Forever, Mr. Black (Tainted Black #3)

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Forever, Mr. Black (Tainted Black #3) Page 17

by Shanora Williams

  “You know,” she rested her elbows on the counter, planting her face in her hands, “I can tell when something’s up, Dad. With you and her. She trusts you and I know you trust her. You don’t trust him, which is pretty understandable. She told me he’s been calling, and so has Sheila.” I folded my arms at the sound of Sheila’s name. “My belief is that it will all work out. Last time it didn’t . . . because of me. But I’m not standing in the way this time. No, if anything I’m here to help. I don’t want you going back to Sheila the Witch. I’d much rather hang with Chloe than her. But promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that, Iz?”

  “Promise me that if you guys get hitched one day or whatever, that I won’t have to call her Mom.”

  I burst out laughing and she joined me, winking before pulling away. It was like her to always put a smile on my face, but even so, my smile slipped away as Chloe slouched down in her seat, roughly pushing fingers through her hair.

  She was frustrated now, and I wanted to go right out there, snatch the phone away, hang up, and say to hell with him. But this was something she needed to do, for herself. She hated guilt; it always ate her alive. Her guilt was the reason we’d parted ways in the first place.

  “Fine,” Chloe said as she pushed out of the chair and yanked the sliding door open. “Fine, Sterling. Next weekend.”

  She hung up, grimacing at her phone now.

  “What? What’d he say?” I asked, meeting up to her as Izzy sauntered into the bathroom. She avoided my eyes until I tilted her chin and forced her gaze on me. “Chloe. Tell me.”

  Her lips twisted and pressed all at once. She was worried.

  “He . . . wants us to get re-engaged”

  Chapter 29


  “What?” Theo barked. “To fucking hell with that shit! He isn’t calling anything back on! He’s the one who left!”

  “Don’t worry. I told him we aren’t. Of course he asked me why a million times and I told him I just don’t think it’s meant to be.”

  Relief struck him. He released a ragged breath and took a small step backwards, but before his feet settled, he came closer, cupping the right half of my face and staring into my eyes. He knew. He always knew. “Wait . . . what else aren’t you telling me?”

  “He’ll . . . be back next week, and he wants to talk in person. I . . . need my house, Theo. I can’t avoid it. All of my things are there, and so are his.”

  “Okay. Well, then we’ll get your stuff out. I’ll buy a storage unit for you somewhere.”

  I shook my head. “I should talk to him first before I just start packing and leaving. It’s the least I can do. I mean his mom is the one who took care of my Dad and now she’s dying.”

  His eyes were glassy, as he murmured, “I understand.” But when he pulled his hand away from my cheek, I felt empty. “When will you go?”

  “Next weekend. I’m not sure when he’ll be back but he said he’d let me know. So . . . I’ll talk to him. Tell him the truth in person.”

  “Shouldn’t I be with you?” he asked.

  “Do you really think that’s wise?” I laughed.

  He forced a small smile. “I guess not. I’d probably end up punching him in his face just for the hell of it.”

  “Exactly,” I giggled, “and the last thing I need is for you to be arrested. Look, you’re not too far away. I’ll call you if I need anything. I’ll even let you drop me off there.”

  “If I drop you off, I’m waiting outside. I’m not leaving.” His jaw ticked. He was serious.

  “Sure. That’s okay with me.”

  His shoulders sagged and he slumped down on the couch. “Okay—all right, fine. Go see him. Let him know, but after you talk to him, it has to be done. Once it’s over, I don’t want him having anything to do with you, and I don’t want you having anything to do with him.”

  “Theo.” I snaked myself onto his lap, kissing his warm cheek while he pretended to still be pissed. But I knew the kiss made him melt a little inside. I knew because goosebumps swept over his arms. “He won’t after I meet him there. I’m all yours, remember? You know how I will feel if I don’t at least speak to him face-to-face.”

  “Yeah, I know, I know. That soft little heart of yours can’t handle that kind of guilt or regret.”

  I dropped my forehead on top of his shoulder and passed a soft laugh. He vibrated with just as much laughter and then he tilted my chin again, bringing my face up and pressing his lips to mine.

  “Do you trust me?” I whispered.

  “More than anyone.” His voice was gentle and deep. He hauled me closer. “You trust me?”

  “More than anyone,” I repeated, and his eyes went mellow, small wrinkles forming around them.

  “That’s my Sexy Little Knight.”

  I laughed way too hard at that one, and as I did, Izzy stepped around the corner and said, “I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear that.”

  The next day, I think one of my worst nightmares had come to life.

  The storm was coming full circle now, closing in on us, ready to rip our happiness to shreds.

  “What about burritos?” Theo asked as he shut the door behind him. He was going over dinner options for the night.

  “That actually sounds really good right now.” He came in my direction, linking an arm over my shoulders and walking towards the elevator.

  “Burritos it is.”

  On our way down, he nuzzled my neck. “Theo? Seriously?” I laughed. “Didn’t you have enough in the hotel?”

  “What?” he crooned with a shrug. “We’re alone. No one’s watching.”

  I pointed at the camera above. “That’s where you’re wrong.”

  “Who cares? If they are, let ‘em watch. Sure they’re bored in those cramped up offices anyway. Let’s make their day.”

  I burst into a fit of giggles as he continued his nuzzling. He was only messing with me, but I felt myself getting hot for him by the second. Ready, all over again.

  “Oh—shit,” I sighed when his soft lips brushed my chin. “I forgot my purse.”

  “You don’t have to pay for anything.” He planted a hand on the wall above my head. “I’ve got it.”

  “Yeah, but my classroom keys are in that purse. I have a few last-minute things to grab today before they start locking up the school.

  “Right.” He nodded, and the elevator chimed. When the doors shot open, he walked out, but held the doors open to hand me his room key.

  “Thanks,” I laughed. “I’ll meet you at the car. Bring it up front!”

  “Hurry.” He slid his fingertips into his front pockets and walked away coolly, like all eyes were on him. I’m sure all eyes were on him. He was delicious. Who wouldn’t stare at a fine specimen like him?

  It was a quick ride up. I grabbed my purse and then hit the elevator again, having to wait a little longer this time to get back down.

  I pressed the button for the lobby, and as soon as I was down, I walked out and rounded the corner, going towards the exit. But that’s when I saw Theo. He was talking to someone.

  A woman.

  I stepped to the left, behind the thick white pillar, before either of them could notice me, narrowing my eyes when she hissed at him.

  Just then, I realized who she was. The blonde hair. The blue eyes. It was Sheila. I could hear everything from where I hid.

  “So this is where you’ve been hiding?” she asked. “You were ignoring my phone calls so I had to find you myself. Looked through the credit card records. Saw you were staying here.” She looked around. “What’s so special about this place, huh, Theo?”

  “Why are you here?” he snapped, purposely ignoring her questions.

  “You know why I’m here. We never talked about this.”

  “Yeah, because you never wanted to sit down and talk about it with me like a civil adult. You kept ignoring me.”

  “So you just disappear?” she ground through her teeth.

  “What the
hell did you think I would do? Stick around? Wait for you to want to listen to me?” He shook his head. “No. That’s not how a marriage works.”

  She swallowed thickly as a few people walked past them. “Are you doing this because of her?” she hissed.

  “Who?” he retorted.

  “The girl—the one you wrote that letter to while you were in the basement. Yeah, I saw it when I organized down there a few months ago.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered, looking away.

  She laughed a bitter laugh. “Of course you don’t. God, you never do. Maybe that’s why I didn’t want to listen. Because you never make yourself clear, Theo. Hell, maybe this divorce is a good thing. I didn’t realize I had married a coward and dumbass.” I frowned, ready to step right out and shut her the hell up . . . but I didn’t. I stayed away. For Theo. Not her. My sudden appearance would have worsened matters. Sheila looked around. “Is she here? I bet she is.”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Theo folded his arms tightly over his chest, jaw ticking now.

  She sneered, taking a step closer to him. “I know she is. Hey, maybe I can use that in court. Say you were cheating on me with a girl half your age.”

  “You know damn well I never cheated on you, Sheila. You can say what you want, but we’re separated. What I do during my personal time now is none of your goddamn business.”

  “Thinking about another woman while married to me is cheating in itself,” she snapped back.

  He scoffed. “Really? You’re going to stoop that low now?”

  “I’ll stoop as low as I have to if it means I come out of this clean. You’re not getting out of this easily, Theo. You agreed to this because you had nothing left. I took you in and brought you up, and I can easily snatch that away and ruin your life again. You and that whore you’re seeing behind my back will have nothing by the time I’m through with you.”

  My fists clenched tight. “That bitch,” I hissed.

  “Sheila, I’d advise you to get the fuck out of my face and go to Florida with your sister—if you were even there to begin with. You came all this way to pick a fight and unless you want to lose and end up with hurt feelings, I suggest you leave. Right. Now.”

  “What? Did I hurt your feelings by calling her out? What else would a girl sleeping with her best friend’s dad be? She’s nothing but a no-good, disgusting whore that didn’t respect her relationship with her friend enough to stay away from the likes of you.” She scoffed and when I peered over, she had a finger jammed into his chest. “You know what, I’m out of here. You enjoy your time in this wasteland. But when it’s time for us to settle this, I hope you’re ready to pay up because I am not backing down until I get everything I want.”

  She glared at him for several seconds—him with his fists clenched at his sides, jaw still pulsing—and then, before I could process it all, she twisted around and stormed towards the exit.

  I took a step over, seeing her climb into a silver Mercedes parked up front and driving off without looking back.

  Theo stood in the middle of the lobby, fists still clamped. I sighed, cooling myself as best as I could, and then walking out to meet him. Grabbing one of his balled fists, I loosened it and then looked him in the eye.

  He avoided my gaze. “Sorry you had to hear that,” he grumbled.

  “No, it’s okay,” I murmured. I was glad when he loosened his fingers. “Wow, I knew she was a bitch, but I didn’t think she was that much of a bitch,” I laughed, but there was hardly any amusement to it.

  “Yeah.” He shoved his fingers through his hair. “Fuck her. Let’s get out of here before she decides to pop back up. We need to get the hell out of this hotel period. Stupid of me to think she wouldn’t try and find me through my card records. She’s reaching now, stooping low. Guess that means I should be getting ready to gear up, huh?”

  He squeezed my hand and walked towards the revolving doors. We didn’t see any trace of her in the parking lot. We figured she was gone for good. I hoped she was.

  She was trying to deliver a message, but Theo noted that she was scared herself. He saw the panic in her eyes—the fear that he would be leaving and had the possibility of taking everything that was his.

  He said that she hated being without. Her parents were wealthy but chose to stop taking care of her years ago when her father grew ill. She had a good lawyer, but like I’d said before, we could find one even better if need be.

  It’s funny. Theo didn’t seem so concerned after that encounter. The only thing truly bothering him were the names she called me, but he said deep down he could feel it. She was losing. She had no case to make and nothing outside of the agreements to claim.

  All was fair in the contracts. He had even signed a prenuptial agreement with her for his assets, just in case something like this happened. He was already giving her more than she deserved outside of the agreement. She needed to back the fuck off and accept them already.

  Chapter 30


  The week flew by way too quickly. Izzy stayed two more days before taking off again to Orange County for filming. Chloe and I spent the majority of our time in the hotel—all over the hotel.

  I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. My young Knight, shining in her armor. There for me like never before. She didn’t dare leave my side. She wanted to spend the rest of her summer with me, and I was more than okay with that.

  Of course, there was another disturbance and it was her dick of an ex, Sterling.

  It was also Sheila. She was coming back sooner than expected, which meant that next week, I would have to drive to San Francisco and discuss things with her face-to-face.

  Chloe said she was okay with tagging along and being there, but I knew deep down she wasn’t. She wasn’t cut out for shit like this—conflict and debates. She was the mediator, the type to try and settle things the right way.

  As much as I wanted her to stay, I needed her to come. I needed her support, just in case shit decided to go haywire.

  “Have you heard back from your lawyer?” Chloe asked after I told her we would be meeting Sheila sooner.

  “He called yesterday. He’s close to finishing up. He should have the contract for me soon. I mailed him a check. Everything is pretty much good to go.”

  “What are you going to call the new franchise anyway, that is, if you have to change it? I was kind of digging the Black Engine thing.” She wrapped an arm around me as we continued our stroll on the beach.

  “I don’t even know, but I’m sure you’ll help me come up with something.”

  She grinned up at me. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out before I do.”

  We spent most of our time tangled up, breathing deep, fucking and loving. Time seemed to sweep by with her. It’s funny how slowly it dragged by during the years without her. I hated waking up in the mornings, thinking about what she could possibly be doing with another man. Just the thought of it made me angry enough to clench my fists, and I’d have to force myself into workout gear just to jog it off. I’d hit the gym way too many times, trying to pump out the stress. It hardly worked. Not even working at the shop distracted my mind long enough to forget about her.

  I had hoped that one day I could just wake up and not have her on my mind. Just one day where I could go to the store or clean the house or even ride Ol’ Charlie without a single thought of her.

  It was fucking impossible. She was a part of me. She’d snatched my heart right out of my chest and ran away with it. It had been hers ever since that first day in the park, when I took her in the grass, when she was so young and beautiful beneath me. Never had I found someone so flawless. Never in a million years did I think I would fall in love with a girl half my age.

  But with her, it happened, and the only regret I had was that I walked away on the last day I saw her instead of staying—instead of fighting. I’d made a dumb choice by marrying Sheila, and now I was dealing with the consequences.

  But it didn’t matter because the reward was going to be worth it.

  Chloe and me, taking on the world. Living like we should have been all along—in love and carefree. Doing what we did best. Making each other happy. Making up for all the lost time. Enjoying the powerful love we shared.

  If that wasn’t enough for a man to look forward to, I didn’t know what was.

  Before I knew it, it was fucking Saturday. Chloe’s cellphone rang, and we both knew who it was before she even checked the Caller ID.

  “I’ll get my keys,” I grumbled, pushing off the bed and walking to the kitchen. I heard Chloe answer the phone with quick responses and then she was in front of the kitchenette with me. She gently grasped my elbow and stepped up to my side.

  “If you don’t want me to go, Theo—”

  “No, you need to. It’s fine.”

  “I know you don’t like him,” she muttered. “Probably should have gotten more things sooner instead of waiting until today.”

  I shrugged. “It’s fine. You can’t bring all your stuff here, right? Get what you need. We’ll figure the rest out later.” I paused, upper lip twitching. “But you’re right. I don’t like him.”

  “It’s easier this way. It won’t last for more than thirty minutes, I promise.”

  I pressed my lips as she looked up at me with glistening hazel eyes. Cupping a hand on the back of her neck, I tugged her closer, tilting her chin so I could reach her lips.

  Fire burned through me as I kissed her, sliding my tongue through her full lips, tightening my grip on the back of her neck, tasting the strawberries she’d just eaten on her tongue. She moaned as my other hand gripped her ass and I forced her lower half closer, gluing her body to me.

  “I need to fuck you before you go over there,” I rasped, picking her up in my arms. She yelped as I marched towards the couch and placed her on her stomach. I didn’t hesitate pulling her skirt down or hoisting her shirt up. I unbuckled my belt next, unbuttoned my jeans, and shoved them down to my ankles.


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