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Consensual Page 17

by Livia Jamerlan

  “Hold on tight, doll. This is going to be quick.” I cupped her ass as I lifted her up and pounded into her over and over again. Her walls hugged me as she quivered and called out my name. I slammed her into the elevator wall as I drove into her, wanting her to milk me with her climax.

  “Haas …” She moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, her hands wrapped through my hair, tugging it as my lips claimed the tender skin on her neck.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it to me,” I growled in her ear when her core clenched around me.

  Her body shook and her legs tightened around my waist. I drove into her as I found my own release, claiming her mouth to cover her moans. I slowed my pace, pouring inside her and riding her release that pulsed around me. I kissed her neck, her chin, and her cheek before finding her swollen lips again.

  “That was quick,” she said breathlessly, a devilish smile on her face.

  Pulling her off of me, I stood her on the floor. Her legs wobbled a bit and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, love, you chose to do this is an elevator. I had no choice.” She laughed, reached into her pocket, and pulled out baby wipes. She handed one to me.

  I zipped up my pants while she collected her buttons from the floor. I released the emergency brake, and she tied her coat sash around her waist as the door opened.

  “I’ll call you,” she whispered.

  Afraid that I might not see her again, I pushed the close door button and pressed the emergency brake once again.

  “You don’t play fair.” I walked over, closing her in to the same corner.

  “I’m just returning the favor.” She pursed her lips. “You sent me a gift; I sent one back. Thought it was enough to get your juices flowing.”

  Sliding my hand over her flushed skin, I brought my lips to hers. “I want to see you this weekend.”

  She nodded her head in agreement.

  “It’s not a question, Lynn. I’m seeing you this weekend. So either you show up to my house Friday night, or I’ll show up to yours.” I reached back, releasing the brake.

  Lifting up on her toes, she kissed my cheek. “Good-bye, Peyton.”

  “Now I’m Peyton?” The elevator door opened before she could respond. “Friday?” I pulled her chin to me, looking for my answer.

  “Friday. I’ll be there at seven.”

  I sat in my office, preparing my master plan for Friday. I continued to play with the button she had given me as I imagined every way I could have her this weekend. I was holding her captive whether she liked it or not. It couldn’t be one night; I needed her there with me for as long as possible.

  I opened the calendar on my computer to make sure I was free this weekend. Any plans I did have would be canceled. As I pulled up my email to let my sister know I had plans this weekend after all, my office door opened.

  “Was that Braelynn Wolf who just walked out of your elevator?” Drew asked, slamming my door shut. I’d been so lost in thought that I hadn’t seen him walk by through the glass walls.

  “Who?” How does he know Braelynn?

  “The blonde in the long coat,” he spat, pacing back and forth in front of my desk. He seemed angrier than usual. I had known Drew since we were kids; he was the annoying little brat who would tattle on the other kids at family parties. He was also an only child, so his mother and father believed anything the little twerp said. I despised him for other reasons as well, but having to do additional chores because he cried when he didn’t get his way only built on that anger.

  “Oh, her? Yes, she’s Howard Goldstein’s intern on the case.” I watched him carefully as he stopped and turned toward me, his eyes wide as he approached my desk.

  “What the fuck was she doing here?” He spoke in a low tone, the words sliding between his closed teeth. Leaning down, he braced both of his hands on my desk and lowered himself to my level.

  I stood, moving toward him so he knew I wasn’t intimidated by his anger or his haughtiness. “We go to court in ten days for a preliminary trial hearing with the judge, and you know both parties need to have all the legal shit worked out. Why are you here, Drew?” I tried to keep my voice calm.

  “Do you know that fucking bitch has been harassing every single one of my exes?” He spit when he spoke about Braelynn.

  Shocked by what he said, I couldn’t stop the puzzled look on my face. “Exes? I thought they were random hookups who happened to end with signed NDAs.” I tried to make light of what he had just said. Had he confused Braelynn with someone else? There was no way she was stupid enough to go after his previous … whatever they were.

  “Maybe if you were doing the job I’m fucking paying you to do, you would know what she’s up to. Or maybe if you weren’t so busy fucking her in your office, you would know what the fuck she was up to.” He walked closer so we were standing only a few feet from one another.

  “I suggest you tread lightly,” I warned. How he knew that Braelynn and I were fucking was beyond me, but I wasn’t going to let him have the upper hand.

  “And I suggest you do the fucking job I’m paying you to do. That fucking first-year intern bitch has been asking about the rape charges.”

  My fists formed at my sides, and I cracked my knuckles as he spoke, unable to hide my irritation. “Venturini is suing you for unfair and deceptive business practices and slander, not rape. They all have NDAs anyway, so what the fuck does it matter what she’s asking? I was hired by your father to represent you against these charges, not your sex life. Don’t you dare come into my office making accusations. Do I make myself clear?”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, a sleazy smirk appeared on his face. “All I know, Haas, is that you’d better shut her the fuck up or I will.”

  “Drew, you need to watch your conduct.” Threatening to harm Braelynn wasn’t something I would tolerate. If he so much as laid a finger on her, I would kill him with my bare hands and enjoy every second of it.

  “I don’t need to watch shit.” His smirk vanished. He lowered his arm to his side, matching my stance. “You’re my lawyer and you are legally bound to keep your mouth shut. What you need to do is shut her up before I destroy her career. And you know I can.”

  Unable to stand still any longer, I moved closer to him, my hands at my sides, the knuckles on my fists white from anger. Invading his personal space, I let the words spew from my mouth. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen closely. I don’t fucking work for you. I’m doing a favor for your father. You ever walk into my office and threaten me or anyone else again, I’ll make sure your fucking mouth is permanently wired shut. I’m not fucking Braelynn, and even if I was, it’s none of your goddamn business who I stick my cock in. Now, you so much as go near her or any other person I know, and I’ll put you in jail myself. I can guarantee that.”

  I pushed my chest forward, as if we were two boxers. “Got it?”

  He didn’t respond. He stood eyeing me down.

  “Mr. Haas?” Melissa interrupted, her eyes heavy and puffy as she held the door to my office open.

  “Yes, Melissa?” I broke my gaze from Drew and he took the opportunity to leave without any acknowledgement. Relaxing my fists, I cracked my neck. “Are you okay, Melissa? Have you been crying?” I asked, walking back to my desk. She was never one to show her emotions in the office, but her eyes were red and matched the tip of her nose.

  “It’s nothing, really. I saw the two of you in here, and I wanted to make sure nothing escalated.” She entered my office.

  “Thank you.” I looked at her again; she seemed even paler than this morning. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Cancel whatever else I have planned for today. I need to go take care of something.” I needed to know from Braelynn why the fuck she was harassing those women, and why the fuck she hadn’t shared that information with me.

  Once I finished up at the office, I headed straight to her brownstone. I double-parked my car illegally in front of her place, not caring if anyone complained, then took her
steps two at a time. I banged on her front door continuously until Kennedy swung it open.

  “Dude, what the fuck?” Her eyes were heavy, as if she’d been sleeping.

  I looked down at my watch; it was almost five in the afternoon. “Is Braelynn home?” I walked in, following her to her living room when she didn’t answer me.

  She eyed me up and down before turning toward the bedroom. “I’ll go get her.”

  I paced the small living room, waiting for Braelynn to appear as my mind ran wild and fury took the best of my thoughts. Was Drew right? Was she looking into those women? And if so, why? And what the hell was she planning with me? Was I a part of her plan? A piece of her missing puzzle?

  I paced back and forth, growing angrier with each passing second.


  I plugged my headphones into my phone and slid it into my back pocket, letting the music blast in my ears. I knew Kennedy was sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake her as I folded my laundry and cleaned my room. I couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on my face as I danced around. Although I told myself over and over that I was going to stay away from Peyton until the case was over, I couldn’t help but want him.

  When Harold dropped off the vibrator, the brilliant idea to give him a taste of his own medicine popped into my head. Recording wasn’t as easy as I’d thought, but I eventually got the hang of it. I knew he would be watching it, which turned me on more than I would’ve thought possible.

  Showing up to his office with nothing but a garter belt and stockings on was thrilling. With each step closer to his office, my heart hummed in my chest. Being with him was changing me, and I loved the new, confident, and sexy Braelynn.

  Despite the fact I saw Drew when I left the building, nothing was going to ruin my high. After our rendezvous in the elevator, I headed to Sara’s apartment, changed into appropriate clothes, and made sure everything was in tip-top shape before she arrived home with the kids. With the summer approaching they would be traveling a lot more, so cleaning was becoming a breeze. I had just deposited the buttons from my coat on my dresser when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Brae?” Kennedy called.

  I spun around and pulled the headphones from my ears.

  “You have a visitor.” Kennedy seemed pissed when she spoke, and her eyes were dark from lack of sleep.

  “Sorry. I didn’t hear the door.” I knew she was exhausted from her consecutive shifts at the hospital. Following her from my room, we both headed to the living room. When my eyes met his, my heart stopped. What was he doing here? Now? Oh crap, there’s no hiding it from Kennedy now.

  “Peyton?” I questioned, stunned that he was here.

  I looked at Kennedy for some type of answer. She shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the kitchen, leaving us alone but still within listening distance so she knew what was going on. My heart rate picked up again when I looked back at him. His pupils were dilated, and his expression was no longer the endearing one I’d seen in the elevator when I’d said good-bye. He turned away from me, shook his head, and began to pace.

  Stopping in front of me, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes when he began to speak. “Tell me you weren’t stupid enough to go looking into Drew’s exes?”

  “What?” I questioned, stunned. How does he know? I was adamant about not saying a thing to him about the case. Fuck. I’m screwed.

  Opening his eyes, he walked toward me, closing the gap between us, his height towering over me. “Tell me that the asshole that left my office was fucking lying and you aren’t that fucking stupid.” It was not a question, but more of an accusation.

  I stood silent.

  “Have you been looking into Drew’s rape charges?” His voice was low and hollow.

  Searching his eyes, I found my voice. “How do—”

  He threw his hands in the air. “Fuck!” he shouted. “This is bullshit. You do know that Natasha is suing him for unfair and deceptive business practices and slander, right?” His condescending tone pissed me off.

  “Yes, I’m not fucking stupid, Peyton. I know exactly what the case is about, but Drew did rape those women.” My hands gripped my hips, standing my ground.

  “So what if he did?” His voice rose until we were beginning to scream at each other. “Your client didn’t hire you to figure that out. She’s paying you to get her life back for her! She lost her job because of Drew, but she’s not claiming he raped her. She isn’t even suing him for sexual harassment. Fuck, Braelynn! Does Howard even know? You can’t be this naïve.”

  I wasn’t naïve; I knew what it felt like to have a rapist bastard walk free. “Whatever, Peyton.”

  He stepped away from me, scratching the back of his head before he turned and looked back at me. “And what the fuck was I?”

  My heart sank. I knew Kennedy was in the kitchen overhearing everything, but I couldn’t stop him now.

  “Huh?” he questioned when I didn’t answer him. “Letting me fuck you every which way? What was that? Did you think you would let me fuck you and in return I would give you information on Drew? I guess you’re not that naïve, huh? Sleeping your way to the win.” He muffled the last sentence under his breath, but I heard it loud and clear.

  “Fuck you! Get out! Now!” I pointed to the front door. “I’m not sleeping with you to win this case, and if I remember correctly, I’m the one who said we shouldn’t do this!” I shouted to his back as he marched toward the front door.

  He held his hand on the doorknob. “Yeah, you were the one who said we shouldn’t do this, but you were also the one who showed up at my job and asked me to fuck you in the elevator two hours ago.” He opened the door and turned to look at me one last time. “Make sure your team is ready for pre-trial. We’re not settling, and I’m going wipe the floor with your client.”

  The door slammed behind him as he left. Inhaling a calming breath, I turned on my heel and headed straight for the kitchen. Kennedy’s concern was written all over her face; she had heard the whole conversation, so it was only a matter of time before she gave me her two cents. I pulled open the freezer door, then popped the lid off my Talenti and looked at her, waiting for the words to come out of her mouth.

  “Please tell me he’s not the guy you’ve been seeing?” She pushed away the remainder of her food in front of her.

  Here we go, Mrs. I Know What’s Best giving me her two cents before I even have my ice cream in my mouth. I dug my spoon into the creamy goodness. “Seriously, Kennedy, I’m not in the mood.” I slid the gelato from side to side in my mouth and let its cold texture calm the heat burning within me.

  “Not in the mood for what? A reality check? Braelynn, how dumb can you be? You’re putting your career at risk for a hot guy?” She jumped off the bar stool, bringing her dirty dishes to the sink.

  I slammed the pint on the granite, preparing myself for another fight. I was getting really tired of people calling me dumb, stupid, or naïve. “I just had him”—I pointed to the living room—“call me dumb and naïve. Say what you have to say, but I refuse to stand here and let you call me dumb too.”

  “Then what are you?” she shouted back at me. “You’re sleeping with the defense attorney on your first case. And according to him, you’re harassing his client’s exes when they have nothing to do with the lawsuit. And Peyton is right, does your professor even know? Are you even allowed to do that?” Her voice screeched through the kitchen.

  I took a deep breath, trying to avoid a fight with my best friend over an asshole. “Kennedy, I know what I’m doing.”

  “Do you? Because it sure as hell doesn’t look like you know. You can’t save every rape victim, Braelynn.”

  Seriously, this is where she’s taking it? She knew exactly what to say to push me over the edge. “I’m not trying to save anyone. I’m trying to make the rat bastard pay, for fucked-up business practices or slander or rape or all of that! And you know what? I do hope I can get enough dirt to put his ass behind bars. No on
e should have to live with the pain and shame and horror of being a victim and knowing that the asshole who hurt you is still running around.” Any attempt to keep my voice cool, calm, and collected was long gone.

  “You’re throwing away everything Loren has given up for you,” she spat.

  “Excuse me?” My eyebrows furrowed together. Throwing what Loren did for me into the mix was uncalled for.

  “You heard me. Your sister packed up and left everything to give you a better life, and this is how you repay her? By not doing your job and violating ethics codes before you’ve even passed the bar? For what? A hot piece of ass?”

  I slammed my hand on the cool surface. “He wasn’t just a hot piece of ass. It was different with him.”

  “Oh, please. Spare me the bullshit.” She began striding out of the kitchen, but I wasn’t done. Far from it.

  Though I knew I should have kept my mouth shut, I couldn’t hold it any longer. Kennedy was looking for a fight and she was going to get one. “Oh, yes, that’s right. Because you know everything there is to know about relationships. You sit there leading Caleb on, then get mad when he’s photographed with other women.”

  Kennedy stopped at the doorway and looked back at me. I knew I had hit the nail on the head; it was now my turn to get shit off my chest. “Oh, what? Do you have nothing to say now?” I began. “Does the truth hurt, Kenn? Yeah, I fucked Peyton. Repeatedly. But it was different. I wasn’t doing it for the case. I slept with him for me because I wanted something with him, something more than just a casual fuck. And yes, I researched Drew’s exes because he had rape charges against him. So what? If the bastard is guilty of rape, he should be behind bars. But I can admit the truth. I can admit my mistakes and take responsibility for my actions. But you stand there judging me. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Stringing Caleb along? You know what? I hope Caleb finds someone who values what a great guy he is. You want to dish it out, Kennedy? That’s fine. I can take it, but can you?”


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