Waiting for Rain

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Waiting for Rain Page 30

by Susan Mac Nicol

  My jaw fell when two burly figures arrived to sit right at the front. Taxi Man nodded at me as he entered. “Afternoon, lad. Good to see you again.” He disappeared inside with another man, also built like a rugby forward and sporting similar tattoos, beside him.

  Lucas gazed at me curiously. “You know Athol? He doesn’t normally operate from here unless he’s got some free time. Then he freelances for Verne.”

  At least now I knew Taxi Man’s name, unlikely though it was. “Yeah, we’ve met. He invited me and Rain down to Celts for a couples’ session once.”

  Now it was Lucas’s turn to suffer dropped-jaw syndrome. “Come again, the gay sauna place? You two hang out there with those two?”

  “Oh yes,” I said airily. “We have a real ménage thing going on. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen those two without their towels on. Quite an impressive sight, I can tell you.” I left Lucas standing there wide-eyed in shock as I gave a satisfied chuckle, going in to watch the show. Tammy grabbed my arm as I entered, bundling me down to the front row of seats.

  “I’ve been given strict instructions from the performer. You have to sit right here.” She pushed me down into the chair right in front and center of the stage, and I sat down. Barry sat to my left, with Athol on his left. I nodded at them carefully.

  “Your boyfriend’s a right one, isn’t he,” Barry said conversationally. “I wish Athol would do something like this for me. It’d be a real turn-on.”

  I swallowed at the thought of the man mountain at the far side of me gliding around the pole. My mind threatened to overwhelm itself.

  “Yes, Rain’s a bit of a firework,” I mumbled between thoughts invading my brain of naked Athols cavorting around a pole. I blinked furiously to get rid of the images. “He likes showing off.”

  “I’ve been looking forward to this, worth the two quid.” He settled back with a packet of Maltesers and crunched them noisily. I turned my attention to the stage as the lights dimmed and the spotlights focused on the pole in the center. I looked back to see Tammy and Lucas a row behind me, seated with Simon and Luis. Nearly everyone I knew was in the audience. Verne sat with his wife, Marcy, with Ginny in a row on my right. I saw Stacey from the hotel huddled with her girlfriend in the back. I saw the Hampton family with their sheep-stealing son Mark seated in the front on the right, and the mother smiled at me softly as I met her eyes. I smiled back.

  There was a commotion as Dave barreled his way through the narrow space between the chairs and stepped onto the stage. He held up a meaty hand to try and simmer the excited crowd down. When there was quiet, he cleared his throat. “Ladies and gentleman. Welcome to tonight’s performance. It’s good to see such a great turnout.”

  Oh my God, he’s really hamming it up. I cringed. He was definitely enjoying himself.

  His voice grew serious. “You all know why we’re here. Little Megan Hampton is due for a serious heart operation in a few months. Her brother Mark has been trying to raise funds for the travel money to get his parents and him settled in London while Megan has her operation. He’s been quite the entrepreneur.” He grinned, and I saw a lot of teeth. No doubt he was reminding Mark of his sheep-stealing antics.

  “So, some good-hearted souls in this town decided to try and help them by donating their time and efforts to this very worthy cause. You all know Toby Prentiss and Rain Engel.”

  There was a catcall of cheers and whistles, and everyone looked at me. I wanted to sink through the floor. My face was burning crimson.

  “You know that these two men are one of the town’s favorite couples, despite recent activity that indicated some of us didn’t hold with their relationship.” His expression formed into a dark scowl. “Well, I say live and let live. If these two young men love each other, then who is anyone else to tell them they can’t or make their lives miserable.”

  By now I was huddled down in my chair, wishing the earth would implode and suck me in. Please don’t start a gay-rights speech, Dave, I pleaded silently. I couldn’t bear it. Not now.

  Again there were cheers, clapping, and a series of loud catcalls. The noise was deafening. I nodded at various people smiling and nodding at me. Barry had the temerity to grab my hand and rub his thumb along it before letting it go. I felt very out of my comfort zone.

  Luckily, Dave didn’t pursue the whole impromptu gay-pride theme. “I’m pleased to say we raised quite a lot of money through the ticket sales organized by young Toby here in front, and he even managed to get a few fairly large sponsorships thrown in. He needs a medal, that young man.” There was some spontaneous clapping as everyone acknowledged his words. “I’m pleased to say that it looks like Sally, Richard, and their son Mark will be going to London in style to be with their daughter when she has her operation.” The crowd went crazy, and Dave grinned before waving his arms above his head to calm everyone down.

  Barry once again mauled my hand. “Well done, mate,” he whispered as he winked. I smiled faintly. Dave carried on like the true showman he was.

  “So, young Rain—” He had to stop as the cheers and whistles grew louder and the roof nearly came off. “So, young Rain has kindly consented to give you ladies and gents a floor show, using his special talents to entertain and astound you with his moves around the pole. If anyone feels like donating any more cash to the cause, please feel free to give it to young Tammy or Lucas at the back, and they’ll add it to the Hampton fund.” He grinned wickedly. “You are not allowed to tuck the money into the dancer’s clothing, sparse as it may be. We have to leave the lad some dignity.” There was series of jeers and disappointed shouts, which Dave waved away. I thought wryly he didn’t know Rain very well. My man would have no compunctions about having money slipped inside his jockstrap or whatever else he’d chosen to wear tonight.

  “Now, without further ado, ladies and gentleman, may I present Mr. Rain Engel!”

  He waved toward the screen as the lights dimmed and the spotlights came on. The music started, and it sent a chill down my spine and made the hairs on my arms stand up. I’d heard it briefly before on Rain’s phone when he had it playing through his in-car system. It was a tune called “Small Town Witch” by Sneaker Pimps, one of Rain’s favorite groups. It was dark underground with a mix of soul and jazz and a sexy, hypnotic beat that was well suited to what its purpose was tonight. It was just bloody perfect. I held my breath as Rain appeared on stage, and my heart stopped.

  He was dressed in tight, shiny leather pants which shone under the spotlights and melded to his lower half like a second skin. His torso was bare except for an open leather waistcoat set with chains, a black leather silver-studded collar, and a wristband round one arm. He was barefoot. My eyes popped, and my cock leaped to attention. Judging from the grunts and satisfied noises coming from the man next to me, he probably had the same problem.

  Christ, Rain looks so bloody sexy. And where the hell did he learn those moves?

  Rain slithered onto the stage like a sinuous panther, all smoldering male. The crowd went crazy. They whistled and shouted, and he acknowledged them with a cheeky grin. He started moving around the pole in time with the music as the crowd calmed down to an awed hush, with only the occasional shout or whistle punctuating the tune that was playing. My breath left my body as he slid around the pole, legs scissoring, hands gripping it like a professional. I knew exactly where I wanted those hands right now. Rain only had eyes for me as he performed. The music thrummed out in the air, heavy, sensual, laden with promise. Rain glided around the pole, his eyes never leaving my face, doing the splits, moving up the pole, hanging by his legs upside down, then shimmying up the pole and supporting himself with his legs as he slowly bent his body down to face his audience. I could only watch as the sexiest man in the world danced just for my benefit. His act was a mixture of burlesque dance and limber movements that made me want to rush up and take him right there.

  I knew Rain could do amazing things with his body, but damn, he’s definitely raising the bar tonight.
I’d want a private show of my own later, with some of those moves.

  A pair of red panties was flung onto the stage, and I glanced back to see who’d thrown them. Ginny looked at me, her face alight with mischief as she held up yet another pair ready to lob at my boyfriend. I grinned at her, and she winked. Then her arm went back, and another lingerie missile hit the stage. Rain took the time to bow and blow a kiss at her. I noticed he didn’t pick them up.

  I knew he’d said he wanted me to cheer, but I had no voice to do so. My throat was dry with lust. I was rock hard as he danced, his hips thrusting and swaying, his pelvis moving in a way I’d personally experienced but never in quite as public a place. If sex was a liquid, its name was Rain Engel. The crowd noise swelled in appreciation at his performance. He had no fear. When he left the pole, moving toward me, off the stage, his eyes shone, and there was the faint sheen of sweat on his chest and face. I felt faint with hunger for him. He moved over to me, thrusting his hips suggestively in my face. I heard Barry give a great gulp as so much sheer male sexiness got closer, and I was very aware of Barry’s shifting movements in his chair. I was having the same problem myself.

  Rain removed his leather waistcoat slowly as he gyrated before me. He slung it over his shoulder as he danced. His lean torso was now bare, and I wanted to lick the rivulets of sweat that lined his sculpted abs. I wanted to nuzzle the hair on his chest that led down to his groin and smell his scent. If I hadn’t been sitting down, I would have fallen weak-kneed in front of him and done anything he’d asked me to do. He reached out and loosened my tie, his eyes never leaving mine. My tie came loose in his hand, and he grinned and took it teasingly, running it across his lips then stroking it across mine. I was trying very hard to keep myself from coming in my pants.

  The crowd once again went wild. I heard various rude suggestions coming from the back that were quickly suppressed, no doubt by a vicious glance from Dave or even Lucas. I heard nothing but the music, the beating of my heart, and was grateful for the heady knowledge that this exquisite creature in front of me was mine alone. He cupped my chin, then kissed me hard on the lips to great clapping and agreement from the crowd. I closed my eyes and groaned when his lips left mine. When I opened them, he was slowly undoing the collar around his neck, licking his lips as he did so. When it was free, he dropped it into my lap. His hands brushed the front of my groin, and my cock reared, reaching out for him, begging to be set free. He gave a knowing grin. Then Rain shimmied back to his pole with my tie wrapped loosely around his neck as he put his waistcoat back on and finished his performance with more moves I hadn’t known he possessed. I fingered the collar in my hands, feeling its warmth and the wet feel of sweat, smelling my lover’s scent. As the last strains of the music died away, the audience was on their feet, shouting encouragement and for encores. Rain just grinned. I saw the wicked smile on his face, and my stomach clenched.

  What the hell is he going to do now?

  He turned his back to the audience, swung his hips from side to side, and as I sat, mesmerized, he swiftly unzipped his pants and mooned the audience. My mouth dropped open at the sight of his tight, rounded backside, one I knew very well. The crowd went apeshit, the noise levels enough to raise the roof. He exposed himself a few seconds longer, then cheekily pulled up his pants again and disappeared behind his screen.

  I felt sly pokes in my ribs from Barry’s meaty fingers, and someone behind me clapped me on the shoulder, shouting their congratulations that I had such a man in my life.

  I sat there, unwilling to move, because if I did, I might poke someone with the enormous erection I was sprouting. My heart was beating like I’d just run a marathon. Barry leaned over to me, a leer on his sweaty face.

  “Christ, you are one fucking lucky fella to have that to go home to. He’s bloody gorgeous, and with hip movements like that, I bet he’s dynamite in the sack. And what a bloody great arse. I’m telling you, you two just have to meet me and Athol at Celts.” His greedy eyes looked toward the stage, and I wanted to punch his face for lusting after my boyfriend. I stood up and shook my head, putting the leather collar in the pocket of my trousers.

  “Barry, when I have that in my bed, I don’t need anything else. So, thanks for the invitation, but I don’t think we’ll be taking you up on it.”

  He looked disappointed. “Well, if you change your mind….”

  “I’ll certainly let you know if we do.” I wanted badly to rush up onto the stage and disappear behind the screen with Rain and fuck his brains out. But I knew that if I saw him I’d hardly be able to control myself, and being done for lewd conduct in public really didn’t appeal to me. Instead I fought my way through the people talking excitedly to me about Rain and how sexy he’d looked and how they all wanted to take him home. I nodded, chatted as I fought through the throng and escaped the theater with a sigh of relief.

  I took a few deep gulps of air as Lucas and Tammy joined me. I moved slightly, trying to hide the bulge at my groin. I knew it was a useless gesture, but I had to do something. Lucas clapped me hard on the shoulder as Tammy hugged me. I tried to keep my hips away from her. Luckily the barn was full to bursting, and people milled around like shoals of fish as they passed by.

  “Christ, Toby, your man is something else! With those moves, he’s enough to turn a straight man like me into fancying blokes.” Lucas was grinning in pride. “He was bloody incredible. Trust him to drop his bloody trousers. The man’s a tart.”

  “I’ve told Lucas we might get him lessons from Rain on the pole dancing if it gives him a bum like Rain’s,” Tammy said with a snigger as Lucas looked at her with a warning glint in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone bounding Tigger-like out of the theater and thumping him on the arm. Rain was hyped up, dressed back in his jeans and checked shirt, with a glow to him that made me think of the way he looked after sex. His bag was in his hand.

  “I heard that, and I’d be glad to teach you a few moves, my friend.” He reached out for me, pulled me into his arms, and kissed me fiercely. I felt his hardness pressing against my groin and wished we were somewhere more private.

  He whispered into my ear. “I am so turned on, and I want you very badly. Guess we’ll have to wait a while. I can feel you enjoyed it too.”

  He released me and looked at me with anticipation. “So, what do you think, lover? Did I do all right?”

  “Christ, Rain, you did better than all right,” I said huskily. “You were fucking fantastic.”

  He grinned proudly. He bounced around, and I could see he was adrenaline fueled. I regretted that I wouldn’t get to channel all that energy my way sooner.

  Tammy hugged him, her eyes sparkling. “You were awesome, Rain. God, Toby is a lucky man to have someone like you giving him private shows in that living room of yours. The air must sizzle when you two are alone. It must be like having your very own porn studio.” She giggled.

  I opened my mouth to inform her loftily that it was indeed an honor, and Rain filled it with his tongue. He kissed me in front of the whole crowd as if there was no tomorrow, his hands pulling me to him in a clinch that melded us together. I heard nothing, knew nothing other than the feel of his body against mine and his mouth on mine.

  When he let me go, it was just as well he still had his hands wrapped around my waist, or I would have melted to the floor in a puddle of pure ecstasy.

  “Steady on, Rain,” Lucas chortled. “You’ve made Toby all faint now. The man looks as if he needs a stiff one.”

  He laughed loudly at his wit, and Rain grinned. Just then there was a loud comment from somewhere behind me.

  “Good Lord, such an open display of lust is simply disgusting. Can’t you keep it private, you two? It’s bad enough we have to put up with the whole town seeing you half-naked on stage, Rain, but doing that in public is just not on. There are children present, you know.”

  Rain’s face flushed with anger as he faced Brett Manson-Cooke, one of the town councilo
rs. He’d also been the one who’d given me a lot of trouble when we were arranging the whole fund-raising show. His thin face was red with disgust, and his tall, spare frame loomed over the people around him. He looked like some sort of malevolent crane.

  “I didn’t think there was a law against kissing in a public place, Brett,” Rain said angrily. “And we’re not hurting anyone.”

  Brett sneered. “I can’t believe people paid to see such a display of wanton sexual perversion in there.” He waved at the theater. “People’s morals appear to be a little skewed lately.”

  Lucas stepped forward, his face mild but his tone warning. “I’d not say that too loud, Brett. There are people that might take exception to that. Especially seeing as how it was all done for a very good cause, and these two fellows volunteered to help and expected nothing in return.” He motioned toward Rain and me. I saw Simon and Luis making their way toward us through the crowd. Simon’s face was thunderous, and I guessed he’d heard Brett’s words from where he’d been standing, not far away. He reached us and stared at Brett, his eyes flinty. I could see he was about to speak, but I had something to say first.

  I stepped forward. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Brett. I appreciate the pole dancing might not be everyone’s taste, but the people in there actually paid to see it. We didn’t force anyone to be there.” I felt Rain’s arm encircle my waist protectively.

  Brett saw it. His eyes narrowed. “Toby, I know you’re a homosexual, but you’ve never really flaunted it, and I’ve always been grateful for that.” I heard his pompous, arrogant words with a sense of disbelief. “But since meeting Rain, I have to say you’ve become a little more—what shall we say—flamboyant. Can you blame people for getting a little more physical toward you?”

  My heart lurched as I realized he was referring to Neil’s attack on me. I knew Manson-Cooke and Neil’s dad, Digger, were good friends. Rain growled behind me, and his arm round my waist tightened in his anger. I was about to reply when Simon walked up to Brett and gazed directly into his eyes. Brett stepped back, a little intimidated by Simon’s stance. Simon’s voice was sibilant when he spoke, like the hiss of a snake. It was very disconcerting and a tone I’d never heard before.


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