All it Took Was You

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All it Took Was You Page 14

by Ali Vali

  "No, what do you want my love?"

  "I would like a chicken salad sandwich." Despite the helpless feeling they both experienced from the call, Desi’s request and Harry’s subsequent laughter brightened the mood.

  Byron and Mike watched the kitchen lights come on from their perch on the top of the wall that surrounded Desi and Harry’s house. They couldn’t see in since the inside plantation shutters were closed, but that didn’t matter to Byron. The fact they were sitting there with no one seeing them was good enough for now. Little by little they would get closer till the night came that both Harry and Desi would be within his grasp. In the middle of his little celebration, one of the shutters did open and the two men fell off the wall in a hurry when Harry seemed to look right at them.

  "What’s the matter honey?" Jack was in his infant chair on the middle of the table and Harry had been standing right behind her, but when Desi turned around from the refrigerator Harry was gone.

  "Nothing I just thought I heard the cat from next door." Harry answered without turning around. It was like a strange feeling of being watched had come over her when she stepped into the kitchen.

  "Are you two ok?" asked June as she walked in and tied off her robe. Desi’s mother and partner had arrived back late that night after taking some of their old friends out to dinner. The week they had spent with the girls so far had been great, but she and Bobbie had wanted to give the new family some privacy on the last day Harry was going to be home.

  "Great mom, want a sandwich?" The bowl of Mona’s famous recipe came down on the counter along with the loaf of bread as Desi set out to make she and Harry a snack.

  "Gosh dear, aren’t you tired of that stuff already?" June sat down at one of the stools along side the counter and watched her daughter work.

  "No this stuff is great. I think Mona introduced it to me so that I would get pregnant again right away. What are you doing up, couldn’t sleep?" asked Desi. The sandwiches were temporality forgotten when Harry stepped back next to her. Desi put the knife she had been using down and pulled Harry down for a kiss.

  "Bobbie and I were talking and I heard you two walking down the hall so I thought I would check on you before I turned in."

  "Nothing serious I hope Ms. Fontaine." Harry reached into the bowl, picked up a piece of chicken with her fingers and popped into her mouth.

  "Harry, if Mona catches you doing that I will not be responsible for what happens to you," reprimanded Desi with a swat to Harry’s arm. Harry reached back into the bowl and fed Desi a piece, appeasing the woman who protected her from Mona.

  "Please Harry, I wish you would call me June, and no it’s nothing serious. We were just discussing what we wanted to do after Bobbie’s retirement." The tie to her robe became suddenly fascinating and June wouldn’t look them in the eye.

  "Would Bobbie consider semi retirement in New Orleans taking up some of Kenneth’s slack?" It was a guess on her part, but Harry was betting that now that June and Bobbie knew they were welcomed, they would want to spend more time with both Desi and Rachel. The fact that there was a new grandson in the mix didn’t hurt her chances of talking them into the move Harry figured.

  "You wouldn’t mind us being around so much?" June walked over to Jack and picked him up and held him to her shoulder. Desi smiled at Harry before giving her a quick kiss in thanks for what the big romantic goofball had done for her before answering the question.

  "Mom, don’t you think we have had enough time stolen from us? Having you so far away won’t make it easy for us to really get to know each other, and it will make spoiling Jack that much harder. Don’t you agree?"

  "You’re right honey. Maybe I’ll get my chance at mothering babies after all," answered June as she kissed the soft dark hair covering Jack’s head.

  "Well then that’s settled," said Harry taking a bite of the sandwich Desi had handed her.

  "What’s settled?" Bobbie had wandered through the house looking for June after her partner had been gone so long.

  "You are moving in with us as soon as you get back from packing up all your stuff. The two of you are welcome to stay here as long as you like, but be forewarned that in five weeks I will be chasing your daughter naked through the house. You will know when that day comes from the shrieking she will be doing, so you might want to consider staying behind locked doors when that day comes, I think it might be for the best." The blush was deep, quick and very visible to everyone in the room, and after Harry got a good look she took one quick step away from Desi.

  "Harry Basantes, I can not begin to tell you the kind of trouble you are in." Desi pulled a wooden spoon out of the container on the stove. With sandwich in hand, Harry turned and ran out of the kitchen toward the stairs with a red hot blonde on her heels. Once they had both left the room June and Bobbie looked at each other and started laughing.

  "I’m thinking that our little Desi has her hands full with that one," said Bobbie as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  "Yes, but don’t they look like wonderful together? Harry is completely gone on her and I couldn’t be happier. Now I wish that we hadn’t waited so long in coming back sweetheart if only for the satisfaction of watching you beat the crap out of Clyde. The thought of what he might have stolen from them just pisses me off."

  "Just like us June, everything works out in the end. We have had a wonderful life together and shared in the joy, however briefly, of two beautiful girls. Now we get to have grandchildren and discover our kids again, so dwell on that my love." Bobbie moved closer to the woman that she had loved for so many years and kissed her softly on the lips.

  "Do you think they will give us any more of these?" June asked, kissing the top of Jack’s head again. The wonder of just looking at him hadn’t worn off since the first time she had seen him in the hospital.

  "According to our daughter-in-law, they should be well on their way by next year with the next one. Hopefully Desi will forget about that whole birthing experience by then."

  "Sweetheart trust me on this one, a woman never forgets that. That’s why babies are so cute, it fogs your brain to the pain." They both laughed again before following Harry and Desi upstairs to deliver Jack back to them.

  "You don’t think?" asked June looking up the stairs.

  "What?" Bobbie looked at her.

  "You know….,"

  "Oh, that they’re having sex?" asked Bobbie enjoying her wife’s own blush.

  "Yes. I don’t want to go in there with Jack if they are other wise occupied."

  "Honey they have to wait a while for that, not as a test to their willpower but because Desi’s body is so not ready for that."

  "Well that didn’t stop us after Rachel, or maybe you have forgotten that part?" asked June.

  "Nope I didn’t forget that part," answered Bobbie stopping a few feet from the closed master bedroom door.

  "Harry….Oh God Harry," they both heard Desi’s voice through the oak.

  "And it seems to run in the family," finished Bobbie making a quick about face with June back to their room. Hopefully Desi had fed Jack before they had gone downstairs, if not, June was waking up Mona to go and give him back.

  Comments to: [email protected]

  * * *

  All It Took Was You


  Ali Vali

  Part 6

  "Harry?" Desi’s head popped off the pillow after hearing the muffled name through the closed bedroom door.

  "Honey, I think someone is at the door for you." The thought of moving was not an option Desi was willing to address at the moment. Running up the stairs after Harry had resulted in a leg cramp and the doctor with the magic fingers had offered swift relief.

  "Yes?" Harry shouted toward the closed door not moving from her position on the bed.

  "Are you naked?" asked Mona. Seeing June at her bedroom door moments before had made the older woman start laughing, but she had volunteered to venture into the exotic zone, as Mona liked to think of it, down the hall


  "Do you want me to be?" Mona heard what sounded suspiciously like a slap to naked skin. In fact Desi had just delivered the blow to Harry’s butt for her smart answer to Mona.

  "Come to the door Harry," answered Mona in a no nonsense voice. Harry crossed the room and opened the door a sliver big enough to stick her head out.

  "Yes darlin’, what can I do for you?"

  "When did the baby eat last?" Harry smiled at the inquisitor at their door. Mona was standing there tapping her foot with her hands on her hips trying not to take up too much time.

  "Thirty minutes ago so he’s good to go for a friendly visit with his grandmothers." Mona nodded her head and started back toward June and Bobbie’s room stopping when Harry called out to her. "Tell Bobbie I think she’s a weenie for not coming out here herself, but we love her anyway."

  "Harry you are so bad," said Desi from the bed. It had taken Harry all of about ten minutes to get them both naked from the time they had entered the room. Harry’s explanation had been it was better to administer the massage that way.

  "No baby I’m good, I’m very, very good. Now let Dr. Harry rub what ails you."

  "Don’t get carried away doctor, Ellie said you don’t want to break anything down there." Desi gave her a no-nonsense look over her shoulder as Harry moved back into position.

  "I promise only to rub the parts that are on the outside baby, no worries. I have been dying to touch you all day." Harry started on the calf muscle that had cramped on the way up the stairs working her way down to a small delicate looking foot. When she pressed her thumb into the arch Desi let out a long moan.

  "Oooh knock yourself out honey, though I don’t know why you would want to? I need to lose about fifty pounds before I even start to resemble what I looked like nine months ago." Desi sounded every bit as disgusted as she felt. She loved Jack and wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything, but the little guy had done a number on her figure.

  "Breast feeding and about six weeks will bring back the Desi you are used to seeing in the mirror my love, but just remember that I love you no matter what you look like. Um….that didn’t come out right did it?"

  "Just for that you get to look at the front." Desi rolled over and put her foot back into Harry’s hands. Instead of moving back to the massage, Harry started kissing at the toes before moving up Desi’s body closer to the blonde head for a better look.

  "Save me from the torture," teased Harry as she hovered over her partner. Desi ran a finger softly over the stitches on Harry’s brow admiring the job that Nurse Sally had done.

  "If I send your mouth into the line of duty it won’t hurt these will it?"

  "No just don’t scream, your parents are in the next room. I don’t want them thinking that I am some kind of barbarian." Needing no further encouragement Harry started back down Desi’s body learning some of the new terrain along the way.

  "But you are a barbarian Harry, but trust me honey, it works for you." Desi let her head drop to the pillow under it as Harry started placing soft kisses to her collarbone. It was nice to feel her partner on her without the bulge getting in the way. Having Harry pin her to the bed had been a complete turn on for Desi from the first time they had made love. When she had gotten pregnant it was something Harry refused to do not wanting to hurt the baby.

  "Promise me you’ll tell me if anything hurts ok?" asked Harry. She had moved down some more and two pink nipples stood alert and called her name.

  "Don’t worry about anything sweetheart, just go with you gut and I’m sure I’ll be fine. Now let’s get going because after this you still owe me a chicken salad sandwich." Bright green eyes closed as Harry moved her kisses to Desi’s breasts. Moving further down, Harry started softly never pressing too hard on any one spot. Desi was still healing and the doctor in her didn’t want to do anything that would impede her progress.

  When Harry got to the to the top of Desi’s thighs she made herself comfortable lying on her stomach. With Desi’s feet on her shoulders, Harry could see a little bloody discharge mixed in with the usual liquids she found in the general vicinity but there was no way in hell she was going to stop. She used just the tip of her tongue to start a massage of a different nature getting an instant response from Desi. Harry felt two feet push into her shoulders as Desi’s hips came up and off the bed a little.

  "Ok, that’s really good." To make sure Harry wasn’t thinking of moving, Desi grabbed two fists full of hair and hung on.

  "Yes, I would have to agree with you baby." It was the only conversation Harry was willing to stop for as she flattened her tongue and applied a little more pressure. She reached up and tweaked a nipple between her fingers getting some unintelligible grunt out of Desi.

  "Faster honey," ordered Desi. Her hips picked up the tempo Harry had set, and true to her word Harry’s hands never went near anything lower than Desi’s nipples. To keep up her end of the bargain Desi kept her volume to a quiet roar. With a few more swipes Harry sent Desi over the edge then moved up the bed to hold her as the after shocks rippled through her body. Desi finally opened her eyes when she felt Harry pick up her hands and examine them in the moonlight.

  "Can I ask what you’re doing?"

  "Just checking for all the hair I just lost. You were pulling pretty hard there at the end pumpkin."

  "If I can’t make any noise then I have to let my energies out some other way." Desi smiled up at her then leaned up and kissed the tip of Harry’s nose. "Thanks honey, I think I needed that. The kissing we did earlier, and the thought waiting six weeks to do anything about it was working my nerves."

  "Well I’m glad that we were able to work something else on you baby. And speaking of baby, think Jack has outlived his welcome down the hall?"

  "Are you kidding me, they are probably working up a list on why he should stay with them on a more regular basis. Between your parents and mine, I’ll be shocked if we get him back at all." Desi moved into her usual position pressed to Harry’s side when her partner moved off her. Hearing the sigh Desi released, Harry waited to hear what was on her mind. "It still seems kind of strange to say ‘my parents’ after all this time. Do you like my mother and Bobbie?"

  "Yeah baby, I like them a lot. I can’t say that I fully understand her reasons for leaving you and your sister behind, but I’m trying not to judge. Now that we have Jack, I can’t think of either of us just moving away and leaving him with anyone, much less someone like Clyde. But those were different times and prejudices against relationships like ours was even worse than we can even imagine now. As long as June and Bobbie are here to love you and build a relationship with you, then they are welcome in our home. I take my job of protecting you seriously though baby, so if those intentions change they’re out on their butts." Desi tightened her hold around Harry’s waist as an acknowledgement of appreciation for her thoughtfulness.

  "I know honey, and I wouldn’t want you to ever change. Now doctor, how about I show you a good time?" Desi pushed a little closer and moved to get on Harry.


  "No? You do find me repulsive don’t you?" Desi went to move to the other side of the bed before she started sobbing when Harry pulled her in tighter.

  "Desiree you know better than that, I don’t find you repulsive. What I do know is that you had a baby two weeks ago, and you aren’t supposed to be doing anything strenuous. What I have in mind would definitely fall into that category, but it can also wait until you’re healed. Trust me darlin’, I plan to collect with interest." When Desi finally looked up there were tears in her eyes over what Harry had just said. Yeah you definitely aren’t Byron are you? To prove she was telling the truth, Harry gave Desi a repeat performance of their earlier activities before getting up to retrieve their son.

  June got up from the large antique bed in the room she and Bobbie were sharing when she heard the knock on the door. A clean freshly showered Harry was standing in the hall wearing a white terry cloth robe when June opened the door. "Is my grands
on in any danger of becoming a decadent soul hanging around with you?" The same blush she had seen on Desi’s face earlier in the kitchen was now running up Harry’s face.

  "Ah no, decadence lessons don’t come into play until his senior year in high school. Did he behave?"

  "Like the little angel everyone knows he is," said Bobbie. She walked up behind June holding a sleeping Jack handing him over to Harry.

  "Thanks, we appreciate the last minute baby sitting job." The rumble of Harry’s voice made Jack’s eyes blink open as if looking for his biggest fan. "Hey there little man, I know a beautiful lady down the hall that is missing you like crazy. Did you know you are the luckiest baby in the world in that she’s also your mother." Bobbie put her arm around June as they both watched Harry move back toward the room at the end of the hall cooing to her son the whole way. As a way of telling her he was listening, Jack did a full body stretch in Harry’s arms before curling back up to listen to more.

  "I have a feeling that is the kind of parent you would have made my love," June told Bobbie. The pain caused by the separation from her children would never fully heal in June’s heart. But looking at the tall young woman that cradled her grandson as carefully as she did her daughter’s heart, and knowing she had been a part of Desi and Rachel’s lives for so long made it more bearable.

  "I think that it is the kind of parents we both still have the opportunity to be sweetheart. The girls are older now, but I think they still have room in their lives to need us. Thanks to the type of young women they grew up to be, we still have the chance to help them out. They forgave you June. Try to forgive yourself now."

  "They’re both great aren’t they?" asked June in a tone that begged for reassurance.

  "Yes my love, and they found wonderful people to share their lives and their children with. I think that they also find it an extra-added bonus to add us into that equation. Let’s try to be happy and make up for lots of lost time." June nodded her head before looking up into Bobbie’s eyes. Had it not been for the compassionate woman that had shared her life, June would have lost her mind years ago. Bobbie pulled her back into the room and closed the door.


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