A Dragon's Heart

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A Dragon's Heart Page 3

by Dahlia Rose

  “Well then, I’m Ginna Masters and I’d like to give a detailed report on how Luke Richfield and his men have threatened me and my home,” Ginna said and leaned forward. “This is going to be a long report.”

  “I’ll be back, Pixie.” Kalv stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To see some men about work,” he replied.

  “That’s some man you have there. Does he come in pairs so I can have one?” he heard the deputy ask.

  “I don’t think so,” was Ginna’s laughing reply.

  Kalv was going to kiss her senseless before the day was through, that was a certainty. He casually crossed the street and moved toward the diner. He had no doubt it was the right one. Most people were passing it and going to The Breakfast Nook restaurant chain that he’d passed on the outskirts of town. Luke Richfield and his fools were running a small mom and pop diner out of business.

  He walked in and the waitress looked up with a big smile. “Hiya, honey, what can I get ya?”

  “I’m just here to make an announcement,” Kalv replied and turned to the men who were standing up. “Please sit down before I hurt you again.”

  “You got some balls coming in here like this.” Luke stood. “As you can see, there is twice as much men here than last night.”

  “So you admit unlawfully being on Ginna’s property last night and trying to assault her?” Kalv asked. “I can go back and have Ginna add that to the report we’re filing at the sheriff’s department right now.”

  Luke laughed. “The sheriff ain’t going to do a damn thing.”

  The owner of the diner looked over the counter and warned, “I don’t want any trouble in here!”

  “There won’t be any I assure you.” Kalv leaned against the counter casually. “Regarding your last statement, Luke, that’s what I came to tell you. The sheriff has made the wise decision to cease being your watchdog, so to speak, and actually uphold the law. So Ginna is filing the reports and I have no doubt you and who ever helped you over the last few months will be charged with an assortment of illegal activities.”

  “There’s no proof of such,” Luke said defiantly. “No one here will testify to anything.”

  Kalv pushed away from the counter and moved until he was looking down at Luke. “Probably not, but people like you always manage to never know when enough is enough and then you get caught. It’s just a matter of time, and I’ll be here for a while to see it, be a part of it.” His voice became deadly again. “Remember what I told you last night.” Kalv turned to the rest of the men who were sitting around looking uncomfortable. “To you guys who left Ginna in the lurch, I think you’re honest and just scared for you and your families. I give you my word if you come back to work you’ll be paid fairly, and if Luke here makes a threat against you, your family, or your property I will have your back. So walk out and head to the farm and let’s get to work, or stay here. Your choice.”

  He stepped back and watched. For a minute he thought most of them were all too steeped in fear to do anything. Luke looked smug, and Kalv was about to call them all a bunch of spineless eunuchs until one stood and picked up his hat, then another, and soon seven men had left and went out the door. Not bad, some balls after all. Luke still stood with a red face but silent as the men he was paying off left. Over and over again, no matter how many years passed, bullies always back downed when faced with someone bigger who didn’t fear them.

  “Oh by the way, I like this diner, so I plan to be eating here a lot,” he said and turned to the waitress. “Take this down. I like pancakes, doll, lots of ’em, and bacon on the side. Coffee hot and sweet, no creamer.”

  “Got it, honey.” The waitress beamed up at him. “My name is Sally, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sally. You know what? How about you get me that order now while I wait for Ginna?” Kalv gave her a charming smile. He turned his attention back to Luke. “I don’t want you ruining my appetite. You and your men need to leave. Don’t make me have to show you the door.”

  Luke picked up his hat. “Boys, let’s roll. We’ll take this up later, somewhere more private where we can talk with him nice and proper.”

  “I look forward to it.” Kalv sat at the counter and winked at the man who owned the diner. “I hope to meet some nice people in here when I come on by in the morning.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears.” The old man beamed and set his coffee down in front of him. “Hot and sweet like you said, nice to meet you…um?”

  “Kalv,” he said and took a sip from the cup. “Good coffee.”

  “Kalv, hmm, strange name. I’ll go check on your breakfast.” He turned and went through the double door to the kitchen.

  “So I’ve been told,” Kalv murmured and thought about Ginna. Her chocolate eyes and full lips were made for kissing. Thing about her made and his heart give a sudden thump, and his hand shook from the feeling of it. Love is not on the menu, he warned himself sternly and waited for his breakfast.

  He walked out later and saw Ginna crossing the street to the diner. She looked upbeat, and a smile hinted her lips.

  “So there I was talking to the deputy when in walked one of my old farmhands letting me know he and the boys were heading back to work. Then Adam calls and tells me to come pick up my steaks and whatnot, and it’s already around town that my new man put a boot to Luke’s ass.” Ginna looked up at him. “Whatever you did, thanks.”

  “No problem at all. I told you I would help,” Kalv said. “Let’s go pick up that meat. I feel like having a steak tonight.”

  “You know he’s going to start a war, right?” Ginna said as she slid into the passenger seat of the car. “No one shames Luke for long without him trying to get you back.”

  “Are you scared?” Kalv asked. “You know I won’t leave anything unfinished or you in danger. It will be settled.”

  “I wouldn’t be scared even if it wasn’t. I’ve never been afraid of him,” Ginna answered. “He’s just a little boy who thinks Daddy’s money is going to keep him out of trouble. Besides, you need someone to have your back, dragon.”

  She nudged his shoulder with hers when she said it, and Kalv couldn’t resist. He framed her face with his hands and brought her into his kiss. Desire burned through him when he felt her lips on his. He watched her eyes widen for an instant and then close, and a soft sound of arousal escaped her lips as she opened beneath him. Her acceptance fueled his ardor, and Kalv sent his tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth to taste her. Ginna clutched the front of his shirt as they kissed. His passion burned in him like the fire of his dragon breath, and he wanted to do nothing more but claim her as his own. Make her your mate. The thought ricocheted in his head and his heart thumped in quick succession. Kalv pulled away and stared at her for the longest of moments before starting the truck. He glanced at Ginna when he thought she wasn’t looking and saw her run her fingers across her lips as if she could still feel his kiss. By the gods don’t let me fall in love again. It seemed that was already out of his hands since his once-still heart now beat steadily in his chest, trying to regain a rhythm he thought long gone.

  Chapter Four

  Ginna sat on the edge of her bed and wondered what the hell had happened in the time between the kiss with Kalv and now. A few days had passed and he kept his distance, not cold or unfriendly but aloof, and it reminded her of the night he’d shown up. He worked with the farm hands and took on more chores than he should. Kalv kept his distance from her, and after dinner he would go outside until she went to bed.

  She lay on her bed flicking through channels on the TV and brooded. One minute he was kissing her senseless and then the next he was like a shadow. She didn’t care what anyone said, men were way more confusing than women. Ginna wondered how she should approach him. Was there even a situation for her to talk to him about? She didn’t want the complication of a relationship, and said it from the first night they met. But after that kiss and those looks he sent her way when he thought
she wasn’t looking….There was something there, but did she dare explore where it led?

  “Fire in the north pastures!” She heard the cry come through her opened bedroom window and was out of the room in a flash with one thought in her head. Luke. She met Kalv in the hallway, and with a quick tense glance in her direction he was bounding down the steps. This thing between us will be solved later, she thought grimly and then followed him. The men were leaving for home when the fire broke out. They were already out there with hoses trying to get the tall grass out before it spread through the entire field.

  “Goddamn it. Luke Richfield, he knows this is my winter feed for the livestock!” she raged.

  “We need to get hoses behind the fire to stop it from taking any more of the field.” Kalv hefted the heavy coils of hose over his shoulder and ran like it weighed nothing along the fence.

  “Be careful,” she called out to him while taking the hose from one of the other farm hands.

  He threw her a smile over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Pixie, fire is my best friend.”

  With the farmhands helping they managed to save half the pasture, but looking at the charred remnants of the other half, she knew the winter bill for hay and grain to supplement the livestock would be high. She wanted to lay hands on Luke and punch his lights out, and vowed to do it the next time she saw him. Kalv was busy talking to the farm hands when she walked up and they dispersed soon after, getting into their respective trucks and heading home for the night. The air smelled of smoke, sweat, and burned grass as she watched the dust kick up under the wheels and the receding headlights fade away.

  “This is going to cost you a lot, isn’t it?” Kalv asked.

  Ginna sighed. “What else is new? Since I’ve taken over the farm and Luke decided that he wants it, I’ve lost more than I’ve made. I’ll dip into my savings. This all sucks.”

  He tried to pull her into his arms and she stepped away. “No thanks, buddy.”

  “I’m trying to comfort you,” Kalv said and stepped closer.

  “Um no, you don’t get to run hot and cold on me mister,” she snapped. Ginna stomped away and marched right back to poke him in the chest. “One kiss that knocks my socks off then zip, and you walk around giving me winter frost. It doesn’t work that way, dragon boy. You either finish what you started or you don’t do it at all.”

  He had an amused look on his face, and she made a frustrated sound and stomped her foot. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Kalv-with-no-last-name!”

  Ginna turned in the direction of the house, fully intending to go in and lock him out so he had to sleep in the barn with the horses. Kalv pulled her against him so her back was touching his chest and wrapped his big arms around her.

  “Do you want to fly?” he murmured.

  “What do you mean?” she asked suspiciously. “Is this some kind of sex thing?”

  He laughed huskily. “While that sounds appealing, I was asking if you ever dreamed of flying on the back of a dragon.”

  “Are you kidding me, hell yeah!” she exclaimed and whirled to face him.

  “I’ve never carried a passenger before, maybe we can use one of the horses’ bridles or something,” he murmured.

  “I’ve ridden horses Kalv, I can manage you bareback,” she replied haughtily.

  “Oh, the things you say make my blood simmer,” he said. “You can look away until the change is over.”

  “I’ve seen you naked before,” Ginna said. “Besides, I think it’s beautiful to watch you become a dragon.”

  “Do you know the way to Luke’s farm? I think we can go do to him exactly what he did to you tonight.” Kalv grinned. “I haven’t used my dragon breath in a while.”

  Ginna laughed. “A reconnaissance mission from the sky. I can get down with that.”

  “You have a warrior’s blood running through your veins. Most people would have cried. Instead you decide to move on, and the thought of a little revenge excites you,” he said.

  “There’s a lot to know about me if you’d just give it a chance,” she commented. “Are we going to do this or what?”

  Kalv just gave her a curious look and began to take of his clothes. Watching him the second time around was just as amazing as the first. The rich golden light and shimmering swirls around her made her think of every fairytale she’d been told as a child. In minutes the huge dragon of crimson and gold was before her once more. He lowered his head so he lay against the grass. The thinnest part of his body was his neck, and without hesitation Ginna climbed on. She ran her hands along the smooth surface of his scales and slipped her fingers between the layers of smaller ones that she could hold onto easily. Just like holding a horse’s mane, she thought Except horses don’t fly, her subconscious reminded her. There was no way she was giving up the chance to ride on the back of a dragon. She could feel the texture of his scales even though she wore jeans, and each time he breathed she could feel the movement.

  “Okay I’m ready, Kalv. Let’s fly.” She prodded his neck with her feet like she would a horse. “Take it slow would you?”

  Kalv made a sound like he was clearing his throat. She assumed he was taking offense at her comment and it made her grin. Ginna felt the gust of wind as he spread his large wings. She lost her breath and closed her eyes as he launched into the night sky at a dizzying speed. Up and up they went until she felt the chill of the wind bite through her clothes. She felt him even out from his upward flight, and she dared to open her eyes. The night sky was beautiful. Wisps of clouds blew by like cotton candy, and the moon looked close enough to touch. She dared not let go as much as she wanted to. This was as close to heaven that anyone could get without the metal body of an airplane. She looked below to the house and trees to get her bearings.

  “Go left over those hills, Luke’s place is just beyond it,” she called.

  She thought the wind rushing by took her voice, but when the dragon moved to do her bidding, Ginna knew that he heard her. The sprawling lands that belonged to the Richfield name came into view. Why he wanted her small plot of land she didn’t know. She always assumed it was vengeance because she refused to marry him or because her father hadn’t sold to his daddy. But this vendetta was just too fierce to be about spurning his affection or his father’s refusal to push the issue. They’d only slept together once before he asked her to marry him, and it wasn’t something to write home about. Sex wasn’t a problem because he sure was getting it from other places. So why? That was the big question.

  Kalv flew over the huge two-story house that sat in the center of all the property. The place was so big the driveway had to be a good mile and a half long, with a circular cul-de sac that was right by the front steps. Ginna knew for a fact that there was a houseman who answered the door and ushered you into the huge family room with pristine white furniture. Luke lived in opulence to the point that his hired men had a converted barn with pool tables and flat screen TVs decorating it. Those were his right-hand men; the workers stayed in a bunkhouse that was nowhere near as furnished if they had no homes to go to. She’d told him about the unfairness of it all once, and he told her to leave a man’s business to the men. That should have been her first clue to was kind of douche bag he was. But when you try to see everyone through rose-colored glasses it glosses over the disgusting aspects of their true personality.

  Kalv flew over the house to the fields behind it, and she felt his body expand as he inhaled deeply. The stream of fire that left his nostrils as he swooped low over the field make her gasp, and it worked better than the kerosene and matches Luke’s men probably used on her pasture. The line of fire spread quickly and consumed the grass. She wouldn’t be the only one who would be paying for extra grass and feed. Even though Luke could afford it, it gave her some measure of satisfaction knowing that he would have to pull his wallet out of his tight back pocket. Kalv swooped high as she heard the ringing of a fire bell and saw the tiny people run out toward the field.

  “Lets go home,” she called t
o Kalv.

  * * * *

  He took the scenic route, and she enjoyed the sound his wings made when he chose to flap them and not glide. Kalv set down in the darkened black field, as gentle as a bird even though he was immense in size. She climbed off and tried to shake the chill from her bones while he returned to his human form. She threw him his jeans and he pulled them on casually.

  “Did you enjoy your ride?” he asked.

  “It was the best thing I’ve ever done!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I wish I could be like you.”

  “No you don’t,” he said quietly. “I’m locked out of my home and it’s the worst feeling in the world.”

  Ginna walked up and put her hands on his hard chest while looking up into his tortured gaze. “Is this why you kissed me and gave me the cold shoulder? Because you’re afraid to feel?”

  Kalv cupped her face. The heat of his hand soothed her and she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. “You already make me feel. My heart beats for the first time in a long time because of you. It’s almost a sweet pain that makes me unsure. I don’t think…I don’t think I’m what you deserve. A man broken and lost, with a heart that no longer knows how to love and you, Ginna, deserve so much more.”

  “How about you let me decide what I deserve, hmm? Pushing me away won’t work. I’m tenacious,” she said. “I’m going inside and grab a shower to warm up, plus I smell like smoke. Then it’s a cup of hot chocolate for me before bed. I’ve already decided that I want you in my bed, so get accustomed to it.”

  Kalv’s laughter was rich and filled the air with its pleasant sound. “I’ll make sure to do that, Pixie.”

  Inside the shower the hot water took the chill from her bones. She climbed out and found her warm fleece pajamas and a pair of socks. Feeling snug, she left her bedroom and heard the shower in the hallway bathroom. Ginna smiled thinking of her boldness when she told him he would be in her bed. Way to take the proverbial bull by the horns. She gave herself a mental high five. The telephone rang and she grabbed the cordless while she went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of hot chocolate.


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