Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale Page 9

by Ambear Shellea

  I had to stop him, or we would be here for days, as he explained what draws him into a story. I have had this conversation before. It's a long one.

  “Yes, Fydale, I remember. What does this have to do with us?”

  “Yes...” he cleared his throat, “I came across this...”

  He pulled a tattered leather-bound journal from his robes and placed it on the table.

  “It follows the life a man named, Rokey. He was an apprentice to Nhajyn of Drakkin Reach. You need to find them, both of them. If what I have read in here is true, Nhajyn and Drakkin Reach hold some answers. In case you are unaware, Drakkin Reach birthed the Dragon Ryders of the war of Scales. They are known for their knowledge of arcane dragonage...”

  “Arcane dragonage?” I questioned. I had never heard of such a thing, and I helped Odin move dragons from human eyes, among other things.

  “Yes, Arcane Dragonage is a study of the arts using dragons, and their inner elements, to create weapons for war. When this was written it was but a theory...”

  “The HiSklae!” I said, “Is it possible, he developed the HiSklae?”

  Fydale shook his head, "I don't know. The journal has missing, and torn, pages. It is incomplete. These two may have not come up with them, but their knowledge has assisted the person who has. You must go at once."

  Before I moved to leave, he continued talking letting me know he had more to say, and that I was to remain seated.

  “Inside the journal, within the back few pages, I placed a map. Also, in the center, there are pages of notes, I gathered from other sources about Drakkin Reach. Some folklore, theories, and a list of items to look for that may be useful as you travel...

  While I have your attention Vhadrah, there is another matter I need to discuss, which is why your sister is here. Vhaneal needs to accompany you on your travels, Drakkin Reach..."

  I stood, “No. It is too dangerous for her. I will not allow it.”

  “Not allow it?”, My sister yelled.

  I placed my hand in hers and lowered my voice to explain. “Vhaneal, we found out on our way here, that I am some what being tracked by the HiSkale..."

  I watched her big eyes fill with tears, making that shade of green in her eyes, even brighter. She held her hand over her mouth, to hide her shock. I had hoped to not have to tell her, or anyone.

  I turned to Fydale, “I don't know for sure...I think they can.”

  “Why don't you tell me what you do know, and we can work form there.” Fydale instructed.

  Before I could do that, I needed to be sure my sister was alright. The look of fear on her face would haunt me. It was always my job to protect her, even while I work for Odin.

  “Vhaneal, maybe you shouldn't be here for this. I see the look of horror on your face, you're terrified. I don't want that to increase. I want you to be safe.”

  It took a minute, but she regained her composure.

  “Vhadrah, I appreciate that, but I am not a child anymore than you are. Just as you always want to protect me, I feel the same about you...”

  “But...” I interrupted, and Fydale, settled the matter.

  “Vhadrah, she is not a child anymore. I understand your need to protect, but you have been gone a long time with your training, and trials, and she has grown and taken care of herself without you. I do believe, she can handle this. Do not let her normal reaction of fear, discredit all that she has become.

  You don't know this but she has been growing in her power too...and doing quite well, as a matter of fact. I think you would be impressed by how far she has come, whilst you've been away.”

  I conceded. “You're right, I apologize. First and foremost, I am a protector. Sometimes, it is hard for me not to charge in and do just that. Especially, when it comes to my little sister. Before I was ever charged as one of Odin's protectors in the realm, I was hers.”

  “Yes, I remember...” Fydale began, but my sister interrupted this time.

  “Vhardah, I am sorry to interrupt, but what happened?”

  I shared a look with Fydale, one in which we agreed it was time to move on and answered my sister's question.

  “While I was in Tanaloka, where I found Lalynn, we had to run. The Army of Darkness and the HiSklae had too many numbers, and Tanaloka, was nothing but villagers. I could not save them.

  After we left, I ended up killing a SkaleVhon Snake. Which by the way, I think they are connected in all of this. The HiSkale have a lot of similarities to that snake. But we'll get to that in a minute.

  Anyway, we found a cave, not too far away, and checked it out. We came upon three women huddled in a room, off in the back. In that same room cages hung from the ceiling holding the dead bodies of original Valkryies...”

  I had to catch my breath. My heart thrummed in my chest, and my air ways were tightening, remembering the horror I saw there. I didn't have the strength to hold back my tears.

  “Someone had ripped off their wings...Ripped. Off. Not cut or sawed. Painfully ripped them off. I prayed to Odin that they were dead when that happened. I prayed they didn't suffer, but only Odin knows. I did not ask. I did not really want to know.”

  I heard my sister gasp, and her muffled cry followed. Other than that, the room went deadly silent for a moment. No one wanted to speak, and I no longer could. It was devastating to recall.

  I had been in survival mode at the time, and now that I was safe the emotions were almost overwhelming. Everyone gave me the time to fall apart, and come back together, before they asked me to proceed. When I was able, I finished my tale.

  “The women, were witches, assisting a low-level apprentice. They told me the apprentice was working on something big, he hadn't accomplished it, but that he could track Valkryie now.

  That he had harnessed some of their inner magic and managed to twist it into a tracking locator. He wanted to plunge the world into darkness, and the key to doing that was getting rid of the Valkyrie."

  “But you're not a Valkyrie. You're a Dark Valkyrie.” My sister pointed out.

  “Yes.”, I answered, “But I am still of them, and they me. I do not know if we are different enough for me not to be tracked by HiSkale, but I do know, they have shown up everywhere we have been. When I entered the battlefield at Tonaloka, there numbers increased with my arrival, and I was there sole focus.”

  Fydale offered his theory.

  “That is horrific, what you saw. I am sorry you had to see it, and it was not meant for you to see. However, this is a blessing, Vhadrah. As morbid as scene it was to witness, you now have information the enemy wished you not to know.

  I assure you, what you found, was secret. It would not be something they will brag about. As for the tracking aspect...I do not know, if you were being tracked, or just followed from engagement, but this is helpful news.

  It could be as easy as they were tracking you from the point in which they engaged you. Not necessarily that they already knew where you were. You fought with them, then had to flee. It could just be that they followed you from there.

  There are only a few ways to go when leaving Tanaloka. I'm sure whoever is controlling them, knows that too. As I said, this is helpful news.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “We have more information than we did when you headed to Tonaloka. We can study the Valkyrie more, what powers they hold, also we can see what element would fuse and connect an ancient snake and a holy warrior.” He answered.

  “There are still so many pieces that don't fit.” I pointed out.

  “Yes, but that is because we are still painting the picture. Now, we can focus on places to acquire these answers. We are closer than you think.”

  “I suppose, but I still think it is too dangerous for Vhaneal to accompany me. If I am being tracked, she will constantly be in danger too.”

  “If you are being tracked, she is already in danger. You were both created from the Valkryie line, though she is not one. You, Vhadrah are the death dealer to those intent ind darkness, she
is the holder of light among the wounded. You are a warrior. She is a healer. It will take both of you to cleanse this realm...”

  Garden of Valhalla

  I thought about what Fydale said, as I made my way to the Great Library. I had never known that much of it. I always knew my sister was special, but I also thought I was bias. She was my family.

  I realized that I had never put much thought in being a Dark Valkyrie, either. I just assumed, I was chosen because it was something I aspired to. I didn't realize it was predesignated, and that my sister was included.

  “Don't doubt yourself, Vhadrah.”

  Startled, I turned to see Maester Mylow standing behind me.

  “I am sorry, if I startled you, child.” He said softly.

  I sighed, “That's alright. I was lost in thought and hadn't noticed you walked up. A dangerous mistake for a Dark Valkyrie.”

  “Vhadrah, you have been walking in circles for over an hour. I have heard of people taking scenic route before, but you're putting a new spin it.”

  I smiled, “Yeah, I guess.” I glanced over to him, “Did you know?”

  I knew he would have some knowledge of what we were told.

  “Which part?” He asked.

  “Any of it? All of it? Just a part of it?” I questioned.

  “Yes, I knew all of it. Fydale brought me the journal two nights passed, and we discussed the matter, and the matter of you and Vhaneal. He did not know of your sister, until that time. We agreed, he would tell you when he presented the information and Drakkin Reach. It was better to do it when both of you were present.”

  “I'm more confused now, than ever.”

  He directed us to a small bench, in the courtyard. It was the center of everything. A meeting place, a play area, and they even held ceremonies here. Lush, vibrant, and full of every color Odin could create.

  The Holy City's townsfolk refer to it as The Garden of Valhalla. There is enough light to see perfectly well, even at night, yet enough shade to offer a cool breeze during the blistering hot days of Summer Solstice.

  As we sat, I wondered about my life, and if I had any real say in any of it. I always believed that I was where I had put myself. I had worked hard to get here yet based off what I was just told...That may not be the case. Was I just being prideful? Am I just some tool used by the Gods in some game?

  “That's enough, Vhadrah. You're swirling the swamp in that head of yours. Talk it out. Tell me what you're thinking.” Mylow said sternfully.

  For a moment, I stared into the small patch, above, revealing the stars among the night sky. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts, try to sort them out, before I opened my mouth, and all of it fell out in a jumped clump of confusion.

  “Is my life a joke? I have always thought that this life was a reward for all my hard work, not some page out of someone's story.”

  His voice was low, but stern. The elder and teacher, fused into one, when he spoke.

  “Vhadrah, you are where you are because of you, and because of Odin. Yes, it has been revealed that you and your sister were given chosen roles at birth, but you were not forced to live those out. That was your plan. Your idea for yourself.

  All of Odin's children are given the wits to become what he designs for them. Not everybody believes that, or even strives for that. He did not lay a path for you, then force you to take it. You're not being controlled by some supernatural force. Odin saw into the heart you were given, witnessed what you could become, and blessed you with the tools to accomplish such a thing.”

  I sat and listened to all he had to say. It made sense, but still I wondered. Maester Mylow let me stew for a bit, without interruption. I did just that. My heart ached, my body hurt, and my head throbbed from all the anxious confusion. It wasn't making sense, and I wanted it too.

  “You know, Vhardah, we are not meant to know all that answers to our questions. That is part of our faith. You trust in what you can see and believe when you can't.”

  I sighed, “I know. It's simply hard to decipher what is me, and what is Odin.”

  His next question had me speechless.

  “Does the success lessen depending on that answer? Do you feel less if it was Odin, or more if it was you? Isn't the point to solve this issue, and save the realm? Does it really matter how you accomplish this task?”

  I wanted to answer, but my thoughts were entangled around it. It was a simple question, yet I searched for a complex answer. When all I could do was gape at him, he continued.

  “Does it matter how you awake each day, or that you simply do?”

  “Those are two different things.” I answered.

  “Are they?” he asked, “How are they different?”

  “It's different, because when you are awakened each day, that is Odin. What you do with the day after that, is up to you.”

  “I don't see the difference, here. Odin has set you on path, given you the tools to succeed, yet it is up to you on whether or not to take that path, or how you use the tools he gave you. Granting you the tools, and setting you on the path, is the awakening for you. What steps you take from here, are strictly up to you.”

  I had to admit, he had a point. I sure felt bad about it. I had let my pride cloud my vision and take from my thankfulness. Though, I have followed the direction of Odin, the decision to do so had been by my choosing.

  Mylow was right, I hadn't been forced to do so. The choice to train, and train hard, had been mine. I had done the time, suffered the injuries, and I had overcome the challenges of each one. I know that Odin was there, helping me find strength, and healing, but It was I who had traveled that path of my own accord.

  I covered my face, “I feel ashamed.”

  Maester Mylow chuckled a bit, “Why? Part of what makes us who we are is the ability to question. Odin knows this, and I believe, he expects and delights in it. It is during the time of seeking answers, that we learn so much.”

  “Always the teacher, Maester Mylow.”

  “Only in certain situations. There are many a day, when I am but a student seeking answers, just as you. It is because I have already sought these answers, or walked this path, so to speak, that I can help guide you. Do not feel ashamed. It is when you do not question, that I worry for you. One of your best qualities, is that you use your head. You think things through. Granted, at times, I have wished your process of thought were a bit longer...But that too, is part of learning.”

  I smiled inwardly, as I began to feel better.

  “You know, Maester Mylow, for an old guy, you're pretty smart.” I teased.

  He never missed a beat and went right along with it.

  “With great age, comes great knowledge...”

  I laughed with him.

  “Plus, as a young lad, I did some very not so smart things, and learned some very hard lessons.”

  I stopped laughing, but the smile wouldn't lave my face. I was happy once more. I turned to Master Mylow, “Thank you, I feel much better.”

  “Anytime, Vhadrah.”

  “Maester, may I ask you a question?”

  “Anything.”, he asnwwered.

  I went into big sister mode, “This guy with my sister...”

  “Humberland...” he added.

  “Yes, him. How well does my sister know him? What do you know about him?”

  “I know a great deal about him. Let's see, he has been assisting your sister for the past year or so.”

  “Assisting with what?” I interrupted.

  “Well, as you now know, Vhaneal is a healer. An extraordinarily talented one, I might add. Humberland accompanies her to collect herbs, and such for her spells, books of kowledge from surounding towns, and keeps watch over her when she is healing those are injured, or sick in the field.”

  I just about lost my temper. I had been put in some very scary situations through my training, but me fear had never spiked like it was doing now.

  “In the field? As in the battlefield? She has been out among the war camps?”r />
  He nodded, “Yes, many times. At first, she only went in my company. We visited a few towns after the Army of Darkness had come and gone. There was so much devestation, and inujred.

  Worse, the aftermath left disease. Rotting corpses, dead animals, decaying vegetation. Some of the survivors had no where to go, so they stayed and tried to live despite of it. Those people, they are the real heroes. It was devestsating to see, I can't even imagine what it was like to actually to live through.

  Vhaneal did very well. Do you know she has learned how to repair crops? Just as she can heal the sick, she healed an entire farm. I had given the order to salt and burn it, to prevent further spoil and disease, but she stopped me. She had read somewhere about a Mage who saved a town from pestilence.

  I don't know how she accomplished it, but she did. On top of that, she magicked up a swarm of butterflies that help aid and protect anything grown on that patch of ground. It was amazing. I was so proud.”

  I sat astonished, as I listened to him talk of this woman I didn't even know. My sister had truly grown so much since I had been gone. I always thought she was wonderful, yet she has proven just how special she truly is.

  “That is...wow...I just didn't know. This Humberland, is he capable of keeping her safe? I see that he carries a sword, but has he had the prooper training to really know how to use it combat? Is it just a show piece?”

  Again, Maester Mylow Laughed, “Oh, Vhadrah, do you think I would allow Vhaneal to travel with anyone who couldn't properly protect her? This might seem an odd concept, but other folsk besides yourself, can protect her.”

  “Sure, sure, but can they do as good a job, as I can. I have something to lose if harm comes to her. To a hire sword, she is just a bag of coins. There are more coins to be had, but for me, there is only one of her.”

  He nodded, and smiled, “I see your point, Vhadrah. I assure you, Humberland would lay down his life for her, just as you. That man loves her. Genuinely loves her.”

  I held my hand up, “Whoa, wait. What do you mean he loves her? As in he loves her because he is her protector, or he loves her because he wants to be bonded to her...through a ceremonial blessing from Odin, type of bonding?”


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