Waiting for Rain

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Waiting for Rain Page 13

by Susan Mac Nicol

  I was intrigued by his secret. When we finally reached his place around ten o’clock and went into the cool, dim entrance, he was skipping like a little kid.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” I laughed as he grinned and laid his shoulder bag on the floor. He took my hand, leading me into the lounge. “You’re like a child with ADHD. I think you need to cut down on your sugar intake.”

  He reached out and pulled me to him, his lips taking mine in a possessive kiss that made my cock curl upward just by the taste and smell of him, and my heart beat faster.

  “I have no intention of cutting down on my sugar,” he drawled when he released me to finally breathe again. “Not going to happen.”

  He pulled me into the lounge, and I stood stock still in disbelief at what I saw there. In the middle of the small room there was a six- or seven-foot-long pole, made out of aluminum or something similar. It was fixed into what looked like an outside umbrella stand, the kind you use to anchor large patio umbrellas. He was practically giggling at the look on my face, a very un-Rain-like sound which was a little disconcerting.

  “What the fuck is that all about?” I exclaimed, nonplussed as he nudged me closer. He smiled, a sight of sheer decadence coupled with the glint in his eyes.

  “It’s my Rain dance pole,” he said sultrily as he grabbed the pole and swung around it with what were very practiced burlesque dance moves. My jaw dropped. He grinned as he shimmied around it. Even fully clothed he made my groin ache and my throat dry. God knows what he’d look like doing what he was doing half-dressed or—Mr. Cocky gave a lurch—naked with his fine arse and the rest of him hanging out. I swallowed. He stopped causing havoc to my nether regions and my heart rate and came over to me, his face alight with mischief.

  “What do you think?” He waved at it, as proud as punch. “I put cement in the bottom so it holds the base and the pole securely, and I can do what I like with it.” He flashed his teeth in what I imagined was to be a sexy grin but made him look as if he wanted to eat me. Not that I had a problem with that but… this whole thing was just so out of the blue.

  I nodded dumbly. “It’s very nice.”

  Rain scowled. That obviously wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. “Very nice? Christ, Toby, you are the fucking master of understatement.” He looked extremely put out. I hastened to reassure him I did indeed like his unusual present to me.

  I growled and reached over and kissed him, my mouth grinding against his, my groin pressing against his now hardening member. “It’s bloody amazing is what it is,” I managed to get out in between hot, wet kisses and a sword parry of mutually greedy tongues. “I love it, Rain, as long as it’s only for me to watch you.”

  He looked more pleased at my blatant action of gratitude as he unzipped and slid my chinos down my legs until my pants landed in a heap on the floor. “Oh, you’re the only one I’ll be putting on a floor show for,” he said as he knelt down before me. His blue eyes regarded the evidence of just how pleased I was, and he smiled, licking his lips, making it even more evident. Then his warm, hungry mouth enveloped me, and I decided it was indeed bloody amazing.

  After he’d finished with me, we cuddled up on the couch, observing his “brain wave” with dreamy eyes. The recent activity had mellowed us, especially after I’d returned the blowjob favor.

  I eyed the pole warily. “You do realize that it’s very ‘in your face’ in the middle of your living room, and from the feel of it, it’s not going to be moved easily? What will your landlord think when he comes around to inspect the property for his three-monthly check?”

  Rain’s face fell. “I hadn’t thought of that. Hell, the guy’s going to think I’m some sort of bloody stripper, isn’t he? Do you think he’ll kick me out of here?”

  The woebegone expression on his face made me chuckle. “I doubt it. He’ll probably want a show himself. Talking of which, exactly how do you manage those moves you did earlier around that thing—you seemed pretty experienced.” I leaned over, nibbling his earlobe, tugging on it with my teeth. Rain smiled loftily.

  “I found myself quite partial to the pole when I used to go clubbing with Tommy back in London. I learned a few tricks.” I scowled at hearing name of his ex-boyfriend and bit his ear harder.

  He yowled. “Stop that. You’re like one of those bloody vampire bats.”

  Another Discovery Channel episode he’d forced me to watch. I licked the inside of his ear, feeling the tremor run through his body, watching as goose bumps formed on his bare arms. His smoky eyes narrowed.

  “Toby, you’re bloody insatiable.”

  “And you love it,” I murmured, my tongue delving deeper into his ear, then tracing a wet line along his jaw. He hitched a deep breath, swallowing. I nibbled the fine hair on his neck, and his body tensed.

  “God, you drive me crazy,” he managed to get out as I slid my hand down to his crotch.

  I smiled against the warmth and vanilla scent of his skin. “Count on it. I’m in the mood for some more loving. And then you can give me a show on that pole of yours.”

  He grinned as he pushed me roughly back on the couch, crawling up and over me like a tiger about to devour its prey. His eyes darkened as his hands took mine and pushed them up above my head, pinning me in place. “Toby, this pole of mine is about to get real busy. Lie back and enjoy, lover.”

  I did what I was told.

  ONE NIGHT Rain left the hotel to go home after promising me he might swing by later. I couldn’t spend the night at his place tonight—I just had too much on the go. We had a party of twenty people in from the local RAF Wittering air base, a birthday party taking place for one of the medical staff. Tammy stayed an extra shift to help, and Chris was doing his best to manage the front of house while I tried to make sure the party got everything they needed. We were fully booked that night on rooms as well. Tammy winked at me as I passed her, making my way to the kitchen to check on their meals.

  I looked at her. “What’s the wink for?”

  She grinned. “Mikey is with the party tonight, and I overheard him saying he’s going to ask you out.”

  I groaned, feeling a sense of despair. “Oh hell. I haven’t done anything to encourage him, and I don’t want to have to turn him down. What am I going to do?”

  She shrugged. “Just be nice to him. Explain to him you have a boyfriend now. That’s all you can do. I just thought I’d forewarn you.”

  I nodded. “Thanks, Tammy.”

  Around 11:30 p.m. the party was drawing to a close, twelve drunk and exuberant men and women getting ready to leave for the night. My feet hurt, my back ached, and my temper was frayed. I was so tired I wanted to creep into a dark hole and just sleep. Even the memory of Rain’s sexy dancing on his new toy, something he’d done a few times to great effect for me, didn’t do its usual cheering up. I was seeing most of the party out, waving good-bye, and looking forward to my bed, when I spotted an inebriated Mikey making his way toward me. He looked very determined, his cheeks pink with alcohol. God, I don’t need this now. Please, Mikey, just go home.

  He continued on his path to where I stood, his brown eyes regarding me with determination and boldness.

  “Toby? I was looking for you. I wanted to talk to you.” His speech was slurred, but I didn’t think he was too pissed to have a decent conversation. I smiled at him as he weaved closer to me and stood in front of me. I tried not to wince at the beer blast on his breath.

  “Mikey, did you have a good time tonight? You seem to have enjoyed yourself.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I had a good time.” He reached out a hand and stroked my suit sleeve lingeringly.

  I smiled and moved away. “What can I do for you, Mikey?” I didn’t know him that well. I’d seen him in the pub now and then again with his mates, and he seemed to be a nice enough bloke. They didn’t come in all that much, maybe every few weeks. Now that he was closer to me, I could see that he was probably in his early twenties—maybe about twenty-three, older than I’d tho
ught. He had a number-two brush cut, with pale, freckled skin and huge brown eyes that were looking at me with something close to adoration. I felt very uncomfortable being stared at as if I was some delicious morsel on a plate. He was about five six in height, well-built and attractive if you liked that sort of sweet farm-boy look. I was definitely more into the bad-boy persona myself.

  “I wanted to see if you would go on a date with me?” There it was, out in the open, and now I had to let the youngster down gently.

  I adopted a rueful smile and slowly shook my head. “I’m sorry, Mikey. I have a boyfriend, and I doubt very much he’d be okay with that. But I’m flattered you asked me.”

  He blinked. “You have a boyfriend?”

  I nodded. “Yes, we’ve been together a while now. I haven’t seen you lately, so I guess you didn’t know. No harm done.”

  He nodded slowly, then launched himself at me, his wet, beer-tasting lips plastering themselves against mine with the ferocity of a janitor fish, one of those fish that latch on to the side of the glass in a fish tank and don’t let go. I stepped back in panic at his unexpected action, and he grabbed me tighter, sliding his persistent tongue into my mouth. I thought he was trying to suction out my insides. I tried pushing him away and disengaging my mouth without being too rough. His hand was now scrabbling around in my crotch area.

  Christ, what must this look like to anyone watching?

  My eyes darted around the room, and my heart sank when I saw a familiar figure standing at the entrance to the lounge, eyebrows raised and a look of sheer amusement on his face. Rain made no move to help me, just stood against the doorjamb with his arms folded across his broad chest. I finally pried Mikey away from me and put some distance between us. He stood, his chest heaving, obviously very aroused, from what I’d felt when he shoved his groin against me.

  “Christ, Mikey, what the hell is wrong with you? What fucking part of ‘I have a boyfriend and no thank you’ did you not understand?”

  I thought it best to get that in whilst Rain was in earshot.

  Mikey looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes. “I’m sorry, Toby, I just wanted to kiss you so badly. I couldn’t help myself.”

  I shook my head, still disliking his beer taste in my mouth. “Like I said, I’m flattered, but honestly, that was a mistake. Now you need to get on home. Did you call a taxi?”

  He nodded shamefacedly.

  “Then I suggest you go to the front of the hotel and wait for it. Get some fresh air and sober up. And for God’s sake, don’t kiss anyone else on the way out. You could get decked.”

  He nodded and muttered again.

  “I’m sorry, Toby. Honest, so sorry.” He was still mumbling when he left the lounge, brushing his way past Rain with a wary look. Rain inclined his head at him and smiled wolfishly. I moved over to kiss him hello. I was about to speak when he grabbed me, kissing me hard, his lips forcing mine open, his aggressive tongue probing my mouth. I gasped but kissed him back. Despite being exhausted, my cock instantly flared into action. Finally, he let me go, and I took a deep breath. “Wow. That was nice but a little unexpected.”

  “What? I see another man with his tongue down my man’s throat, and I’m not allowed to reclaim my property?”

  I opened my mouth to tell him what the hell I thought of that last statement and saw the wicked glint in his eye, so I decided to ignore his comment as a baiting exercise.

  “Mikey was feeling a little amorous, and I was the intended amoree. He wanted a date.”

  “He’s right, you know,” Rain said lazily.

  I glanced at him in confusion. “Right about what?”

  “No man can help wanting to kiss those lips of yours. They are the sexiest bloody things I’ve seen all night.” He chuckled. “So, Mikey wanted a date with you?”

  I frowned. “Just how much of our little incident did you see?”

  He was trying to hold back laughter when he spoke. “All of it. From the time he wandered drunkenly over and asked you for a date. I was having a little fun. He was so into you, such a youngster. I thought it was really sweet.”

  I stared at him in indignation. “You saw him do that, and you just kept quiet? Do you get some sort of vicarious thrill out of seeing another man with his hands all over me?”

  Rain chuckled loudly. “Don’t tempt me with that one. It has its… attractions, but I don’t think I could share you—boyfriend.”

  I swallowed. I hadn’t used the term around Rain before, as we hadn’t really agreed on what to call each other yet. “Rain, I—”

  He moved quickly again, reclaiming my mouth with urgency. I melted into him, unable to think anymore. I was tired, horny as hell at feeling Rain’s body against me, feeling his possessiveness in the violence of his kiss. I realized suddenly I was making out with my “boyfriend” in the hotel lounge and pulled away reluctantly.

  “Rain, honey, I can’t do this here. I have some stuff to do before I go upstairs—” I frowned, looking at my watch. “Christ, it’s nearly bloody midnight. Why did you get here so late?”

  He grinned. “I was working on something in the shed and lost track of time. Then I decided I really wanted to see you, and so… here I am.” His tone was suggestive. “I was really hoping I could stay here tonight. It’s late, and I don’t think you should be sending me home in this state.” He took my hands, brushing them against his groin, and I could feel his very hardened cock just itching to get out and play. “I thought you might make an exception for once and relax the ‘no fraternization’ rule. It seems such a pity to waste this.”

  I took a deep breath. The way I was feeling, there was no way I was sending him home. Perhaps it was time to relax the rule. After all, I was the man in charge now.

  “Go upstairs and wait for me, then,” I muttered softly. “I’ll be up in a while.” I reached into my trouser pocket and handed him my key card.

  He winked at me. “I’ll be waiting—boyfriend.” He chuckled, and I felt a sense of relief. It looked like he quite liked the idea of being called that. He sauntered off, and I heaved a sigh of exasperation.

  I looked down at my groin. “Crikey, I’m some sort of bloody sex magnet,” I muttered to it. “What with a man wanting to kiss me and another one wanting to screw me senseless. Where could it possibly end?”

  I felt my cock twitch, as if it was telling me it knew damned well where it was going end. I smiled. It was quite a turn-on being so desired. I got upstairs to my room about half an hour later with a heightened sense of anticipation, thinking of what might be in wait for me behind my door. I was looking forward to finding out.

  Chapter 10


  THE FOLLOWING morning I awoke to the sound of a softly snoring man only inches away from my face. I hadn’t heard Toby snore before. He normally made little breathy sighs, which were a real turn-on when I lay awake watching him sleep. I hadn’t told him that, though, as it sounded a little obsessive. He’d come back to his room last night, and I’d hardly given him time to get in the door before I’d ripped his clothes off and pounded his arse as he lay face down across the small dining table. I’d already prepared it, taking off all the junk he had on it and getting the lube and condoms ready to hand. The walls next door must have been shaking with all the action.

  Having Toby like that, at my mercy while I screwed him, driving into him like a man possessed, had been incredible. Once I’d come, with an intense orgasm that had made me cry out his name more than once, I’d taken him into the small en-suite bathroom and made him get in the shower, then given him a blowjob that had made his toes curl. We’d crawled into his double bed and fallen asleep almost immediately. I’d woken up this morning with him curled around me, one long leg flung across mine, and a hand on my chest that just dared me to move.

  Seeing that young man with him last night, kissing him—normally I’d have been as jealous as hell. But it had given me such a warm thrill that he really believed he was mine and I was his. His use of the word “boy
friend” had sent a shock of pleasure through me. I’d hardly thought about the conversation with Tommy in the past six weeks. I was beginning to accept I was really over him now that I had this man in my bed. Toby’s gentleness, his warmth, his dry wit, and his ability to make me feel special touched me in a way no one had done in a long time.

  I detached myself carefully, trying not to wake him up. He was starting work later today. I wanted to try and let him catch up on the sleep he’d missed last night because I’d been a horny, needy bastard. I showered, and by the time I was ready, his eyes were opening blearily. He grinned as he saw me standing in front of the mirror trying to tame the hair that had grown longer and seemed to be getting curlier. Toby loved it longer, so I thought I’d give it a try. But it was driving me crazy.

  “Hey, you,” he said softly. “What time is it?”

  I finally managed to get some order in my hair using a little bit of his hair gel. I wasn’t one for it normally, but it seemed to work. “It’s 8:00 a.m. You still have an hour before you need to be downstairs, so take it easy.”

  He grimaced as he sat up, and the sheets fell to his waist. I could see his morning hard-on tenting the cover. “Jesus, my arse is sore. Last night you were a bloody animal, Rain. I might not be able to sit down today.”

  I looked at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?” I felt a sense of dread, remembering my own ordeal, and my stomach clenched. He knew what I was thinking, and he shook his head as he clambered out of bed and came over to wrap his arms around me and kiss my cheek softly.

  “No, I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me, at least, no more than I wanted.” He chuckled and kissed my lips. Morning breath had never tasted so sweet. “It’s the price I pay for having a horny boyfriend with a big dick.”

  I laughed but still felt a little apprehensive. “You do things to me that drive me wild. But you will tell me if I ever go overboard, won’t you, if I ever do anything… umph.”


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