Sexy Holiday Delights

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Sexy Holiday Delights Page 21

by Shara Azod


  More livid than she could ever remember being, Quinn turned to leave, hurrying as fast as she could without looking like she was fleeing. In fact, she was trying to get out of there before she did something unforgivable. Like cunt-punch perfect Kaitlyn. Or, worse, dissolve into a blubbering heap. Because she’d really gone and fallen in love with Carson. Realizing she’d just lost him to another woman only drove that point home with a resounding thud. Or worse, that she’d never had him. He had been toying with her while all this time having the perfect she-bitch hidden away somewhere in the wings. And she had really believed he’d been falling for her too. She needed to get as far away from him as possible, go somewhere she could lick her wounds in private.

  Too bad Carson was faster than she was.

  Chapter Six

  Of all the things Carson had expected, Kaitlyn showing up like this hadn’t been one of them. He had no idea what she was doing, but she had to know there was no way in hell he was leaving with her. Once he walked away from a woman he was done. He’d told Kaitlyn that from the very beginning. What completely dumbfounded him was Quinn’s reaction. She’d acted like…like a jealous wife! It was unusual for the woman he’d come to know.

  Then it hit him. A jealous wife was exactly what she was. They might not actually be married, but they might as well be. And he found he wasn’t exactly broken up about that. Knowing he’d hurt her—even if it hadn’t been his fault—pierced his heart so badly he hadn’t been able to form words. He’d been too busy watching with fascination as the expressions flickered over Quinn’s face one at a time until the hurt-near-tears expression stayed and she fled. Fuck, he’d never experienced this before. Caring about how another person felt was… Shit, it was painful.

  Completely ignoring Kaitlyn, Carson practically sprinted after Quinn. No way she was getting out of this place without him. She absolutely was not leaving him. When he caught up to her, he snagged her around the waist, lifting her against him. He’d started to simply grab her arm, but she was wearing heels and he’d been afraid he’d cause her to trip and hurt herself.

  “Calm down, baby,” he crooned as she struggled against him. They were making a scene, one Carson wasn’t altogether certain he was ready for just yet.

  “Let me go, Carson. I’m going home.”

  “Absolutely. Just let me get our things.”

  “No! I’m going to my home! You’re not invited.”

  The old Carson would have coldly reminded her of their agreement, would have threatened to pull the plug on Harmony House if she didn’t continue as they had been. The new Carson, the Carson who was starting to realize Quinn was so much more than a fuck buddy or an itch he needed to scratch knew he’d never embarrass her like that. He also realized, like a punch to his testicles, there was no way he’d ever let Quinn out of his life. Ever.

  “She’s lying, Quinn. I don’t have a relationship with her. We had an…understanding before I met you, but that arrangement ended the same day you walked into my office and slapped some sense into me.”

  It was true. There had been no other woman for him since he’d laid eyes on Quinn. Hell, he couldn’t imagine even thinking of another woman. He couldn’t lose her. Not over a bitch like Kaitlyn.

  “I just need time to think,” she argued, but her body melted into him all the same.

  Fuck, that felt good. Having her in his arms always felt right. But he knew if he let her go now, she might not ever come back. He wasn’t willing to risk it.

  “Baby, please. Come home with me. Let me explain.” Talking was the last thing he had on his mind. The seeds of doubt had been sown; it would take a hell of a lot more than words to get Quinn to trust him again.

  “Carson?” Kaitlyn a-fucking-gain.

  “Not now, Kaitlyn,” he growled.

  “No problem. Settle up with your…uh…date, and we can leave.”

  That was it. This bitch needed to be put in her place.

  “Look,” he said, turning to face the other woman, never letting Quinn out of his grasp. He held her with both arms tightly against him, afraid she’d try to bolt. “Our arrangement is over, Kaitlyn.” Carson was aware they were drawing a crowd, but he was beyond caring. “It was over three weeks and two days ago. I remember the day and time exactly because it was the day I first met Quinn.” He heard Quinn gasp, hoped she would forgive him for embarrassing her, but couldn’t seem to stop the words once they’d started. “Once I let her into my life, I knew on some level there’d never be another woman for me. Now, I acknowledge it freely.” His voice carried over the suddenly quiet room. “Quinn Delaney is my woman. My life! She brought happiness where I hadn’t realized there was none. Happiness isn’t all the things money can buy. Happiness is this woman in my arms. She’s everything to me, and I won’t let someone as insignificant as you ruin this for me. I need her. And I’ll fight anyone to the death who tries to take her from me.”

  When there was a stunned silence surrounding them, Carson realized everything he’d said. Yeah, he meant every single word, but talk about dramatic. Deciding actions were sometimes better than words—especially when delivering a soliloquy full of purple prose and mushy nonsense—Carson cupped Quinn’s face gently and kissed her with all the tender, unfamiliar feelings that had blossomed inside him.

  Unexpectedly, Quinn gave a little sob against his lips. Fuck! If he’d hurt her, he’d never forgive himself.

  “Baby,” he murmured. “I’m sorry. I’ll fix it.”

  “Oh, shut up, you ape. I’m happy.” She laughed with tears streaming down her face. “You’re a dork, you know that?”

  “Well, if you’re not mad at me, I’ll be anything you want me to be.” He flashed her a relieved grin before pulling her back for another kiss. God, she tasted good! She always did. And kissing Quinn always led to other things. Which reminded him they had an audience.

  Looking at his executives smirking behind their hands made him want to pound his chest and growl, “That’s my woman!” Because he was completely, hopelessly, one hundred percent in love with Quinn Delaney. Who cared if they laughed behind his back? It was his own fault if they did. Hadn’t he scoffed at the ones who found themselves in long-term relationships? Yeah, he deserved everything they dished out, would take it gladly. Because he was totally in it for the long haul with Quinn.

  “Come on, “ he said gruffly. “We’re leaving.”

  She went, but just had to throw in, “But what about the party?”

  Still walking briskly toward the door, Carson whispered next to her ear. “I’m a breath away from throwing you into an empty room, pulling up your dress and burying my face between your thighs. I’d rather not have an audience, but if you’re willing…”

  “Okay! Let’s at least make it to the car.”

  Chapter Seven

  The ride home was forgettable. Literally. Because she wasn’t going to remember any of it. Carson laid her on the seat of the limo, spread her legs, and simply buried his face there as promised, pushing her legs to her chest and holding them there with an iron grip. Animalistic growls came from him as if he were starving and she was his favorite meal. He shook his head from side to side as he worked her clit with his lips and tongue, taking her cunt in an open-mouthed kiss that left her reeling. Because she’d doubted him earlier, the man seemed to be determined to prove to her how much he needed her all in one sitting. Her hips lifted, bucking against his mouth; her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him even closer.

  Two fingers filled her as he worked her sex, his lips tugging at her clit only to have his tongue flutter over her until she was at the very edge of sanity. By the time they pulled into the drive of the apartment, Quinn was a quivering mass of need, on the verge of coming. Her panties had long since gone by the wayside so she had to walk through the lobby without them. The friction of her wet inner thighs over her clit almost made her come. If that’d happened she would have embarrassed both of them. OK, maybe not Carson. He was a guy. More like
ly, he’d have given a grin and a wink to the nearest guy to them and said, “Look what I’m getting tonight.” Needless to say, navigating their way to the elevator was no easy feat.

  She managed. Just. Though Carson’s wicked words at her ear didn’t help.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look tonight?” he whispered, nipping her ear as he spoke. “I’ve wanted to lift your dress and slam into you all night. I was so tempted to slide my hand up your thighs under the table and fuck you with my fingers. I wanted to push you against the wall and bury my cock balls deep inside you in front of everyone.”

  When they got on the elevator, Carson pushed her into a corner, grinding his erection against her ass.

  “I could fuck you right here, you know,” he taunted at her ear. You’re small enough and my trench coat is wide enough I could just pull your dress up, stick my dick in your little cunt and your skirts would still hide anything left to see.” Wicked man! “Would you let me?”

  How to answer that? “I might,” she managed to whimper. “I suppose you’d have to try it to see.”

  Carson slapped the walls on either side of her head. “Fucking hell!” His voice was thick with lust. “You think I won’t?”

  “Oh, I have no doubt you would.” Quinn looked over her shoulder just as she pushed back against him, smashing him even harder against her as she wiggled her ass.

  She knew she shouldn’t tease him like this, but damn it, the man always drove her crazy. Her heart was elated by his very public declaration, her body pulsating with need. Honestly she wished he would take her right here, right now, but the ding of the elevator announced they’d reached their floor.

  With a primal growl, Carson swept her up and made it into the apartment in no time at all. As soon as the door closed, she found herself pressed up against it, her dress hiked up around her waist.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” Carson demanded, slamming completely inside her with one hard stroke. The impact knocked the breath out of Quinn, making her legs tremble. “I always want you, baby. I fucking need you.”

  There was no way she could answer that. Even if she had the words, all she could do was gasp as that thick, rigid dick rammed into her over and over again. She could feel him down to her toes, felt him invading every part of her body and soul.

  “You are my soul, Quinn.”

  Holy fuck! Those words pushed her over the edge in a way that was far beyond the physical. Every part of her exploded until she had nothing left. But Carson wasn’t done.

  Picking her up again, he carried her to the bedroom, gently taking off her dress as soon as he set her on her feet. As soon as she was stripped bare, he did the same to himself, then picked her up again and carried her to the bed.

  “I mean what I said.” Those emerald-green eyes of his held her captive as he stared down at her, positioning himself between her legs. “I was a prick—hell, I still am. But you—you are my heart. I love you, Quinn. With all that I am, I love you!”

  “I love you too, Carson. I love you so much!”

  With a groan, Carson sank into her, his cock sliding through her slick folds. His arms settled around her, holding her tightly to him as he drove inside her at an ever-increasing pace. Hooking one arm around her back to clamp over her shoulder, Carson began a hard, driving pace that drove Quinn mad. She tightened her legs around his waist, urging him on with her heels digging into his ass. Her cries filled the room as did his harsh gasps.

  Finally, with love in her heart, Quinn came in a wet rush. The spasms of her cunt seemed to squeeze around Carson’s dick until she could feel him pulsing inside her just before he came.

  Carson bowed his back and gave a yell, coming inside her with hot, pulsing spurts. “Sweet God, Quinn, I love you!” Emotion laced his voice as he rubbed his face against hers. He didn’t roll off her, which was perfectly all right with Quinn. She loved the feel of him on top of her, loved his weight pressing her down. Which he knew.

  Cupping his face Quinn brought him to her for a tender kiss. Finally, Carson rolled to his feet, getting a wet cloth to clean her with. When they were settled in bed, her back to his front, she let out a contented sigh.

  “You know,” Carson said just before her eyes grew too heavy to keep open. “I never really understood the appeal of Christmas.”

  “I’ll show you later,” she murmured with a smile. “For now, you’ve worn me out.”

  “No need, baby. You already have.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “You gave me the best gift anyone could ever give.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Your heart. You gave me your heart. Which is only fair since you took mine. It was the least you could do.”

  Quinn laughed, her heart full of joy. “And I’m never giving it back.”

  “Good,” he said with a decisive nod, as if he’d just closed a business deal. Then he smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  With a smile of her own, Quinn answered in turn. “Merry Christmas.”

  The best Christmas. Ever.

  The End




  Chapter One

  Music thumped from the speakers, the bass made the wall quake. Joy cocked her head and watched her new dancer. The girl’s tempo was off. She sighed and waved her hand above her head to signal to the DJ. The song was cut off mid verse and silence filled the room. Her latest stripper twirled around and stared at her.

  “What did I do wrong now?” Toy crouched. Her lips turned down in a pout.

  She recruited the girl from a dead end job as a convenience store stock clerk. Toy had the looks, with a riot of untamable bleach blond curls, a baby face with big bright eyes and an hour glass figure that emphasized her hips and ass. The girl could be her patrons’ wet dream and she’d watched her for weeks before approaching her. Stripping was bitch of a business and although looks could carry a person far, it took grit, determination and discipline to actually survive. Toy was making her debut on stage the night after Thanksgiving and that was only a week away. For the time being she was working the bar to get a feel for the club. So far all the reports were Toy was a quick study and popular with the customers. Joy leaned forward and set her elbows on the table’s scared Formica surface. “

  Where the fuck is your rhythm?

  “The song is too fast.” Toy stood and tugged at the tear away shorts high in the crack of her ass. Under the hot spotlight her body glistened.

  “Are you black?” Joy’s ire was rising. She dragged in a calming breath and exhaled.

  “Are you?”

  “You can go back to the midnight shift at the open- all -night -lets -rob -a -bitch convenience store anytime you want. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. I’ve already told you you’re selling your body without having to lie of your back and spread your legs. Peddle the fucking image.” Joy rose from her seat and waved her hand in the air.

  The beat of her signature music filled the club. She stalked up the stage, rolled her hips and dropped to the floor flexing her pelvis as she slowly rose. Joy leaned forward and planted her palms on the dais and shook her ass before looking over her shoulder at the imaginary customers filling the tables. She whipped her head forward and gazed up at her dancer.

  “Make your ass quake.” She threw a leg up on the platform floor and arched her back making her cleavage fill the collar of her shirt. Snapping forward, Joy stretched her arms in front of her and dragged herself up onto the stand extending her leg over the edge before pulling it beneath her to crawl to the pole. She stopped and twisted to sit. “I asked you when I offered you this job if you thought you could handle it.”

  Toy met her stare with an unwavering gaze. “I will do it.”

  She snapped her fingers and the music stopped. “This ain’t no rap video you watch on your tablet, baby girl. At the end of the day you don’t walk off a set. When push comes to shove you got to be able to live with yourself and your decision if
you start to strip. If this ain’t for you -” Joy pushed up off the floor. “No harm, no foul. Stay a server or find another way to make that money.”

  “I can do this.”

  The girl reminded her so much of herself when she was younger maybe that was why she spent so much time with Toy. It was too late for her; life had even made her softer side razor sharp. But the young woman in front of her had potential and the bastards that hung out in this neighborhood would eat her naive ass alive and God knows what the fuck they would shit out.

  “Practice.” Joy trotted down the steps and moved toward the bar area.

  Royce sat sipping on his cognac. “The other ladies are jealous of all the time you’re spending with the newbie.” He cocked his head and studied her curiously.

  She stared at her head of security. Over the years he’d filled out from the gawky teen she’d first met to one hell of a good looking man. He didn’t shave often so his jaw was covered with auburn stubble. He was fit, every morning at five am the man was up and running five miles before he hit the gym. When they first moved in together he used to try and coax her into joining his death by exercise regimen. Dressed for work, his jeans hugged slim hips and his polo with the clubs name stitched in the left hand corner clung to his torso like a second skin. Scuffed steel toe work boots completed his uniform. They were a long way from guileless country boy and inexperienced club owner. The thought of their beginnings sent the corners of her lips briefly curling up in a fleeting smile.

  “I see something in her.” She shrugged and leaned on the stool.

  He snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her between his thighs, dropping a quick kiss on her collar bone. “How about you and me find our way upstairs to our apartment and do a little dancing of our own.”


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