Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 16

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  “Would you mind fixing me a cup of coffee?” Lynton asked Kelly. “Until I learn everything about the appliances, I don’t want to mess with anything.”

  Houston got to his feet. “Since I’m familiar with everything, I’d be happy to show you how to use the coffeemaker.” Houston wasn’t remotely familiar with much of anything in Kelly’s house, but it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure things out.

  If looks could kill, Houston would’ve keeled over dead by the one Lynton had used to shoot him down. “Man, I’m not so sure I want another dude making me coffee. That seems kind of weird.”

  “Some of the best chefs in the world are men. Nothing weird about it. Do you want the coffee or not?” Houston appeared impatient. “If so, let’s hit the kitchen.”

  Laughing inwardly, Kelly found humor in Houston’s spunky attitude. He was a take-charge kind of man. She actually liked having him nip this situation in the bud. She didn’t allow Lynton to move into her home to become his personal maid. It wasn’t going to work like that. He knew how to make coffee and cook. If he didn’t want to do the chores himself, he’d better find him a local restaurant to post up in.

  Kelly’s life was too hectic as it was. She had more than enough stuff to do. To take on a grown man’s personal tasks just wasn’t happening, not in this lifetime. Next he’d be asking her to do his laundry. She figured Lynton had been trying to goad Houston, as he’d already done before. Unfortunately for her friend, he had picked the wrong man to start something with. Houston wasn’t having any of it, either. If it was a good sparring partner Lynton was after, he had found the right man. Houston Carrington kept his boxing gloves handy.

  Kelly would love to be a fly on the kitchen wall. She knew full well fur would fly between these two macho male animals. Just the thought of them going at it tickled her. They wouldn’t come to blows. These two were more into verbal fighting, with each of them trying to outwit the other. That didn’t show a lot of maturity on either side, but these two men acted more like juvenile delinquents than highly intelligent adults as they walked into the kitchen.

  Out in the kitchen, Houston plugged in the coffeemaker. He then retrieved the coffee container from the pantry. Rarely did he make his own coffee. He just didn’t like to take the time and he wasn’t all that good at it. It was easier for him to stop by a McDonald’s, which he and Dallas were often teased about.

  Lynton had seated himself at the table and that let Houston know he intended to let him to do all the work. “Man, come on over here so you can learn to operate this machine. It won’t take long.”

  Houston went through the motions of showing Lynton where to insert the filter and how to measure out the coffee. He then took the water container over to the sink and filled it with enough liquid for four cups of coffee in case Kelly wanted a cup. Back at the counter, he poured the water into the appropriate tank and hit the red on button.

  “Voilà! I told you it wasn’t that hard. Now all you have to do is get you a cup and wait for the coffee to brew. Press the mug into this little silver bar and the coffee will flow like a stream. Think you got it down pat?”

  Lynton glared openly at Houston. “Got it.”

  “Good! I’ll show you how to use the toaster oven, microwave, blender and the washer and dryer whenever you’re ready. They’re as simple to use as the coffeemaker.” Without uttering another word, Houston left the kitchen, proud of how he’d handled the good doctor. If Lynton hadn’t gotten his pointed message, he should have.

  Houston was still cracking up when he made it back to Kelly, who’d been praying for both guys to keep their cool. “I think your boy got it. Don’t let him tell you otherwise. You are not his maid. Don’t let him treat you like one.”

  “Interesting you should say that. The same thing passed through my mind. This girl is nobody’s maid. What would I look like tending to his chores when my sweet housekeeper comes here to my house once a week to dust, vacuum, mop floors and clean bathrooms?”

  Houston looked surprised. “That’s all you have a housekeeper for?”

  “Every three months she also thoroughly cleans the house from top to bottom. I do my own laundry and cooking, but she’s offered to do both at no extra charge. I prefer to do my own clothes and cook. I normally wash the dishes as I use them.”

  “I guess they can’t call you Dr. Diva, huh?”

  Kelly grinned. “I’m no diva, Mr. Carrington. Not by a long shot.”

  With a coffee mug in hand, Lynton came back into the family room. Once he spotted the coasters, he removed one and set his cup down. Without asking if anyone minded, he picked up the remote and flicked on the wall-mounted plasma television set. “Let’s see what’s on. This is a great night for staying in and watching television.”

  Both Houston and Kelly looked astonished by the man’s gall.

  Houston knew that the bedrooms in the other wing in Kelly’s house were fully furnished and fully equipped with the same electronic devices in her personal living spaces. Another huge master suite was in that part of the house, with a good-size alcove and a double-sided fireplace. A big office inside the suite was grandly furnished. Houston didn’t know what rooms Kelly had assigned to Lynton, but he was willing to bet money she put him in the other suite.

  Why had Lynton decided to invade Kelly’s privacy? Houston had known the answer to his own question before he’d mentally posed it.

  Lynton quickly found TNT and settled in like he was in his own home.

  Houston figured this was a calculated move on Lynton’s part since the NBA finals were on. No one needed to remind him that his team had been knocked out of the playoffs. He could either stay seated and suffer through the indignities or leave Kelly’s home mad as hell. He wasn’t about to do the latter and give Lynton satisfaction.

  Kelly stood. Crooking her finger, she summoned Houston to follow her, with the intent of finishing their visit in her bedroom. Lynton wouldn’t dare to follow. If he was that rude, Kelly would show him a side of her he’d wish he hadn’t been introduced to.

  Houston had only been in Kelly’s master bedroom once. The first visit was brief, when she’d wanted to show him around her home. He noticed right away that a lot of the furniture had been rearranged.

  The dark mahogany Cal King pier bed, covered in a beautiful brown-and-blue comforter set, was now on the opposite side of the room. The massive headboard unit with attached nightstands and recessed lighting took up a full wall. Two plush overstuffed comfort chairs in blue, complete with ottomans, were stationed on each side of a framed picture window. A round mahogany table furnished with a lovely bronze antique lamp was nestled between the chairs.

  Silky wildflowers, large and small, looked as if they’d been hand-sewn onto the down comforter. Houston liked the blending of blue and brown. It appeared nice and subtly soft, lending the huge room a calming effect.

  “I see you redecorated since I was last here. Did you do all of it yourself?”

  “A few male colleagues rearranged the heavy furniture for me. It’s difficult for me to change sheets on the pillow-top mattress, especially the fitted one. Keeping the heavy bedding lifted long enough to do hospital corners is a big challenge. Several other friends helped me put up the wall borders matching the comforter.” Kelly pointed at the borders just below the crown molding. “Let’s go into the retreat and have a seat. That’s where the television is. The fireplace there can be viewed from both areas.”

  “Thanks. My weary bones could use some rest,” Houston joked.

  The couple stepped into the cozy alcove off the bedroom, where Houston sat down on the plush sofa. “I like the feel of this couch. My body sinks down into the cushions yet it’s firm.” He lightly bounced up and down to make his point.

  “I can’t tell you how many nights I fall asleep there. It’s extremely comfortable. The chairs are pretty comfy, too.” Kelly pointed at the built-in bar, equipped with an office-size refrigerator. “Can I get you a drink? I have wine, sodas and jui
ce. There’s also liquor and mixers in the upper cabinet and a blender stored in the lower ones.”

  Houston shook his head. “I’m fine. What about you?”

  As if she was trying to decide, she glanced over at the bar. “I think I’ll pass. Is there anything I can get you?”

  Patting his knee, Houston grinned. “Does holding you on my lap apply?”

  Kelly threw her head back and laughed. Then her house phone jangled, causing her to frown. “I have to get that. I’m on call this evening.”

  “Not a problem.”

  After picking up the receiver, Kelly put it to her ear. “Hello.”

  “This is Lynton….”

  “What are you trying…?” She rapidly bit off her caustic remark.

  “Just wanted you to know I’m going out for a while. It may be late when I get back. I’ll use the entrance off the guest wing I’m staying in, but I need a security code.”

  Both wings of the house had separate entries but were maintained by the same alarm company in charge of all security surveillance. The system was set up so she could reset the codes whenever she desired. The code Kelly gave Lynton was one of many.

  “Feel free to come and go as you please. You don’t have to phone me each time.” Kelly hung up the phone. “Now where were we?”

  “I think you were about to sit on my lap.” He looked at her with a glimmer of hope in his ebony eyes.

  Smiling sweetly, Kelly nodded. “Hmm, I think you’re right.”

  As Kelly walked over to Houston and dropped down onto his lap, she tried not to predetermine the outcome of this evening. She didn’t want to entertain the idea of him heating her up, only to have him leave her body cold and her heart lonely. Things had changed for them, but she had yet to find out how drastically. She wanted him, all of him, but she’d never take the lead.

  Houston didn’t know what Kelly expected from him, but it definitely wouldn’t be more of the same song and dance he normally sold the ladies. No more backing away or down for him. He was hers to do with as she pleased. All the soul-searching he’d done had finally paid off. He was at peace. Houston couldn’t have committed to Kelly if he hadn’t been sure he could protect her fragile heart from breakage or irreparable damage.

  Houston laughed inwardly at something that had suddenly come to mind. Over the years he’d seen these signs in a number of retail stores or gift shops. The ones that said “Break it, you own it!”

  Kissing Kelly had been on Houston’s mind since he’d first arrived. As he took possession of her sweet mouth, he closed his eyes, losing himself to paradise. His passionate kisses and tender caresses quickly put Kelly nearly out of her mind with need. He let go of her long enough to pull his sweater over his head. It was hot even though the air conditioner softly hummed on and off at timely intervals. The prickly heat he felt probably had more to do with his body temperature.

  Kelly had a hard time sitting still on Houston’s lap. His sex was hard as stone and every time she moved a muscle a part of her lower anatomy rubbed against it. The strong desire to see and touch what felt larger than life had her thinking all sorts of naughty-girl stuff. If it were Christmastime, she’d only get coal in her stocking. Santa would probably have it written on his list that she’d been naughty rather than nice. Saint Nick would give her a good scolding!

  Houston had no idea how much of a bad, bad girl Kelly could be. Under the right circumstances, she could positively give him something he could feel.

  His next fiery kisses had Kelly fidgeting all around. She didn’t think she’d ever be the aggressor, but she was ready to become just that. She slowly got up from Houston’s lap. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Very wrong! But I’m about to make it right.” With that said, she slipped into the master bathroom and on into the walk-in closet housing a chest of drawers.

  Kelly pulled open her intimate apparel drawer and rifled through her silk, satin and lacy night things, wondering what she should wear to blow Houston’s mind. She had dozens of lacy teddies and other sheer sexy nightwear and lounging items. Victoria’s Secret intimate apparel loungewear was where she loved to shop for luxurious unmentionables. The perfect silk set finally came into her view, a hot and sexy cinnamon-brown teddy. Houston would positively love her in it. There was no doubt in her mind.

  As Houston looked at Kelly, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in a natural state of undress, he could hardly contain his desire. Perfectly rounded breasts summoned him. Nipples, invitingly erect, caused him to lick his lips in a provocative way. Kelly’s smooth, sienna skin shimmered from the glittery, oil-based lotion she had just applied to her body.

  For all the flirtatious moments between Houston and Kelly and all the constant verbal and physical foreplay, it was hardly believable that they hadn’t actually made love. It looked to him as if that was about to change.

  As she walked around the room in the nude, lighting candles, creating a romantic mood, she knew their commitment to each other was resolute. The last-minute change in what she’d wear for Houston was bolder and more sexy than she’d ever before dared. She’d known that wearing her birthday suit would go over big with the triplet she adored.

  Touching Kelly all over her stunning body was Houston’s first delectable order of the evening. He wanted to feel her skin sizzle beneath his fingertips and hands. Kissing her deeply, tenderly caressing her flesh, he further heightened the fire of their desires. His tongue thirsted to mingle with hers, eager to make her wet down where her molten treasures burned for his attention.

  Houston slowly walked the few steps to where Kelly stood in the nude from head to toe. Leaning against the doorjamb, she looked as if she couldn’t wait to receive all he had to offer. Coming together with her in a union of fiery passion was something he’d dreamed about night after night, yet it was something he hadn’t acted upon. The worthwhile wait was nearly over and Houston wanted desperately to be inside Kelly.

  Possessing a body to completely come unglued for, Houston was rock-solid, muscles bulging and flexing everywhere. Kelly couldn’t wait to oil down his body with baby oil. His organ had thickened and hardened considerably, yet she felt it hadn’t reached its full potential. Her tender touch would tell the story. Making wild, passionate love to Houston was something Kelly had begun to dream about right after their first romantic kiss.

  Houston brought Kelly into his arms, stroking her back tenderly. The throbbing between his legs was unbearable, his manhood straining against her nudity. Houston was so excited he thought his heart might come to a dead stop. Although he’d only begun to heat up her flesh premature release was threatening him something awful. That would never do on their first time. Kelly had Houston more lathered up than he’d ever been.

  Completely unaware of Houston’s concerns about early release, Kelly gently enclosed her hand around his manhood. The warmth and hardness of his sex had her desiring him like crazy. If he didn’t take her within the next couple of minutes, she vowed to take him. So much her for not taking the lead, she thought. Her body was already an uncontrollable inferno and she needed the consuming flames doused.

  Palming his firm buttocks, squeezing gently, Kelly pulled Houston in closer to her, grinding her hips against his. The heat was on, full blast.

  Houston’s tongue found Kelly’s inner ear, as he manipulated a hardened nipple with gentle fingers. Her soft but deep moans of pleasure were encouraging, increasing his desire to cut to the chase. However, defining moments were never to be rushed. This was definitely a significant moment in taking their relationship to the next level.

  As her fingernails lazed up and down his spine, the painful, maddening throbbing of his manhood had thrown him off stride. Houston moaned softly as his mouth crashed down over Kelly’s, his tongue and breathing mingling with hers.

  In one swift but gentle motion, Houston lifted up Kelly and carried her over to the bed. First, he pulled back the comforter and then laid
her down. Once he positioned himself alongside her, his hands and mouth restarted the thrilling seduction of the woman he craved like crazy. She was already writhing about and squirming like crazy, but he wasn’t quite ready to get on with the grand finale. The foreplay was too, too hot to stop now. He had a few more fiery moves to increase both their sexual desires.

  Houston never wanted Kelly or himself to forget this night of pure passion, the very first night they’d come together in the sweltering heat of erotica, the tantalizing thrill of ecstasy gone wild.

  Houston’s lips grazed Kelly’s earlobe. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

  “If it’s anything like what you do to me, we’re in for one incredible journey. We may need to call the fire department before this night is over.” Kelly thrust her head back, exposing her creamy throat to Houston, tempting him to explore it with his mouth.

  Houston agreed with her comment as he gently stroked Kelly’s throat with his fingertips. His hungry mouth then followed the tracks of his fingers, kissing and gently caressing her satiny flesh.

  Kelly urged Houston to roll over onto his back. She then straddled him, smiling sensuously, her eyes telling him everything she thought he might want to hear. She needed him physically, emotionally and in the same way he desired her.

  As Kelly looked away, Houston’s eyes followed the direction of hers. It was then that he spotted the crystal glass half-filled with wine and small wedges of fresh citrus fruits. She had removed the items from the bar’s refrigerator before she’d returned to the bedroom and had set the goblet on the nightstand.

  Houston raised an eyebrow, his eyes questioning what he saw in the wineglass. “Wine, lemon, orange and lime slices? What’s that all about?” He was highly curious about what she had in mind for the fruit—and it excited him even more.


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