Escaping Vegas

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Escaping Vegas Page 3

by Dennis Elder

  “We nicknamed him that cause his shoes always squeaked when we was working back in Vegas,” said Ralphy.

  “What did you guys do there,” said Sam.

  Everyone was eating now. Mark pulled out a bottle of 100 year old scotch and waved it at the two convicts.

  “You boys want a little?” asked Mark. “Found it in an old desk. Don’t think the owner will mind if we partake a little.”

  “Sure, said Ralphy a he stretched out his empty cup. “Scotch is close enough to bourbon,” he thought to himself.

  “Susie, would you mind doing the honors?” asked Mark, as he put a little more wood on the fire. There was a growing chill in the air and everyone welcomed the heat.

  “Sure thing,” said Susie as she took the bottle from Mark and began pouring. Susie made sure to pour some into everyone’s cups.

  Squeaky could barely contain his excitement when Susie smiled at him and began pouring the Scotch into his plastic cup.

  “You guys had jobs in Vegas,” said Sam. “I assume you lived there for a while?”

  “Yea, we worked as mechanics in an automobile dealership,” said Ralphy.

  “Lucky you two survived the recent disaster,” said Sam, as he sipped his Scotch.

  Ralphy lost track of the question momentarily when Susie bent over to pour bourbon into Mark’s glass. His mouth hung open a bit as he took in her shape. Ralphy suddenly remembered he’d been asked a question.

  “What was that?” said Ralphy. “What about a disaster?”

  “You know, when all the people died,” continued Sam.

  “We were lucky because we were in a basement building,” said Mark. “Whatever it was never touched us.”

  “We lived in a basement apartment,” said Ralphy, thinking quickly. “Seems like most people were dead.”

  “Yup, same as where we were,” said Susie, between mouthfuls.

  “The other couple, from Vegas,” began Sam. “They mentioned there was a large army, bunch of convicts or something in Vegas.”

  “Convicts,” said Squeaky. “Yea, we…”

  Ralphy cut him off.

  “We heard about them too,” said Ralphy as he looked at Squeaky. Squeaky got the message and turned back to his food and drink.

  “That’s why we got out of there,” continued Ralphy. “Too dangerous. And I wanted to visit my sister in San Bernardino,” he added quickly.

  Ralphy remembered he’d mentioned the reason they’d come this way cause he wanted to see if his sister who might alive in San Bernardino.

  “You guys get a look at the size of this army?” asked Sam.

  Sam reached forward to get more stroganoff as he spoke. He wanted to appear nonchalant and not that interested.

  “Big,” said Squeaky, with a smile on his face.

  “We never actually saw them,” said Ralphy, hoping to amend Squeaky’s statement. “We only heard about them.”

  “So, anybody mention how many?” asked Mark.

  “No, just a few I think though,” replied Ralphy.

  “Why’d ya say that?” asked Sam, between bites.

  Ralphy’s little mind was in overdrive. Suddenly he couldn’t remember what he had told the men earlier. He didn’t want to scare them off. Hopefully they’d walk right in to Vegas and get captured. There were at least two women in this group. Ralphy and Squeaky would be heroes if they brought back two women.

  “We saw only a few of the men,” said Ralphy.

  “From the convict army?” questioned Sam.

  “Right,” said Ralphy, and then suddenly wishing he hadn’t admitted that.

  “We’ll I wouldn’t call them an army,” said Ralphy.

  “Why’s that?” asked Mark.

  “Cause they were just a bunch of guys actin like they was army or somethin,” responded Ralphy. “They weren’t no kind a army.”

  “So, you saw them, up close,” asked Sam.

  Susie just smiled and kept eating her stroganoff.

  “Damn that is one fine lookin woman,” Ralphy thought to himself.

  Sam realized the convicts were really having a tough time keeping their eyes and thoughts off Susie. She was pretty good looking, after all. Susie noticed too and on cue got up and began filling the men’s cups again with scotch. He went to Squeaky first.

  “They have a camp or place where they live?” asked Sam.

  Susie turned back to Sam to pour him more scotch. She swung her rear end around close to Squeaky’s face.

  “The Bellagio,” whispered Squeaky, mesmerized as he looked at Susie’s blue jeans. “Got the first five floors.”

  Ralphy heard what Squeaky whispered but wasn’t so sure his hosts did.

  “We heard they were in the Bellagio hotel, but we never saw um,” said Ralphy. “We just heard about ‘um.“

  “That other couple that came from Vegas said they were a pretty rough bunch,” said Mark. “You guys see any guns?”

  “Not really,” said Ralphy. “We saw a few guards but didn’t notice no guns.”

  “But you guys found some guns,” said Sam, as he gestured to the convict’s rifles leaning against the freeway’s dividing wall.

  “Yea, we were lucky and found um on the way here,” said Ralphy.

  “That was lucky,” said Mark.

  “Yea,” added Ralphy.

  Mark put another log on the fire. The heat was growing now. Most everyone slowly moved back a little from the fire.

  “Well I think we’ll need to find some other way around Las Vegas,” offered Mark as he finished the last bite on his plate.

  “You concerned about the army there?” asked Sam.

  “From what Squeaky, Ralphy and the other couple said, I think we’d be better off avoiding the town completely,” added Mark, as he pulled out a map and unfolded it to his present location. Sam pulled out his flashlight and Mark put the map on the ground.

  “We’re here in Baker,” said Mark as he pointed to the town’s title. “Seems like if you want to go North the only easy way is through Vegas,” continued Mark as he made a serious face.

  “What’s this road here?” said Sam, as he pointed to a road heading directly North out of Baker. “Could we go around Vegas on that road.

  “It’s Highway 127 replied Mark. “But it goes right by Death Valley. I’m not sure we’d make it that way.”

  Ralphy put his plate down on the cement roadway and turned his head to the side trying to see the map more clearly.

  “But it’s not summer,” said Sam. “We could make it if took enough water with us.”

  “I don’t know,” said Mark, as he traced his finger up through Death Valley, searching for a road to take them back to I-15.

  “We’d have to take highway 127 all the way to…. Tonopah. Then cut back here toward I-15,” said Mark. “There aren’t many towns out there. We’d have to take a lot of water.”

  “But we’ve got the people to pull it,” said Sam, looking at Mark. “I know the girls would be willing to pull their share, don’t ya think Susie?

  “You bet we would,” said Susie.

  Ralphy keyed on world girls and gave Squeaky a quick glance.

  “How many people you got in your group?” asked Ralphy as innocently has he could.

  “Twenty one now,” said Mark. “We lost a few on the way.”

  “To bad,” said Ralphy. “You know… its hard on the women.”

  “It’s not too bad,” offered Susie. “We don’t mind.”

  How many women you got with you?” asked Ralphy.

  “Nine, plus a couple of kids,” said Sam as he stirred the fire a bit with a stick. Sparks flew up in the sky and drifted a few feet before they died.

  “I’d much rather travel up through Vegas,” said Mark. “But I think it’s too dangerous, especially for the women.”

  “So, it’s up highway 127 to Tonopah then,” said Sam.

  “I think so,” said Mark.

  Sam threw a couple more logs on the fire. The conversation lagged
a bit. So, Mark talked about how the dog Hampton was so smart and how he would follow sign commands. Susie gossiped a bit about the girls back at their camp. She just couldn’t stand dealing with teenagers at times. They drove her crazy. Mark got up to pour some more scotch and accidently dropped the bottle. It broke and all the alcohol spilled onto the highway.

  “That’s a pity,” said Mark, as he sat back down.

  “Real unfortunate,” added Ralphy, looking down as the liquid seeped into the concrete.

  Another hour passed before it was completely dark. Some more small talk was exchanged. But Major Mark had the information he needed. The bait was set. Now he just needed Ralphy and Squeaky to bite down on the hook.

  Mark stood up slowly. “Well,” he said. “It’s been nice meeting you boys, but I’m getting tired. We’ve got a long journey ahead our group and we need to get some sleep. I’m sure you guys need your sleep too.

  Everybody stood up.

  “Thanks for the chow,” said Squeaky. “Good as my mom used to make.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it,” said Susie as she gathered up plates and cups.

  “Best of luck on your trip to San Bernardino,” said Mark.

  “Thanks,” said Ralphy.

  “Yea,” added Sam. “Hope you guys make there all right.”

  Ralphy just nodded his head as Sam turned away.

  Ralphy and Squeaky stood for a minute or two until the three were out of sight. Squeaky wanted to say something but Ralphy brought a finger up to his lips.

  After another minute Ralphy slowly sat back down with his back against the highway center divider. Squeaky sat down too, watching Ralphy’s face. The fire still felt good.

  “Nine women,” said Ralphy. “You know what that would mean to Ivan.”

  “Yea,” said Squeaky. “I’d finally get a turn.”

  “Not only that you idiot, but we’d be famous for leading Ivan to those women,” said Ralphy. We’d get better rooms too, better food.

  “Yea, but they got guns and other men,” said Squeaky.

  “Maybe, but we got more guys than they do,” added Ralphy. “And more guns too.”

  “So, let’s go,” said Squeaky. “We should get back to Vegas and let Ivan know what we found.”

  “We will,” said Ralphy. “But not until later tonight. We’ll leave after the fire dies down. When it’s out, we’ll start back.”

  “But won’t it look suspicious if we aren’t here in the morning?” asked Squeaky.

  “Nope,” said Ralphy. “They’ll just think we left early on our ride to San Bernardino.”

  Squeaky began to daydream about Susie’s tight jeans. Ralphy quietly began filling the backpacks with the water bottles the men gave them. He wanted to be ready to go the minute the fire went out.

  “We get enough men to ambush the group and it’ll be like taking candy from a baby,” said Ralphy.

  “And we like candy,” said Squeaky.

  Chapter 83: Hotshot

  Mark used binoculars to watch the two convicts sitting next to the fire. The fire gave him a good look at the men.

  “They still there?” ask Sam, as he stood next to Mark.

  “Yea,” and I’m betting they’ll stay there until the fire dies out,” replied Mark.

  Jake and Jacob stood on the other side of Mark. Both of them wore black hoods and dark clothing. Jake had already shown Jacob how to apply dark camo paint to his face. They had their bikes nearby.

  “Jacob,” said Mark.

  “Yes sir,” said Jacob.

  “I’m sending you out with Jake to watch the two men below.

  “Yes sir,” said Jacob, enthusiastically.

  “Normally I would have sent two regulars on this mission,” began Mark. “But Jake says you’re ready for some training.”

  “I appreciate the opportunity,” said Jacob.

  “Jake is the best camouflage man in our group. He was famous in Afghanistan,” continued Mark. “You will learn a lot from him.”

  “Yes sir,” said Jacob.

  “Jake,” said Mark. “Don’t take any chances with these guys. You know their guns don’t fire, but they are still ex-convicts. Who knows what they’re capable of.”

  Mark brought up the binoculars to watch the Squeaky and Ralphy again.

  “First, identify which way they decide to move,” said Mark. “I’m sure they will return to Vegas. That San Bernardino story was a lie. You have the radio. Call me once they make that decision.”

  “Right,” confirmed Jake.

  “Don’t worry about your bike trailers. We’ll bring them up to you once we know our two boys are safely on their way to Vegas,” said Mark. “The rest of the group will be ready to leave as usual around 6:30 in the morning. Keep an eye on them until they are at lEast 10 miles down the road – again if they head toward Vegas. We’ll play it by ear until then. Call me if anything changes.”

  “Roger that,” said Jake, as he turned to Jacob. “Let’s go hot shot.”

  Jacob grabbed his bike. He couldn’t resist smiling from ear to ear. Jake and Jacob disappeared down the road. Jake had already picked out a perfect spot to watch the two men.

  Chapter 84: Right on schedule

  Mark was sound asleep when the radio barked. He sat up quickly and grabbed it off the coffee table, then walked outside. No need to wake anyone yet.

  “Major,” hissed the radio.

  It had been about four hours since Jacob and Jake got in position. They were slightly above the two convicts on a small hill, on the North side of the freeway. Thick brush grew all around their position. Jake spent some of the time showing Jacob how to use his SmartScope and the multiple settings. The infrared setting worked best once the flames of the campfire had gone out. Heat from the remaining embers still glowed bright white in the screen. The heat signatures of the two convicts were a duller green as they finally mounted their bikes and rode off toward Vegas. Jacob was a quick learner.

  “I’m here,” said Mark. “You got movement yet?”

  “Roger that,” Jake’s voice sounded from the radio speaker.

  “Which way?” asked Mark.

  “There definitely heading to sin city,” confirmed Jake. “Leaving now.”

  “10-4,” said Mark. “Remember, trail um and let me know when they are at least 10 miles down the road.

  “Roger that and out,” said Jake, and the radio hiss quit.

  Randy heard the radio and came out to see what was up. He pulled his jacket on as he exited the house.

  “They left yet?” asked Randy.

  “Just left for Vegas a minute ago,” said Mark.

  “Right on schedule,” added Randy.

  The two men stood looking at the night sky. It was getting colder. Winter was coming.

  “Want me to wake everybody up?” asked Sam.

  “Let ‘um sleep,” said Mark. “Gonna be a long day.”

  Chapter 85: Air Conditioning

  Ivan walked along the Vegas strip in complete silence. Whenever he couldn’t sleep he took a solitary walk down the boulevard. It helped him think.

  Things were getting worse with the men. Seemed like no matter what he planned he couldn’t get the men to work together.

  “Too many fights,” the ex-Russian thought to himself. “Like Claudio was saying, we need something to bring the men together, like a common purpose.

  Late last night one of the guys killed two of the women who were working in the pleasure house. He had been drinking and who knows why he did it. It was like reasoning with children. Ivan personally shot the guy in head when they brought him in. At the rate they were going they’d be down to zero girls before too long.

  Ivan had put extra security guards in the pleasure house. But he wasn’t sure if even that would help.

  His mind jumped from one problem to another. After a few minutes he walked past the Eifel tower replica on the East side of the road. He loved the architecture of Las Vegas. So much glass and glitz. America was truly a great natio
n. So much diversity and so much opportunity.

  “Too bad so much of it is dead now,” he thought, still not knowing what had killed all the people.


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