The Orchid Murders

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by The Orchid Murders [eXtasy MM] (lit)

  “Fucking hell,” Anderson yelled out in anger.

  He made his way up the stairs and peered into all four rooms and with each room his anger rose higher and higher. Each room was in a sorrier state than the last. Someone had taken a knife to the beds, the furniture, and his mother’s chair that sat in the far corner of the blue room. That was her favorite room in his house. Anderson felt as though he was losing her all over again. When he entered his bedroom, he felt a tear slid down his cheek for there, on the ground, broken in tiny pieces was the frame that held the last picture that his parents took before his mother died.

  Turning on his heels, Anderson ran out the door. He pulled the detective’s card from his pocket and dialed the number.

  “Morgan,” the voice answered from the other side.

  “It’s Anderson Williams. You need to come over to my place…” Anderson spoke simply. His voice was cracking and he tried to hold on and speak properly. “I need you to come over to my place, please.”

  “Why? What’s happened?” asked Morgan.

  “Please…” Anderson spoke slowly losing it. “Someone’s broken into my house.”

  “Okay Mr. Williams, we’ll be right there.”

  “Come on Roger, the Williams kid has had a visitor.”

  * * * *

  As they sped through traffic with lights and siren, Morgan wondered why anyone connected with his father’s murder would now have come to the victim’s son’s house. This case was getting stranger and stranger.

  They cut the siren when they approached within two blocks and pulled up in front of Anderson’s house. As they got out of their car, they looked around to see if anyone was taking a particular interest in their response.

  As they approached the door, they found Anderson Williams standing out front.

  “Okay sir, have you been all through the house yet?”

  “Yes,” he replied simply.

  “Okay, let’s take a walk through. Have you seen anyone hanging around here lately? Anyone out of the ordinary?”

  Anderson shook his head, “not that I noticed,” he said while walking to the door. “Then again I’m not the most observant person in the mornings.”

  As they entered the house, both Morgan and Sizemore were shocked at the amount of damage. It took them a moment just to take it all in from the living room.

  “Is the whole house like this?” Sizemore asked.

  “Pretty much,” Anderson nodded walking for the kitchen. “The bedrooms got the brunt of it.”

  “Well, take me to your bedroom next,” Morgan said with a slight blush.

  Anderson turned from him and couldn’t help the smirk that passed his lips briefly. It was gone as soon as it came and he climbed the stairs. He walked past the other rooms and showed them his wrecked bedroom, “This is the master bedroom.”

  “Do you live alone Mr. Williams? Live-in girlfriend, wife, that sort of thing?”

  “Live-in girlfriend?” Anderson arched a brow then turned to face him. “Not that I know of and I’m not married.”

  “Have you had any, ah, overnight guests recently?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact,” Anderson walked by Sam. “His name is Byung. The card I gave you has his contact information but he has nothing to do with this.”

  “Of course, you understand that we have to ask these sorts of questions to eliminate the obvious. Does Byung stay here often?”

  “Yes,” Anderson replied. “He’s a very regular guest.”

  “I see. Well, the crime lab is here and they will process the scene. In the meantime, do you plan on staying here tonight?”

  “Not a chance. And I’m not going to B’s because the last thing I want is for the person after me to go after him.” Anderson sighed. “I will stay at a hotel.”

  “Who is B?”

  “B? Byung Ho Fung,” Anderson spoke as though Sam should know exactly who B was.

  “Look, if you want to start on the cleanup here and stay here tonight, I’ll be happy to spend the night here with you, if that would make you feel more secure.”

  Anderson faced him fully then and took a deep breath. He would much rather be in his own bed and he did have enough room - and Detective Morgan was kind of cute. Anderson shook his head to clear that thought, “Can you do that?”

  “Sure. It’s up to me and I can swing it for tonight. But first, the crime lab has to do its thing before you touch anything. Why don’t I get some take out and bring it back for dinner if you will clear away a place to eat when they are finished?”

  “It’s a deal,” Anderson nodded. “Nothing with peanuts.”

  “So you don’t like nuts, huh? Okay. I’ll surprise you with something else,” Morgan said with a smile.

  “I like nuts just fine,” Anderson’s voice had a hint of something to it. “But just not in my Chinese food.”

  “Okay, I’ll try to give you something that won’t make you choke then.”

  Anderson smirked and walked away as he heard someone calling from downstairs. He stopped to nod at the man he assumed was Morgan’s partner before descending the stairs.

  “Well, that was a weird conversation Sam…what the hell?” Roger said.

  “Oh, I was just fucking with him to lighten up his mood. Look at this place!” Sam responded.

  Downstairs, Anderson felt violated. Strangers were in his house again, touching everything, sticking things against his furniture, powder here, and powder there. He took a deep breath and walked out the door with his cell phone pressed to his ear. “Hey B,” he spoke in Cantonese. The last thing he wanted was for the cops to eavesdrop. “My house was broken into—oh I’m fine. One of the detectives offered to spend the night…”

  “Spend the night eh?” Byung chuckled.

  “It’s nothing like that,” Anderson laughed.

  “That why you’re speaking in Cantonese rather than English?” Byung teased.

  Anderson simply laughed and the conversation carried on.

  “But listen,” Anderson said after Byung continued freaking out. “I’ll be fine. He’s got a big gun.”

  Byung laughed, “I bet he does.”

  “You know it’s hard to talk to you when you get like this,” Anderson joked.

  “Uh-huh,” Byung laughed harder.

  As Morgan and his partner left the house, Sam said goodbye to Anderson and told him he would be back around 6:00 with dinner, and an overnight bag. Sam would stop on the way to his favorite Chinese take-out, and pick up what he needed from home.

  Sam began to feel a certain “something” stirring in his loins when he thought about his one night roommate to be. Was he attracted to the guy? The bigger question however was Anderson even gay? Maybe he would find out tonight.

  He dropped Roger off at the station and asked him to follow-up with the Jolly Roger thing. There was something familiar about those scenes from the murders; he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  He made the quick stop at his apartment, picked up a change of clothes, toothbrush and other things of that sort, and stopped and hit himself with a squirt from the Polo cologne bottle. If the guy was gay, he might as well be prepared.

  He made the final pickup as it began to darken even more than it had been from the rain. He hurried to get back to Williams before it began to rain hard again. He didn’t want his clothes or dinner to get soaked.

  With his arms full, he rang the doorbell at Anderson’s.

  After the forensics team left, Anderson had called a cleaning crew and told them that if they could get things cleaned up by six, there would be a rather hefty bonus on their check. He had then spent the rest of the time in his car, grading his students’ quizzes. He was shocked when an hour later someone knocked on his window and explained that they were finished. Walking into the house his jaw dropped but true to his word he gave them a great tip and after they left he took a shower. He dressed in a pair of jeans, a dress shirt and barefooted. He hated shoes. When the doorbell rang, he hurried and pulled it o
pen, “Well, hello Detective,” he greeted while reaching out to help.

  “Great, can you take the food so I don’t drop everything else? Morgan asked.

  “Anything else?” Anderson questioned while peeking around Sam’s body. He took the food and stepped back, “what did you drop?”

  “Just a work shoe, no big deal. I’m just glad to get out of the rain! You ready to eat?”

  “Uh-huh,” Anderson replied, walking away. Talk about a loaded question. He shook his head and walked into the kitchen to put the food down. “Follow me to your room,” he said when he returned, and with that said he climbed the stairs towards the blue room.

  “Damn, I get my own room? Nice,” Sam said as he watched Anderson’s ass going up the stairs.

  Laughing, he stopped at the blue room and flipped on the light. “Here we are,” Anderson stepped in and reached his hand into another room. “Your bathroom is in here. There are fresh towels and so on. Once you get settled I’ll be in the den trying to grade some papers. We can eat then. As you can see, I put new sheets on the beds so that the mattress material can’t get all over you from where the bastards cut up the mattress.”

  “Great, it will just take me a second. I’m hungry and when I need to eat, I need to eat!”

  “A man after my own heart,” Anderson agreed. “All right. I’ll grab some plates and stuff. Meet me downstairs.”

  Sam smiled to himself. I don’t know about being after your heart, but I might be after that fine ass of yours, he thought to himself and then laughed.

  Hearing the laugh as he made his way down the stairs, Anderson shook his head, “Just what I needed—a crazy cop.” He wanted to grab plates but he hadn’t had time to replace the broken ones. Frowning, he reached into the fridge for a couple bottles of juice and hopped onto a stool. Rummaging through the bag he found that the restaurant had put everything in large containers instead of small serving boxes.

  He wanted to cry—frowning he reached in and removed the containers. Curiosity caused him to peek into each before getting up and rummaging through a drawer. Thankfully his chopsticks weren’t destroyed in the unwelcome blitz that was the break in. He picked up two sets and moved back to the stool to wait. While he did that he flipped the television on and it was on a music station. He meant to change it but Byung’s new video was on. The one with him in it as the lead male. His cheeks heated up and he shook his head but didn’t change the channel.

  As Sam entered the room, he looked over at the television and noticed that the man sitting in front of him was also on the television. He looked very sexy on the tube and it heightened his interest in Anderson.

  “Two questions: What are you doing on television, and what the hell do you expect me to do with two oversized toothpicks?”

  Damn! Caught!

  He didn’t bother turning it off but didn’t meet Sam’s eyes. “The chopsticks are for eating,” he said handing two over to the cop. “As for the television, Byung seems to think I look better than him half naked with a girl sliding all over me,” Anderson stuffed half of a spring roll into his mouth before he said something else. The last thing he wanted to do was blurt out “I’m a flaming homo,” and scare the cop half to death. That thought caused him to smirk but it was hidden by his chewing, “Byung is a singer,” Anderson explained, “he wanted a male lead for the video and I was volunteered.”

  “Are you supposed to look that gay?”

  Anderson bit his tongue at a comeback to that but instead he flipped off the television and dropped the remote on the counter, “I guess.” He picked up the chopsticks and tried to eat. But his appetite just wasn’t there.

  “Relax, I was just kidding. You don’t look that gay! Don’t you have a fork around here?”

  Without thinking, Anderson placed his chopsticks across the mouth of the container. He reached in and took Sam’s hand to set the chopsticks how they were supposed to be, “try using them.”

  “Why don’t you eat like an American? Damn….eating with toothpicks takes so much work. Just use a fork and get the job done. By the way don’t you know you need permission to touch a cop?”

  Anderson arched a brow, “next time I’ll be sure to ask,” he smirked before moving to the drawer again. He pulled out a fork and held it up, “I’ve got forks. But you have to ask nicely.” There was no turning back now. Only one chance to find out if Detective Sam Morgan was up for some real fun.

  “Anderson, I would love to have that fork to eat with. Now you can give it up nicely, or I can jack you and take it!” Sam said with a smile.

  “Jack me,” Anderson smirked. “Well, I’ve never heard it put quite like that before. Let me think about that. What is involved with this “jacking” that you speak of?”

  “What do you want it to involve?” Sam asked trying to be careful.

  Walking back to where he was before, Anderson sat down. What in the hell was he doing hitting on a cop? It was evident Sam wasn’t gay; he didn’t even get the sex joke. He smiled and handed over the fork, “here you go,” and picked up his chopsticks again.

  “Are you always this easy? You gave in without much of a fight; do you like it that way?”

  He looked up, “there are certain lines one has to be careful in crossing,” Anderson explained. He placed some rice into his mouth before looking over at Sam. “Do you understand?”

  “I understand many things Andy. One question I needed to ask you earlier and didn’t want to do so in front of my partner so as to not embarrass you, but I’ll ask it now. Are you gay by any chance? It helps to know these things for investigative purposes.”

  “For the purposes of the investigation,” Anderson nodded. “Yes.”

  “I see.” Morgan put another forkful of food into his mouth while he thought about his next remark. He swallowed and said, “Do you have a boyfriend? Is this video guy your man?”

  “These questions still for the purposes of the investigation, Detective?”

  “No, that one was strictly for personal reasons.”

  “I see. No. Byung isn’t my man. Byung’s not gay.

  “Glad to hear it. One less intimate suspect to worry about,” Sam said with a broad smile and then he took another bite of dinner.

  Anderson said nothing. He bowed his head feeling like a complete tool. He had just about hit on a straight man in his kitchen. Chalking it up to a lapse in judgment, he continued eating silently, praying for dinner to be over so he could hide in his den and grade papers—the life of a professor.

  Sam finished eating and got up and walked around to the sink and placed the fork into it. He then turned around and walked up behind Anderson and put his arms around the man’s chest from behind.

  “I’m glad you don’t have a boyfriend. Is this okay with you?”

  How does one answer a question like that? Anderson held his breath and his body stiffened. “I’m sure it is,” he spoke. He was proud of the strength in his voice even as his body felt as though it was on fire. He fought hard not to shiver, not to show any form of feeling until he was sure—absolutely, positively sure.

  “In that case you won’t mind this,” Sam said as he bent down and kissed Anderson on the neck while he moved his hands slightly over Anderson’s chest.

  Anderson licked his lips as his head fell to one side. “You are playing with fire,” he managed to get out. His brain began interjecting hesitations and Anderson fought the urge to push away from Sam. His breath caught in his throat while his arm lifted as on its own accord backwards to bury his fingers into Sam’s hair.

  “Hmm, that’s okay; I’m also trained as a fireman. Can you think of anything we might do tonight when the lights go out?”

  Maybe it was the desperate need for sex talking but when Anderson opened his mouth the wrong thing came out, “I can think of a few things,” he managed. He tightened his fingers in Sam’s hair and tilted Sam’s head upward so he could get to his lips. Anderson simply licked at Sam’s lips before turning away.

  “I wa
nna fuck you.”

  “In that case, Detective,” Anderson stood up and walked for the kitchen door. “You’re going to have to fight me for it.”

  “That’s what the handcuffs are for.”

  No reply came from Anderson’s lips except a slow smile. He slowly removed his shirt, let it puddle at his feet then stepped over it and left the room.

  “This is gonna be an interesting night,” Sam said to himself as he followed his prey.

  Chapter Four

  Anderson was fully naked by the time he crawled backwards onto his bed. The thought that he may be doing something that would backfire in his face in the future came to him but he deserved this. It had been so long since he had made love to anyone. But no, what he was about to do wasn’t making love—he was about to be fucked by the detective that was supposed to be finding his father’s killer. But at that precise moment, Anderson had something that needed taking care of. Slowly, he ran his hands down his body, over his tightened nipples. He moaned arching his back towards his roaming hands. Back upwards, he played with his nipples, making then tightened even more to the point of pointed. Then he licked his lips and dragged one hand down between his legs. He used one hand to massage his balls before singling out one finger to dance the tip over his asshole. A sound escaped his throat, his legs stiffened at his side and he smiled.

  But he didn’t stop there. His fingers curled around his now engorged cock and slowly, while he waited, he stroked himself.

  Sam looked at the shirt on the floor and smiled. “There’s a lot more than just that coming off of you tonight, I fear,” he thought to himself. Sam added all of his clothes to the shirt and began to walk up the stairs totally naked, enjoying the cool air caressing his body as he went. He couldn’t wait to run his hands over the well shaped body of Anderson Williams. Damn he needed to get some.


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