Sexy Holiday Delights

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Sexy Holiday Delights Page 24

by Shara Azod

  “It’s your fault. I’ve lost most of my stable to the other pimps in the area. I know my brothers are laughing at me behind my back.” Spittle sprayed from his mouth as he talked.

  “Then find better stock dumbass. Who wants to go around the world with a crack whore for five dollars?” She shook her head. “You’re in the wrong business, boy. You get your girls hooked then expect them to make money. Most of your profits are going up their nose or in their veins. I don’t blame them for getting away from you as fast and far as they can. Get a damn grip and get the fuck out my club before I lose my temper.”

  “Everything was all good until you…” He lifted the weapon away from Toys head.

  This was the one chance to get the girl away from Palmer’s crazy ass. She dropped her gaze to stare at Toy and mouthed the words run. Her stripper swallowed and nodded, quickly falling into a crouch. She pushed up off the floor and took off at a sprint.

  The boom of Palmer shooting at them echoed through the club as he fired several shots. Flashes illuminated the darkness. Pings followed the rumbles as bullets ricochet off the exposed metal pipes above the entry way.

  Joy ducked, Lord please don’t let that child get shot. She shuffled down the hall in to Shaker’s main room. There was a twenty – five behind the bar. She rose and darted across the stage, jumping to the floor. Toy was somewhere in the club, she spun searching for the girl.

  “I got a present for you bitch.” Palmer stood in the entrance of the passageway.

  “Last I checked, your mama wasn’t here.” Joy swiveled on her heel and ran for the bar.

  She reached for the railing and was dragged down by her legs. Her chest hit the edge of the step and pain radiated through her tors. Air froze in her lungs momentarily making it hard to breath. She glanced back. Palmer clutched her calf and scrambled to climb up her legs. She twisted her body clasped her hands together and brought them down between his shoulders blades.- huh. He grunted and gripped her hips pulling himself up. She kicked, kneeing him in the side.

  “Don’t be like this. I will make sure the last thing you see is my face and the last thing you feel is my dick inside you before you die.” He growled the words.

  Joy patted the floor around then. Where the fuck did he put the gun? His weight pinned her down. She straightened and clawed at the carpet, her nails cracked and sharp pangs shot through her fingers.

  He straddled her ass, squeezing her cheeks. “Maybe I’ll fuck you here.”

  She ignored his threat and using all her strength pushed up and grabbed a spindle that was part of the banister. He slipped down her thighs. Joy slid a leg free. She reared up bringing her hands together once more. “Why little dick mother fuckers always think they can do something.” She panted and swung, connecting with his cheek snapping Palmer’s head back.

  The momentum sent Joy off balance and her shoulder slammed into the floor as she fell back.

  Palmer shook his head and, his eyes widened before they narrowed. “Cunt, if you were one of mine I would’ve killed you a long time ago.” He backhanded her and her head bounced off the thinly carpeted floor.

  Everything went black.


  Royce parked in the alley way and grabbed the grocery bags in the passenger seat. The back door flew open rebounding off the brick exterior. Toy dashed out, she glanced behind her, stumbled on a loose brick that paved the backstreet, and fell to the ground. She crawled on her knees before rising up on her feet. He pursed his lips in confusion, Joy had an appointment with her, that why she didn’t go with him to the store. He shoved his door open and rushed toward the girl.

  She clutched is arms, leaning into him, panting.

  What the fuck? “Toy?”

  “She’s in the club…the crazy guy…”

  He shook the girl. Her limp body flailed like a rag doll.

  She didn’t answer him. He jerked free and reached for his cell, thrusting it into her hand. “Call the police.” Royce trotted into the club. The sound of a baritone voice bellowing caught his attention but he wasn’t able to make out the words. He rushed and his foot sent something skittering along the tiled floor.

  Joy’s taunt drifted down the hall before she fell silent. He stopped to glance down to see what his shoe had connected with. Faint light from the open doorway glinted off metal. Royce crouched to pick the object up and curled his fingers around the butt of a cheap thirty-eight revolver. He stuffed the weapon in his waistband at the small of his back and continued down the passage. He stopped at the stage entrance.

  Palmer had Joy pinned halfway up the short stair that led to the bar area. She clasped her hands together and swung hitting the pimp in his jaw. The asshole retaliated by backhanding her. Her head hit the floor hard. Bastard dared to put hands on his woman. Joy’s eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving. Palmer struggled to get her pants unhooked. Yanking at her body, the pimp lowered her zipper and the sound filled Royce’s ears. Anger welled up consuming him. .

  Royce raced across the platform and leapt from the stage. Palmer stopped and twisted around. His feet hit the floor and he ran toward the man attacking Joy.

  He grabbed the thick scarf circling the bastard’s throat. Taken by surprise, Palmer snatched at his neck. Royce yanked him off Joy and flung him back. .“I warned you about touching what’s mine.” Royce buried a fist into Palmers belly.

  The pimp stumbled back and peered at Royce. His eyes got big and his Adams’s apple bobbed. He twisted his head in Joy’s direction before returning Royce’s to meet furious glare.

  “I would be doing the world a favor, killing you.” He pulled the revolver free of his waistband. He’d made the mistake of not watching the dumb ass pimp closer and now his Joy was paying for that error.

  “Now brother, you know I ain’t got nothing but respect for y-you. Let’s talk about this. I-I had a minor lapse of judgement.” Palmer stuttered.

  Never again would the bastard lay a hand on Joy. “If we were related I would have put you down at birth.” Royce aimed the gun. Merry Christmas, mother fucker.” He fired the weapon. The recoil reverberated through his arm.

  Palmer crumbled into a heap.

  “Consider it a gift I’m allowing you to live.” Royce muttered. Dramatic bastard, it was a belly shot. Asshole might survive the wound.

  Police poured into the room. Some officer yelled. “Put down the weapon.”

  Royce raised his hands to show then weapon then slowly sunk to his knees and set the revolver down before lying down. He turned his face to stare at Joy willing her to be alright before placing his hands behind his head.


  Her head throbbed and the pounding intensified when she slowly lifted her lids. Bile rose up her throat and she shut her eyes swallowing quickly. Joy fisted the covers lying across her body. Images filled her mind. Shit. Palmer’s face floated behind her closed lids. That asshole wanted to kill her. She gasped and her eyes snapped open.

  “Its official sweetheart I can’t leave you alone.” Royce voice floated around her.

  She darted her eyes around the room. No way was she moving her head for fear of how bad it would hurt. She opened her mouth. Her tongue was thick between her lips. “Is Toy alright?”

  “She was here. So were a few of the girls, they just left.” Royce moved closer to the bed. “You’re in the hospital. You dislocated your shoulder and you have a concussion.”

  “Is that all, you should see Palmer.” She grunted.

  “Glad you got jokes.” He stroked her temple.

  Gently she turned into his touch. “What happened to the asshole?”

  “Idiot was rushed to surgery as soon as he got to the hospital, seems the bullet pierced is intestine when I shot him.”

  “Royce.” She sighed. “The police?”

  “I was defending our place from an intruder.” He shrugged. “I don’t think anyone saw anything and it’s his word against mine.”

  “Did you contact our attorney?” She covered his h
and with hers.

  “Soon as Professor bailed my ass out of lock-up I came straight here.”

  Her lids were too heavy to keep open. “You were arrested I thought you said no one saw anything.”

  “They did see the gun in my hand. As usual they will investigate everything but there won’t be any evidence. I gave the girls instructions about clean up. The cops will drop any charges they can think up.”

  “Baby.” She whispered. “You have to be more careful.” It was hard to get the words out.

  “I think your medicine is kicking in. I’ll be waiting right here when you wake up.”

  Joy struggled against the cloud filling her mind. She was so tired but she needed to talk to Royce before sleep consumed her again. “Royce?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Let’s get married.”

  The sound of his whopping laughter surrounded her. “That’s the best gift -”

  The corners of her mouth lifted up. “Merry Christmas baby, love you.” She muttered as she drifted sleep.

  The End

  A Naughty Holiday Surprise


  Serenity King

  Copyright © 2010 & 2015 by Serenity King

  Author’s Note

  A Naughty Holiday Surprise was previously named Caress My Body. The first chapter was written as a free read in 2010. The story has been rewritten and eight more chapters have been added.

  Chapter One

  Jonas Thorn lay his head back against the headrest of his seat—earplugs in his ears, eyes closed—as he sat in the first class section of his American Airlines flight. He was on the last leg of his trip home after traveling for over two years out of the country. His last stop had been Rome. Rome was a treat, and the women were even better. Not that he’d had much time to enjoy them the way he’d wanted to. No, he was too busy with corporate mergers, takeovers, and cleanups; which meant having to let go and replace damn near an entire company in some instances. The process had been grueling.

  He was ready to relax in his home, eating at his own table, and sleeping in his bed. Bed—yes. Just the mere thought of his king-sized bed brought a smile to Jonas’ face. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy that little comfort until much later. His brothers and some of their buddies would be stopping by to hang out with him—sort of a welcome home get-together. Truthfully, he was tired and jet-lagged. All he wanted was a cold one and to relax alone. However, he hadn’t the heart to tell his brothers no. Besides, he missed his family something fierce. Jonas smiled to himself as the sound of the captain’s voice came over the loudspeakers.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are now about twenty-five minutes away from Atlanta International Airport. The weather’s crisp and clear. Sit back, relax and prepare for our landing. Please follow the safety instructions until we have landed. Once the seatbelt sign comes on, remain seated, all electronic devices such as cell phones and PDAs are turned off. For your safety, all seatbelts are to stay on until we are safely at our gate. Thank you for your time. Sit back, relax and enjoy the remainder of your flight.”

  Jonas wiggled a little in his seat as his anticipation of landing and getting home grew. He couldn’t wait. Just being on American soil had him anxious with the expectation, of spending the holidays at home with his family. He hadn’t had a traditional Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year in two years. Two years wasn’t that long; however, for someone with a big noisy family, it was like a life sentence being away from your loved ones for an extended period of time.

  He’d have to rent a car from the airport. He’d left his car in the care of his brother, Joshua. At the time he left, he’d had no idea when he would be returning, so he’d hired someone to care for his property. Jonas hadn’t felt right leaving the car at his home for so long. In his opinion, leaving the car would only entice someone to break-in to try and steal it.

  The sudden thump of the plane wheels descending brought him out of his reverie. Jonas was so engrossed in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized they were landing. This was one time he was thankful that he was in first class. Here he was closer to the plane’s exit. With Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas a month away, he was feeling grateful.

  He continued to look out of his window until the plane had landed. Roughly at first and then smoothing out, it moved quickly and efficiently on the runway—continuing until it slowly pulled into their assigned gate and came to a stop. The loud dinging sound of the seatbelt sign going off was heard as well as the clinking noises of seatbelts being unbuckled in the background. Jonas waited a few minutes before taking his carryall and briefcase from the overhead compartment and departing the plane.

  Jonas rushed over to baggage claim, where he claimed his luggage and then went over to the car rental service, picked up his rental, and headed home. Home! Yes, he thought with a smile. Quickly getting out of the car, he grabbed his briefcase and carryall and rushed to his front door.

  Turning the key in the lock, Jonas opened the door to a gorgeous woman standing half naked in front of his fireplace.

  “Damn! Santa came early this year!” His eyes locked on her curvaceous body as she stood in front of the fireplace dancing to the blaring sounds of Mariah Carey’s “Touch My Body.” The only thing gracing her body was a pair of barely-there thong panties and high-heel sandals.

  He gazed at her in shock. Obviously she wasn’t aware that he’d entered his residence. Jonas softly put his bags on the floor next to him, not wanting to disturb the vision before him. His eyes traveled down the expanse of her chocolate body, past the curved hips, stopping at a pair of incredibly long, well-toned legs in black strappy sandals. He lingered there for a moment, imagining those beautiful legs tangled with his in bed or wrapped around his waist.

  The song repeated from the CD player. Entranced, he watched as she performed this twisty thing with her body dropping down to the floor and shimmying slowly back up. He groaned low in his throat.

  Oh man, whoever she was, she worked it damn fine.

  The music fit the body, or vice versa. He couldn’t be expected to use proper manners, and announce his presence with lust on his brain.

  Jonas quietly shifted from one foot to the other, trying to adjust his growing cock behind the zipper of his jeans. He stood spellbound watching the vision of perfection in front of him continuing to perform her private dance.

  With an audience of one.

  Jonas bit down on his fist to keep from crying out as she began to touch her body in tune with the music.

  He didn’t make a sound; afraid that if he moved she’d stop dancing and realize that he was there.

  Oh, man…

  She wound her body from the floor up, tantalizing him. His jaw dropped as, to his surprise and pleasure, she removed her panties. Wiggling, she tossed them behind her. In slow motion, they sailed across the room, to land on his head. Jonas snatched the little scrap of black lace from his head and palmed them in his hand. He smelled a faint citrus perfume on them, along with her womanly aroma.

  Mmmm-mmm… Oh my God, he groaned silently.

  Still oblivious to his presence, she moved on to fondle her breasts, squeezing them together. Moving more erotically now, she began to sing along with the song. Her tone kept the pitch effortlessly, only pausing for hitches in her breath as she enjoyed her touch.

  Damned if he wouldn’t like to play with her, too; whoever, she was…

  Nothing about her looked familiar. He hadn’t seen her face, but he was certain he would remember a body like the one standing before him, had she been in his bed.

  Oh, man. Disappointment hit as the song winded down, and she did, too. Jonas got a nagging feeling in his gut that when she realized he was there, there’d be hell to pay.

  During the last line of the song, he watched as she turned and stopped dead in her tracks. Surprised eyes stared back at him. Her eyes stretched wide; her mouth dropped open.

nbsp; Jonas swallowed the lump in his throat that seemed to have robbed him of speech. His eyes traveled to the dark V-shape between her thighs. He traveled back up, taking in two of the most perfectly rounded breasts he had ever seen. Full, perky breasts with extended nipples made for sucking.

  It’s official; God loves me, he thought.

  Needing to be on safer territory, he looked up into her face, only to see the shock and a trace of fear there.

  “Ah…honey, I’m home,” he said with a questioning lift of his brow.

  Uh oh, this isn’t going to be pretty…

  “Oh, SHIT!” he said, as he dodged the candlestick holder that came flying at his head.

  Chapter Two

  Sinclair hadn’t heard when the sexy stranger standing there ogling her entered her house. How did he get in?

  Granted, the music was blaring, but she surely would have heard a window being broken if he had entered through one.

  Okay, think, Sinclair. He didn’t look like a rapist or murderer; nor did he look as if he’d have a problem getting a lady—or several, for that matter, willingly. But then again, what did a rapist or murderer look like?

  One thing was sure; if Mr. Fine was a rapist, murderer, or both, he wouldn’t get to her without a fight.

  Sinclair searched her brain for something, anything. She was too far away from the phone to call 911, and her cell phone was in her bedroom down the hall. She could probably make a run for it, but doubted very seriously that she’d make it across the room in her stilettos.

  Think, Sinclair. THINK. Damn, how do I get myself into these situations? I will not panic. Too late for that, I’m already in meltdown. Okay, the trick is not to let my fear show. Let the stranger think I’m in control.

  Hell, she thought, bouncing from one foot to the other.


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