Scars: A Killers Novel, Book 5

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Scars: A Killers Novel, Book 5 Page 32

by Brynne Asher

  “Bella!” Cole bellows in my ear and I stop halfway up the aisle where I’ve advanced on Devon.

  This is not what I planned, not what any of us planned when we agreed I’d approach first, to try to persuade him to turn himself in for a peaceful ending. I begged for this opportunity, for my family and my parents.

  “Bella, listen to me!” Cole growls.

  I pause and Devon senses it, demanding, “What is it?”

  Cole keeps talking. “You’ve got company we weren’t expecting. Wendy Sisson’s car just drove up. They didn’t catch her, dammit.”


  I steal more precious moments and press Devon. “Tell me. I need to know why.”

  “Baby, you need to get out of there. Let us finish it. You cannot be caught in the crosshairs. Not again,” Cole says.

  Devon and I both hear a car at the same moment. I stiffen but don’t dare turn my back to him.

  “Who’s here?” Devon demands. “I know you know. Tell me, Bella.”

  “Fuck. Randolph is with her.” Cole grits in my ear. “I’ll come in there and get you if I have to. Get the fuck out! Now!”

  I ignore them both.

  I don’t take my eyes off Devon. “Mum and Dad … you’re going to break them, you know.”

  He shakes his head and looks past me. “Carson wouldn’t let you come alone. He’s talking to you? Is it Randolph?”

  “They’re walking up,” Cole growls.

  I step into a pew and make a quarter turn so no one is at my back.

  Cole screeches, “Fuck me, Bella! Get out now!”

  I turn to look at Devon.

  He spears me with his eyes and shakes his head.

  Now is not the time for pretenses. We’re both trained by the same organization even though we haven’t lived by the same oath.

  I draw my weapon and it doesn’t faze my brother one bit. He moves to the end of my pew and stands in front of me.


  What the hell?

  The door creaks open, and for the first time since the night at the Kennedy Center, I see Randolph in the flesh. But tonight, he’s not talking to me. He points to my brother. “You have a lot of fucking nerve, Donnelly.”

  “Well, now,” Wendy sing-songs as she steps up next to him, her eyes flitting between Devon and me. “This is an interesting turn of events.”

  Chapter 43



  If I hadn’t lost so many damn phones in the last few weeks, I’d have Crew sharp shoot this fucker into a pile of dust.

  My ass is well massaged from the vibrating it’s taken over the last fifteen minutes. Addy would never message me now, she knows what we’re in the middle of. She’s back at Whitetail taking care of Abbott with a recruit standing guard. The only other person I care about in the world is in jeopardy right now. If my sperm and her egg had a rave in the last week, then I have even more at stake.

  As far as my priority list goes, Penn Simmons sits right above my online grocery order. I do not have time for him right now.

  I’m about to take a chance and see if I can toss the damn phone in the forest to come back for it tomorrow, when I rip it out of my pocket and glance at the screen.

  Penn - Answer your fucking phone!

  Penn – It’s about Spain.

  Penn – What you thought is not what you thought. Fucking call me!

  What the hell?

  I press go on his name.

  He answers in less than one ring. “It’s not like we’re golfing buddies. When I call, it’s fucking important.”

  “I’m a little busy right now,” I whisper.

  “Then I’ll be quick. Donnelly did not do Spain.”

  I sit back on my ass in the forest. “Which Donnelly?”

  “Fucking Devon. I thought we both knew it wasn’t the woman.”

  I did but I had to be sure he thought so too. “How do you know this?”

  “Someone else from Vauxhall is behind the Spain job. They tried to pin it on the Donnelly woman. Devon went rogue to try and clear his sister’s name.”

  What the fuck?

  “Did you hear me?” Penn yells in my ear. “It wasn’t Devon. He took an assignment with NSA to root out the real double agent because British Intelligence was fucking up the case.”

  “Devon works for NSA?”

  This gets Crew’s attention and he flinches for the first time all night. “What? The National Security Agency? You’re sure?”

  “You’re sure?” I echo into the phone. “Time is of the essence and I cannot get this wrong.”

  “I’m sure enough that you can wait to kill him until after you vet my source,” he bites.

  “I’m not sure of anything,” I say to Crew. “But for now, don’t kill him.”

  Crew’s finger immediately lifts from where it hovered over the trigger.

  “Carson,” Ozzy speaks into my other ear. “Man, some guy picked up the money in Amsterdam.”

  Crew and I look to each other and I ask, “Did you get a facial ID?”

  “Running it now,” Ozzy answers.

  I multitask and listen to Penn in my other ear. “NSA knew BI had an internal problem. They were already tracking that shit when the bomb in Spain detonated. BI was pressured and it was easier for them to pin it on the young Donnelly. Devon reached out to NSA. He’s been working as a double agent, but a good one.”

  Ozzy’s voice comes through my other ear, blowing my mind. “Got an ID. Facial is turning up an Oliver Abram.”

  “Ollie?” I ask out loud and can’t start to comprehend what this means. “Shit.”

  Crew turns to look at me, hearing the same feed from Ozzy. “I assume that’s your Ollie.”

  “One and the same. We need to get Bella the fuck out of there.”


  Cole keeps barking orders. “Get the fuck out. This is not what it seems and there’s no gun trained on Devon—he’s on your side and knows who he’s dealing with. Let him take care of himself and finish this. Get. Out. Now.”

  I look at my brother but his eyes never waver from the pair standing at the rear of the church where I was moments ago.

  Wendy and Randolph are surveying the situation, studying us like we’re some weird problem made with an array of numbers and symbols their simple brains can’t compute. I’m holding my gun opposite them—there’s no way they can see it.

  Wendy reminds me of an ugly snake, slithering and slow but could pounce at any moment. “Interesting how you wanted her dead hours ago. Yet, here we are, interrupting your family reunion.”

  “Do I know you?” Randolph focuses on me and I wish I could put a bullet through his head. It would be for every woman he’s ever wronged.

  Since I trust every word Cole has ever uttered, I take my eyes off Devon and look at Randolph and Wendy. Devon’s exhale doesn’t go unheard.

  He knows. At least for now. Because I would never allow him out of my sight if I thought he were a threat.

  I’m trusting he isn’t.

  And look who has her own weapon—the snake herself.

  “You’re in too deep,” Cole grits in my ear. “We’re coming in. Be ready to hit the floor when I give you the word.”

  Devon takes a casual step forward and throws me a glance before shaking his head. Then he reaches out and grabs me by the arm opposite my gun. I feign a struggle, knowing full well I could break free in a heartbeat. If there’s no gun trained on Devon right now, there’s a good reason for it—I’m trusting what I don’t have an explanation for.

  “Told you she was on my trail.” Devon tips his head to me before looking back at Wendy. “You’re an embarrassment to your agency, Sisson. I wouldn’t need to be here if you could carry out a simple operation. And you.” Devon moves his gaze to the Senator. “These worthless pieces of shit reflect on you. If you can’t cover my arse, find yourself another manager to fuck shit up around the world.”

  “We can’t exactly make people disappear Stateside
like we do in the field,” Wendy defends herself and waves her gun around.

  I try to pull my arm out of Devon’s hold for show. His grip isn’t angry or murderous, but protective. If I were anywhere else at the moment, I’d breathe a sigh of relief.

  “I know you,” Randolph doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  “You think?” I spout. “Maybe you should keep your willy tucked away long enough to worry about the fact Marie Kasey will soon be questioned by someone much higher than the D.C. police.”

  “Fuck.” His face transforms into the murderous killer he is as he reaches into his jacket, producing his own weapon.

  Devon flinches and angles me behind him.

  “Hang tight, sweetness,” Cole whispers in my ear. “We’re almost in position.”

  Devon stares at Randolph and grits, “See what I mean? I told you to take care of her and you couldn’t make it happen. I want my money back. I’m out.”

  Wendy shakes her head. “No one leaves once they’re in. Not alive, anyway.”

  “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” Devon grips my arm, giving me a shake before turning his attention back to Randolph. “How far do you plan to take this when your innocent attacks don’t get any attention anymore? Will everything be like Spain?”

  “Devon,” I breathe as light as I can and try to flip my hair to cover my mouth. “They’re coming.”

  Devon doesn’t move a muscle and holds me close.

  “Whatever it takes,” Randolph confirms callously and I hold my breath. “Loss of life is a part of war—it can’t be helped.”

  If I hold my words any longer, bile will rise in their place. “Your war is contrived for personal gain. You’re a cold, calculating murderer.”

  Randolph has no reaction other than the tip of his head when a light hits his eyes. “You’re the woman from the fundraiser. Couldn’t get my mind off you for days. Got to say, like you better as a brunette.”

  “You’ll suffer for what you’ve done,” I spit back.

  “You came to the wrong place, Ms. Donnelly.” Wendy takes a few steps, the click, click, click of her low-heeled shoes might as well be a gong in the heavy air. “You see, we might not be able to do whatever we want in the States, but here—” she waves her gun around again “—in the privacy of this sanctuary, I can get away with a lot.”

  Randolph steps in next to her and pushes Wendy’s arm down to lower her weapon. “I’ll deal with her myself.”

  Devon pulls me tighter.

  “Five seconds, baby,” Cole gives me a warning.

  I bring my hand holding the gun up and press the side of it to Devon’s back. Then I take a deep breath.

  “Say goodbye to your sister and move away, Devon. That is, if you want to walk out of here with your head attached,” Randolph drawls.

  Cole counts. “Three.”

  “I’m a Donnelly. You don’t know who you’re fucking with,” Devon grits.


  “It’s no skin off my back.” Randolph shrugs. “You think I can’t buy someone else? Ollie’s on his way to pick up the money. Maybe he needs a promotion to do the work himself.”


  “You’re wrong,” Devon bites back. “But Ollie is finally going down and so are you, now that you just admitted everything to NSA.”

  Randolph’s face contorts.

  “Now,” I whisper.

  “Go!” Cole grits in my ear.


  I’m first through the door.

  Bullets fill the old building, ricocheting off walls and pews and bursting through stained glass that turn into exploding rainbows filling the night.

  The only thing I see is Bella, flying into the pews, but not under her own accord.

  Devon pushed her.

  Or, more like threw her.

  I don’t see how she lands because Devon falls—flat to the ground from where he was standing.

  Randolph dives the opposite way.

  My eyes move to the side and there’s Wendy Sisson. Her eyes land on me and she frowns.

  Her gun shifts my way. I aim but don’t have a chance to pull the trigger when her stunned eyes widen.

  A bullet through the head.

  I turn in time to see Bella tucking herself behind her pew from where she took out Wendy.

  The men storm in behind me and I barely have time to yell for them to get down as bullets fly toward us.


  Bella peers around the edge of the pew with her gun trained across the aisle. I stoop and make my way to the back of the church as the rest of the men scatter.

  I press the button on my earpiece. “If someone draws him out, I can get a clear shot.”

  Bella’s gun pops over the back of her pew.

  “Dammit, Bella. Not you,” I grit as she rapid fires toward the other side of the building.

  I keep moving to the back of the church. It’s the only way out and his only choice.

  I take a knee, aim, and wait.

  It only takes a few seconds as bullets continue to fly when Crew calls it.


  The senator has no choice but to escape. He comes crawling out like a dog and, I’m such an asshole, I whistle and call for him. “Randolph!”

  His head jerks and he catches my eyes. I want him to know exactly how he dies before it happens. I’m making sure he’ll never fuck with me, or my family, ever again. It’s what he gets for even thinking about touching Bella.

  I pull the trigger.

  One shot.


  I move to him and Wendy to kick their guns away from their lifeless bodies.

  That’s when I hear Bella, and this time she isn’t calling for me, but rather her brother.

  Chapter 44

  Cocky Self



  It was all I could do to focus on the damn gunfight with Devon lying in the open aisle. I crawl to his crumpled body, blood creeping out from beneath him.

  I can’t find my breath and my heart twists.

  “Devon,” I call and grab his shoulder to roll him to his back. He blinks once, and in slow motion, his eyes shift to me. “Oh, thank God. Where are you hit?”

  He tries to reach up but winces. “Shoulder.”


  I look up and Cole is rushing toward us, ripping off his helmet and I demand, “Call an ambulance.”

  Cole doesn’t go for his phone, but Crew does. Instead, Cole takes a knee and puts a hand to the side of my face. “Are you okay?”

  “I only hit my head.” I look back down to my brother. “He’s losing blood.”

  “Ambulance is on its way,” Crew announces.

  Cole reaches for a utility knife in his belt and cuts Devon’s shirt up the middle to find the wound. He wads up the material and presses it to Devon to stop the bleeding before lifting him. “Exit wound. This’ll probably fuck up your shoulder but you should be okay. Man, this would’ve been way easier if you had given us a heads up.”

  I take Devon’s hand in mine and squeeze it, happy tears pooling in my eyes. “I’m so mad at you right now, I’d take you down myself if you weren’t already shot.”

  Devon’s smile is not apologetic. He’s damn proud of his cocky self.

  “We flushed out Ollie last month but couldn’t take him down until we found the money source. We knew it was coming from the States but nothing more. I’ve had eyes on you for months—you led us to Randolph. We didn’t have solid evidence to put him away, it’s why we let things carry on. Can’t fucking believe that guy.” He squeezes my hand before looking to Cole. “Sorry about your house, mate. We knew we were getting close and no one was home. It was my decision to let that IED blow.” He looks back at me. “I took this gig to clear your name. But since Sisson and Peterson were in on it and Cole is CIA, we couldn’t risk saying anything. The upper brass at Vauxhall are going to be shaking in their loafers when this hits the news.”

  “I hope t
hey rot,” I say. It’s not a lie.

  Asa walks up to us as he’s sliding his cell into one of the many pockets on his vest. “Peterson is talking. Not only is he talking, he’s singing like a jaybird. About Wendy, Randolph, the order put on Simmons. And Grady handed Gary off to the county Sheriff—he’s ready to cooperate. With all the evidence, I think your time in Pakistan has come to an end, Bella.”

  He’s right. My days living in hiding are over. I’m not going back.

  “She wasn’t going back anyway,” Cole expresses my thoughts as if he were in charge of my future.

  I glare at him. “No, I’m not, but by my own choice.”

  “Hey.” Devon pulls at my hand and I look back down at my big brother. “This will teach them. No one fucks with a Donnelly.”

  I brush the hunk of hair away that always falls to his forehead. “No. No one fucks with us. Not anymore.”

  Chapter 45



  I pull my phone out of my pocket as I walk through the blackened forest. The number is unknown, but the most interesting calls I get on my work phone are. Sometimes the most exciting things begin with an unknown caller.

  I’m not officially back at work yet. I’m on administrative leave until the people who police the police finalize their report. I’m good with it because I could use a fucking vacation. They told me things will be different when I return next week.

  Different will be good.

  It feels like an eternity, but it hasn’t even been a week since Peterson was taken into custody, Bella killed Wendy, and I took down Randolph. From what I’ve heard, Marie Kasey has left the hospital but has a long road ahead of her. Not sure how an investigative reporter moves on from blackmailing a senator.


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