Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 22

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Kelly deeply felt Lanier’s pain. She feared the possibility of her turning into a keg of TNT. When she would blow was anyone’s guess. “I’m so sorry, Lanier.”

  Fighting off tears, Lanier’s mouth turned down at the corners. “We were less than human to him, Kelly. His father raised him the same way. It’s been like that in generations of Watson men. I don’t know if my mother started drinking to deal with the stress and abuse, or what, but she eventually became a drunk just like him. There was hardly ever a pleasant moment in our house, whether he was home or not.”

  Kelly’s eyes sympathized with the plight of Lanier’s painful past.

  Lanier flinched as she looked directly at Kelly. “I was shuffled into one abusive foster home after another, handed over to the kind of people I won’t ever forget or forgive. Can Dallas be content having my parents as in-laws? There’s nothing sophisticated about them. They’re unpolished and my father is downright crude. I’m not ashamed of them for that. I’m mortified by the indecent and inhumane treatment they’re capable of doling out as alcohol rules them. You get what I’m saying?”

  “Every word of it. I’m nowhere near where you are emotionally, but I harbor ill feelings toward my parents.” Kelly told Lanier about the recent dinner she’d had with her family. “What I’m starting to realize and accept is that people can change. How long has it been since you last saw your mom and dad?”

  “Obviously not long enough. My parents are mean-spirited people. I don’t want them treating my children the horrible way they did me. If they come back into my life now, they become a part of my future. At this stage, I’m not up for that. Dallas is a part of Texas royalty. How will he deal with commoners inside his families palatial homes? These two very different lifestyles and outlooks will clash, possibly violently.”

  Kelly heard Lanier’s last statements loud and clear, though they rang somewhat untrue for her. Did Lanier somehow think she was beneath Dallas? If so, there was nothing further from the truth. The fact they came from different economic and social backgrounds didn’t figure one iota into his love for Lanier. He was crazy about her.

  Money didn’t make Dallas. He made money.

  None of the triplets’ lives seemed to be guided by the size of their bank accounts. From what Kelly had seen so far, they were down-to-earth, good old Texas boys who treated everyone equally. Kelly had gotten the same impressions of their parents.

  “Dallas’s status in life is not an issue where his love for you is concerned. This is all about you, Lanier. If you can’t rid yourself of the past, you might not have a future. What your parents are or aren’t won’t affect your relationship. And for sure, they’ll never physically hurt you again. Dallas can promise you at least that much. He needs you to put your trust in him. God is waiting on you to trust Him, too. He can’t remove the obstacles in your life if you won’t let go of them. I’m trying hard to practice forgiveness.”

  Kelly was aware she’d said a whole lot, perhaps too much, but she felt it had to be said. Even she herself had benefited from her comments. Unlike Lanier, she had to come to terms with her parents. The recent dinner was just the beginning of trying to build what she felt they’d never had before. Family unity meant everything to Kelly. After being around the Carringtons, her desire for family unity had grown powerful.

  Kelly leaped up and brought Lanier into her arms, catching her just before she fell to her knees. Lanier had finally given way to her burgeoning emotions, her tears falling like torrential rains. Guiding Lanier back inside the cabin, Kelly got her to sit on the sofa. She then sat down right beside her and took hold of her hand.

  As Lanier buried her face against Kelly’s shoulder, Kelly tenderly stroked her hair. “Friend, you’re going to be all right. Let out all the brewing storms. It’ll be okay. The love you share with Dallas is stronger than any force you’ll ever have to contend with.”

  Kelly hoped her comments would sink into Lanier’s brain and help her regain some semblance of peace. She couldn’t feel the pain for her, but Kelly knew what a heart in turmoil felt like. Letting go of the past was a surefire way for both women to secure their own futures…as well as a future with the men they loved. Kelly knew that Lanier wanted a lifelong relationship with Dallas more than she could courageously express.

  Kelly wondered how Houston viewed what was happening with Dallas and Lanier since he had reacted a lot like Lanier. This talk had definitely helped Kelly clarify her own personal issues. Healing her family ties had to become one of her top priorities.

  The guys reentering the cabin abruptly ended Lanier and Kelly’s conversation.

  Kelly patted Lanier’s hand reassuringly. “We’ll talk again later.”

  Kelly saw the look of concern on Dallas’s face. He was worried about Lanier, but it didn’t seem as if he planned to voice his apprehension. At least, not right now.

  For someone who’d been out jogging, Kelly noticed that neither Dallas nor Houston looked as if they’d broken so much as a sweat. The cool, unassuming look on Houston’s face instantly aroused Kelly’s curiosity. When he reached for her hand, pulling her up from the chair, she suddenly felt calm. Houston had a way of making her feel safe and secure, even at the height of her insecurities.

  Houston kissed Kelly on the lips, causing passion to stir within her. “Dallas and I have a huge surprise for you ladies. We’d like you to come with us.”

  Kelly looked puzzled. “What kind of surprise, Houston? I don’t like surprises.”

  Houston brought Kelly closer to him. “I didn’t know that, but I think you’ll like this one. Let’s go and see what it is.”

  The women donned knitted cover-ups before reluctantly following their black knights out of the safety of the cabin. Both looked as if they were heading out to meet up with a blind date. Neither woman could make heads or tails out of what the guys were up to. Kelly and Lanier were equally as curious about this so-called surprise but neither knew what had prompted the guys. There wasn’t a single clue to be had.

  One look at the line of beautiful women flitting about a private lounge further aroused Kelly’s and Lanier’s curiosity. Nothing about this scene gave them any idea what was happening. Exchanging bewildered glances, the women shrugged.

  Two stunning ladies came over to Kelly and Lanier and escorted them to front-row tables, where they took seats. Male waiters showed up, carrying tall, tropical drinks. Seconds later, upbeat music filtered into the room.

  A marvelous-looking brunette stepped onstage and picked up the microphone. “Welcome, Kelly and Lanier. We’re here to give you your very own private fashion show, featuring the latest in beach and day wear, evening attire and lingerie. Houston and Dallas want you ladies to pick out your favorites. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.”

  Kelly and Lanier couldn’t believe what they’d just heard, but they definitely appeared pleased. Lanier lifted her hand to give Kelly a high five and then she blew Dallas a kiss. The guys came over to the table, kissed their ladies and quickly departed.

  Kelly saw this surprise as an extraordinary one, wishing the guys had stayed.

  Kelly and Lanier thought the private fashion show was the sweetest, kindest gesture anyone had ever showered on them. Ready for the festivities to begin, the ladies couldn’t help giggling and acting silly over their good fortune.

  Lanier smiled beautifully when the first model came out. The joy she felt lit up her eyes. Her heart was thrilled. “Although I just bought some new clothes, my wardrobe is far from adequate. The majority of my money goes into Haven House. I own very little in the way of social attire, especially for a woman dating a rich superstar.”

  Kelly’s smile was sympathetic. “You always look nice to me. I love your style.” She paused for a moment. “Has Dallas said anything negative about your clothing?”

  “Never! He’s doesn’t go overboard with material stuff, but he does wear the best. If you think he’s doing this to upgrade my wardrobe, don’t. He’s okay with the way I am. This is
just another way for him to say he loves me. I’m willing to bet this was his idea and Houston joined in because he thought it was a great one.”

  Kelly leaned over and hugged Lanier. “I’d be foolish to take that bet.” Kelly’s mouth fell open. “Oh, my goodness, look at that sexy red-and-white-polka-dot sundress and matching bandanna. They have an excellent chance of leaving here with me.”

  Chapter 14

  Now that Kelly was alone with Houston in his cabin, after they’d walked the decks in silent awe for over thirty minutes, she wished every second of the their time wasn’t designated to one event or another for the entire cruise. Dallas hadn’t mentioned swapping cabins so they had to wait it out. Lanier had to return there to change clothes.

  Houston took Kelly’s hand and guided her over to the sofa. “I didn’t know you disliked surprises, but you handled the fashion show pretty well. I’m happy you enjoyed everything. I love the items you chose, especially the sexy, backless after-five pants set. You look amazing in basic black. I also love the hot red lace teddy and the white silk camisole set. I think I would’ve chosen many of the same items for you.”

  Kelly smiled. “My favorite is the floor-length sequined gown in ivory jersey. It clings to and outlines my figure beautifully. It’s so feminine and delicately sexy!”

  Houston smiled back at Kelly. “Anything you put on screams out sexy, babe. I can’t wait to see you in all the purchases.”

  Kelly grinned. “I can’t wear it all before the cruise is over, but I’ll style as many items as I can.” Kelly suddenly looked pensive. “Have you ever talked to Dallas about the situation between Lanier and her parents?”

  “Countless times. Parental problems are foreign to us so it’s hard to relate. Dallas hopes she can one day forgive her parents, but he’s not sure she’ll get there. Lanier is out of sorts with her mom and dad. And that’s probably not a strong enough assertion.”

  “I know what you mean. Deep down inside is where the excruciating pain lives. Up until the night we had dinner with Mom and Dad, I still saw them as uncaring, only thinking of their needs and desires. That has changed. I no longer believe I was a mistake. I see now that my parents sacrificed a lot just to provide me with a bright future.”

  Houston appeared relieved. “I never got any other impression of them. I’m sure they worked those hard, long hours to make sure your future was secure. Professional athletes who are parents are gone from home for long periods of time, too, but they don’t like it. Their kids’ futures are the reason they deal with heavy road schedules and such. I’m glad you have a better understanding of your parents’ frequent absences.”

  Kelly sighed hard. “I am, too.” Looking a bit remorseful, she laid her hand on Houston’s thigh. “I was the rich kid who thought I had everything but quality time with my parents. I can’t go back and change how I felt, but I’m glad I finally see some light.”

  He lazed a finger down her chin. “If you work hard at it, I bet the pain will lessen. I enjoyed the time we spent with your mom and dad. They’re really cool people.”

  “I hate wearing false faces, the same painted-on ones I wore whenever I saw them. I actually felt guilty about taking this cruise without asking them along. I somehow managed to override the guilt. Coming here with you was a way of exercising my independence despite the fact I rarely see them. I’m rebellious by nature.”

  Houston raised an eyebrow. “Is that the reason you’re on the trip?”

  Kelly heard the hurt in Houston’s voice. This was one sensitive man. He seemed to take every little thing personally. She understood him and his reasons for constantly guarding his heart. “Of course not, Houston. I’m here because I love spending time with you. Take it or leave it, I love you.” Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him passionately. She didn’t regret her confession in the least.

  Much to Houston’s surprise, hearing Kelly voicing her love for him hadn’t scared him like he’d imagined. He felt deeply for her, too. But was it true love? If they were in love, where would it eventually take them? Was he cheating her by not being sure about his feelings? Perhaps it was too soon to make the call. Patience, he thought. Be patient.

  Houston held Kelly slightly away from him. “Does the mind-blowing kiss mean you’re over the surprise I sprung on you?”

  Kelly chuckled at Houston’s not-so-clever diversionary tactics. He clearly wasn’t ready to discuss her confession. The man was too devilishly predictable, yet utterly unpredictable at the very same time. “I admit I didn’t like the idea of a surprise, but I was curious. After finding out what you’d done, I definitely wasn’t mad at you.”

  Houston met her watery gaze. “What’s on your mind? You suddenly seem troubled again. You look like you’re about to cry.”

  Hating the bitter taste in her mouth, Kelly swallowed hard. “Watching Lanier earlier was like seeing a mirror image of me. I’ve been that distraught before. Hearing her awful story made me realize my relationship with my parents wasn’t nearly as bad. They may’ve been absent a lot, but heavy drinking, fighting and cursing didn’t occur. Mom and Dad have always been in love with each other, which is how it should be. I guess you don’t always see how bad things aren’t until you see or hear worse situations.”

  Houston gently stroked Kelly’s face with his forefinger. “Comparisons can make you see things clearer. We were blessed to grow up in a loving home. Mom was never far away from us. She volunteered at the elementary and middle schools we attended. By the time we went to high school, she felt we’d be okay. I can’t imagine Mom and Dad not being there for us and I can’t envision them fighting. I’ve never heard them call each other out of their names, yet I’m sure they’ve had their share of differences.”

  Tears fell from Kelly’s eyes. “Poor Lanier saw a lot of bad stuff. I hope she’ll be okay. As for me, I’m happy to be here with you, regardless of everything else.”

  “That’s good news. Now we can get on with our agenda.” Houston guided Kelly over to the bed, where he stretched out and pulled her down next to him. Rolling up on his side, he looked down into her eyes. “I want us to make love right after dinner, while everyone else enjoys the stage show. I’ll make sure Dallas knows we want to be alone.”

  As Kelly pulled Houston’s head down, aligning her lips with his, she blushed. “I don’t know if I can wait that long, but it looks like I’ll have to.”

  Flattered by her remarks, Houston grinned. “In that case, let me give you a little something to tide you over. What’s your pleasure, fair lady?”

  The responsive kiss Kelly gave Houston matched the passion in her eyes. “We probably should wait. Lanier has to come back here to change clothes for dinner. I wouldn’t want her to walk in on our intimate moments.”

  Houston chuckled. “Thank God we’re not exhibitionists. But that won’t stop me from kissing you silly. Come closer to me, woman. My lips want to make love to yours.”

  They both laughed at the naughty-boy expression on his handsome face.

  Beautifully dressed in after-five evening wear, the four women looked elegant and stunning. Although no one had discussed wardrobe choices, three of the four women wore navy blue dresses. Ashleigh was dressed in a white crepe tea-length dress.

  The early dinner sitting had been selected throughout the cruise. The large group would dine first and then attend the Las Vegas—style stage shows afterward. The Carrington party was large enough to occupy a full table, which was by the window.

  The first course of the four-course meal was about to be served, along with the finest in wine and champagne. Kelly had chosen a fruity Muscato, as opposed to one of the drier wines. Houston decided to try what his lady had ordered, though he wondered if it might be a little too sugary for his taste.

  Kelly leaned into Houston. “I like how willing you are to try many of the things I favor. That’s a big plus.” She inhaled his scent. “I see you’re wearing my favorite cologne. It does wonderful things to my senses,” she whispered softly

  Flirtatious devilment twinkling in his eyes, he grinned. “Like what?”

  “It makes we want to strip you down to nothing but your sexy Dolce & Gabbana designer cologne.” She threw her head back and laughed. “That’s an erotic thought.”

  “I’d love it. Keep it in mind, Kelly. We have the cabin to ourselves tonight.”

  Her eyes widened. “You made good on your promise! Is it for the entire night?”

  “Every delicious moment is ours. Once we leave the group at the end of the evening, we won’t see everyone until breakfast tomorrow morning.”

  Kelly couldn’t help giggling. The thought of spending an entire night with Houston on the high seas had her body vibrating with physical hunger and desire.

  Conversation was light and airy as the happy folks wined and dined by candlelight, enjoying the soft piped-in music. Angelica’s birthday dinner was scheduled for the last evening of the cruise, which was the actual day of her birth.

  Deciding to join the rest of the party for a little dancing before going to the cabin, Houston and Kelly had followed the others into one of the popular nightclubs, where the couple danced a sultry salsa to a popular Latin song. She used the upbeat rhythm as a way to work off the dinner calories. He loved watching her twist, turn and seductively gyrate her sexy body. He was barely able to wait for her to give him his own private dance later on. The kisses and wild flirting was a clear clue as to what was on their minds.

  A few songs later, as the other members stood around and watched, they clapped enthusiastically as Beaumont and Angelica showcased their lively dance skills. The couple had been dancing together for many years. They also waltzed to the same tunes in their private affairs. They were very much in love and in harmony with each other.

  Kelly couldn’t help noticing how proud the guys were of their mom and dad. The triplets beamed over how much love existed between their parents. As she thought back on some of the events she’d attended with her own parents, she smiled. Jared and Carolyn’s marriage was also in sync. Kelly knew she had to stop feeling like an outsider with her own family. It was up to her to change the nature of their relationships.


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