Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1)

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Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1) Page 17

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Flight? You’re flying?” I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers. I’d been thinking about what it would be like to fly with a Pteron since I found out what they were. I needed to get away from the hotel.

  “Get that look off your face.”

  “What look?” I feigned innocence.

  “That excited look. I hate that. I don’t want to say no to you.”

  “Then don’t. I’ll stay out of trouble.”

  “I don’t want to risk getting you hurt.”

  “Do you want to risk me telling Levi where you’re going?” I knew it was low, but I was desperate. I wanted to go with him even though my brain was telling me it was a really bad idea.

  “If I take you.” He put his hands on my arms. “Will you listen to everything I say?”

  “Everything you say?”

  “I already told you this is dangerous. I can’t have you running off and getting yourself hurt.”

  I nodded. “I’ll listen.” What’s wrong with you? My brain screamed. Was I willingly going back to that creepy place? But a bigger side of me wanted to go, wanted to do exactly what I wasn’t supposed to do. Maybe my teenage rebellion years were coming late.

  “Come on.” He led me into the shadows in an alley beside the large building and pulled off his shirt.

  I bit down the nerves creeping up and let the excitement take over.

  “You’re going to freeze, but we don’t have time for you to change. At least you’re in dark colors.” He moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t get cold much.” I glanced down at my black t-shirt and jeans. Jared’s hand settled right around the empty belt loops.

  “Try not to scream. I’d prefer to keep my hearing.”

  We left the ground, and I prepared myself for the fear. It didn’t come. Jared’s arms remained firmly around me, holding me tightly as he flew.

  “Incredible.” I wasn’t sure if he could hear the words over the wind, but I was saying them for myself as much as him. I felt alive. I felt free.

  I kept my eyes wide open, watching the disappearing city lights, and even enjoying the darkness when we reached the country. My heart beat quickly, and my entire body tingled with the energy from being airborne.

  So lost in the flight, I was unprepared when Jared landed in a dark corner of the prison yard. Disappointment flooded me. I never wanted the flight to end. Covered in shadows, I could tell he’d picked the spot because it was just outside the reach of the search lights. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course. I’m fantastic.” I tried to whisper, but my words wanted to come out as a scream. I’d never experienced an adrenaline high like that, only it was more than adrenaline. It was unreal.

  “Aren’t you cold?”

  “Cold? No. Should I be?”

  “We were really high up and you’re not wearing a jacket.” He reached out and touched my bare arms. “Weird. I guess you run warmer than most.”

  I smiled. “See, you didn’t need to worry about me.”

  “I still need to worry. The hard part is still ahead.”

  “Maybe I’m really good at sneaking too.” I perfected the art in high school when I climbed out my second floor window to see the boyfriend I knew my parents would forbid me to see.

  “I guess there’s only one way to find out.” He tugged on my hand and moved in toward the building.

  “We have to get to the north side. A friend’s waiting there.”

  “A friend?”

  “Yes, a friend.”

  “Okay.” I let him lead me around the structure.

  We stopped in front of a first floor window. “Are you ready for this?”

  I nodded.

  He stepped through the window, and I followed. The room was pitch black.

  “Oh shit.” Jared’s words echoed across the room.

  Someone flipped on the light, and I realized what he’d seen.

  “Bryant? How did you get out?” Jared turned to his brother. I couldn’t see his face, but I assumed it reflected the same surprise I felt.

  “Did you really think I couldn’t buy off Derick?” Bryant moved toward Jared, stopping right next to him. He slammed the window shut in the same motion.

  This wasn’t part of Jared’s plan. I had to think quickly. Two large men stood at either side of the interior door, and I was pretty positive that the window wasn’t going to open.

  “What the hell are you into? Why would you try to take down the Laurents?” Jared asked angrily.

  Bryant circled Jared and paused on his other side. “I like to side with the victors, and I knew times were changing.”

  “Times aren’t changing.”

  “Yes, they are.” Bryant laughed. “She’s with you again, huh? You brought her back for more?”

  “Shut up. She has nothing to do with this.”

  “You brought her, so she does now.” Bryant undressed me with his eyes. I crossed my arms over my chest self-consciously.

  “What the hell are you playing at, Bryant?”

  “Did you really think I was going to stay locked up like a fucking animal forever?”

  Goosebumps covered my body. Whatever was about to happen wouldn’t be good.

  “So what? You’re going to try to kill me? Get rid of your own brother?”

  “You had your own brother locked up.”

  “Because you kidnapped the princess and betrayed the Laurents.” Jared’s voice rose.

  “Wake up. The Laurents aren’t perfect. They don’t even deserve the crown.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jared yelled. “More of your vague bull shit?”

  “The sad part of all this is that you finally disobeyed Levi and now you’re going to pay the price. I guess it’s too little too late.” Bryant put a hand on Jared’s shoulder.

  “Pay the price?” Jared sounded nervous for the first time.

  One of the guards at the door pulled out a gun and aimed it right at me. Jared lunged toward him. Seconds later, Bryant’s hand was on Jared’s back right below his wings. He pressed up on the spot where the wings connected to his back.

  “Aggh!” Jared let out a harrowing scream.

  “It hurts, doesn’t it?” Bryant laughed. “Thanks for teaching that little bitch Allie to do it to me. But it’s not all that bad. We’ll lock you up with some entertainment. I didn’t get that.” Bryant watched me as he spoke.

  Jared stood immobile. Whatever Bryant was doing to Jared’s back made it impossible for him to fight back.

  “Take over for me,” Bryant called to the guard without a gun.

  He nodded, strode over, and put his hand where Bryant’s was. “Sorry. He paid a lot more than you did, Jared.”

  I leaned back against the wall. I had to call for help. I hated to even think about him, but Toby was probably the only one I knew of to call. Bryant’s attention was back on Jared, so I fished out my phone and had just started to push down Toby’s name from the contact list when my phone was ripped from my hand. “And what do you think you’re doing?”

  “Uh, nothing.” I forced myself to look Bryant in the eye. His eyes were so similar to Jared’s, but so different. The coldness in his was the exact opposite of the lightness I usually found in Jared’s.

  “You won’t be needing that.” He tossed the phone on the floor and stepped on it. When he picked up his shoe, my phone was in pieces. I hoped that the call to Toby had gone through. Bryant grabbed my arms and pulled me tight against his side.

  Jared still didn’t move, but Bryant positioned me so I had to look right at Jared’s face, then he released me. Jared stood there completely immobile with a look of absolute agony on his face. His whole body was in a state of tension.

  “Stop that!” I screamed. I couldn’t stand seeing him in so much pain.

  Bryant laughed a maniacal laugh that made me sick. “What, you don’t think he can take it?”

  “Stop! Please stop!” I felt the tears. I hated to see
him that way.

  “Aww, isn’t that sweet.” Bryant stepped toward me so I stepped backwards until my back became flush against the wall again.

  He reached out a hand to touch my cheek, and I slapped it away. “Don’t touch me.”

  He laughed. “Are you really in the position to be telling me what to do?”

  “What do you want? You’ve had your fun, now let us go.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” He grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall. I screamed for Jared even though I knew he couldn’t do anything.

  Bryant unlocked a door and towed me down a flight of stairs. We passed rows of cells with bars, but he finally stopped in front of a cell with a door. He used a key to unlock it then pushed me into the dark space. “Enjoy your stay.”

  A loud thump announced Jared’s body landing next to mine just as the door slammed closed behind us.

  “Jared!” I knelt down next to him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He sat up as though nothing had happened. His wings still extended from his back. Long, black, beautiful wings that I wanted to touch. I was losing my mind. I was locked in a cell, and I was thinking about touching a guy’s wings.

  He moved away from me and over to the door. He pulled on the door, and when that didn’t work, he started banging. He must have spent over twenty minutes trying to find a way out. After a while, I couldn’t watch. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was somewhere else.


  The light from the bare bulb above us left eerie shadows on the wall. Compared to everything else I’d seen over the past few weeks, it might as well have been bright and cheery holiday decorations. I was getting more and more used to the things that once terrified me.

  “Cozy, isn’t it?” Jared broke the silence. Despite his tendency to make my blood boil, I was glad to have him with me. The shadows would have bothered me more if I was alone.

  “Very. It’s hard to believe people don’t choose to live here.” I paced the tiny cell, needing to burn off some nervous energy in the only way I could.

  “On the plus side, we finally have some alone time.” He smirked, at least that’s what it looked like in the dim lighting.

  “It’s so romantic.”

  He laughed. “You can sit down, you know.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “There’s plenty of room over here.” He patted a spot on the cot next to him. Somehow, his attempt to break the door had ended with him sitting peacefully. I didn’t see that change of demeanor coming.

  “I’m okay over here.” I paused my pacing in front of the door. “I wouldn’t want to miss my chance to escape.”

  “To escape this cell or me?”

  “Aren’t they one and the same?”

  He smiled. “Escaping me is going to be hard even outside.”

  “I didn’t know you were into the whole chase thing. I’d have pegged you for a wait for the girl to come to you kind of guy.”

  I don’t know why I was playing into his game. I guess I saw it as the distraction he was offering. That explained the calm. He was trying to make sure I didn’t freak out. I appreciated the effort even if I wasn’t telling him that.

  “Usually I am.”

  “But this time is different?” I rested the heel of my boot against the door.

  “Yeah. Isn’t it obvious? I went through a lot of effort to get us locked in here.”

  “Oh, so this was intentional?”

  “You didn’t think I’d actually let myself get locked in a cell, did you?”

  I laughed. “Never. You’re too strong for that.”

  “Glad you noticed.”

  “Do you think anyone else is around? Is there anyone who can help?”

  “Let’s find out.” He stood up, giving me another peek at his shirtless body. These Pterons had ruined me for other guys. I couldn’t imagine how many hours at a gym it would take a human to get a physique like that.


  “Hello? Anyone around?” Jared screamed.

  “Stop that!” I hissed. “What if someone comes?”

  “Isn’t that what we want?” A smile tugged at his lips. “Unless you like being locked in here with me.”

  Ugh. I didn’t even bother to reply. “Help!”

  No one answered.

  “I guess we know we’re alone.”


  “We’ll get out. You just have to time it right.” He took a single step toward me.

  “Time it right?” I watched him. Did he have an escape plan up his sleeve?

  “If we tried to escape now, they’d be waiting. We have to act when they think we’ve given up.”

  “That’s why you haven’t broken us out yet?”

  “Of course. What did you think?” He crossed the small space and stopped next to me.

  “I think I want to go home.”

  “I want to take you home.” He leaned back against the wall.

  “To your place, or mine?”

  “Depends. What’s your bed like?”

  “A twin in my cousin’s closet.”

  “Then mine. It’s much better than that.” There was a promise in his words, and it went beyond a nice mattress and sheets.

  “It’s not hard to beat.” I leaned back next to him.

  “Is there a story behind the living arrangement? Couldn’t afford to rent his bathroom or something?”

  “Yeah, I prefer a bed to the tub, and I even get to use the shower.”

  “Generous landlord.”

  “Very. He gives me a family discount.” Joking felt good. For a second, I almost forgot where we were.

  “Wow. That’s even better. And if you live in a closet, that means you can get dressed faster in the morning.”

  “My clothes are in the living room.”

  “It’s that small of a closet?” he asked incredulously.

  “It fits my bed.”

  “Do you at least have a door?” He turned his head to look at me.

  “I do!” I clapped my hands as though I was sharing the most exciting reality ever. “And it even has a lock!”

  He laughed. “Awesome. If you have a lock, it might be doable.”

  “Oh yeah? You’d slum it in a closet as long as it has a lock?”

  “For you? Yeah.”

  I leaned my head back. “Do you live in a penthouse, too?”

  “No. I live in a shotgun style house a few blocks from campus. I’m moving out to my own place soon though.”

  “Are you planning to stay in New Orleans?”

  “Why?” He reached his hand over and brushed his fingers over mine in a surprisingly gentle caress. “Worried you won’t get to see me enough?”

  “Just curious. I mean, if we’re going to be locked in a cell together, I might as well learn more about you.”

  “More about me, huh? Are you sure you don’t want to sit down for this?”

  “You’re all about getting me on a bed with you, huh?”

  “I’m okay with this wall too, but I’m a little worried about your back.”

  “Glad to know you’re concerned.”

  “I’m very concerned with your well-being.” He scooted closer.

  “Oh yeah? I didn’t know you were the caring type.”

  “You’ve made a lot of judgments about me.” He moved in front of me, his hips stopping only inches from mine.

  “And you haven’t made any judgments about me?”

  “Only ones I know are true.”

  “Is that so?” I knew I sounded flirtatious, and I couldn’t help it.


  “What are they?”

  “You like to pretend you’re a good girl, but you’re not.”

  I cough-choked. “Where’d you get that idea?”

  “I can just tell. Like right now, the way you’re responding to me. You like how close I am, but if we were in broad daylight, you’d be pushing me away.”

  “I’m not pushing you away now.”
r />   “No. You’re not.” His eyes locked with mine, and it was like he could see right into my mind.

  “Is this how you usually pick up your prey?”

  “My prey?” He smiled. “I don’t generally consider women to be prey.”

  “You don’t?”

  “First you say I don’t chase, and now you say I view girls as prey. Which one is it?”

  “A hunter doesn’t always run after his mark. Sometimes he sits and waits.”

  “Oh yeah? So now you’re telling me I set traps?”

  “You do. You know how to lure girls in, and you know exactly the moment when there’s no turning back.”

  “Are you in that moment now?” He leaned close to me, half an inch more and our faces would have been touching.

  “No.” I touched the wall behind me, needing to remind myself of where and what I was doing.

  “That’s too bad.” His lips skimmed mine.

  “Why is it too bad?” A shiver ran through me.

  “Because I was thinking we could make the best of the situation.”

  “You can stop trying to distract me.” I needed him to stop before I did something stupid. But for some reason, letting Jared kiss me didn’t seem like a mistake—it seemed perfect.

  “Distract you? Who said I was trying to distract you?”


  “I’d do a much better job if I was trying to distract you.”


  “Want to see?”

  I nodded. My head told me not to, but my body said something else entirely.

  He brushed his lips against mine again. I thought maybe he was all talk, but then he ran his teeth over my bottom lip. “I promise to make you forget where you are.” His lips moved against mine, first slow, then faster and faster until he lightly bit down.

  I moaned and let go of the wall so I could wrap my arms around him. He pushed into my mouth while one of his hands slipped underneath my shirt and bra all in one movement. He squeezed my breast, and I pushed my body against his.

  The kiss deepened further and further until I was dizzy. His hand left my breast, and I missed the touch immediately. I groaned.

  He laughed, stepping back from me. “Remember where you are, Casey?”

  It took me a second to respond. “I didn’t, but I do now.”

  “You shouldn’t have said that.”


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