taking “no” for an answer. The focus zoomed in even tighter; and Valkyria paused.

  Then she turned her head and stared. Right at the camera. Which should not have been possible, Bella knew, since Vickie’s little spy-eyes were invisible. But what happened next moment confirmed that somehow, not only was Valkyria aware that she was being filmed, she could see what was doing the spying. Because she frowned, pulled out a pistol of some kind—and pointed it at the camera.

  And the screen went blank.

  But before anyone could react to that, a new view, from farther away, came up. The camera zoomed in again, but it was so far away that the only thing that could be determined was that the two figures running into the dragon’s mouth were indeed Ubermensch and Valkyria. And once they were aboard, the mouth snapped shut, the head lifted up, and the dragon rose into the air, scales outlined in the orange glow of Thulian propulsion. Taking advantage of the billowing clouds of black smoke, it disappeared into them, only to reappear in the distance. Then it rose over the side of the mountain, and was gone.

  “That was an evac, sirs, ladies,” said Vickie. “And an evac generally has a place to evac to.”

  A light came on at a desk at the back. “I know some people who might be able to help with that,” said a welcome and familiar voice, and Ramona Ferrari stood up, so that people would be better able to see her.

  It looked as if she’d gotten better control over her rebellious epidermis; there was just enough metal showing along the edges of her cheeks and jawline to make it obvious she was metahuman. She was wearing a standard ECHO nanoweave uniform rather than the armor-and-nanoweave suit Bella had had made for her, and had a lit cigarette in one hand.

  “Steel Maiden?” Arthur Chang said.

  Ramona nodded. “Yes sir. Also former ECHO detective Ramona Ferrari,” she added. “And the time has come to tell you all about a group of people who call themselves Metis.”


  Soul of a Man

  Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  John never thought he could be so bodily tired as he was after the assault on Ultima Thule. After the Metisians had come riding to the rescue at the last possible second, it had still been a day and a half of bloody fighting against the remnants of the Krieger forces before they finally caved. Once that happened, nearly the entire compliment of CCCP personnel—save for the Commissar, Molotok, and a few others as security—were shipped back to Atlanta, with Untermensch in charge. The city needed a CCCP presence, for public relations as much as for keeping the peace. The same went for ECHO; anyone that wasn’t part of the leadership council was on a C-130 back stateside. The conventional military forces were to be in charge of the prisoners captured and holding what remained of the ruined city. That suited John just fine; they had gone in, done what needed to be done, and then they got to go home.

  Even though he and Sera had slept for the most part the entire way back, the flight had been somewhat tense. No one seemed to want to sit too close to them, and there were lots of glances and whispers directed their way. John was sure that he could actually feel the apprehension and fear that everyone was experiencing, though he still didn’t know how. Initially, it had been no better once they were back at the CCCP HQ, unloading and inventorying equipment, running through post-operation medicals, and the like. What there was of equipment to bring back, that is; there hadn’t been a lot to haul home. What hadn’t been used had, more often than not, been destroyed in the fighting. Much of the equipment had been borrowed from ECHO, so it wasn’t that much of a net loss, but in true Russian fashion, everything had to be double checked with paperwork filled out in triplicate, by hand.

  Everyone around the base was walking on eggshells when it came to John and Sera, none of them willing to break the silence to talk about the obvious questions; just how powerful were John and Sera, now, and could they still be trusted with all of that power? John had heard talk that they were thinking of classifying him and Sera as Op4s, now. It was unfathomable for him. It didn’t feel like he was all that powerful, or drastically changed. Well, besides his health; he hadn’t realized how tired he had always been when he was still dying. The new…senses were what really bothered him the most. But he still felt like the same man; not insane, not vested with terrible power. Just…same ol’ John Murdock, who liked a few brews after a long day on patrol, would tear into a good steak like a tiger, and had a healthily carnal interest in the love of his life.

  It was Pavel that saved him and Sera, in the end. Most of the team was assembled in one of the larger storage rooms, moving and logging crates. Bear had been shifting uncomfortably on his feet; he was watching everyone else, how they were reacting to John and Sera, still keeping their distance. Finally, it seemed that he was fed up.

  “Eto smeshno,” he muttered, uncrossing his arms and standing up. He clomped loudly over to John and Sera with everyone’s eyes on him. There was a pause that seemed to go on too long as everyone was quiet and still.

  “So, Murdock. Are you planning on being exploding any time soon? If is being so, give warning so I may relocate stock of Chef Oh Boy cans. A bear can get hungry. No? Good. Help with welding job in motorpool after we finish chore here.”

  And just like that, the tension snapped like an overstretched rubber-band. The others began treating John and Sera like part of the team again. Georgi was his usual gruff and stoic self, Thea began calling him “Chonny” again, and Jadwiga badgered him about getting an updated medical.

  He hadn’t realized how much he had come to depend on all that, until it was gone. After having been on the run from the Program for so many years, and being completely alone, he now had friends, family even. First with the neighborhood that he had helped to rebuild and defend. Next with the CCCP, his teammates who accepted him even now when others feared or shunned him. And finally, Sera, his beloved. That was surely a mystery to top all others; that he had found love again. It all added up, and gave him a full heart. I haven’t felt home in a long, long time. But I think this is what it’s like.

  It wasn’t until later that night, after their shift had ended and they were able to retreat back to his squat, that John and Sera had a few moments alone. They were both still exhausted, from the work of the day and their exertions during the battle in the Himalayan mountains. Instead of flying—which he was starting to really enjoy, now that he was getting better at it—they walked quietly, taking in the cooler night air and the quiet sounds of the neighborhood settling down for the evening. They took their time, arm in arm, each with their thoughts. They didn’t need to talk right then, it seemed; enjoying each other’s company was enough.

  Sera waited until both of them had cleaned up and become comfortable before she approached John. He was on the roof of the squat, where they had so often talked, sipping a cold beer.

  She waited a moment, poised in the entrance to the roof, regarding him from behind. How often she had watched him like this, and him not aware of it! But now—

  “Someone tell you to keep the door propped open with yourself, darlin’?” he chuckled, not turning his head. She laughed a little, and joined him, arms crossed on the edge of the parapet that surrounded the flat roof.

  “You knew I was there.”

  He grinned lop-sidedly. “I knew. Can’t help knowin’ anymore, it seems. We’re stuck together.” He leaned over, brushing his shoulder against hers.

  “Does this trouble you? It is…a symptom of how things have changed, for both of us.” She turned her gaze on him; at the moment, her eyes were human, a beautiful blue.

  “That part won’t ever trouble me, I don’t think, darlin’. But the other stuff…it’s given me a lot to think ’bout, that’s for sure. I can feel other’s emotions if they’re close enough, now; it isn’t quite mind-readin’, thank goodness. I don’t know if I could handle bein’ in anyone’s head but my own.”

/>   “Then I will take that burden upon myself,” she said, gravely. “I shall shield you from it. But…the emotions, I do not think I can shield you from. It is something you…I…we need. We must always know the cost of what we do to those around us.”

  “Well…hell, darlin’. I can’t ask you to do that on your own. We’ll handle it together; it’s how we’ve come this far.” He took her hand. “I just want to know what the hell it is, first. This may be old hat to you an’ other angels, but it’s fairly new for lil’ ol’ me, y’know.” He softened his words by grinning at the end.

  She smiled, and lifted his hand to her lips to kiss it. “No magic, nothing you have not heard of before. Just what Bella does. Telepathy, and empathy. I shared both with her, when you…changed. So the power of both is divided by three, and the power itself is lessened from what it once was, as all my powers are. Empathy, that is simple. You feel what others feel. We need that, you and I, so we are always aware of the impact of our power. Telepathy, you can, indeed, read at least the surface thoughts of others. Bella is more powerful than either of us, there, now. She can read deeply, deeply beneath the surface, as deep as she cares to go. I began sharing power with her before you and I came to know each other well.”

  “Maybe I ought to start takin’ lessons from her to get a handle on this. Think she’d go for it? I don’t feel comfortable with it as it stands; I sure as shit wouldn’t want a baby telepath traipsin’ around my noggin.”

  She took his hand in both of hers. “You can trust Bella as you can trust me. And it would relieve her greatly. She is concerned about us.”

  “We’ll have t’do somethin’ ’bout that. Havin’ Bella on our side can only help when it comes to Natalya.” He thought for a few moments, sipping from his beer before continuing. “As far as the new…abilities go, there’s also how we are when somethin’ needs doin’. Like fightin’.”

  She nodded. “We frighten people. We are…we are very, very powerful together. Much more so than the two of us separately. I think perhaps even you are frightened.”

  John shrugged, pondering for a moment. “No, it’s not quite that. I mean, that’s somethin’ else that we are gonna have to deal with. I’m used to bein’ one of the things that goes bump in the night for bad guys, so bein’ feared isn’t…new. Bein’ feared like this is. We’ve both been dangerous people for a long while; hell, all of our friends are dangerous. It’s that now we’re bein’ seen as dangerous to the wrong sort of folks. Our people. Ol’ Man Bear saved our bacon earlier, that’s for certain. Not quite sure how things are gonna play out with the Commissar, though. You saw her face when we…well, when we brought Pavel back.”

  Sera shook her head. “We did not bring Pavel back. He had not left. We merely made it possible for him to continue.”

  “Y’see, that’s the thing, though. Did you know that we could do that, before we did it? It was like one moment he was gone…but then we started movin’, not needin’ to say a single word, and we did what we did. I sure as hell didn’t know.”

  “How do you think Bella saved the Commissar?” She laid one hand lightly over his. “How do you think Bella saved you? That was once one of my powers. Now it is ours, shared. We know, without knowing how we know, when it is Permitted to assist others to live, and we make it so.” She turned her gaze skyward. “It is not everyone we may assist, and only rarely, but we will know when Permission is given. If you were to listen closely, you would hear it, the Voice that tells you these things, but in the midst of chaos it is not possible to listen, and so the Infinite makes it known within us and shows us the way.”

  “That’s pretty spooky, y’know. At least for a dumb grunt like me.” He took another swig of his beer. “Somethin’ like that happens when we’re fightin’, too, doesn’t it? But different, I think. We’re more in control, we decide what to do…but it’s like it’s all laid out before us beforehand. What movements to make, where to strike, when to dodge.”

  “Together, we can see the futures. Not as much as I once could, alone, but that truly would drive us both mad.” She shook her hair back, so that it fell between her wings and down her back. “We see what our enemies will do, and so we can move to counter them.”

  “So, it’s kind of a…battle-sense, or something. Does that sound right?” He turned to look her in the eyes, setting his beer on the ledge. She turned her gaze from the heavens to meet his eyes.

  “That is a very good thing to call it,” she said gravely. “The sense of how the battle will flow. I…think…if we were to be quiet together, we would see more of the futures. How much, I do not know, and I know it would be limited. Mathew March could not bear the sight. I am not altogether sure how much we could.”

  “Heh. I’m not sure that I want t’see much of the future; the present is complicated enough as is.”

  She smiled, and brushed the side of his face with her fingers. “It must be done together if it is done at all, beloved.”

  “Let’s hold off on all the divination an’ spooky stuff. I’ve got a better idea of how we can spend our time for the evenin’.”

  She chuckled, low and happily. “One does not need to see the futures to predict what you have in mind.”

  “What can I say?” He grinned again. “I’m a simple man, sometimes.”

  * * *

  This was not a call Vickie was even remotely comfortable with making. But it had to be done. Bella was counting on her.

  “Overwatch: Open JM Private. Johnny?”

  It took a few moments before she heard a reply. “Murdock, here. What’s the sitch, Vick?” It sounded like he was still waking up. Given the last few days that everyone had gone through, she wasn’t surprised that he was resting up. Last few days? Bloody hell, this last month had been a roller coaster, and most of it had been utterly terrifying. If there were any justice they would all be on a beach in Tahiti right now.

  It’s such a magical place, and lord knows that Thea could use some sun.…

  “Listen, big guy, I am gonna cut straight to the chase. You guys are scaring the bejeezus out of anyone who knows anything about metas, and it is a damn good thing no one has released footage of you two to the press yet. Bella promised everyone to give you a once-over, she can’t because she’s ass-deep in VIPs and Metisian crap, so she asked me to. So…you got time to come over and get magically vetted as sound and sane?”

  “Give us fifteen to get decent an’ get over there?”

  “Sure. Shall I send a cab?” she asked, not entirely in jest. How are they going to get dressed and over here in fifteen minutes? Are they materializing clothing now? Is he going to pick her up and carry her while he sprints? It’d take a Ural at least half an hour to get here.

  Then again…maybe there aren’t any Urals left. Still…how the hell are they going to get here so fast?

  “Naw, save the fare. We’ll manage. See you in fifteen; Murdock out.” She went to put on a pot of green tea.

  Fifteen minutes later to the dot, there was a knock on the same window Red Djinni had plunged through to save her life. She had had it replaced with a kind of miniature metal French door, a metal gate that opened inward, glass that slid up, and screen that opened outward so she could open it to fresh air, and yes, let aerialists like the Djinni in, but still have the security of bars on it. And there was a tiny faux-balcony out there, just enough for a foothold.

  Sera and JM were hovering outside the window. Thankfully, they were both fully dressed. John was balanced on what looked for all the world like rocket motors on his feet. Well, the flames of rocket motors, anyway. She threw the window open, staring at him. Okay, sure, she knew thanks to his ocular camera that he flew, but this was the first time she’d seen it in person.

  “Mornin’, comrade. Got a pot of tea ready?”

  “Uh, yeah, come on it.” She backed away from the window wondering how they were going to manage the maneuver of getting inside without falling or getting wings hung up on the window. Or, in his case, setting fire to
the building.

  Sera accomplished it by backing up a bit, getting higher than the window, touching down on the balcony with her feet, grasping the upper ledge of the window and swinging inside with wings tucked in to her body and tightly closed.

  John dropped down a few feet below the bottom of the window, until only the top of his head was showing. Then, with a loud pop, he ramped up and then turned off the fires around his feet, propelling him up and in just enough to clear the window and land at his full height on the floor.

  “Know how to make an entrance, for sure,” she said, closing the window again.

  “I’m gettin’ better. Sera can still fly circles ’round me anytime she feels like it.” To Vickie’s surprise, Sera’s response to that sally was a low chuckle and a happy smile. A smile! Vickie tried to think if there had been any time that she had ever seen the angel smile, and couldn’t. There was nothing wistful or sad about the smile; it was full of joy and contentment. She was changing. No, she had changed.

  And so had John Murdock. The ease and relaxation of the “new” John, the surety of the old John, and a quiet joy that matched the Seraphym’s. In fact…

  In fact, they were no longer, in several senses, two beings. They were two halves of a greater whole. Yin and yang, twin stars, two living flames intermingling to be brighter together than they would be apart. The Seraphym—the old Seraphym—had made Vickie’s knees melt with awe. These two, together, only filled her with wonder. Nothing will ever separate them. Nothing. Not death, not time, nothing known to this reality. It was…perfection.

  Her mouth was dry and she went to pour three mugs of tea, downing one before handing the other two off. “Well, so…” She swallowed hard again. “Sera, I am going to take a pass on vetting you. First of all, you were an Op4 Quadruple Lutz combination with a Triple Toe Loop, a Double Salchow and a half flip, and a 10.0 from the Soviet Judge before, and you didn’t wig out on anyone. I think we can count on you not going postal now.”


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