Be Mine

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Be Mine Page 3

by April Hollingworth

  He looks up at my words, bestowing on me a smile that melts my insides. “Thank you.” He turns to the picnic basket, bringing it toward me he puts it down before sitting. “Okay, I hope you’re hungry,” he’s already diving into the basket dragging out containers. Opening a corner of each, he informs me what it is before placing it down, until he has emptied the basket. Moving it to one side, he asks what I’d like first, before selecting the container and passing it to me.

  Slowly we eat, catching up on the years since we last saw each other. At one stage he’s regaling a story of a mission that has me laughing so hard, I can’t breathe let alone eat.

  “That can’t be true,” I finally gasp.

  “Oh it is,” he chuckles in amusement, “If you don’t believe me, ask Jonathan.”

  “You were in the army with Jonathan?”

  “Yep, we met signing up, went through training together, and everything. That has to have been one of my luckiest breaks, meeting him.”

  “In what way?”

  “Finding a friend from the beginning, we had each other’s backs through the whole experience.”

  “I thought you army guys are all, brothers in arms, kind of thing.”

  “Most of us are.” A look passes over his face, whatever he’s thinking about isn’t a happy memory.

  Changing the subject, I give a lame ass apology of my behavior earlier. A snort of a laugh escapes him.

  “Sweetheart, don’t ever apologize for touching me.”

  “Okay, I won’t,” I reply giving him a slight smile, before glancing away.

  Before long it’s time to pack up, once everything is gathered, he collects the rocks and returns them to the woods. He picks up the basket and offers me his spare hand. My hand slips into his as if it belongs. I feel a slight pressure, as his fingers wrap around mine, giving them the barest of squeezes. Side by side, talking of nothing and everything, we return to his car.

  “I was wondering if you fancied doing something soon.”

  “Sure,” I reply, smiling up at him, “What do you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking of dinner, and a film, unless there’s something in particular you’d prefer?”

  “Sounds good, Friday night suit you?”

  “Friday’s good, sooner would be better.”

  I can’t help laughing at his reply. “Good to know. Friday is the earliest I can make it though.”

  Before long we’re back at his house. I climb out and thank him for the lovely day.

  “You want to come in, or go somewhere and do something?”

  “I can’t. I would if I could,” I admit, surprised at the truth of my words, and the regret I feel.

  He escorts me to my car; taking my hand, he kisses my knuckles, “Until Friday.”

  How such simple words can make my knees feel so week I have no idea. Yet those words, with the intensity in his eyes, as his lips brush across my knuckles, almost undo me. Unlocking my car, I slide inside. I take a moment to collect myself before driving away. A feeling of warmth spreads through me, partly pleasure from today, also excitement, at the thought of seeing him on Friday.

  Heading home, I sing along to the radio, thinking of the things I have to do once I get there. Mainly washing and cleaning, also writing my next story. Things suddenly are looking so much brighter and positive. I can’t help smiling.

  Chapter 7

  Wednesday evening, when I arrive for self-defense class, I’m surprised at the blazing lights, lighting up the whole car park. Exiting my car, I spot Mark’s, a couple of parking spaces away. Hurrying into the building, I can’t wait to see him. When I do, I come to a screeching stop, tripping over my own feet; I stumble forwards only to be caught in his strong arms.

  “You okay?” He asks steadying me.

  “I’m fine, thanks to you,” I reply, looking him up and down, I ask the question slamming around my brain, “So why are you dressed in only shorts?”

  A laugh escapes him, as he traces my jaw line. “I was training,” he explains. A second later, the door opens to the gym area; Jonathan appears also dressed in loose shorts, similar to Mark’s.

  “Hey Beth, are you early or am I running late?” he inquires while wiping the sweat from his muscular torso.

  “Both,” I reply, for lack of anything better to say.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a second,” he replies, walking past us and into the men’s changing rooms.

  “I best get ready too,” Mark informs me, releasing me slowly, before heading into the changing rooms. I can’t help turning around and watching his fantastic back disappear. Just before the door closes, he pops his head out, and with a wicked grin on his face asks, “Did you enjoy the view?”

  “Oh yes,” the words fly from my mouth before I can think about stopping them. Heat enters his eyes burning brightly into mine, before he retreats behind the closing door.

  “Damn.” I mutter, before finally moving into the ladies room to get ready for class.


  Ten minutes later, I have Beth where I want her. On her back, beneath me.

  “Ugh, I swear you’re having fun,” she mutters, trying to roll me off her.

  “I am thanks,” I’m about to give her instruction on how to change position, when she finally manages to maneuver us, so she lands on top. “Excellent.” I inform her staring up at her, “Now are you enjoying yourself?”

  Her reply is to give the slightest wiggle, nothing obvious, yet one that makes my eyes widen and another part of me stir to attention.

  “I must admit, I do like these positions,” she answers with a naughty twinkle in her eye.

  “Glad to hear it,” I practically growl, before sitting up so our faces are centimeters apart. Quickly she climbs off me and I climb to my feet too. “Again,” I instruct.

  Once more, we go into fight mode.

  An hour later, I’m hot, sweaty, and exceptionally impressed with the women of the class. Each one of them is fierce and determined. They also listen well to instruction and if unsure, ask for clarification.

  “Well done ladies,” Jonathan calls out, efficiently calling the end of the class.

  I head over to him and watch as the women climb to their feet and exit to the locker-room.

  “Great class,” I inform him, nodding toward the retreating group.

  “They are. When they first started, most wouldn’t ask questions. Thankfully, they don’t have that problem anymore. They know it’s necessary.”

  “Will you be around tomorrow, about one?”

  “Yeah, I should be, if not before, why?”

  “My man is arriving to fit the cameras. He said he should be here for one at the earliest two the latest,” I reply, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

  “Excellent, I wasn’t expecting everything to happen so quickly. I should have, knowing you’re in charge. I’ve gotten used to other peoples’ time lines,” he admits with a wry smile. “So, I was thinking about phoning your sister…”

  Looking at my friend I give a snort of laughter, “You should, the sooner the better.” I inform him, pushing off from the wall I retreat into the changing room.

  Chapter 8

  Finally, Friday night arrives. Mark collects me from my house, drives us to the restaurant. Once there, he escorts me inside, and treats me like the most important person in the world. When dinner is over, we go for a stroll along the beach. Hearing the wave’s crash, I almost feel as if we’re the only people around. Well, until a gust of wind blows my skirt up, and I hear someone wolf-whistle behind us.

  Grasping my skirt, I wrestle it down, my cheeks flaming brightly.

  “If you like, we can head back to the car and go onto the cinema, or if you don’t mind still walking for a while, you can tie my jacket around your waist. It should keep the wind from…”

  “Perving at my panties,” I laughingly finish for him.

  A burst of laughter erupts from him, “Exactly,” he chuckles while removing his jacket. Stopp
ing in front of me, he wraps it securely around my waist before once more offering me his hand.

  We continue walking, enjoying the night and each other’s company. When we eventually arrive at the cinema, we pick a movie, buy our munchies, and find our seats.

  Later, he drives me home, escorts me to my door, and says goodnight, once more kissing my knuckles before insisting I close the door and lock it, before he’ll get into his car. Before he leaves, he asks to see me tomorrow night, explains it’ll be a double date. I’m delighted to find out Jonathan has finally asked Sally out on a date.

  Chapter 9

  The weeks fly past turning into months. During the passing time, we go on plenty more double dates, and even more dates with just the two of us.

  Christmas is a loud and boisterous affair. I spend it with Mark, Sally, and their family. Jonathan is there too, all in all twelve of us somehow squeeze into their parents house. It’s been years since I’ve last had a Christmas like this one, filled with love and laughter. It makes me feel peaceful which is almost laughable, since trying to find a quiet corner is practically impossible. Throughout the day, Mark stays close to me. Making sure I’m okay and have anything I need. During the afternoon, he takes me for a walk, where we slip and slide on the ice, more than walk.

  Snow coats the surrounding area, thick and beautiful, dressing the trees, buildings, and shrubs in a sparkling blanket. It’s surprising how much beauty is around when you’re happy, yet under different circumstances, the same scene can make you feel isolated and alone.


  The four of us celebrate the New Year out on the town. A wonderful beginning to what I’m hoping will be a fabulous year ahead. January flies by and before I know it we’re into February. Mark and I have been dating for six months, and they have turned into the most wonderful months of my life.

  I’ve just signed a contract for my second story, and can’t wait to share the news with, well everyone, to be honest. Sally and I are going on another double date tonight with Mark and Jonathan, where we’ll all be celebrating our first Valentine’s Day as couples. I’m so happy it feels like my smile is glued to my mouth. I can’t wait to share my news with him. I know he’ll be just as happy for me, if not more so.

  My mind scoots forward, counting down the hours, until I see him again. I’ve never felt so excited about someone, or so sure of them, in years. Walking into the diner, I’m surprised to see Mrs. Hardy, sitting in a booth, waiting patiently and quietly. My smile shakes for a second. I wonder what she’s doing here. I decide she can’t ruin my happiness. I won’t allow her to.

  Ignoring her, I carry on through to deposit my coat and bag into the staffroom. Taking a deep breath, I head back into the diner to start my shift.

  “Beth, can I have a word please?” Mrs. Hardy asks me, when I arrive at her table to ask for her order.

  “I’m working Mrs. Hardy, and we don’t have anything to talk about.”

  She places her hand on mine to stop me from going. Looking down I’m surprised how wrinkled it is. I glance up from her hand. I notice lines grooving her face. The sag of her shoulders, she looks old and tired, something I never would have thought possible.

  “Let me sort these orders out then I can spare five minutes.” I inform her, before walking into the kitchen.

  Twenty minutes later, I slide into the seat opposite her. I don’t waste any time just bluntly ask what she wants.

  “Well there’s…”

  “Mrs. Hardy, I don’t have the time, or inclination, to beat around the bush. You want something, so just say it. I’m busy.”

  She looks at me, as if seeing me for the first time, giving a slight nod of her head. “You’ve changed, for the better. You’re stronger than you were before. Okay, James is up for a preliminary hearing. I want you to say that you support his early release,” she informs me, before standing, as if the discussion is over.


  “Excuse me?” confusion creases her wrinkled face, causing the lines to deepen.

  “I said no, I won’t do any such thing,” I feel anger race through me. How dare she demand such a thing!

  “It’s your fault my boy is in prison,” she hisses at me.

  “Actually it’s his fault he’s in prison. His bad choices got him there, so don’t blame me for his actions,” I growl at her.

  “My boy did nothing wrong!”

  “Your boy…your boy is a murderer. I think that’s called doing plenty wrong.” Standing up, I leave the booth to silence. I feel everyone’s eyes staring at me and don’t care. Instead, I walk toward the counter, grab the coffee pot, and see if anyone needs a refill.

  Mrs. Hardy is right about one thing though. I am stronger than I was before, stronger than I even realized. This simple thought brightens my day considerably, putting a bounce back in my step, and the weight of the past to lift from my shoulders.

  Chapter 10

  As I enter the diner, a little old woman storms past me. What surprises me though, is the utter quietness inside. No one is talking. All cutleries are either paused mid use or placed on the tables. Looking around, I get a creepy feeling of staring at mummified people. Everyone’s stillness is unnatural, it’s only when I see my sisters face peering through the door leading into the kitchen, that I decide to continue into the diner.

  A second later she comes out, glances toward Beth, who I’ve just spotted pouring coffee, at the farthest corner of the diner. Sally points me to a booth away from everyone else and sits opposite me.

  “Oh my God,” she whispers to me in an urgent voice causing alarm to race through me, “Apparently…”

  “If you’re going to gossip, I’m not interested,” I inform her before she can carry on, relief washes through me that nothing bad has happened.

  “But…” whines Sally, with a look on her face, as if she’ll burst if she doesn’t tell me.

  “No, I have no interest in gossip.”

  “It’s about Beth.”

  I pause for a second. Shake my head and look sternly at her. “If she wants me to know, she’ll tell me herself, otherwise whatever happened is none of my business.”

  “Thank you,” Beth’s voice comes from directly behind me, causing me to start and turn around to face her.

  “You okay?” I ask, looking her up and down. Making sure she’s unhurt.

  “I’m fantastic, even better after seeing you,” she adds, before leaning down and kissing me.

  I sit there stunned for a second, unsure what exactly is going on. Feeling her about to pull away, I quickly wrap my arms around her, dragging her down beside me, deepening our kiss before she can remove her lips from mine.

  Eventually she moves back a fraction to gulp oxygen. I rest my forehead on hers, drinking her in with a goofy grin on my face.

  “You okay?” I ask again, quietly, while staring into her eyes.

  A smile blossoms across her face, sparkling in her eyes, “I’m really good, excellent in fact.”

  “Beth, what did you mean when you called Mrs. Hardy’s son a…”

  “Sally, not here please,” she interrupts my nosy sister, “I’ll explain later. I’ll come around yours before we go out tonight.”

  “You know you don’t have to explain anything,” I look at my sister and Beth, feeling puzzled. What is going on? Whatever it is has Sally about to explode from curiosity, and has Beth…calm and in control. Confident. Can it be the same thing, effecting both of them, and everyone else? Because Beth’s confidence and assertiveness, seems different to everyone else’s shock.

  A few minutes later both women leave my booth, noise returns to the diner, and I wait for my food. Once I’ve eaten and paid, I head off to work. My day goes fast. I sign some new contracts, put in motion security measures requested for other jobs. Check out some potential clients, and their buildings in question, as well as deposit cheques in the bank. At the back of my head, the puzzle of the morning and what Beth wants to tell me, keeps part of me from focusing. Closi
ng early, I go to the gym for a workout.

  Jonathan and I gear up and go a couple of rounds in the ring. A couple of guys doing weights pause to watch us fight. Our fists and legs fly at brutal speeds as we mix up our fighting techniques.

  “Shit, you guys are good,” someone calls out, once we’re finished, “You ever thought about doing it for real?”

  A laugh escapes us both, as we turn to the skinny man before us. “We just enjoy the training,” I inform him. I grab a towel to wipe the sweat from my face and body, before heading toward the changing room to freshen up.

  “You should think of doing some fights, for real.” He calls after us, in his high pitch voice.

  We both ignore the persistent man. Instead, we head off to clean up. Once out of hearing from everyone else in the gym, I ask, “Who is he? I haven’t seen him working out, and he doesn’t exactly look like he does either.”

  “I’m not sure, to be honest.”

  “Maybe you should find out then. No point in having all this security in place, if you’re letting unknown, non-members in. It didn’t look like he was checking out the place, as a prospective gym to join. More as if…”

  “He’s trying to recruit MMA underground fighters. Shit.” Turning quickly back, Jonathan collars the skinny man who is talking to other gym members. I don’t listen to see what he says, instead carry on to the changing room to shower. I’m just finishing dressing when he finally enters, grumbling away to himself.

  “What are you muttering about?”

  “He was trying to get the guys to join an underground fight club. Fair enough if they want to do that, but I won’t have anyone being recruited on my property.”

  “Have you thought of getting a code for the gym door similar to the changing rooms? You can even use the same code to make it easier for the members.” I ask, while tying my shoelaces. I grab my jacket from my locker and close the door, “At least then, members can enter the areas. While prospective members can enter the building, but will have to wait to be shown around.”


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