The Challenger

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The Challenger Page 3

by Harlon Banks

  "Ah!" Jeremy exclaimed pointing a crooked finger towards a carriage emerging from one of the main merchant trails of the forest less than a quarter of a mile down to the left of them. Jonath peering over quizzically at the man, and then to the wooden carriage being pulled by what appeared to be a fierce-looking bipedal raptorial feathered bird. It's hooked forearms feathered like wings and its three-toed feet had on each foot a rather large recurved sickle claw that was cone-shaped and flexed off the ground constantly held up.

  "What kind of animal is that?" Jonath asked a bit amazed at the creature. Jeremy peering over at him and answering as he headed towards the carriage with a rush in his step.

  "That larger than a man creature there is what we call a Raptor. You think they look intimidating by themselves? Ha should see them in a pack. Some of the nastiest animals in these parts yet they can be domesticated to serve as protection from bandits and moving heavy loads." Jeremy explained while beckoning over his shoulder for Jonath to follow. "Come on boy help me flag this carriage down! I'll get us a ride to Luminous City no problem." He called out in a hurry while Jonath hesitated a moment and looked over his own torn clothes in confusion. Wouldn't it be odd approaching a random person looking like he was and expecting a ride? Eyes narrowed in thought, Jonath eventually shrugged and ran to catch up with Jeremy. If the guy thought he could get them a ride across the valley, who was he to stop him?

  "Better than walking." He sighed dragging his feet after the old man.

  A couple of hours later...

  Jeremy waved towards the carriage driver as Jonath hopped off the back of the wooden deck with an audible thud on the stone beneath him. The coldness touching the soles of his feet briefly made him shiver a bit in discomfort as he took off the camping equipment and set it on the ground while Jeremy and the driver spoke.

  "Thanks for the lift my friend. Here, for your troubles." Jeremy chuckled tossing a small bag of currency to the driver who waved them off and continued into the open gates of the city before them. Jonath looking upwards at the towering fifty meter high walls in disbelief something like this was built by people like him and Jeremy. Well, Jeremy in his younger days probably. Two many feet thick doors of towering stone laid open outwards like arms outstretched to slowly embrace those coming within its confines. The black minerals grainy and robust in aesthetic, clearly showing this city took pride in its architecture. People of all kinds and even odd-looking bestial races walking to and from the gates lugging materials, linked with family and friends, by their lonesome and anything else in between with a variety of various aesthetics to them. Some looked like battle-hardened warriors, others looked like punks and rabble, some looked like fair weathered people while others looked a bit rougher than most with their luck. This city was a melting pot of races and cultures.

  "Welcome to Luminous City boy, this here be the Worker's District. Most of these people you see walking around are heading out for jobs or just returning from them." Jeremy huffed, picking up his tent and cane again off the ground while Jonath grabbed the cooler and metal chair again and the two started walking into the city. The platinum silver-haired amnesic noticing the looks people occasionally gave him due to his attire, though none seemed to be too notable to him implying those that frequented around the gates in this Worker's District saw more than just a roughed up man on a daily. Looking all around he saw stands and posts littered with contracts for work and people chatting about business or pay everywhere he saw. A couple of stray dogs running across the wide open crossroads that splayed out in multiple directions like veins through the body that was Luminous City. Job stands, working lines, material lugging people, you name it. This part of the city screamed the life of a working adventurer to him. He didn't like it, to be honest.

  "The people here are mainly sellswords from the Mercenary Group and merchants. It's called the Worker's District in regards to outsourcing jobs and not those that focus on the integral structures of the city like power, water and all that. When you get better you should look around for something here and make yourself some quick money." Jeremy spoke as they traversed through the bustling wide streets of carriages and carts being pulled through spacious groups of stands and people. Jonath not replying, simply looking here and there with quiet features and analytical pale eyes. Eventually turning to look at Jeremy with a question he'd just remembered to ask from earlier.

  "You said if I wanted to find out more about this place to check out the city, right? Where exactly would I go to do that?" Jonath asked with no profound urgency in his voice but nonetheless possessing a slight tone of it. It seemed he really were set on before doing anything else, trying to figure out as much as he could about his surroundings in hopes of triggering some possible memories in his mind. Jeremy however, seemed to have different plans for Jonath off the bat. This made clear by the dismissive shake of his head and the snort of disbelief after that.

  "We'll worry about that later, for now we gotta get you some clothes and hook you up with a place to stay." The dark-skinned man said casually. Jonath frowning a bit him that he was still going on about that. Didn't he tell him earlier that wouldn't be needed? He didn't want to be in debt to some stranger down the line, it didn't sit right with him. An eye roll, and Jonath stopped walking and pivoted around in front of the shorter Jeremy to look him in the eyes and speak with a tone of seriousness that still showed respect.

  "Look, Jeremy..." Jonath paused a few seconds. Jeremy raising a curious brow at him in return before the amnesic continued. "I appreciate all you've done so far but really, it's not needed... I can take care of myself and I don't think I want to be in your debt the rest of my life at this rate." He said with a sigh, looking to Jeremy awaiting a response a bit nervous himself. A few seconds of eye contact, and Jeremy snorted and eye rolled himself before pushing past Jonath as he spoke.

  "Look boy, this city may be pretty but you won't last a day by yourself. You look homeless, have no knowledge of anything or anyone nor the rules and laws of this place and you expect a kind old bastard like me to just feed you and watch you go die hours later? Oh no-no." The man scoffed heartily. Stopping his walking as he looked over his shoulder at Jonath and once again gestured with his head the boy follow. "I made the choice to help you the moment I fed you, not gonna have you wasting my kindness by getting into trouble. Besides you already owe me for the food and drink if you want to be so chivalric, and you'll be paying me back for all I've done once I get you to a point you're stable enough to be self-sufficient. Now come on boy, the clothing store will close soon and you aren't sleeping in the spare room of my house without clean clothes and a shower. You stink!" Jeremy scowled and turned to walk away again leaving Jonath wide-eyed in disbelief at the scolding he just received for trying to cut ties. Did that... really just happen?

  Jonath contemplated just running away; if only he were that much of an ass though. A heavy sigh, and Jonath closed his eyes briefly before shaking his head with an exhale and following after Jeremy deeper into the city.

  "Whatever..." He muttered exasperated. Another gentle cool breeze washing over his features and spiky silver hair.

  "Welcome to Luminous City!" A woman waved at all who came in nearby with a smile!

  Stay Out of Trouble

  The Challenger Chapter Four - Stay Out of Trouble...

  "Ah, here we are!" Jeremy said opening the door to his small apartment with a content exhale as he and Jonath stepped in carrying multiple shopping bags filled with clothes and food. Well, Jonath carrying the majority of it in all honesty. The first thing he noticed being how comfy this place looked and how it wildly disproved the expectation he had. Right upon walking in there was a kitchen area to the right with a marble counter lined on its outside by three bar stools and two low hanging lights right above it, as well as a small dining area closer to the door with a square wooden table and three cedar chairs along with a slow burning wax candle lit atop the center sitting in a bowl of shallow water. The refrigerator was chrome s
ilver, and a gas stove cleaner than anything he's seen yet sat nestled between two other marble counters under overhanging wooden cabinets that looked brand new.

  To the left was the living area, which had a long couch pushed against the wall opposite of the one he was by and on his left, said couch facing a rather large flat screen television mounted on the wall and a glass coffee table in the middle of the room with a bowl of snacks and half a can of juice sitting atop it along with a glass panel sliding door that led to a patio on the third floor of where they were. A small recliner chair in that direction as well. The moonlight pouring in easily giving them light before Jeremy flipped the switch on and urged Jonath in to close the door. Jonath glancing down at the soft cream-colored carpet beneath his feet after stepping away from the small patch of marble flooring right at the doorstep. The bags he were holding being set beside the door after Jeremy locked it and went to close the blinds of his apartment while Jonath peered down the hallway directly in front of him. Two doors on both sides and one at the far end of the hall, all closed.

  "You can take that stuff I bought you down to the guest room." Jeremy pointed without looking towards the hall as he twisted the blinds closed while Jonath quizzically looked back and forth between him and said hallway. "Second door on your right. Go in drop your stuff on the bed and for the love of all that is holy take a shower you smell like the woods." Jeremy scowled shooing Jonath away quickly now. The silver-haired amnesic eye rolling to himself as he crouched to grab the bag of clothes he'd been bought as well as the bag holding hygiene supplies for him like shampoo and soap and made his way to the back without a word. Well... At least Jeremy was right about one thing without question,

  Jonath needed a damned bath...

  Eventually opening the door after a bit of struggle trying to still hold the bags between his fingers, he eventually twisted the knob good enough to push the door open and damn near stumble as he moved in. A grunt as he caught himself, eyes now looking around at the cozy set up before him a bit impressed yet again. A small comfy bed lined up parallel to the wall ahead of him with puffy white and black sheets and pillows neatly tucked and settled about the mattress with a small nightstand holding a lamp at its side. Across from it was a smaller flat screen TV mounted on the wall facing the bed and a small window to the left of said tv with pulled aside white curtains and a bean bag chair in the corner and a large sliding closet door over there as well. His eyes soon casting over to the door he'd missed in his first glance over that was between the mounted TV and the bed. Pushing the door behind him closed with his backside as he exhaled quietly and moved to place the bags on the bed.

  "Guess that's the bathroom. Might as well hop in this shower before he yells at me again." Jonath eye rolled just dumping the bags of clothes and hygiene products all out atop the black and white sheets. Soap, deodorant, hair shampoo, his eyes suddenly squinting at a tube of toothpaste that read "extra strength whitening". His face twisting into a deadpan as he just looked off to the side annoyed at the shade Jeremy just threw at him. Snagging a rag, a towel, soap and the shampoo off the bed as he headed to the shower just shaking his head in exasperation.

  "You got jokes old man. I'll give you that." The young man scoffed as he headed in the bathroom and a few minutes later the shower was heard running... The feeling of the hot water running down his body and relaxing his muscles was a feeling Jonath wished would last forever...

  About an hour later, Jonath emerged from his new 'room' wearing a plain black T-shirt, black gym shorts and rather long socks that covered all the way to right below his knees with a damp red towel still drying his platinum silver hair as he walked towards the living room. Jeremy sitting on the couch dressed in a white robe with black socks and the television turned off as if awaiting for Jonath to step back into the living room and upon seeing him gestured silently to the chair adjacent of his seat on the couch. A bit of a nervous feeling welling up inside Jonath's stomach as he reluctantly moved over to sit in the leather chair directly under the moonlight spilling through from the patio door behind him as the two sat with the lights off.

  "Did I do something wrong?" Jonath asked first while placing the dampened towel in his lap after drying his hair. A few strands of silver still sticking to his facial features. While he didn't think he'd done anything wrong a part of him still clung around the assumption he did something incorrect and was about to be scolded for it especially considering the look on Jeremy's face. His brown eyes staring with hands tented together and elbows resting on his knees as he hunched forward eyeing the coffee table in silence. Jonath awkwardly looking around the room, the tension suddenly was growing stronger by the second and he really didn't like this suspense.

  "What I'm about to ask you, is very important." Jeremy said low and serious. The tone in his raspy aged voice hinting that Jonath did indeed do something wrong and Jeremy didn't like it. "When I ask this, I want your honest answer. Don't you dare lie to me or there will be severe consequences, do we have an understanding?" Jeremy turned to stare intensely at Jonath as he awaited a response. A very strong sensation of nervousness and confusion floating through Jonath's body as he seemed to visibly hesitate with giving an answer. What did he do!? His pale eyes staring more than a bit in shock at the tone being thrown at him as his mind tried to sift through everything he'd done ever since he met Jeremy. Nothing out of the ordinary or inherently rude or disrespectful had ever happened! So why was he getting so serious and sounding like Jonath just induced the quiet rage of him so quickly!?

  "I.." Jonath hesitated to continue talking as he watched upon just saying that one word Jeremy had squinted at him even more intensely than before. It was becoming increasingly uncomfortable to keep eye contact; Jonath should apologize or something preemptively. This was making him uncomfortable, his hands feeling clammy as he lowered his head looking into his lap and closed his eyes finally deciding to just soldier through whatever would happen next.

  "I understand..." He replied finally and awaited the consequences of whatever it was he had done. Jeremy opening his mouth to speak afterwards with a calm yet potent tone to his words.

  "Did you thoroughly wash that hair of yours and behind your ears?" Jeremy asked.

  The deadpan that smeared itself across Jonath's face afterwards was so profound one would've thought his face would get stuck like that. Silently raising his hands up to gently massage his face and just... sit there with closed eyes on disbelief. Jeremy still looking at him awaiting a serious response tented fingers, darkened gaze and attentive posture and all.

  "... Yes. Yes I did." Jonath answered in a stagnant voice. The sheer intensity of the frown hidden beneath the cover of his palms was something the world was better off not seeing. "Is that all you had to ask me? Did I pass my hygiene inspection?" He grumbled between the crevices of his fingers causing Jeremy to snicker and lose any intensity in his own tone.

  "Haha! Take a joke my boy was just trying to get a laugh out of ya." The old man chuckled hoisting himself off the couch and heading towards the kitchen to rummage through the fridge. Jonath eventually lowering his arms and sprawling out in the chair eventually realizing it was recliner and promptly extending out the foot rest and leaning back in it to stare at the ceiling blankly. Only raising his head up again when he heard Jeremy sitting back on the couch with a bag of chips and a can of orange juice. Interlocking his fingers again and bringing his chin to rest atop them while he leaned forward Jeremy eventually spoke again.

  "We both should be going to bed pretty soon, though the sun never comes out anymore I do recall saying when we were in the forest a few hours ago it was midnight. I've been up almost a full twenty-four hours." He said yawning. Jonath lowering his head back on the chair and staring at the ceiling once more with a blank expression as he listened. Guess Jeremy really was serious when he said the night never ended; how people managed to adapt to thrive in an eternal night was something amazing in itself.

  "But before I do that I do also feel the n
eed to tell you a bit about the city since I expect you to go out and explore the city a bit for yourself sooner than later." Jeremy paused, noticing Jonath had quickly pulled the recliner into its original position and was watching him with attentive pale eyes and posture. The amnesic not saying anything and merely showing nonverbal he paid attention to everything Jeremy was about to say. A cough to clear his throat, and Jeremy reached into his robe withdrawing a map of the city and opening the folded parchment to lay out on the glass coffee table. When it was all laid out, the first thing Jonath noticed was Jeremy had circled off sections of the incredibly detailed city map that looked to be hand drawn by someone with great care. A small compass in the top right corner displaying the cardinal directions.

  One circled off area was at the North, where the highest point of the city was if Jonath recalled the pyramidal architecture this place seemed to take after. One circle was in the center of the map, two circles were in the east and west directions making a total of four and one was located by the main gate south where Jonath and Jeremy had arrived. Jeremy gesturing to the map as he began to explain what everything meant.


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