Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale Page 15

by Ambear Shellea

  I grumbled, “Not far enough.”

  My head was clear, and given the news of our location, it was time to move. I rolled onto my side and got to my knees. When my head didn't split, and the world didn't spin, I got to my feet. I glanced around, I was sure Myan and his men would be hot on our trail. We were alone, it seemed.

  We were about a mile away from the Outpost, heading toward Drekkin Reach. There was that, we were closer to our destinantion. Although, if spies were about, they would know where we are headed, quickly.

  It's only town in that direction. You either hit town, or the ocean. Unless you have a boat at hand, that's the end of the road, literally. I turned back to my sister.

  “As much as I fear using your magic, again, is there anything you can do to cloak our movements? If Myan has spies about, they will know right away where we are going.”

  “Excuse me...” she said matter of factly, “It was not my magic that had you flat on your back. It was thiers.”

  I scratched my head, “Theirs?”

  “Yes.” Vhaneal explained, “Theirs. That smoke after that guy died. Remember that?”

  I nodded. She went on.

  “That was Magi magic, had nothing to do with me. All of us were too far away to do anything for you. The only spell I could think of, was one to get us all out of there. Humberland and Wexx, ran toward you, but I knew they wouldn’t reach you in time. So, I had no choice but to Blink us out of there.”

  “My apologies and thank you.”

  She nodded and went on.

  “You're welocme. As for what I can do agianst the spies...I can use a mirror spell...”

  “Oh, no!”, Captain Wexx objected.” I have seen enough of that wicked magic with the Mirher People. I'll take my chances with the spell casting spies.”

  Vhaneal and Lalynn laughed.

  “It's not the same magic.” Lalynn stated.

  “That type of spell can only be wielded by an immensely powerful, very experienced magi. From what I know of Luna, as you call her, she was gifted with both. The magic she used is overly complex and requires many elements. The spell I am speaking of is a simple, yet well constrcuted spell. It is more like a reflection spell. Once cast, if we go west, what the enemy sees, is us moving east or vice versa.”

  I was with Wexx, I relied more on my sword, than magic. I had to admit, Vhaneal seemed very skilled in what she had done so far.

  “Alright, if no one has any other ideas, I say we do it. Veneal's skill in magic have been useful so far, I trust in her ability."

  A few nods, and grumbles, we had a plan. Vhaneal would cast her magic, and we would be off to Drekkin Reach.

  The Journal

  Everyone made idle chit chat as we walked. Except me. I was trapped in my head trying to work out answers to questions that made little sense. Maybe that was part of the problem, I didn't have enough information. Or any idea of where to find it.

  The journal spoke of an apprentice in Drekkin Reach, and his master's work. Both very vague on the details. No connection to what I have witnessed and faced thus far.

  I turned to my group.

  “Anyone come across the name, Vhalos? Either in books, or travels?”

  I received a collective no.

  “That man we spoke to mentioned, 'Vhalos was close...' I have never heard that name before. There is no mention of that name in the journal. For that matter, other than the name on the journal, there are no names mentioned in that either.”

  “There's no mention of the Master, or who the apprentice was working for?” Wexx asked.

  “No. There are many pages that are worn, and unreadable. Add to that, whole pages missing."

  “I spoke with Mylow about it. That was the condition it was in when he found it.” Vhaneal added. “Mylow suspects it was planted there for him to find. He knows the title and location of every book in that library, it was not there before he found it. That fact, it was there, is how he found it.”

  “Does he have any ideas on who could have planted it, or why?” Lalynn asked.

  “No. He was curious too. None of his spies noticed anything either. It was like it was magicked there.”

  “Odd.” I muttered. “It had to be meant for Mylow, he would be the only one who would notice it.”

  “That's what he thinks too.” Vhaneal added.

  I wasn't sure if I was buying it. It seemed too coincidental. It did provide a place to start looking for answers. We need to defeat the Army of Darkness, and the HiSkale. Of course, now it looked as though we would have to add Myan, the Magi of Pirahous, and Vhalos. Whoever that is.

  Our journey had been uneventful, thus far. Thank Odin for that. It was unnerving though. The lack of combat made my skin crawl. It wasn't that I loved to fight, just that in this time of the Army of Darkness, and HiSkale, and everything in between...a pause could only mean on thing.

  The worst was yet to come.

  What we had witnessed so far, I feared, was but a taste of what they truly had planned.

  I knew in my heart this was just the beginning. The enemy had only just begun to flex the muscle of war. Their hand, and agenda, still hidden within the folds of battle plans, and maps.

  Gathered around a giant war table, moving pieces like pawns, setting the stage for their grand entrance. Up to this point, the opposition had been small players to a much bigger cast. Hidden moves kept in the shadows, as the real threat was confined in the void.

  My gut told me answers could be found in Drekkin Reach, but not to the big questions. Breadcrumbs is what we would find there, as we have found so far. However, every scrap of paint collected, can be used to paint a picture. This I knew for sure.

  My mind was clear, even if my steps were not. I remembered something Odin once whispered to me, to give me strength, and it did even now.

  On the darkest of days, the light is there. Constant, and unwavering. It is always within your grasp. You need only reach out and touch it. The Darkness deceives, hiding the brightness of the Light. Trust not what you can see, but what you can feel. The Light of the White is within you. Seek it, in refuge, and let it guide you through the darkened woods of despair, to the Sanctuary of Peace. It is there, the answers can be found.

  Be patient, and trust in my faith. That is what he was trying to tell me, then and now. I sighed. Normally, I do not fear the unknown, or the uncertain.

  The past few days had been draining.

  That little mishap in The Outpost had been costly, but informative. Though it had raised more questions, there were a few answers to be had.

  “Vhaneal…” I asked, “Have you read anything about a magic that can cure blindness?”

  “Yes, but it’s forbidden.” She replied, “Why do you ask?”

  I went into what I discovered at Myan’s.

  “The woman who answered the door at Myan’s had Golden eyes. It was something I had never seen before, so I asked about it. She said that they were a gift from the Magi of Pirahous. Her father, out of desperation, had taken her to them, and they cured her blindness, the gold eyes were a side effect.”

  Everyone stopped when Vhaneal went stiff, and stopped moving, her wide-eyed stare toward the distance. No one spoke as we waited to see what happened. I stepped around those between us and got in front of her. Her expression was blank, but something stirred behind her eyes.

  “Vhaneal?” I asked as I waved a hand before her face. Nothing. I turned to Humberland, “Has she done this before? Are you familiar with this?”

  I noticed he paused, as if he weren’t sure if he should answer. I snapped my fingers to get his attention.

  “Humberland? Yes or no? Do you know what is happening?”

  I watched his eyes dart from Vhaneal to me, and back to her.

  “Humberland!” I yelled.

  He jumped and sputtered, “O-Only once before. My apologies, Vhadrah, but I’m not sure it is something she wants all to know.”

  Before I could say anything, Vhaneal reached out and g
rabbed my arm. When I glaned back at her face, her eyes went dark just before they closed. The grip on my arm grew tighter, and the skin beneath my armor began to warm. It was the oddest feeling, and a bit uncomfortable.

  All eyes were on the two of us. No one knew what was going on, including me. We were all just as frozen in place as she.

  Was this part of her magic?

  Off in the distance, a flock of ravens flew, squawking loudly. It sounded so unnatural in this otherwise eerily quite field. Somehow, their presence gave me comfort I couldn’t explain.

  It was as if Odin were floating along those wings, watching through those dark black eyes. The birds flew in formation, as one, swooping and diving, making their way across the horizon. It was quite the sight to see and helped to distract me from the fiery sensation in full swing under my armor.

  I wanted to move my arm away, to comfort the pain, but I was afraid of what it might do my sister. I was unfamiliar with what she was doing.

  As quickly as it began, it was over. The pain in my arm had ceased, and my sister collapsed. I cradled her and lowered her to the ground. My gaze went to Humberland, once more.

  “Did this happen last time? Is she alright?”

  That terrified look upon his face answered my question. Heavy lines, and soft tears played upon his features. He wrung his hands, and paced, but his eyes never left her. Clearly, he was as worried as well. Lalynn, and Wexx, stayed close, yet out of the way.

  Finally, Vhaneal stirred and began to waken.

  “Vhaneal?” I asked, “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

  My heart melted, as it always did, when she gave me that little sister smile of hers. It was full of sunshine, and hope.

  “Yes, I’m sorry…”, she said getting from the ground, “That usually doesn’t happen. I must just be tired.”

  I fussed over her for a minute before releasing her into the arms of Humberland.

  “What happened?” I questioned. “What did you do? Did something go wrong?”

  After a moment of smiles between her and Humberland, she turned and answered my question.

  “Nothing went wrong, but something is very wrong.”

  I sighed as she continued. I knew by her tone, and the expression on her face, I wasn’t going to like it.

  “The Magi are on the loose.”

  I looked to the party, and back to her. “All of that, and that’s all you have to say? Something I already knew?”

  She shook her head again, “No, you don’t understand. They are on the loose. All of the high-level Magi have left Pirahous, in search of something…Well, someone.”

  Wexx asked the obvious question, “Who?”

  “I don’t know her name, but the woman with the gold eyes will be the one to find her.”

  I needed clarification, “The one from Myan’s house?”

  “The very one.” She said. “When you mentioned her golden eyes, I tried to find her…”

  I held up my hand to stop her, “Start from the beginning, remember, I am unfamiliar with the magic you possess.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  “Of course. I can, look through the magic within the air, and follow the path from one to another. I couldn’t find her, so I reached out and touched you. Looking through your path, I found her, and from there, into her past. She is quite the creature, and the Magi spared no expense at her creation..."

  When she shuttered, I knew the next part would be a bit unsettling, however, I didn't expect it would be what she confirmed.

  "In fact, her father sacrificed half of his village to make sure she was cured. That was the price the Magi demanded. He paid it, in full, in one night."

  It was my turn to shutter. I had to catch my breath. I felt as though my heart shattered, splintering into my lungs. Tears fell freeely from my cheeks. I was not the only one, but we didn't stop Vhaneal from speaking. We all needed to know.

  "She was not only cured of her blindness, as promised, but also something more. They not only cured an ailement, they created something that hadn’t existed before. Her golden eyes allow her to see into the souls of others, follow their essence, like a bloodhound, and find them.”

  That was just what we needed. A tracker on our heels, as if the HiSkale wasn't enough. We all stood silent a moment, taking it in, cleaning our faces, trying to process. It was the Captain who broke the silence.

  “Does that mean, she can track Vhadrah?”

  I nodded, “I was wondering the same. She looked me dead in the eyes when we spoke.”

  “She can.” Answered Vhaneal, “She won’t.”

  “How can you know that?” Lalylnn asked

  “At this very moment, she is with another, being set out on a hunt for her, whoever she is. The Magi have magicked her from Myan, and The Outpost. They travel East, and we are headed south. Whoever she is, at least to the Magi, is a much bigger prize than we are. We are safe, from them, on our way to Drekkin Reach.”

  Something stirred within me as Vhaneal explained it all. I didn’t recognize it or understand it. Yet, there was an urgency to get to Drekkin Reach. It was more than seeking answers. I wondered, if Vhaneal could explain more, if I could understand it somehow.

  “In your vision, no one mentioned a name?” I asked, pushing for clarity.

  “No. They don’t even know her name, or what she looks like, only that she is the key to something they want very much.”

  Now, I was confused.

  “How are they going to find someone if they don’t know her name, or what she looks like?”

  The answer that followed was odd, and in the depths of soul, very scary. Had you asked me before, I would have said, it impossible to do. Yet, as the words fell from Vhneal’s mouth, I knew, somehow, it was true.

  “Her Bloodlines. The essence of who she is, lies within the ties of her ancestors.”

  Drekkin Reach

  You could taste the salt in the air, as we reached Drekkin Reach. The setting sun, casting the small port town in a warm fiery glow. People mulled around from one place to another, either buying or selling, wares. Some for survival, some for profit, and others for pure collection.

  It was a bustling place with travelers from all over. Those who searched for adventures, those looking for glory, and many just looking for a place to call home, away from the chaos. Now, there is us. Those looking for answers to sinister questions, of things done in the shadows. Information on subjects most people rarely discuss, or worse, ignore and pretend do not exist.

  All of us had been quiet as we made the last bit of this journey. As we approached the gates into town, our energy seemed to renew.

  “I need a shower, can we go to the Inn first?”, asked Vhaneal.

  “I’m famished, this pirate needs food.” Captain Wexx said.

  Those two statements started a chain reaction into different ideas, and paths, as to what we did first.

  “Why don’t we secure a room for the night, then each of us can do what we need. I’m heading to the pier to secure a boat. No matter what we find here, I still need to go to Mhores Isle.”

  Captain Wexx chimed in cheerfully, “Oh, I have means to get you across the water. Have no worries, there. Remember, that is why I was sent to you.”

  I stopped. “Really? You have a boat here? I thought the White Whale was destroyed?”

  At the mention of the White Whale, I saw a sadness touch his eyes, briefly. He recovered quickly.

  “It was.” He shrugged, “But I can still get you where you need to go.”

  “In that case, let’s get a bite to eat, and have a look around.”

  A high five, and a plan, we passed through the gates and into Drekkin Reach.

  Unlike The Outpost, no one greeted us as we came in, or tried to stop us. It was business as usual. Very few noticed our entry, though most who noticed, saw me first.

  Covered in heavy armor from head to toe, it was easy to tell I was a solider. The darkness of that armor, and my bloodstained sword strapped t
o my back, marked me as a Dark Valkyrie. There is dark armor, then there is my armor, that seems to swallow all color and light.

  Yeah, sometimes, I stuck out. Some noticed, and waved, out of respect, but most noticed out of fear. My reputation was tattered with tales of valor, or viciousness, depending on the party who told it.

  All agreed I was deadly.

  I never worked to discredit that fact. I was who I was. Did what I was designed to do. My purpose, and my task, was not determined by the tongues of friends or foes. My success or failure was only determined by my actions. Everything else was just a distraction, and it was something I didn’t have time for.

  To my surprise, as we made our way to the Inn, a small group of children were playing close by. I smiled at the innocence, and laughter. They are so full of life, giggles, and energy.

  I stopped and watched them play. All were running, chasing, and some were even sword fighting. Off aways, I saw a group of boys surrounding a little girl, yelling. Naturally, it caught my attention. I sidestepped a stranger so I could get a better look. At first, I thought maybe the girl needed saving, but after a few swings of a sword, I realized, it was indeed the boys who needed assistance.

  The frayed hair brunette danced and moved, as she feigned sword strikes, and stabs with the boys. Blunt wooden swords clanked here and there, as the little girl squared off with her opponents.

  I walked a bit closer and was noticed. Which I hoped wouldn’t happen. When the kids saw me, they all smiled and ran over. As scary as I was, I guess, these little brave warriors held no fear. I made sure to keep my sword out of the way, and a smile on my face.

  The brunette spoke first, “Wow. Are you really a Dark Valkyrie?”

  I went to one knee so I wasn’t towering over them.

  “Yes. My name is Vhadrah.” I answered. “I see you are pretty good with that sword of yours. Have you had training?”

  The brunette stood tall, and proud, as she answered, her sword at the ready.

  “Yes, I train with my daddy.”

  I smiled, “That’s great. My father trained me too. Is your father a soldier?”

  “Yes. He is very brave too.”


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