Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 13

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  “Can’t doing that open you up to malpractice suits?” Lanier inquired.

  “I take the Hippocratic oath seriously. I’m here because medical help was needed.”

  Ashleigh came back to the table with coffee and two mugs. “And we’ll never forget this act of kindness. It means a lot to us, Kelly.”

  Once Ashleigh served hot drinks to Lanier and their guest, she slowly maneuvered her pregnant body into a brown leather recliner. While sipping on her bottle of apple juice, she took one look at Lanier and frowned. “You look troubled, Lanier. Is there trouble with Dallas?”

  Lanier curled her legs up under her to get comfortable. “Dallas is nothing short of my heaven. It’s not about him.” Lanier scowled. “I didn’t want to bother you with this, Ash, especially with you expecting. But I’m concerned over a conversation Lauren and Stephanie had with me about their aunt.”

  Ashleigh looked concerned. “What was said?”

  Lanier waved her hands about. “The girls overheard their aunt talking to her live-in boyfriend about taking them from here because she needs extra money. According to the girls, Sandra talked about petitioning the courts for legal guardianship. They do not want to live with her. Lauren and Stephanie made that point clear to me.”

  Ashleigh shook her head in dismay. “Sandra Gossett is Karen Liggin’s sister, who is the deceased mother of Lauren and Stephanie,” she explained to Kelly. “There’s nothing we can do to stop her from trying to get custody. If the girls don’t want to go, the courts should consider their feelings.”

  Lanier nodded. “The boyfriend is a convicted felon. That should heavily figure into the court’s decision if her home is fit or not. The social worker shared the sensitive information with me when I called to ask if Sandra could take the girls. She told me Karen didn’t want her sister to have her children under any circumstances. Stephanie and Lauren became wards of the state a month or so before their mother died.”

  Ashleigh sighed heavily. “We’ll have to wait to see how it unfolds. I just hope whatever happens is favorable for the girls. Never worry about sharing anything troubling with me because I’m pregnant. Everyone thinks I’m terribly fragile, especially Austin. I won’t shatter into tiny fragments. I can promise you that.”

  Lanier smiled to show her appreciation of Ashleigh’s reassurances. “Are you and the baby excited about the cruise? I am. I can hardly wait to sail.”

  Ashleigh massaged her stomach. “We’re ecstatic. I’m glad you and Dallas worked out the details for you to go. Martha and Norma will do a great job. The girls love them. Besides, they’re so motherly. You need to relax and chill out. Nothing will happen to our children under their loving care. I have a lot of confidence in both women, Lani.”

  Ashleigh looked over at Kelly. “Sorry about that. I hope you don’t feel left out.”

  Kelly smiled with understanding. “Not at all. I’m a real good listener.”

  “I’m relieved. It wasn’t our intent to be rude to you. Are you excited about the cruise?” Lanier asked Kelly.

  Raising her brows, Kelly shrugged, setting down her coffee cup. “I was. I’d planned to go, thrilled by the invite, but a rather unexpected twist has occurred.” She explained to Lanier and Kelly what had happened with Houston and her earlier.

  Ashleigh’s mouth fell agape. “Houston acted like that? That’s hard to believe. He’s always so cool, calm and collected. I hope you know what his behavior means.”

  Kelly shrugged. “I’m afraid I don’t. What does it mean?”

  “The boy is in love,” Lanier responded before Ashleigh got the same words out her mouth. “There’s no other explanation for his odd behavior. Did you call him?”

  Kelly nodded. “Several times…and I also left numerous messages.”

  “When he hears them,” Ashleigh said, “he’ll probably feel like a heel.”

  “I don’t want him to feel bad.” Kelly sighed. “I want him to know I’m not a liar.” Kelly drained her coffee mug. “I really need to get on home,” she said, hastening to her feet. “Come to my office at noon tomorrow so you can get right in and out. We close for lunch. No other patients should be there, unless we fall behind schedule.”

  Lanier hugged Kelly and Ashleigh followed suit. The two friends escorted the doctor out to her car. Austin pulled up as Kelly got into her car.

  His nude body still wet from his morning shower, Houston wrapped a large white towel around his waist. He then reached for the ringing phone. Hearing Kelly’s voice made him smile and put fear in him, all at the same time. Walking into the bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the mattress. “Good morning to you, too. Nice greeting. You sound pretty chipper today.”

  Kelly couldn’t stop staring at the flowers on her desk. Houston had had them sent to her office. The white, yellow and pink long-stemmed roses were arranged to spell out a special message: I’m sorry.

  “You are an original, Houston. The roses are beautiful! Thank you so much.”

  Lying lay back on the bed, Houston dangled his long legs off the end of the mattress. “I am sorry, you know. I was horrible to you last evening. Is there anything else I can do to make up for it?”

  “There is. I’d like for you to simply talk to me about what’s happening between us. Our relationship is all over the map. I think we need clarity. Is it possible?”

  “I agree. It’s actually imperative. Does this evening work for you?”

  “After six o’clock is fine. My last patient is at three-thirty, but I’ll have paperwork to tend to. Can you come over to my place? Or do you want to meet elsewhere?”

  “Your place is fine. I’ll bring takeout. Any food suggestions?”

  “Chinese or pizza is good. You decide.”

  “See you at six-thirty. Have a great day, Kelly.”

  “You, too, Houston.”

  Houston sat up to cradle the phone. As he lay back down, he thought about how sweet and innocent Kelly had sounded. She hadn’t mentioned one word about his bad-boy tactics of the previous evening, but he had expected her to give him holy hell.

  Had the shoe been on the other foot, Houston knew he would’ve acted sullen and withdrawn. Any conversation would’ve had to be pried out of him. Kelly had a forgiving nature, a great characteristic to possess. He was also pretty forgiving, but his other character flaws were numerous and glaring.

  With so many things to do before the morning hours blew by, Houston jumped up and began to dress in haste. Always careful to look his best, his choices in attire included a pair of casual black slacks and a snowy-white, summer-weight V-neck sweater. A shiny pair of black Italian leather shoes complemented his relaxed look. No matter what style of dress he wore, the sexy power forward turned heads wherever he went.

  Houston was having a hard time concentrating on the meeting with his brothers. His mind was on the early-morning call from Kelly and their date for later in the evening. Nearly finished with finalizing the details for the birthday cruise, the three brothers sat outdoors on Austin’s patio. The four-day sailing itinerary would give them plenty of time to show Angelica how much she truly meant to them—and to also accommodate Ashleigh’s traveling restrictions. Her obstetrician had approved the trip, but for no longer than five days.

  The guys had also discussed the idea of purchasing their mother a complete formal ensemble and a pair of diamond earrings. Ashleigh and Lanier would help them select the clothing, shoes and jewelry. Both women had a keen eye for fashion.

  Austin took a sip of his ice-cold lemonade. “Maybe we should just let Mom choose her diamonds, guys. She may not like what we select. What do you think?”

  Dallas nodded. “Good point. We can give her a diamond gift card from one of the local, reputable jewelers. That way she can pick out anything she wants. Since I have back-to-back home games, I won’t be able to shop with you guys. Think you knuckleheads can handle things without me?”

  Houston feigned a punch aimed at Dallas’s jaw. “I know we can. You always find a reason to
disappear when it comes to shopping sprees. You won’t be missed.”

  “Thanks for lifting my spirit, little bro,” Dallas shot back sarcastically.

  Austin laughed heartily. “Put a lid on it, guys. No matter who does it, the job gets done. Do we want to impose a spending limit for the jewels?”

  Both Dallas and Houston shook their heads in the negative.

  “If we choose the jewelry,” Houston said, “a return policy will apply.”

  Austin nodded. “Good point. Split three ways, the sky is our limit! We’ll discuss the final costs before purchasing the gift card or choosing the diamonds. Okay?”

  Dallas and Houston agreed wholeheartedly to Austin’s plan. For the next hour or so, the Carrington brothers talked sports. Austin and Houston planned to be in attendance for Dallas’s upcoming home games.

  Austin’s off-season ran from January to August. If his team didn’t make the playoffs, or if ousted before the Super Bowl, his downtime was longer. Houston’s regular season ended in April. If they got into the NBA playoffs, the games ran until mid-June. Spring training began in March for Dallas. His season could run well into October, depending on how long his team lasted in winning a World Series spot.

  Later that night Houston helped Kelly clean up her kitchen now that they’d finished eating the delectable Chinese takeout he’d brought along with him. The freshly cooked curried shrimp and mushroom chicken had been very tasty. The crisp, petite spring rolls were delicious. Houston had also brought along a steaming order of hot and sour soup.

  While Houston thought about the topics he and Kelly might discuss, he rinsed off the glasses and silverware and put them in the dishwasher. After filling the dishwasher’s soap dispenser, Houston turned on the power with a flick of an electric switch. Once Kelly hung up the dish towels to dry, she and her guest quickly escaped to the massive family room, where leather recliners and other comfortable furnishings were housed. A large plasma screen and state-of-the-art stereo equipment, featuring Bose speakers, made the room a great entertainment spot.

  Since Kelly knew Houston planned to talk about their relationship, she didn’t bother to turn on the television or stereo. She sat down on the sofa and he took one of the plush, oversize chairs facing her.

  Appearing nervous, Kelly looked over at Houston, her eyes blinking abnormally. “Do you want to go first?”

  Houston shrugged, desiring to get this conversation under way and over with as soon as possible. “Okay by me. I guess I first need to ask if you’re interested in having an exclusive relationship. If so, what are your expectations?”

  Kelly took a moment to ponder Houston’s surprising questions. “Before I respond to your query about exclusivity, I’d like to know how you define the term. And are you referring to us in this particular instance or just speaking in general terms?”

  Houston wasn’t surprised that Kelly wanted things spelled out for her in plain English. She liked to be well-informed on issues affecting her life. That she hadn’t demanded clarity long before now was the real shocker. “A relationship involving just two people is how I define the word—sole, undivided. Of course I’m referring to us. Sorry I didn’t make myself clearer.”

  “Thanks for clearing that up.” Kelly wrung her hands together, praying she’d choose the right words. “We both lead busy lives, with very little time for ourselves, let alone nurturing a personal relationship. You’re on the road a lot and I’m in my office or at the hospital all hours of the day and night. Under our present circumstances, I don’t know if exclusive will work for either of us.”

  Houston looked as if a bomb had exploded right in his face. Talk about presumptuous. He had believed he was the only person not wanting an exclusive relationship, but it appeared he’d been dead wrong. Now that he was ready to make a commitment to date only Kelly, she didn’t seem too interested.

  At a loss for words, Houston stared at Kelly, his brain numbing. “For once in my life, I don’t know what to say. I’m stumped. Your response isn’t what I’d expected.”

  Looking perplexed, Kelly moved her head slightly back. “What did you expect?”

  Houston hunched his shoulders. “I’m not sure, but it wasn’t that.” His expression turned somber. “I’ve been operating under the assumption that you wanted to make a commitment to our relationship. I thought you’d like nothing better than for us to date exclusively. How could I have been so wrong? Why do I suddenly feel stupid?”

  Kelly got up from her seat and deposited herself on the floor at Houston’s feet. After a few moments of silence, she looked up at him and placed her hand on his knee. “I don’t know how to say this other than to just come out with it. I want us to see more of each other than we do, but not necessarily go exclusive. I know commitment doesn’t work for you. It was made clear on our first date. Still, I had hopes of us growing close. I guess it’s impossible, especially when you’re fearful of personal relationships.”

  Houston really felt stupid yet less fearful. Kelly had intoxicated his mind. Coming up with something sensible was hard. His arrogance had left him with no easy way out. “I guess our communication hasn’t been effective. After I shared my initial feelings on dating, I guess I expected you to accept it, regardless of how you felt. How close do you want us to get, Kelly? What exactly do you need from me?”

  As though they needed warming, Kelly rubbed her hands together. “Establishing a great friendship with you was important in the beginning.” Even though my heart was already long gone on you. “I’m not sure if I don’t date other people due to the lack of time or if it’s because I’m not interested. I can say I am exclusive with you, since I’m not seeing anyone else. It’s not that I don’t get daily offers, ’cause I get plenty.”

  “I’m sure you do. You’re beautiful and I’m sure men are hotly pursuing you.”

  Kelly sighed hard. “Houston, I’m not trying to push you into something you obviously don’t want. I’m not sure I can deal with long absences in a relationship. I’ve also thought about the cruise. Maybe it’s not such a good idea for me to go. I won’t lie about wanting more quality time with you, a lot more. I am already emotionally involved here. I should probably cut my losses before I get badly hurt.”

  Houston moved closer to Kelly and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Hey, slow down a bit, lady doctor. Neither of us will get hurt.” He leaned forward until his chin rested on her shoulder. “We came together this evening to talk things through…and we’re doing it. Don’t turn and run the other way, Kelly-Kel, not when you’re catching up to me. My feet are pretty tired,” Houston joked. “I got a lot of blisters from running.”

  Kelly felt a warm rush deep inside her belly. Houston’s boyish grin was heart-melting. Charm flowed from within him. Without a conscious effort on his part, he made her glow. He was a natural. The urge to kiss him nearly overpowered her. His lips looked inviting and hers were hungry for the sweet taste of him.

  Kelly laughed softly. “Don’t look at me like that, Houston. I’m not so strong.”

  His gaze grew intense. “Look at you how?”

  She slowly lowered her lashes. “Like I’m the only woman that exists for you, like you could positively devour me in one huge gulp.”

  As Houston inhaled the flowery scent of her hair, his eyes softened. “Wow! That’s some powerful eye contact. Would it scare you to know you’re the only woman I see when I’m with you? And, when we’re apart, you’re the only one I want to be with?”

  “Those are questions you should answer. Your fear has a distinctive odor. The question isn’t if you’re scared of me or not. It’s more like why are you afraid of me?”

  It wasn’t Kelly Houston feared. The dread was in his deep feelings for her. His life was complex. It was hard enough dealing with his personal issues during basketball season, let alone taking on someone else’s. Comings and goings would remain constant, as long as he was a professional athlete. Time wasn’t always his to control.

  Relationships in
volved deep emotions. Houston knew he’d have to be constantly mindful of his woman’s emotional stability—and his own. Separations were hard on families and lovers alike, even for brief periods. How many times had he heard teammates on the cell phone telling loved ones not to cry, saying everything would be okay and they’d talk later, from the privacy of a hotel suite? Countless times.

  Chapter 9

  “Many unforeseen problems arise for professional sports couples, especially during away games,” Houston told Kelly. “A road trip can sometimes cover a six-day span or even more. It’s a long time to be away from someone you love. Personal troubles often show up on different fields of play, distracting players from their tasks.”

  Only one lover at a time. Houston had stayed committed to his motto, his one and only lover. Basketball was his leading lady. Then Kelly appeared out of nowhere.

  Houston looked into her eyes. Taking hold of both her hands, he shook his head from side to side. “Just the thought of you not on the cruise disturbs me. More troublesome is not having you in my life. I don’t want that to happen. If you’re not interested in doing exclusive, please tell me what’ll keep you around. I don’t want to lose you, Kelly, or what it seems we’re building together.”

  For starters, making love to me might keep me around. She could only wish.

  Kelly was more interested in exclusive than Houston could imagine. Laughing inwardly, she puckered her mouth. Pressing her lips to his, she gave him a sweet kiss.

  “I’d like more time with you. I don’t want a relationship with far, few and in-betweens. We have fun together. Good times make it hard for me to wait until the next one. You men have the luxury of calling the shots. It occurs to me to ask you out, but I don’t. It somehow doesn’t seem right. I don’t want to be seen as aggressive.”

  Touched by her sincere remarks, Houston tenderly framed Kelly’s face with his hands, kissing her forehead. “I like aggressive,” he joked, chuckling softly. “Spending more time together isn’t such a tall order. It’s not even an unreasonable request. I’d love more time with you. Nothing would give me greater pleasure.”


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