Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1)

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Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1) Page 13

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I reached over him and dipped a cracker in the peanut butter. I preferred crunchy, but creamy was better than nothing. I didn’t bother with a knife.

  “Toby barely knows me.”

  “Yet you’ve been staying at his place…”

  “In the guest room.”

  “Sure, the ‘guest room.’” He made air quotes. His skepticism reminded me of Jared. I wondered where he fit into all of it. Was he still in New York with Toby?

  “I’m not sleeping with him.”

  “Maybe not yet, but it’s inevitable. I saw the way you reacted when you thought he was hurt.”

  “Caring about someone doesn’t mean you want to sleep with them.”

  “It does in your case. You were about to be mauled by a bear but you were more concerned with staring at him without a shirt on.”

  “Was not.”

  “Were too.” He opened another sleeve of crackers.

  “We sound like children.”

  “Yes, we do.” He stuffed two crackers in his mouth.

  I nabbed one more. “I still can’t believe any of this.”

  “It’s about to get even more real.” He leaned up against the counter.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Toby’s here.”

  “Where?” I walked to the doorway and looked down the long, empty hallway. Satisfied there was no one there, I walked back over to Cody.

  Cody smiled. “I heard him land. He’ll be in soon.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I pushed open the front door. “Casey?” I sensed movement in the kitchen and walked right in.

  She gazed at me for half a second, as if deliberating, before running into my arms. I held her close, even more relieved to see her than I expected.

  I patted her back. I needed to find a way to offer comfort without coming on too strong.

  She buried her face in my bare chest. It felt right. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. I’m good.”

  “Are you sure?” She lifted her head to look at me. There was such concern in her eyes. Concern for me. She ran her hand over the cut on my chest that was already starting to heal. There were a lot of benefits of being a Pteron.

  “I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine.” I put my hands on her arms and looked into her eyes. “What about you? Are you all right?” I gently touched the area around a faint cut on her forehead.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Her words sounded fake, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

  “I’m going to go watch the house.” Cody touched Casey’s arm as he squeezed by us to get to the door.

  I swallowed down my annoyance at seeing anyone else touch her. “Thanks, man. I owe you.” I wasn’t sure if he had anything to do with the cut, but if it was unavoidable in order to get her away from the bear, I could let it slide.

  “Just doing my job. Besides, I had some decent company.” He winked at her. He was lucky I’d already done enough fighting that night.

  She smiled. “And you’re not so bad when you aren’t kidnapping me.”

  “Kidnapped? Is that what you think?” My body tensed.

  “Chill out. She’s kidding. We’re okay now.”

  “Good.” In all the craziness of the night, I hadn’t worried about whether she thought we were on the same side.

  “I need to talk to you.” Her words were soft, but I’m sure Cody could still hear them from the other side of the door.

  I nodded. “Let’s talk.”

  I led her into one of the formal sitting rooms. It was one of those rooms that served no purpose. What’s the point of a room filled with uncomfortable furniture? I loved the location of the house, but if I ever moved in, I’d have to gut the place and turn it into something more modern. I pictured asking Casey to move in there. If I gave her the choice, she’d probably want to knock down the walls and revamp the outdated kitchen.

  She took a seat on a brown sofa, and I sat down next to her, leaving less than the socially acceptable amount of space. I wanted to be close. She seemed unconcerned with discovering I had wings, but maybe that was just shock. I wasn’t looking forward to the questions I knew were coming. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “I know why the bears want me.” She looked down, but that wasn’t going to work.

  I put a hand under her chin and lifted it up. “Why?”

  “Well, I guess I don’t know why, but I’m not surprised now that I know who they are. Oh, this is coming out wrong.” She let out a breath. “Let’s try it again.”

  I picked up her hand and held it in mine. It was so small and fragile, it looked like the kind of hand that needed to be held and kept safe, but I knew better. Casey was strong, she was a fighter. You could tell just by being in the same room as her. “I’m listening.”

  “They have my sister.”

  “The bears?”

  “Yes. Murphy, that burly, creepy guy that you punched.”


  “He was my sister’s boyfriend and then she disappeared.” Tears welled in her eyes, and I had to reach out for her.

  I pulled her into my arms. “I’m sorry, Casey. Did he say anything about her?” I wanted to react, to do something, but staying calm was the only way I’d get more information from her.

  “He said he’d take me to her. He wanted me to go with him. Eric told me to run.”

  “Would you have gone?” I watched her closely. How desperate was she to find her sister?


  My chest clenched at the thought of her willingly turning herself over to them. Still, I understand it. I knew the lengths someone would go to protect the people they loved. “How long ago did she disappear?”

  “Two years ago.”

  “Did you know what Murphy was?”

  She shook her head. “No. I had no clue. I introduced her to him because I was dating his little brother.”

  “You dated a bear…” I tried to keep the emotion out of my voice.

  “Yeah, I guess so. We dated for a few months.”

  “Oh.” I sensed there was more, a lot more, than she was saying. “We’ll find her.” We would. If it was what Casey needed, I’d get it done. She’d brought me more happiness in the few days we’d spent together than I’d had in months. I’d make things right for her. The only thing I feared was that the sister wouldn’t want to be found.

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  “I have to clamp down on the violence. We took care of the majority of it, but there is likely more to come. After that, we find her.”

  “What if they’re related?”


  “Yeah. What if the reason they took her and why they want me is all related to the attacks. I mean, they can’t be that desperate for girls.”

  “Did you just crack a joke?”

  She smiled slightly.

  Unbelievable. This girl was perfect.

  “Sorry, I know I make jokes at bad times.”

  “Don’t say sorry.” I leaned in. “Don’t ever say sorry.”

  I needed her lips, and I took them. I smashed mine into hers, wrapping her up tighter in my arms. I deepened the kiss immediately, pushing her to open up more. She moaned, clearly fine with the demand. Our tongues connected, and I was lost.

  Without consciously thinking about it, I moved us so she was lying down with me hovering over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down on top of her. It was her turn to be demanding. Her nails raked up my back, and I needed more of her. I slipped a hand up her leg, letting it rest just below her ass as my other hand moved under her long sleeve shirt.

  “Toby,” she moaned as I let my lips wander down to her neck.

  I heard someone clearing their throat, but I ignored it. Cody could get lost. I needed Casey, and she needed me.

  “Well, hello there,” a taunting voice said from the doorway.

  I groaned, moving off Casey.

  I took a moment to compose myself. “What th
e hell are you doing here, Florence?”

  Jared smirked. “Obviously interrupting something good. Glad you two found a good use for this hideous couch.”

  His eyes zeroed in on Casey, and I belatedly realized I’d left her skirt and shirt riding up.

  She fixed them before I could, and she looked incredibly embarrassed.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “Your friend let me in.”

  “Shouldn’t you be on your way to New Orleans to brief the king?”

  “I told you I’d be coming. Besides, I’ve got some news.” He still watched Casey and that made me want to send him flying out of the room. I wasn’t playing games. He wasn’t going to screw things up for us.

  “What kind of news?” I asked, knowing I wouldn’t like the answer.

  “He’s coming here.” Jared’s smile got bigger.

  “Fantastic.” That was one way to kill a hard-on.

  Chapter Twenty


  So much for being his innocent house guest. Walking in on them shouldn’t have bothered me that much, but it did. If he hadn’t rolled off her, I probably would have thrown him across the room. There was something incredibly satisfying about ruining their moment, and I didn’t miss the flush of red that crossed her cheeks when she realized they’d been caught.

  “He’s on his way now.” I talked to Toby but kept my eyes fixed on Casey. From the glimpse of her stomach and thigh, I knew that her natural skin tone was a little bit lighter. I wondered if she’d gone away to get the tan. She didn’t look like the type to fake-bake.

  Toby looked at Casey apologetically. “I have to take care of a few things before the king gets here. What can I do to make you more comfortable while you wait?”

  “I’ll make her comfortable.” I grinned at her, satisfied to watch her blush again. I liked being the one to cause it.

  “No, that won’t be necessary.” He watched her, probably out of fear that he’d see some interest.

  “I’ll just wait here.” She said it carefully, like she was afraid of conveying any sign of what she actually wanted.

  “I’ll keep you company.” I sat down on the opposite side of the couch from where she sat as straight as an arrow.

  She tugged down on her skirt, trying to make the fabric magically longer. “I can keep myself company.”

  “Go get ready, Toby. She’s in good hands.” I scooted over slightly and put an arm around the back of the couch.

  Toby groaned, and I tried to maintain a straight face. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  I waited for him to leave the room before turning to look at her. “Why hello, sleep over girl. Or should I call you Casey? Nice to see you again.”

  She frowned. “Is it really nice?”

  I didn’t like the frown. I needed to fix it. “It is, although I’m a little disappointed.”


  “That you misled me. I thought you were a single woman who happened to stay over at her friend’s house.”

  “I stayed in his guest room.”

  “But was it really a friend’s guest room?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.” She crossed her arms. “Just drop it.”

  “I’m just looking for a straight answer. Are you, or aren’t you with Toby?” I was asking to mess with her, but I actually cared about the answer.


  “You don’t know?”

  “Listen, Jared. That’s your name, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Glad you remember it.”

  “Whatever. I just survived a bear attack and found out that you guys have wings. Excuse me if I’m not forthcoming with answers about my love life.”

  In my state of annoyance over seeing her with Toby, I hadn’t thought about the significance of her knowing who we were.

  “And you’re okay hooking up with us anyway?”

  “First of all, I’m not hooking up with you, and second of all, we weren’t hooking up. We were kissing.”

  “Kissing horizontally with his hands underneath your clothes. I was maybe five minutes early for the fireworks. Maybe ten if Toby’s decent with some foreplay.”

  “Ugh. Shut up. We are not discussing this.” She blushed again, and she couldn’t hide how flustered I was making her.

  “Why not?” I brushed my fingertips against the back of her neck.

  She flinched but then leaned back into my hand. Interesting.

  “Because I don’t discuss this kind of thing with random people.”

  “Didn’t we just establish I’m not a person?” God, it was fun to push her buttons.

  She stood up and turned to me. “Is this fun for you?”

  “Is what fun?”

  “Messing with me.”

  “Kind of.”

  “You’re an asshole. A huge asshole who I don’t appreciate. Just leave me alone.”

  “A huge asshole, as compared to a small one?”

  “ARRGH!” She stomped her foot. She actually stomped one of her pretty, painted toenailed feet.

  “Calm down. I’m just trying to distract you.”

  “Distract me?” She crossed her arms again, bringing my eyes to her chest. She was probably a full C cup, perfect.

  “Yes. Distract you from everything else going on. You seemed stressed.”

  “I wonder why?”

  “Wait. Are you suggesting I’m the one stressing you out? It wasn’t the bear, or Toby, or anyone else?”

  “Toby saved me. He and Cody.”

  “Cody? You mean that kid outside?”


  “Yeah. He’s barely out of diapers.” He was probably nineteen, but I might as well hurt the potential competition. She might have some savior syndrome going on.

  “I don’t care about his age.”

  “So you go for younger guys?”

  “I’m not going for him,” she said through clenched teeth.

  Evidently, I’d pushed things too far. “Look, I’m sorry if we’re getting off on the wrong foot.”

  “The wrong foot. Talk about the worst foot that ever existed.” A small smile slipped out.

  “Did you get anything to eat?”

  “What is it with you guys and making sure I’m fed?”

  “Who else asked?”


  “Did he find you anything?”

  “Peanut butter and crackers.”

  “There’s got to be something better. Let’s check it out.” I hoped she accepted the olive branch.

  “Sure.” She turned away, and I knew she was trying to regain her composure.

  We walked down the hall to the small kitchen. I searched the pantry, and came up mostly empty except for a box of pancake mix that you only had to add water to. “These aren’t going to be great, but want some?”

  She took the box from me. “Yes.”

  “I guess you are hungry.”

  “Uh huh. So why don’t you take care of my dietary needs.”

  I wanted to tell her that I’d prefer to take care of some other needs first, but I didn’t. I wanted this girl to like me—somehow it mattered. “Check out the upper cabinets for a measuring cup and bowl. I’ll look for a pan.”

  “On it.” She smiled again, and I felt kind of triumphant. It was the feeling I usually only got when I was about to get a girl in bed.

  We spent the next half-hour cooking up pancakes. Casey insisted on making the whole box since Toby and Cody had to eat too. I decided not to remind her that there would be even more people showing up.

  I convinced her we didn’t need to wait for the others, and after discovering some syrup, we sat down to eat.

  I heard conversation outside, so I polished off my plate. Casey was still eating when we heard their voices in the hall. She set down her fork and jumped out of her chair. I washed off our plates and took her hand. “Relax. They don’t bite.”

  I was still holding her hand when Levi and Allie walked into the room.

grinned when he saw the small hand I held in my own. “You’re always good at making new friends.”

  I laughed, and Casey tugged her hand from mine.

  Allie pushed him. “Be polite.” She strode toward Casey. “Hey, I’m Allie.”

  “Allie? As in Toby’s Allie?”

  She looked at me funny and smiled at Levi. He didn’t enjoy that comment. “Usually, people call me Levi’s Allie, but I was at one point.”

  “Oh. Sorry. I guess you’re the queen?” She mumbled a bunch of words in such a cute and dorky way.

  “Casey, this is Allie Davis, soon to be Allie Laurent. She is the Queen of The Society, and this is her king, Levi.”

  Casey did some sort of half curtsey thing. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Levi held out a hand to her. “Nice to meet you, Casey.”

  I answered Levi’s questioning look. “Toby had her brought here for safe keeping.”

  “I figured she knew Toby.”

  “Yeah. I was chased by a bear…” she started to explain.

  “Is Jared taking good care of you?” Levi asked.

  “Uh yeah. We made pancakes.”

  “Jared isn’t taking care of her.” Toby walked in. “Good to see you Levi. Allie.” He walked right over to Casey, putting an arm around her. I didn’t miss the way she leaned into his side.

  “So you’re with Toby?” Allie looked between all of us.

  “Yes.” Toby ran his hand over her back. “Casey’s with me.”

  “Yet she was making pancakes with Jared.” Levi smiled. He liked to stir up trouble, like me.

  “You really like making pancakes, don’t you, Jared?” Allie teased. I did have a habit of making them at weird times.

  “I need to use the restroom.” Casey skirted out of the room.

  “Leave Casey alone.” Toby looked at both Levi and I when he spoke. He still hadn’t made eye contact with Allie.

  “She seems nice.” Allie smiled. She was trying to ease the situation. She probably also felt for the girl. She of all people knew how hard it was to be a human pulled into the Pteron world.

  “She is.” Toby snuck a glance at Allie.

  “I’m going to see if she’s okay.” Allie patted Levi’s arm before walking out of the room.

  Toby leaned in to me. “Stay away from her.”


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