The Challenger

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The Challenger Page 49

by Harlon Banks

  "Your hair is um, very pretty, Orath." Kayda complimented with an awkward inflection to her words as she followed closely behind the two. She would have complimented Lee's too however she thought he would find it weird to have his hair admired unlike his sister's, so she simply kept quiet. The young man didn't seem to take offense or even acknowledge she didn't compliment his anyway. Orath looking over her shoulder again with soft hued eyes at Kayda, her hime cut hair bangs that framed her face and hung over the crests of her eyes rocking gently with her movements. Orath had a very mature aesthetic to her face, she and Lee both looked more mature than their age suggested. Something about their eyes and the looks they gave...

  "Thank you, your hair is rather pretty too."

  Orath's words made Kayda stop walking right before the trio crossed the street. Orath stopped walking shortly after noticing she stopped and by extension, Lee stopped after her. Both looking at the stormy haired woman with subtly confused looks. Kayda staring back bewildered but quickly snapping out of it and running her hands reluctantly through her spiky clumps and bangs in embarrassment. The twins simply staring at her suddenly becoming increasingly flustered and awkward.

  "Oh sorry I just..." She muttered, words barely heard beyond the noises around them. "I don't really have my hair complimented. My bio-electricity constantly makes my hair stand up and stuff so I can't ever really have it let down like yours. It's a pain to style it and I have to use a ton of hair products just to keep my ends from splitting from the damage..." As the woman reluctantly talked about her hair and looked off to the side to avoid eye contact, she suddenly hitched a breath in her throat when Orath rested a hand on her shoulder. Their eyes meeting with Kayda looking frozen in place and Orath looking calm as ever. Lee having hands idled in pockets as he merely tilted his head at the electricity manipulator as if her words confused him a bit.

  "Your hair is pretty, Kayda. You are a very pretty woman in mind, body and spirit." Orath said with an assuring tone matched with a tranquil expression to her face. "Don't go thinking otherwise. No need to feel inferior to anybody." She said lowering her hand from the taller woman's shoulder. Flicking one of the two bangs that were much longer and thinner than the rest on her forehead, that hung over her eyes and stopped at the base of her neck. Turning to continue walking afterwards while Lee couldn't help but say something as well.

  "Melissa must really be getting to you with all of her bullying huh?"

  "N-No!" Kayda disagreed vehemently as she followed the twins again across the street. It was true that Melissa was also extremely pretty as well, and her attitude might seem far more confident and appealing to people but Kayda didn't believe she were inferior to Melissa... At least, that's what she hoped she believed through and through. She couldn't let Melissa make her feel inferior. If she did then Melissa would probably only get more relentless in her bullying and teasing... Why did Melissa' tease her so much anyway?

  "Been meaning to ask by the way, do you like pandas?" Lee asked nonchalantly while he and Orath led the way. "Sorry it it's a sudden question but I noticed your shirt had a giant panda face on it. Meant to ask you about it a while back but it slipped my mind."

  Kayda blinking again and looking down at the panda face on her black shirt. Looking back up with grey hues to nod once and brush away bangs of grey that covered the ears of the picture across her chest. Though she wouldn't deny it was a rather off guard question it certainly didn't stop her from answering it a bit more enthusiastically from her usual tone!

  "Yes! I've always liked pandas! Though I've never gotten to see one. They're from the Far East aren't they?" She asked feeling a bit less tense again while walking with them. Orath nodding in silence to confirm while Lee verbally replied as they all turned a corner and went down a small hill in the city. Pushing past all types of people on their way out and about, Kayda really felt like she was normal like the rest of them. How everyone managed to just walk by without shooting her nasty glares or fearful stares like they did when she were little. Before she was sent away to live with her grandfather... Lee tilting his head in slight thought before he spoke.

  "Yeah, they're a rare species. It always surprised me how if you look at their skeletal bones you'd think they were a powerful and vicious predator." He paused with an exasperate and seemingly let down voice. Hands withdrawing from his pockets to hook behind his head while he looked up at the night sky. "Only to find out in actuality all they do is eat bamboo and sleep. Kind of a let down." He said not all that bothered by it in the grand scheme of things. Orath briefly shooting him a look accompanied by a vague snort of amusement and looking ahead again.

  "Yeah I guess you do have a point." Kayda nodded in agreement while tracing her pinky over her lip in thought, wiping off a bit of chapstick she put on earlier. "Oh! Do either of you have a favorite animal?" She suddenly asked as curiosity peaked. The conversation going on overtaking the fact Kayda still didn't know where any of them were going at the moment. Having meant to ask a while ago but couldn't help but admire the city and the architecture.

  "We both are fond of wolves." Orath answered with Lee nodding in agreement. Kayda tilting her head at them upon hearing their answers. In a sense, she kind of could imagine it just by looking at them. White furred wolves were a thing and they both had vibes that could be applied to wolves too. Quiet, mysterious and strong... Especially with how they both handled their battles at the Blackwater sparring evaluation. Orath took on Delaren with no fear despite his reckless abandon with his Hellfire and Lee well... His was self-explanatory against her.

  Thinking about the evaluations suddenly made Jonath flash through her mind. The conversation they had about that Phoenix feather and summoning crest causing her to also remember they exchanged numbers. Looking back to Lee and Orath who seemed to have just gone back to walking about with her in tow, she fumbled in her pocket for her phone. If she remembered correctly Jonath had taken the bus to the city before she and the others came. So he was still around wasn't he? As she turned on the screen to her smartphone she glanced up again momentarily. Oh right, she should probably ask this before she forgot.

  "Do you both have any place in mind to where we're going?"

  "No, we're just sightseeing for the most part, why?" Lee responded looking back at her again with fuchsia eyes. Kayda looking down at her phone again and then back up at the twins, before shaking her head next.

  "Oh no reason in particular, just was wondering if there was any plans to go somewhere in particular." She smiled while looking down at her phone again. Sending a simple text to Jonath before putting her phone away. It was nothing important, just a simple hi along with telling him the rest of the gang were in the city. Though, she couldn't get over the urge to text him again to see if he wanted to hang out with her later too. Aside from the twins whom just now were being very nice and relaxed with her, even letting her tag along with them, Jonath was the only other person who made her feel less awkward. She wondered how he was doing and if he'd text back quickly or not. If he did text back though what would she do then?


  Orath's voice caused Kayda to look over at her again with a curious look in her eyes. The white-haired woman thumbing over to a theater some ways down the street while Lee rummaged in his pocket for his phone.

  "We've got a bit of money to spare, you want to go see a live action play or something?" She asked. They wanted to go see a play all of a sudden? They didn't look the type to be into entertainment like that Kayda thought, but well...

  "Sure! Let's go." Kayda said with a small smile of excitement. That sounded nicer than walking around indefinitely until it was time to go again. Nodding upon hearing that Orath exchanged glances with her brother and the three made their way to the theater down the street. After the movie was over a couple of hours later the trio would emerge with the rest out of the theater. Talking about the play with one another for a few minutes as they idled outside when Kayde's phone vibrated in her pocket. Pausing a moment to pu
ll it out and stare at the screen her eyes widened and breath hitched when she saw that it was a message from Jonath. He wanted her to come swing by his place when she had the time. A bit of a fluster across her features when she read his address at the bottom of the message. The twins noticing her reaction to the message and watching her a bit perplexed.

  "Everything alright with you?" Lee asked with genuine concern despite his nonchalant tone. Kayda quickly nodding at him with an assuring smile.

  "Oh yeah! I just got a text from Jonath; he wanted me to meet up with him in a little bit since I told him we all were in the city." She answered with her demeanor fully recovered from the surprise. The twins exchanging looks again before both looked back at Kayda. Lee shrugging as both wore neutral gazes. Orath putting her hands behind her to rest against the small of her back as she replied.

  "No problem, feel free to go meet up with him. Don't let us hold you up." She gave a vague smile of her own. Lee coinciding with her words.

  "Yeah it's fine if you want to go. Thanks for watching the play with us, Kayda. Be sure to check on Jonath for us too. He comes off as a bit troubled." The young man said with a lax attitude. Kayda nodding again and waving before she started back stepping to leave. Her words genuinely thankful as she bid farewell.

  "Will do! Thank you both for letting me hang with you, I had a lot of fun! I'll see you all on the bus back later!" She said. The twins giving her brief waves in return before they parted ways. Kayda now on her way to the nearest train station, wondering what Jonath wanted to talk about.

  Either way, today was a nice day for Kayda. It was a nice change of pace, she enjoyed it.

  The Snarky & The Cool

  The Challenger Chapter Fifty-Two: The Snarky & The Cool

  "What's a girl supposed to do in a city these days?"

  Melissa had a lackluster stare aimed at a sign over a small store. Her right hand on her hip and posture that slacked to her left with most of her weight. Her half-covered stare fixated on the sign that said something about a bookstore before she simply huffed and walked away. Expressions never losing their bored aesthetic as she looked here and there for something interesting to do. Wandering around all day didn't sound entertaining in the slightest. The fact that her powers were suppressed extensively by those towers located around the city meant she couldn't go playing around with them either. What a bore.

  Reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone, Melissa walked and played on it. Figuring something would come up to catch her attention after a while if she couldn't find something directly. Maybe she should try calling Jonath again, he seemed like the type who attracted interesting things. Then again given the fact she tried to kill him not too long ago it was probably no surprise he didn't answer her. The young woman actually chuckling to herself when she thought about it. Especially with how Delaren and Lee were the ones to come save him just in the nick of time. Never would have expected those two to do something like that.

  "I need more contacts..." The Ylrah girl muttered to herself while holding her phone in her right. Having noticed a while ago that she didn't have much in the way of people to call or text outside of stealing Jonath's number from the database to sate her impulse to try to kill him. Come to think of it, she really should apologize for that. At least, for now. Who knows, maybe that urge will come back again and she'd want to try killing him a second time. Given how he seemed to want to inquire to her about something anyway, she decided to just wait it out. They'll definitely get to talking again and it was then that she'd decide if her actions were... misguided or not.

  That feeling she got when she saw the amnesic begin emitting that aura flashed in her mind. Melissa briefly stopping in her tracks and staring into space for an instant, before just shaking the imagery out of her head. What she saw reminded her too much of...

  Using her left hand to brush away bangs of black that swept over her nose to the point it made her feel like she were about to sneeze. "I might also need a haircut or different style or something. These bangs are getting annoying." She whined to herself, finger caressing the thick hair that masqueraded over her right eye completely and much of the right side of her face as well. Her nose pretty much the only thing keeping her hair from just hanging over all of her face when she thought about it. Index finger tracing the locks of hair to the ends of the longest fringes that stopped at around the base of her neck. Her bangs weren't as spiky and hectic as Kayda's; they were more layered over one another if anything however they still made Melissa look like some sultry gothic chick who listens to heavy metal and cuts herself. Not that she was against giving off that impression anyway. Well, she hoped nobody thought she cut herself. If they did they probably needed a punch in the face.

  "Hey beautiful! You look amazing!" A guy approached from her left as she were about to cross the crosswalk ahead. Cerulean blue colored half-gaze glancing over at him with its soft glowing hue. The expression she wore was rather blank yet clearly not interested in anything more that would come out this man's mouth. He looked like he was a fair bit older than her anyway.

  "Thanks, but not interested." She said casually aloof and looked back at her phone. The guy actually taking her words in stride, simply shrugging with a vague comment Melissa picked up of 'Had to try anyway' before walking off none the worse for wear. If Melissa was the type to be easily impressed she'd probably have applauded the guy for taking rejection so well. He especially was a first considering the countless other times flirts her way found themselves met with indifference, be it guy or girl, it was followed by petty insults or something. Kudos to that guy. After reaching the other side of the street and walking a couple blocks past people and stores, Melissa looked up from her phone with a deadpan. Exasperated exhale followed by a heavy sigh next.

  "I'm going to be so freaking bored today. Nothing to -"

  Melissa found her focus quickly fixate on a man with black hair and apathetic, crimson colored eyes walking some distance towards her direction, but on the opposite side of the street. Her naturally superior eyesight to the common person quickly assessing and confirming the features of him too. A small smile that looked mischievous and interested etching itself across her face. Putting her phone away again in her cargo shorts before snorting in anticipation. Well, seems like she just found out how she planned to kill her boredom after all.

  "It must be my birthday; I found the perfect person to spot out the crowd." Melissa said to herself as she quickly moved with a few people crossing the street to intercept Kelgard. Where was he going, all by himself? He didn't seem like the type who'd just waste time wandering about like an idiot. Maybe she could ask some questions and find out a bit more about him too. He was one of the only other people aside from Jonath and Kayda that really garnished any interest from Melissa. He also was the only one of the three that gave the impression he'd take a bit more effort on her part to poke and prod at.

  "Well well, if it isn't the Blood King. Fancy seeing you here in this city." She greeted with an alluring yet teasing tone of voice while catching the man's attention. Kelgard looking over at her momentarily when she began walking side by side with him. The look he wore neutral and rather indifferent about her words, soon looking ahead again without a response. Melissa couldn't help but take that as a challenge; no way she was about to just go on and be ignored like that.

  "What, you're a mute? Can't even get a hi when we're both Black Label ranked. I'm offended, really." The girl pressed a hand to her chest and tilted her body forward with a sarcastic gasp of astonishment. Fixing her arm warmers and looking straight ahead afterwards just like him. " I thought we could get to know each other a bit since we're gonna be partners on this expedition coming up. Then again, I get it. You have to keep up your reputation as some mysterious loner boy who's just dripping with swagger and sex appeal."

  Melissa nonchalantly tossed her hands up in the air in a shrugging motion, Kelgard only briefly looking back at her with crimson hues at her words. Melissa couldn't tell w
hat he were thinking behind that glass stare of his. Yet that was an aspect she seemed to be drawn to. People like Kelgard were like puzzles waiting for her to put them together. Finding out as much as she could about this guy was quickly becoming more of a self-imposed challenge by the second.

  "Yeah, I suppose you pull the gimmick off quite well if I'm being unbiased. I only really go out of my way to talk to people I find interesting. You're the last one of the ones who fit my parameters of interest." Melissa informed with no real care if he cared to hear it or not. At this point she half expected to have a conversation with herself anyway. However one could only imagine how pleasantly surprised she was when he suddenly responded to her in the most laid back and yet distant baritone she could imagine from him.

  "Lucky me." Kelgard said keeping his eyes straight ahead and hands idled in pockets. It sounded perfectly sincere at a glance but Melissa easily picked up on his sarcasm immediately. Snickering a bit while arms moved to hook behind her head, shirt lifting up a bit to show her stomach as they walked side by side. Kelgard not seeming to mind Melissa company beyond indifference and Melissa not planning on leaving whether he wanted her to or not. The sounds and noises of the city and its inhabitants not distracting either of them.


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