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Consensual Page 26

by Livia Jamerlan

  “She’s stable,” a doctor called out. We all stood up and walked toward him. “I can’t give you any additional information, but she’ll be all right.”

  “Can we see her?” Gus asked.

  “Yes, they’re transferring her up to a room. She’s still unconscious, but she should be up soon.”

  “What was it?” Kennedy asked.

  “Kennedy, I can’t discuss that with you.”

  “But I’m her friend, her roommate.”

  “You know I can’t discuss her medical information. You’re not her next of kin. Just know she’s going to be fine and up soon.”

  We moved up to her room and continued to pace there, willing Braelynn to wake up. The heart monitor attached to her pulsed steadily. A police officer came to take our statements, but none of it was relevant until Braelynn woke up. I called in a few favors from a detective I knew on the force, explaining how I’d found Braelynn, and asked him to do a search to see if her driver’s license or credit cards were scanned anywhere. Kennedy provided him with as much personal information as she could.

  Kennedy and Gus slept on the lounge chairs. We had been here for hours, but Braelynn wouldn’t wake up. The doctors said it was normal for the medication to take a long time to wear off. I couldn’t close my eyes.

  I lay my head on her hard mattress and held her cold hand, waiting for her to open her eyes.

  Fighting the unwanted sleep was difficult. I’d let my eyes drift closed for a fraction of a minute when I felt her hand move in mine.

  I lifted my head and looked at her.


  Her head moved slightly and her eyelids fluttered, but she didn’t open them.

  “Hey.” I lowered my voice. “Can you hear me?”

  She squinted and her scrunched face told me she was in pain. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to look at me, eyes I thought I would never see again. Even though she was tired, the green of her irises shone bright against her fair skin.

  “Hi,” I said, moving to sit on the bed. I smiled at her and rubbed the palm of my hand along her skin. She looked around the room, then back at me.

  “Where am I?” she croaked. “What happened to me? Someone took me.” Her pupils dilated as tears began to drip from the corner of her eyes.

  Kennedy and Gus both jumped off their seats when they heard her frantic voice. The heart monitor attached to her chest began beeping rapidly as her breath raced in and out of her lungs.

  “Brae, honey, you’re okay. Just breathe,” Kennedy said, sitting on the other side of the bed and grasping her hand tightly.

  “Did you get him?” Her scared eyes flashed over our faces.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “The guy. The guy who took me.”

  “Who took you, baby girl?” Gus asked, standing over the foot of the bed and holding her feet. She was surrounded, each of us attempting to calm her. The monitor continued to beep as she gasped for air.

  “I ... I ... I don’t know.” Her eyes swelled with new tears.

  “What did he do to you? Do you know that?” Gus asked gently.

  Kennedy gave me a concerned look as she held Braelynn. Is this an answer we want to hear?

  Braelynn shook her head slowly, tears dripping off her cheeks. “I don’t know what he did. I can’t remember anything, but ... he ... he took me.” Her voice cracked.

  Her words tore through my composure, destroying me. The memory of her telling me that she didn’t want to be a woman who needed protecting crashed through my mind. At the time I thought her strong and brave, so brave. I still thought those things of her, but looking at her now, lost and broken, I knew without a doubt that my initial instinct to keep her safe was right.

  I leaned in to hold her as she sobbed, wishing I could take her pain from her. Gus and Kennedy looked just as devastated as I felt. We all loved her, wanted to protect her. And we’d failed.

  I had failed. And though I would never forgive myself, I would do everything in my power to find the monster who had hurt her.

  I wouldn’t fail her again.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Consensual. I would love to hear from you. Please consider writing a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks. I do read all of my reviews and would love to see what you thought.

  You can read about my upcoming books at or you please feel free to join my Facebook group where you can discuss Consensual and see teasers and excerpts of book two Coherent coming this fall.

  Thank you for your support.

  Livia Jamerlan

  To my husband Tim. As always, you are my rock, the love of my life and now the father of our child. Thank you for pushing me forward when all I wanted to do was quit. Tolerating my insane mood swings while I wrote this book. Making me laugh when I had questions about the male perspective, and having faith in me. I love you.

  Ketany, we did it again! Thank you for letting me record our conversation as we discussed what I had in mind for this book and staying up late as you read every chapter I sent you.

  My family, thank you for the guidance, love, and support.

  Nikki, you loved Peyton as much as I did. You read the fresh, raw, and ugly version, but you still loved it. Your advice helped mold this book.

  To my friends Cinthia, Cynthia, Johanna, Melissa, Nikki, and Stacy, who are my biggest supporters. Thank you for letting me pick your brains and sharing your thoughts.

  Barbara, Celeste, Eleanor, Elisabeth, Faith, Niecey, and Ruthie, I would be who I am as an author if it wasn’t for you ladies. Each day it is something that we help each other with. I am very blessed to have you all in my life. You’re all like fairy godmothers helping me with, my personal life, writing life, mommy to be life, and so much more. Each one of you has touched my heart and I feel like we will always be sisters. I love you all.

  Amy, I will always cherish all that you have done for me. You’re an amazing friend meeting you a year ago in New York I never thought our friendship would grow as fast as it did.

  To my betas. Lisa, Kristina, Nikki-with Bookfri-Ends, Heather –with Carvers Book Cravings, Sofia and Melanie – with Sassy Mum Book Blog, A BIG THANK YOU! You all took time away from your family, friends, and work to do me the biggest favor. I can’t thank you all enough.

  Lisa Jones Maurer, when I first met you I had no idea that people could be as kind and wonderful as you are. You are one in a million and you do so much for the Indie community.

  To my editors, Brenda Letendre, you pushed me with each comment you had to go further. The articles you sent me changed my writing. You are my guardian angel. I can’t wait to work with you again. Jennifer Roberts-Hall, you were the best content editor a girl could ask for. You became fully vested in my story, letting me bounce ideas of you, and expressing what you felt was missing in the book. And Megan Ward, you my dear friend, wow. That’s the first word that pops in my head. I thought you were a line editor, but boy was I wrong. You changed Consensual for the best. You broke down a timeline for me to ensure the book flowed, you went above and beyond looking for any possibility of making it a stronger book, and I will forever love you for that.

  To my cover designer Sommer, with Perfect Pear Creative Covers, thank you for making the most beautiful cover I could have asked for. I sent you a simple picture and you made it into a beautiful cover. You knew exactly what I was looking for without me having to tell you.

  My Indie Chicks that ROCK, I love our group, and our insane funny conversations. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing writers.

  FYW, to be a part of this group is an honor. You are all so talented and the advice you share helps me grow as an author.

  To the bloggers who have been a part of my giveaways, my cover reveal, release day blitz, and blog tour, I would be nowhere if it wasn’t for all your help.

  Truly Schmexy Promotions, you ladies have made the final steps of getting Consensua
l out there a breeze. Thank you all very much. I appreciate all the hard work you have done.

  To my formatter Christine, with Perfectly Publishable, thank you for understanding when I had to push back my release date. Your emails were all so helpful and your professionalism is impeccable.

  Livia Jamerlan is the author of Divided. She is also a hopeless romantic who is always looking for her next love story to pop in her head. Though Livia kept a journal throughout her early life, she never thought about pursuing a career in writing. She always used it as form of therapy, pouring her heart out into words. It wasn’t until a story developed in her head that she decided maybe she could write a book. At first it was just an escape from reality, but now she uses it as a power to put all her feelings, hopes, and fears on paper. Deciding it was time to tell her story, she began to write. With each passing day the story grew, characters were formed, and what seemed like a hobby at first has now become a passion for Livia. She is a New Jersey Native who loves spending time with her husband and two dogs Buddy and Daisy. When she is not writing or hiding behind her Kindle, you can find her with outside, gardening, at a local shopping center enjoying some retail therapy, or enjoy a pepperoni pizza.

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