2 A Christmas Wedding To Die For

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2 A Christmas Wedding To Die For Page 4

by Pat Amsden

  "You're not seriously suggesting I had any way of knowing anything like this was going to happen are you?" she'd said.

  "Of course not dear but maybe you can hire more security for future events. Just until these 'events' stop happening at occasions you've catered."

  "I'd already convinced Kevin he needed more security for the wedding-"

  "So you did know there was potential for trouble," her mother had declared triumphantly.

  "I knew there was some bad blood between the families. Certainly I never saw anything like this happening!"

  "As a business owner you have to prepare for the worst! Darling I have a media consultant who's an absolute genius at risk management. You simply must talk to her."

  "Mother you're talking about someone who specializes in publicity for oil spills and other disasters. I'm just a caterer. I'm not going to turn events catered by me into affairs patrolled by armed guards. And I'm not going to employ a media spin expert."

  "Darling, if you'd just-"

  "No. Mother I'm not going to talk about it." She'd hung up. Which made her all the more anxious about picking her mother up only to dash off to make deliveries.

  Although, of all people, her mother should understand. And she might. She'd probably even enjoy it. If Maxine were to allow her to take over and do it her way.

  She took a deep breath in, aware her Grandma Ellie was watching her. "I do love her."

  "And she loves you," Grandma Ellie said. "You need to learn how to relax with your mother."

  "You just said she doesn't like to relax," Maxine pointed out.

  "Neither of you do," Grandma Ellie said. "The truth is you're more like than either of you like to admit."

  "Bite your tongue," Maxine said.

  Grandma Ellie just smiled at her. "Maybe I'll be able to talk her into spending the afternoon Christmas shopping with me after we've picked her up."

  Maxine gave her grandmother a look of heartfelt thanks. "That would be perfect!"

  "I can't promise," Grandma Ellie said. "But I'll try."

  Which was good enough for Maxine. Maybe, just maybe, she'd make it through Christmas without having a nervous breakdown.

  Or maybe not she thought the next day as record business filled her store front and threatened to have them out of Christmas goodies leaving customers disappointed before the day was over.

  It was all hands on deck with Jane filling orders and taking payments along with the help of Ally while Maxine divided her time between the kitchen where Heath had a production line going of Chocolate Yule logs while Marcus was finishing up a batch of truffles.

  She hurriedly dipped pretzels in chocolate and broke huge sheets of Christmas bark into pieces between trips downstairs to fill orders and give breaks to Ally and Jane. Customers continued to call wanting to know if they were booked solid for Christmas and New Year's which she had to tell them she was. She truly hated turning away business.

  In the middle of the chaos a local news team showed up. Host Andrew Walters, who she'd known for years wanted to do a quick puff piece for the evening news and of course she was happy to help out.

  "Just a few minutes telling us what's popular for Christmas this year and if we could talk to a few customers..."

  She looked around wildly spotting Sam Dixon from next door drinking coffee and enjoying one of her chocolate creations as well as two of her friends from her past life as a loans officer at the bank drinking hot chocolate while taking a break from their last minute Christmas shopping.

  "Just give me a few minutes to ask some of my customers," she said.

  She went over and asked them if they'd be willing to appear on TV.

  "We'd love to," gushed Helen, her eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. Marissa also didn't seem immune to the glamor of a TV appearance.

  And since they were both in their mid-twenties with figures that owed more to strenuous workouts at the gym than daily doses of chocolate they'd look good on TV. She moved onto Sam.

  "No. No way," he said waving his hand in the direction of the TV camera as if trying to shoo it away.

  "Come on Sam," she said, annoyed. "You love my chocolates."

  "I don't love being asked questions on TV. Find some more friends like," he gestured in Helen and Marissa's direction, "those two! They're happy, you're happy."

  She put her hands on her hips and just looked at him. "I'm asking you," she pointed out. "It'll be good publicity for your business." She leaned forward dropping her voice, "besides you owe me."

  "Oh, OK," he said, his voice a growl that would intimidate many. Not Maxine. She knew the truth about Sam Dixon. At heart he was a softy – and besides they had history together.

  Moments later Andrew started the interviews outside Au Chocolat.

  "What is it that makes these chocolates so special?"

  Marissa just looked at him. "Have you tasted them?"

  "They're so good," Helen put in, ducking in front of Marissa and smiling into the camera. "I mean she's got so many kinds, from salted caramels to chai crèmes."

  "And then there's the baking. I've ordered two Chocolate Yule Logs for Christmas," Marissa said, not to be outdone.

  "I can see you two are clearly fans," Andrew said laughing. After that he moved inside talking to Sam.

  "Why do I come here," Sam said. "It's right next door and I consider chocolate to be the fifth food group. Besides," he waggled is eyebrows suggestively, "have you seen Maxine?"

  She felt her face heat up. "Sam owns the gallery next door. We're good friends and even someone as talented as Mr. Dixon is, does need a break," she said.

  "And inspiration," he said smiling seductively.

  She glared at him. "He paints trees," she said, more than a little flustered. "And landscapes."

  "I'm thinking of doing a chocolate series," he said.

  Andrew made a few more comments bringing the interview to a close. "Well, there you go folks. If you need a break from Christmas shopping or maybe some chocolates for under the tree drop by Au Chocolat. You can sample some of her chocolates or just relax over some hot chocolate."

  "Thank you so much," she said giving him a hug. They'd gone to school together and remained friends over the years.

  He hugged her back and she couldn't help noticing Sam looked less than pleased, his face showing none of his teasing humor, as a black cloud settled over it making him appear broody and angry.

  "You'll let me know if something happens with the Julianna case," he said.

  "Not if it jeopardizes a crime investigation," she said.

  "I'd never expect you to do that," he said hurriedly. Then he grinned at her and she saw the ten year old he'd been those many years ago. "If you're going to the press anyway you could always start with me."

  She just smiled. "We'll see," she said, picking up one of her lazy turtles and feeding it to him.

  "Mm. You do know how to cook."

  As she surveyed her crowded shop she realized they were all watching her. "Chocolates all round," she sang happily taking chocolates and arranging them on a tasting tray then making the rounds.

  The afternoon went back to normal. It left her precious little time to put a presentation together for Julianna, however.

  It would have to do as she thought as she dashed around her apartment grabbing a quick bite for dinner and changing quickly as she got ready to pick Heath up.

  Chocolate fountain and hor dourves. Some of it was going to depend on the space they had available for the party.

  Heath was stoked as they drove to her families' house. Or estate. She lived in the Uplands, one of the ritziest areas in Victoria. And their house, or mansion, over-looked the ocean. Money had been no object.

  "Yeah. I don't care about that," Heath said dismissively. "I've heard rumors of the game room they have. That's what I want to see."

  "I'm not even sure that part of the house is anywhere near where Julianna is planning on having the party."

  "Don't even go there," Heat
h said. "At least let me dream."

  She just shook her head. "I've never seen you like this."

  "Oh come on, every guy I know would die to see the inside of either AC Gamers or Zone 2 Gaming."

  "I just don't get it," she said shaking her head.

  "Really. How would you feel if you were about to cater an event at the owner of Prada shoes? Or maybe for Brad Pitt."

  Her mouth went dry at the thought. "OK, you made your point. I'll see what I can do to get us into the game room."

  "That's more like it," he said grinning at her.

  Moments later they were at the gate of Julianna's' house. Although mansion definitely described it better. Massive, the house had Tudor styling and as the gates swung open she realized there was probably a good of acre of lawn and garden before they came anywhere close to the house. Knarled oak trees threw shadows on the drive, lit up with lights. The house sat back a good mile from the gates with the white snow creating a winter wonderland. The house had been decorated with clear lights as had the hedges lining the drive. The air was clear and cold as they drew to a stop in front of the house. She pulled up in front of the house half expecting a valet driver to appear out of nowhere and park her car. Instead Julianna greeted her dressed in yoga pants, winter coat and boots that probably were Prada.

  She was also wearing a huge smile. "Can you believe how gorgeous it is tonight!" She threw up her arms as if embracing the sky. "I love this weather. We just went for a walk."

  Maxine looked around not seeing anyone else.

  "Rohan's inside," she said answering Maxine's unanswered question. "I decided to wait and greet you."

  "Thank you," she said smiling. "This is a beautiful place."

  Julianna shrugged. "I grew up here. Hard to believe this all started with one little game huh."

  Maxine laughed. "I suspect it was a little more than that."

  "Not according to my dad," Julianna said. "He's always telling the story of how he grew up poor. All he wanted to do was play games so he went to university so he could get a job in computers. Then they came up with an idea for a game." She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "The rest is history."

  Heath was hanging on her every word. "I've played 'Realms of Time'. It's classic RPG!"

  "You and every other kid in America," Julianna said laughing.

  "Hence the house," Maxine said.

  "Yeah. I'm pretty lucky," Julianna said, flashing her a huge smile.

  They took their boots off while she talked about the party. "I thought, well we thought," she corrected herself, "that the party should be done in the downstairs entertainment and pool area."

  "Pool room," Maxine said questioningly.

  "Yeah," Julianna said, leading the way through a lobby more elegant than most houses Maxine had seen and downstairs. "Rohan's already down there playing a game." She glanced back at them smiling wryly. "With my dad."

  Heaths' eyes lit up. "One of their new games?"

  "The new game," Julianna said rolling her eyes. "You wanna see it?"

  "Oh man, could I?"

  "Sure," Julianna said. "You can probably join in. The more people they see play it the better. You sound like you're a gamer."

  She turned towards Maxine. "Do we need them?"

  Maxine looked at Heath. "When the big night comes but for tonight..."

  "Awesome!" Heath said. "Just let me know if you need any questions answered."

  "Yeah, yeah," Julianna said leading the way into a massive room filled with multiple couches and large screen TVs complete, Maxine was sure, with every game system known to man.

  In one corner Rohan and Zeke were absorbed in game play.

  "The caterer's here," Julianna said as they entered the room. Rohan barely looked up. Even her dad barely lifted his head. "This is Heath, Maxine's assistant."

  Rohan suddenly seemed to realize where he was. He paused the game and looked up smiling.

  "Man, I owe you. If you hadn't." He struggled to control his feelings but Maxine could see tears in his eyes. "Both of you." He looked directly at Heath. "You were able to pick her up and carry her. I'm forever in your debt."

  Maxine felt herself warming to him. He so clearly cared about Julianna and what had happened to her. He stood up giving her a warm hug and shaking Heaths' hand.

  When he smiled Maxine could understand exactly what Julianna had seen in him. The mahogany brown curls framed a classically handsome face. When he smiled dimples had Maxine catching her breath even as chocolatey brown eyes melted her.

  He pulled Julianna to him, hugging her. "You want me to help with the party."

  "If you want to," Julianna said sweetly. " I'd hate to break up the game, especially when I was hoping you could show Heath."

  He hugged her tight then put her down, grinning at Heath. "See, this is why I love this woman."

  They left the men to go out into the pool area. The pool itself was small, while the room was huge and with the skylight overhead she could see stars. She couldn't help it. She drew in her breath, awed by the beauty, imagining herself floating in the pool or hot tub, close by.

  "Will there be swimming?"

  "Not unless the party gets out of hand," Julianna said smiling, as she led the way to a small table. "Did you want something to drink?"

  "I'm fine," Maxine said truthfully.

  "Suit yourself," Julianna said, pouring herself a lime and soda.

  "Is this what usually happens? They go and play games while you..."

  "Do what I want," she said sweetly. "Left up to Rohan we'd order a kegger of beer and some pizza."

  "And you?"

  "I want something a little more festive. I'm hoping you can give it to me."

  "This is a great place for a party," Maxine said "and I've got some great ideas. I would like Rohan's' agreement to it."

  "If I like it, so will he," she said without hesitation.

  "OK,then." She pulled out her iPad. "I'm thinking hor douevres, a dessert bar."

  "Don't forget the chocolate fountain."

  "Don't worry that's a given," she said smiling. "There's not going to be any dinner?"

  Julianna shook her head. "It's more fun if everyone can mingle. Maybe a few more tables in the pool area."

  "Then I recommend an average of nine or ten hor douerves per person."

  Julianna leaned forward. "What type of hor douerves?"

  "That's up to you ultimately. But I've got some suggestions. I'm thinking a variety of pizzas in small sizes. Meat lovers, vegetarian, maybe more something more unusual like lox and cream cheese or southwest with cheese, olives and BBQ'd chicken."

  "Love it but there's going to be more than pizza isn't there?"

  "You know me. I'm also thinking mini sliders, again we'll have a variety with a home-made ketchup, also some chicken satay skewers and salad shooters-"

  "Salad shooters?"

  "Pretty much everything you'd have in a salad juiced into a smoothie with herbs and spices. I don't have any made up. Let me know in advance and if you come by the shop I'll have some for you to taste. It's a new idea but it's been popular for people who like salads because it's hard to make salad as a finger food but smoothies work perfectly and you get the benefits."

  "Love it," Julianna said clapping her hands. "I trust you, you don't have to do a tasting for me."

  Maxine breathed a small sigh of relief. "Pinwheels of lox and cream cheese as well as asparagus spears wrapped in prosciutto ham. Then there's the dessert bar." She paused for breath looking down at her iPad.

  "We'll have the chocolate fountain with fresh fruit to dip it in along with a dessert bar. For the dessert bar we're thinking chocolate cupcakes along with some golden cupcakes for anyone who doesn't like chocolate. We'll frost some and leave some plain. Then we'll have sprinkles, marshmallows, m&ms, coconut, shaved almonds and pecans for everyone to make their own. I'm also thinking of doing some fruit pops – balls of fruit such as pears and apples covered in chocolate or caramel. We'll pu
t some beside the chocolate fountain and some at the dessert bar."

  "Sounds yummy," Julianna said. "What about the decorating?"

  I wanted to take a look around . I guess the big question is do you want to leave the game room as it is? It's perfect for playing games but you might never get Rohan out of there."

  Julianna thought for a minute. "So much of it is wired and everything for each 'game pit' that we can't change too much. Maybe if we add some things like dance matts and have games that women tend to like as well, that will work. Plus I can always just close off the game room if it's a problem."

  "That would make the pool area more crowded and it gets dangerous if too many people are standing by the pool and someone gets bumped or pushed."

  Julianna shrugged. "Maybe I'll leave the game room empty. Besides Rohan and my dad aren't usually that bad. Right now they're testing out another module of the game Rohan designed. Usually when it comes to parties he's good. It's planning them he doesn't like." She gave Maxine a huge smile. "While, I on the other hand, love it!"

  "Maybe I can make it look like a café."

  "I like that, but there needs to be an area for people to stand and talk."

  Maxine took another look around. "I'm thinking we'll do the café area over on the far side along with the food. We'll set up the dessert bar in advance and then unveil it half-way through the party. The chocolate fountain will be on the other side." She paused for a minute. Are you OK with me taking pictures with my iPad."

  "Take as many as you want! And thank you for doing this for me. I hope you didn't have big plans for that night."

  "I love what I do. It's no problem." She started panning around the pool area taking shots. "Do you know the square footage off hand?"

  "Oh! Julianna pulled out a sheet of paper. "My mom gave me a list of dimensions for the game ad pool room." She rolled her eyes. "She's the queen of catered events." She gave Maxine a bigger smile. "This is my party though. She's agreed to let me do this all on my own!"

  Maxine laughed. "You seem to have a knack for it."

  Julianna shrugged. "I love parties! And I've gone to a ton. Besides my mom's right – if you've got a good area for the party and a good caterer you can't go wrong. And you're the best, right!"


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