Sexy Holiday Delights

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Sexy Holiday Delights Page 41

by Shara Azod

  “How did you know this soup was one of my favorites?”

  “You just seem like a tomato soup type of woman,” he said in between sips. “I took a chance, really. Not too many people dislike tomato soup.”

  “And if I had?”

  He shrugged. “Then we’d just bring out a soup you would like.”

  Another thought form appeared and placed a basket of bread rolls between them then walked over to stand against the wall behind Audric. Chrissana watched the figure for a bit, taking a bread roll from the basket. It stood so still that she began to believe it an inanimate object, almost blending in with the wall. She noticed the glass beads that graced the sides of its veils, starting at the temples and ending where their chins should have been. They may have been frightening, but they were quite stylishly dressed. It would have been nice to have some thought forms of her own to handle many of her day-to-day tasks.

  “You’ll get used to them,” Audric said, glancing back at the figure. “For me, it was hard to give them faces and such because I’d have to keep thinking of what I wished them to look like. By veiling them, it was far simpler.”

  Chrissana dipped her bread into the soup and ate it that way. It was warm and just a tad bit doughy, the way she liked. And the soup was beyond delicious―thick and tangy like vine-ripened tomatoes. “You mean to tell me that these guys made this?”

  “Yes, they can prepare food,” Audric said. “However, I must infuse them with my own talents.”

  “So I guess I should thank you for being a good cook?”

  Audric tossed the last of his bread roll in his mouth. “Would you like more?” he asked.

  “I’m stuffed,” Chrissana said.

  “You don’t eat much, do you? We haven’t had the main course. Never mind. We can have it tomorrow, I guess.” The thought form returned with the soup tureen and ladled more soup into Audric’s bowl.

  “So what is my treatment plan?” Chrissana asked, leaning back in her chair, while Audric ate his second helping of soup. “If I am to be healed, you must have a plan.”

  “I do.” Audric finished off his soup then took the bejeweled goblet before him. He propped his elbow on the arm of the chair. At once, another thought form entered the room carrying a bottle of wine. It was already uncorked and a generous helping was poured into his goblet. He took a sip then nodded his approval.

  “You wouldn’t mind some wine, would you?” he asked.

  “From your vineyard?”

  “Of course. They’re from the Gamay grapes you had earlier. The red ones make a very nice Beaujolais.”

  The figure came over to Chrissana and poured some into her goblet.


  Chrissana took up her goblet and sipped the wine the thought form had poured for her. “Oh my God. This is so good. I’ve never liked wine much, but this is great.”

  Audric’s smile widened.

  “So, back to my treatment plan?”

  “Yes.” Audric placed his goblet back on the table and straightened in his chair. “It’s quite simple, really. Being that Christmas is just a few days away, I would like for you to decorate my home. I have quite a few decorations lying around, but none of the imagination you have.”

  “That’s it?”

  “You used to look forward to decorating with your mother, remember?”

  Chrissana’s smile faded and she set her goblet on the table before her. “I did, but she was always there to help.”

  “My thought forms can assist you.” Audric asked. He stood and walked around the room.

  Chrissana lowered her head in thought. “I don’t know if I have it in me any longer. All I would think about is her.”

  Audric came before her and knelt beside the chair. “So imagine that she’s with you, and that if this were her house, how you would decorate it.”

  “I think I would feel sad that she’s not here to enjoy it,” she said softly. A few tears streamed down over her cheeks.

  “May I?” Audric pulled a small vial from his tunic pocket.

  Chrissana blinked, her hand about to wipe her tears.

  “Please.” He stayed her hand, pressing the vial against her cheek, allowing the tears to fall into it. He snapped the attached cap back on it and pocketed it once more. “I will need those.”

  Before Chrissana could question him about it, he spoke. “Decorate, my dear, and what has been lost to you will be found once again.” He patted her hand, and after a long look, he rose.

  “And when I find it?”

  He turned and smiled. “Why think only of finding it when the journey to discovering happiness once again is the fun part? This is a rather slow period for me, and since Christmas is my favorite holiday, I look forward to enjoying your company, Chrissana.”

  The intense way he looked at her warmed her cheeks, especially when his eyes took on a smoky appearance. There was more being discussed than decorations, but she didn’t want to mention it, lest she be wrong and embarrass herself.

  “I feel so sleepy all of a sudden,” she said, yawning. “Was there something in the soup?”

  “No, you’ve only just arrived, so your soul must become accustomed to being here.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “One really doesn’t understand how weary a soul gets being in the real world. Here, you haven’t the usual interferences of energy that your body, mind, and spirit are constantly bombarded with there. It’s like if you were to walk around tensing your body the entire time and then got the opportunity to relax. Come, I will show you to your room.”

  She stood, taking the hand he held out. It was soft and warm. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she felt like they had done this before in some faraway time and space. Never had she felt so comfortable with a man before, and that she needn’t enact the inner checklist she’d created for herself when dealing with them.

  Audric led her out to the front room and stood by the staircase. “Be still,” he whispered. At once, they were both lifted by an unseen force and taken up the stairs as though they were on an invisible escalator. They were set down onto the top stair.

  “How’d you do that?”

  He smiled at her. “This isn’t your world, dearest. The laws here aren’t like those in yours. But let’s worry about all that later. You need to rest.”

  At first it was dark, but candles sparked flame as they passed, lighting their way. There were large vases and paintings on the wall, but she was growing wearier by the step and couldn’t give them much attention. They turned down another short hallway, and two double doors opened at the end when they approached.

  The room was unlike anything she could have expected—large and airy with her favorite color green covering the walls. A couch and two chairs surrounded the stone fireplace, where an adequate fire burned brightly. Against the wall was a bed covered in emerald-colored velvets and silken sheets. Attached to the ceiling were sheer green and gold curtains that shrouded the bed.

  Other than the lit candles posted on elaborate standing candelabras, live pine garlands lay over the mantel above the fireplace and framed the windows and the doorways, giving the room a delicious scent. In the corner of the room stood a fully decorated Christmas tree lit with candles.

  “I thought this would offer you some inspiration,” Audric said.

  Chrissana smiled. “It does.” She walked over to the bed and pulled back the canopy. Before she knew it, she’d fallen over onto it; she was that tired.

  Audric laughed. He walked over and lifted her leg, pulling off one of her boots, then the other.

  “I can barely keep my eyes open,” she whispered.

  “I know,” he said. He walked over to the wardrobe and opened it, pulling out a white gown.

  Chrissana backed away further onto the bed when he approached, her eyes narrowing.

  “Allow me.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Preparing you for bed,” he said. “Nothing more.” He held out his hand
to her. “Remember what I said about trusting? My word is my bond, and this is part of your healing.”

  She slowly took his hand and moved closer to him. Her arms raised so that he could remove her sweater, and her bra came away in his hand. The gown was quickly slipped down over her. Laying her back, he undid her jeans and slid them down over her hips, and the gown followed, moving on its own.

  Audric grabbed the edges of the bedding and waited as Chrissana lifted her body then slipped underneath the covers.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “No.” Chrissana’s body sank into the mattress. It tingled when Audric bent over and planted a long kiss on her forehead.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said. “Good night.”

  After smoothing her hair away from her cheek, he left her. One by one the candle flames diminished until only the orange glow of the fireplace shined throughout the room.

  She always had trouble sleeping when away from home, but once her eyes closed, she was out. A momentary thought had held her; that what if she awoke back at her house, but then she remembered what she had done and realized that waking up there was no longer an option.


  Chrissana did wake up and it was morning. She stretched her body, inhaling the scent of pine and candlewax. Upon opening her eyes, she saw that she was still in Audric’s magic castle.

  For a moment, she just lay there with her gaze wandering about the room. It was as enchanting in the daylight as it had been the night before with all the candles glowing. The morning sun created a golden haze throughout the room, amplifying the great age and splendor of all of the furnishings.

  She rose from the bed and walked over to the window, her bare feet sinking into the thick Persian rug. Nothing but snow-covered forest greeted her when she looked out. The sky was that gorgeous deep blue that always occurred during cold winter days. She looked up at the pine garlands draped over the curtain rods, noticing the ribbons and tiny trinkets hung throughout. While the idea of decorating the castle did spark a bit of enthusiasm in her, it didn’t compare to spending time with Audric. It had been some time since she’d been attracted to a man. It wasn’t just a physical attraction, but his wit and personable interaction with her made her feel as if they’d known one another for years. She’d heard others speak of such a phenomenon, but never had she experienced it firsthand. Just thinking of him caused her to smile uncontrollably.

  Forcing herself away from the window, she wandered about the room looking for her clothes. Where could Audric have put them? She walked over to the wardrobe, from where he had taken the gown. Inside she found only a green dress fashioned in the medieval style. The bell sleeves were turned back and lined with gold satin. On the floor of the wardrobe was a pair of gold slippers decorated with green pearls and gemstones on each toe. The same jewels and design were also sewn around the low neck of the dress. Next to the slippers, she found white stockings, which she immediately slipped on. They came to her thighs and were nice and warm.

  She slipped out of the gown and hung it on the hanger she’d taken the dress. On the shelf immediately above the slippers lay a set of bra and panties of lace-trimmed, gold silk. The style was like something from Victoria’s Secret. Indeed, the label on the inside had the company’s logo on it, and they were her size. The dress fit as well, although the stays were in the back, and she couldn’t reach them.

  A sound from the corner of the room caught her attention. A thought form appeared, this one wearing olive green to match the décor of the room. She almost screamed, but clamped her hand over her mouth. It was doubtful she’d ever get used to those creatures.

  It walked over, stopping a few inches from her. She hadn’t a clue what the thing wanted until it raised its gloved hand and twirled its pointer finger.

  “Oh, you want me to turn around,” Chrissana said. She complied and it began fastening the numerous buttons of her dress. The hem fell to her ankles, which was a blessing. Even at five foot five she was forced to have pants and long dresses tailored. She stepped into the slippers. They also fit.

  On the inside door of the wardrobe was a full-length mirror. She smiled at herself as she turned from side to side in the long-waisted gown. It was as comfortable as it was stylish. She could bend and move around without any restriction.

  She noticed the thought form standing before a vanity. It faced her, holding up a brush. A knock on the door jolted her attention away from it.

  “Come in.”

  “Ah, good morning, Chrissana,” Audric greeted. He was dressed in a brocade tunic of mauve with gold accents, and he wore knee-high, suede boots over his hose. His hair was a bit curlier and appeared to have been oiled along with his moustache and goatee. This gave them a bit of a deeper coloring, making his blue eyes appear more striking.

  Chrissana shifted her gaze away from him, lest she stare too much. That didn’t help since he came quite close to her―enough to where she could feel his warmth envelope her.

  “How are you, my dear?” he inquired. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did,” she answered. “Better than I’ve slept in a long time, as a matter of fact.”

  “That’s good.” He bent and kissed her forehead like it was a daily ritual for him. “And that dress fits you so well.” He took her hand and lifted it, twirling her around until the dress formed a bell shape.

  Chrissana giggled like a little girl. “I’ve never had clothes such as these before,” she gushed.

  “Here, you can wear whatever you wish,” Audric said. “As they say, old habits die hard. I find the fashion of my day rather hard to let go of. You can dress like a queen every day and feel on top of the world. Now go and get your hair and face made even prettier, and we’ll get started.

  Before Chrissana could speak another word, he gently nudged her over to the thought form and down onto the stool. The thought form sectioned off her hair and curled it around its fingers, smoothing stray strands with the brush. After a few decorative pins and pearl strands, her hair was neatly swept away from her face, but left to cascade a little below her shoulders in ringlets. Quite a magical feat, given that no heat or curling irons were used. The thought form then applied makeup subtle enough to bring out the beauty she had never bothered to reveal.

  Audric gave her a longer than usual stare, his lips parting as though he wished to say something. Instead, he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He then led her downstairs to the dining room where they ate a light breakfast of bread, honey, and cheese with cups of orange pekoe tea.

  “So am I expected to decorate in this?” Chrissana asked. “We look more like we’re about to attend a party.”

  “Do you feel beautiful?” Audric asked.

  “I do.”

  “You are beautiful,” he said, staring at her deeply.

  “I don’t see how this has anything to do with healing.”

  He snapped back against his chair. “Really? How so?”

  “Because I feel like you’re up to something.”

  “Because I paid you a compliment?”

  “Well, most men are just trying every opportunity to see a woman without any clothes on and then find a way to get her into bed.”

  “Ah, the conquest.” He laughed heartily. “Perhaps when I was a younger man, but no, my dear, that isn’t my sole intention.”

  “You are a man.”

  “To some degree, I am, but don’t forget that I am not entirely human. I do not have the same bodily urges as men of your realm do.”

  This time, it was her turn to say “Really?”

  “I eat, I sleep from time to time, but as far as having any sexual urges that a human male does, it is not my primary objective. My needs are for a different purpose.”


  He offered her a Cheshire cat grin.


  “Chrissana, can you not for once allow your guard to relax and open yourself to all I can show you here?”

hid her face behind her tea cup, holding it there even after all of the liquid had drained. Men were sneaky and untrustworthy. They always had a hidden motive.

  “Hardening yourself to love does not protect you, Chrissana,” he said. “But let’s not think any more on it for the moment. How about we start the day off with a walk to clear the air? When we return, I will leave you to start decorating.”

  Chrissana was happy to move because she could better hide her discomfort by walking. Two thought forms awaited them in the front room. One held Audric’s mantle and hat he’d worn the day before, and another held a woolen cape for her. It was trimmed in fur like Audric’s, soft and falling perfectly to her ankles. She pulled up the hood which was large enough so as not to disturb her coiffed hair.

  After taking the fur muff the figure handed her, she followed Audric out the front doors and immediately down the stone path. Thankfully, it had been cleared of any snow. The last thing she needed was to slip and find herself on her bottom.

  The air was crisp, but given the furs she wore, she was quite comfortable and warm. She now understood why Audric prized them so.

  It was strange walking beside him. A myriad of emotions descended upon her from feeling proud, to safe, to just an overwhelming sense of peace that quieted all of the nagging thoughts that demanded her attention.



  “I have a rather odd question.”

  “And that is?”

  “Why haven’t I had the need to use a toilet here?”

  He offered a little chuckle. “Because your physical body isn’t 100 percent present. As I touched on last night, the food is rather different in this place. Here, you are primarily in your spirit body, so the food sustains it instead of your physical body, which is currently back at your apartment. So, there is no need to relieve yourself of waste as you would in your third dimensional reality. Understand?”


  “Don’t trouble yourself, dear. I promise that it won’t be on any pop quizzes.”

  The stone walkway became a dirt path as they ventured into the woods.


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