Demon Warriors 4: Takeo

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Demon Warriors 4: Takeo Page 3

by Lynn Hagen

  “Hold on,” Takeo said as he walked past Kamiko, who was staring at him strangely. He walked into his bedroom, tossing the towel aside, grabbing his clothes, and pulling them on. Next he walked into the bathroom and shut the shower off.

  Not even one moment’s peace.

  Barefooted, Takeo met Wayland in the kitchen as he steeped some tea.

  “So, where have you been?” Wayland asked as he took a seat at the table.

  That was a very good question. Takeo had escaped, but he hadn’t figured out where he was. He knew it was the human realm, but that was it. He hadn’t been in his right frame of mind once he escaped.

  Thoughts of Kamiko’s safety had driven him to find a shadow and find his friend.

  “The human realm,” he answered as he poured a cup of tea for himself and Wayland.

  Takeo made a third cup when he remembered his houseguest. As he set the teakettle back on the stove, a sharp pain shot through his skull, making Takeo grip the counter tightly. He tried to breathe through the pain, but it was hard. His skull felt like it was being split in half, and then a memory surfaced. It was a memory of his captivity.

  A memory he didn’t remember.


  Takeo heard Kamiko’s voice, but the memory seized hold of him and made him watch as he hung there, suspended in midair, a needle being injected into his foot. As the vision played out, a low throb began to pulse in his foot as the needle slid out of his skin.

  His breathing became labored as Takeo looked down at his bare feet, but he didn’t see any markings. He wasn’t even sure if the memory was real. The pain was.


  He spun around to see Kamiko and Wayland staring at him.


  Wayland frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  Takeo looked at his feet again. The skin was unblemished, but the memory had been so real. Takeo wondered if he was losing his mind, if he could trust his memories at this point. Maybe he was more fucked up than he thought.

  “Nothing.” Takeo couldn’t confess something so horrible when he didn’t know if it came strictly from his nightmares or if there was truth in the memories in his head. “I’m just tired.” Takeo knew Wayland didn’t buy his words when he looked up and Wayland was just staring at him. Takeo shrugged. What else could he do? He wasn’t ready to discuss what had happened to him.

  Hell, he wasn’t even sure he knew what happened.

  “Drink your tea.”

  Wayland arched an eyebrow but took his cup and carried it to the small table just off of the kitchen. Takeo was grateful the man didn’t say anything. Besides the fact that he didn’t want Kamiko to know too much, he didn’t want to explain his nightmare to everyone. He knew he would have to as soon as Panahasi came back. But he could wait. It would give him time to gather his thoughts.

  Takeo sat down across from Wayland. He hid his smirk behind his teacup when Kamiko quickly skirted past Wayland, making sure they didn’t touch, then scurried over to sit down next to Takeo.

  “Have you two introduced yourselves?” he asked as he looked between the two men, noting the scowls on both their faces.

  It was almost comical. Kamiko looked like he wanted to rip Wayland’s entrails out and dance on them as he glared across the table. Wayland looked disgruntled as if he couldn’t quite figure out why there was a human in the demon realm. Humans did live there, a handful, but to bring one here when times were in chaos wasn’t the smartest move a man could make.

  When both men shook their heads, Takeo sighed deeply. He could feel a headache building at the base of his skull. “Kamiko, this is one of my friends, Wayland. We work together. Wayland, this Kamiko.

  He’s a friend.”

  If Wayland’s eyebrow arched any more at those words, it would have skimmed right off his face. Takeo felt a growl start in his chest.

  He didn’t like to be questioned, even if it was just a brow rising. Ever since he escaped Baku, Takeo took his position as a warrior seriously.

  To be questioned rankled his nerves. “Panahasi knows he’s here.”

  “Yeah, but why is he here?”

  “’Cause that guy was freaky,” Kamiko snapped. “I’d pretty much prefer being anywhere he isn’t.”

  Takeo groaned. He knew what was coming, and he had been trying to avoid it for just a few more minutes.

  “What guy?” Wayland asked.

  Takeo could feel his pulse begin to throb in his temple as he glared at Wayland. Kamiko had seen enough already. He didn’t need to know the details. But he knew the only way to end this conversation quickly was to answer Wayland.

  “Constantine,” Takeo answered for Kamiko. “He went after Kamiko.”

  “Constantine!” Wayland shouted as he jumped to his feet.

  “Constantine Malone?”

  Takeo nodded.

  Wayland rubbed his hand down over his face. “Fuck me running.” Takeo chuckled. Wayland had a way with words.

  “Is that even possible?” Kamiko asked.

  Takeo glanced over at Kamiko. “Is what possible?”

  “To fuck while running?” Kamiko shrugged. “I mean, I can imagine the logistics of it, but realistically, is it possible? What would happen if you tripped? You could break something really important or…or…” Kamiko shuddered. “I’m not sure I want to even imagine it.”

  Takeo stared, his mind taking a dump at Kamiko’s words. He suddenly started envisioning fucking Kamiko while running through the streets. At first, the fantasy was hot. His cock jerked in agreement.

  Takeo could almost taste the sweat on Kamiko’s brow.

  And then he imagined stumbling and tripping, as Kamiko said.

  Takeo winced and pressed his legs together. Yeah, maybe not. A flat surface would work so much better. Takeo groaned and pinched his thigh to give himself something else to think about other than Kamiko’s luscious body spread out all over his bed.

  “I’d be willing to try it at least once, though,” Kamiko continued.

  “I’ve always believed you should try everything once. If you like it, try again. If you don’t like it, move on to something else.” Takeo choked when he almost swallowed his tongue. Was that an invitation? That was something he only imagined in his dreams.

  Takeo knew of Kamiko’s history and how badly the man had been abused. To hear him talking in such a manner was something he never dreamed he’d hear.

  Still, just because Kamiko was saying what he was saying did not mean he wanted to be jumped. Takeo drew in a shaky breath and glanced up at Wayland. A low, menacing growl ignited in his chest when he found Wayland looking at Kamiko with a speculative gaze.

  Takeo jumped to his feet and placed his body between Kamiko and Wayland.


  Wayland’s head snapped up, and then his face drained of color as he backed away, holding his hands up in surrender. “Hey, no problem, Takeo.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to sleep with me?” Takeo groaned, clenching his hands into tight fists. His eyes closed as he dropped his head down to his chest. There was just no winning for him. The sweet innocence in Kamiko’s voice, combined with the want, was going to be Takeo’s undoing. If this kept up, he would have no way of denying the man. He wanted Kamiko too much, and for too long.

  “So, on that note,” Wayland said as he backed away toward the front door, “I’m going to head on out. Let me know how that sleeping together thing works out for you, Kamiko.” Takeo almost begged Wayland to stay until he saw the interested glint in Wayland’s eyes as he glanced at Kamiko again. Takeo growled and took a step forward. Wayland’s eyes widened as they snapped back to Takeo. He jumped for the door, slamming it behind him a second later.

  Takeo drew in another deep breath and turned back to Kamiko.

  “Kamiko, you can’t—oh, sweet mother of mercy.” Kamiko was standing behind Takeo, stark ass naked. His clothes sat neatly folded on the table next to him. Takeo’s eyes snapped around the room and t
hen landed back on Kamiko’s slim frame. There was just so much milky-white skin that Takeo couldn’t help but get an instant erection. For a timid man, Kamiko was being very forward. He was standing there looking at Takeo with anticipation in his coal-black eyes.


  “What?” Kamiko asked as he tilted his head, his silky black hair gliding across his shoulder. Takeo groaned at the sight. He could just imagine what Kamiko’s hair would feel like as it glided through his fingers.

  He had to stop thinking that way. Kamiko was here for protection only, not a romp in the sheets.

  At least that was what Takeo was trying to tell himself. He wasn’t sure why Kamiko was doing this, but he had known the man too many years and this was not the Kamiko he knew.

  So how did he turn the guy down without hurting his feelings?

  That was the last thing Takeo wanted to do. Kamiko was too sweet, and Takeo didn’t want to see the pain in the man’s eyes at his refusal.

  He shifted his weight to his other foot as his eyes glided down Kamiko’s body, stopping at the erection that jutted out between the man’s legs.

  Fuck, was he in trouble.

  Chapter Four

  Kamiko was starting to think that Takeo didn’t want him by the way the warrior hesitated. He had been in Zeus’s home for far too long, and he wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by.

  For many years Kamiko had stayed to himself and stayed locked away in his bedroom. He finally had some semblance of freedom, and he wasn’t going to waste it. Kamiko took a step forward, unsure how to seduce a man. He wasn’t an experienced seducer, but he knew what he wanted.

  He had wanted it since first laying eyes on Takeo.

  “Don’t you want me?”

  Takeo seemed to snap out of whatever daze he had been in as he sauntered across the room. “Oh, I want you, all right. I have wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I’m just not sure you’re ready for this.”

  Kamiko was more than ready. Years of loneliness had him revved up. He wouldn’t doubt that Takeo would be the one begging by the time this was over. Kamiko put an extra hitch in his hip as he closed the gap between them. He could see the lust in Takeo’s eyes. Kamiko gave a soft purr as he raked his nails down Takeo’s chest.

  It worked in the movies.

  “Kamiko,” Takeo said as he swallowed, “are you sure?”


  Kamiko never knew Takeo could move so fast. He was up in Takeo’s arms and off to the man’s bedroom before he even realized his feet had left the ground. To say he was nervous was an understatement, but Kamiko wanted this more than his next breath.

  “You’re mine, Kamiko. Even if I sleep with you and find that we aren’t mates, I’ll never let you go.”

  “Good, because I don’t plan on letting you go either. I’ll scratch anyone’s eyes out who tries to take you from me.” And that was the honest truth. Kamiko had grown to love Takeo and couldn’t imagine the man with anyone else. The thought actually made him sick.

  “Then we are in agreement.”

  Kamiko’s head spun as a small whimper fell from his lips when Takeo grazed his lips over Kamiko’s for the very first time. Years, so many years he had waited for this moment. Kamiko knew in his heart that he and Takeo were mates. Fate wasn’t that cruel. He hoped not at least.

  When Takeo laid him gently on the bed, Kamiko wrapped his legs around his soon-to-be lover, refusing to let him go.

  “I have to undress,” Takeo said into his mouth and then kissed him again. Kamiko was loath to let him go. But if he wanted Takeo to fuck him, he needed to give the man some room. Unwrapping his legs, Kamiko pulled up from the mattress to help Takeo remove his shirt and slacks. He swallowed hard when Takeo’s cock was revealed.

  Did they come in that size?

  Holy crosses and cows, Takeo was packing well. The man didn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere. The lines that crisscrossed his body were well defined, littered with large veins that only added to his masculine beauty. Kamiko sat there in awe of the man.

  “What’s wrong?” Takeo asked as he climbed onto the bed. “Have you changed your mind?”

  Hardly. He’d have to be knocked out and dragged from Takeo’s apartment in order to refuse the man. He wasn’t that stupid. “No.” Kamiko didn’t want to talk anymore. They had talked enough over the years. It was time to get down to the funky sex and sweating part.

  Tucking his hands behind Takeo’s head, Kamiko pulled him down, connecting their lips in an electrifying, make-your-eyelashes-curl kiss. Kamiko could die a happy man now with the way Takeo was mastering his mouth, drawing the kiss out like a lazy Sunday afternoon.

  Kamiko could tell Takeo was trying to be gentle. But he didn’t want gentle. Kamiko wanted skin-slapping, fall-off-the-bed, scream-until-his-voice-was-lost sex. Was that too much to ask for?

  He tried to flip Takeo over onto his back, but with his soon-to-be lover’s weight, that didn’t work out too well.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Flip over,” Kamiko commanded as he pushed at Takeo’s chest.

  He was trying to take charge, but Takeo’s bulky frame was denying him that pleasure.

  Takeo’s brow arched as he moved to his back. As soon as Takeo’s weight was off of him, Kamiko pounced. He dropped down between Takeo’s legs and swallowed his cock before the man could utter one ounce of protest.

  “Fuck!” Takeo shouted as his head fell back onto the mattress, his legs pulling up as his feet planted firmly on the bed. Kamiko opened wide, lavishing Takeo’s cock with his tongue as he snaked a hand down to Takeo’s balls and tugged on them.

  Takeo groaned.

  Kamiko took that as a sign that he was doing a good job. He wasn’t well versed in the art of blow jobs, but he knew enough to get him by. Even in the dark days years ago, Kamiko…he pushed that thought aside and attacked Takeo harder, with more vigor.

  “Kamiko.” Takeo whispered his name like a lover in the night, making Kamiko’s skin feel like it was alive for the very first time. He opened his mouth wider, taking Takeo’s shaft deeper into his mouth.

  He pulled back, suckling at the head as Takeo ran his hands through Kamiko’s hair, fanning it out over his thigh. His fingers were like a soft caress, making Kamiko’s body shiver in delight.

  “Come here, little flower.” Takeo’s tone was commanding, yet gentle.

  Kamiko was having none of that. He didn’t want gentle, at least not now. He wet his finger, praying Takeo didn’t knock him on his ass as he quickly inserted a finger into Takeo’s ass.

  “What the fuck!” Takeo shouted as his hips bucked, ramming his cock down Kamiko’s throat in the process. He gagged and pulled back.

  Well, that worked out well.

  Kamiko froze, Takeo’s cock still shoved between his lips as he looked up at Takeo. He didn’t look mad.

  “You’re full of many surprises, aren’t you?” Takeo growled as he pulled Kamiko up and tossed him on his back. “Let’s see how you handle a warrior fucking you.”

  Kamiko spread his legs apart, a hopeful smile playing at his lips as he batted his eyelashes at Takeo. “Show me.” Takeo’s eyebrows shot up, and then his lids fell to slits as he crawled up Kamiko’s body. “Slow and steady or fast and hard?”

  “Fast and hard,” Kamiko quickly answered.

  “Do not forget that it was you who asked for it,” Takeo warned as he set the head of his cock at Kamiko’s hole. He jerked when he felt something wet spurt inside his hole. He glanced up at Takeo, his eyes wide.

  “It is a lubricant that a demon’s cock gives off to relax the entrance. Preseminal fluid,” Takeo said as his ran his hands through Kamiko’s hair, giving it a light tug.

  “Harder,” Kamiko begged.

  Takeo’s nostrils flared as he tugged harder, sending small shards of pain and pleasure through Kamiko’s scalp. He shuddered as he moaned. “Again.”

  Kamiko could feel another spurt as Takeo pulled ju
st a little harder. He could feel nails scraping his scalp as Takeo pulled slightly harder than the last. Kamiko was going wild under Takeo. His fingers dug into Takeo’s chest, leaving half-moon bites behind as Takeo leaned forward and began to play with Kamiko’s nipples with his tongue, lapping, sucking, and gently biting them until Kamiko was ready to come from the exotic sensation.

  Who knew he had sensitive nipples?

  Kamiko’s hands flew to Takeo’s hair as he pushed his lover’s head closer, begging. He yelped when Takeo bit one nipple and then lapped at it with his tongue.

  Another spurt…

  Kamiko was trying desperately to impale himself on Takeo’s cock, but whenever he pushed down, Takeo moved back. “Let it do its job, little flower.”

  Frustrated, Kamiko yanked at Takeo’s hair. “It has done its job. Fuck me.”

  Takeo grinned as he leaned down and kissed Kamiko. “You must learn patience.”

  Kamiko didn’t want to learn patience. He wanted to be fucked.

  His ass chased Takeo’s cock as his lover chuckled. To see Takeo smile was like watching the heavens open up. It took his very breath away.

  “Are you ready?” Takeo asked as he nipped at Kamiko’s shoulder.

  “God, yes.” He had been ready years ago. Kamiko grabbed Takeo’s shoulders as his lover’s cock slowly entered him, quick spurts of the lubricant shooting inside of him as Takeo eased his way in.

  Kamiko bit his lower lip. He knew Takeo was large, but it had been years. His fingers dug into Takeo. Okay, maybe with this he needed slow and steady. Definitely slow and steady.

  “Am I hurting you?” Takeo asked, his movements ceasing.

  Kamiko blew out and then shook his head. “No, it’s just…” He didn’t want to finish that sentence considering his last experience with sex. Being kidnapped from Japan and brought over to America to be used as a prostitute was something Kamiko didn’t dwell on, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to start now.

  “I know, little flower,” Takeo said softly as he raked a hand over Kamiko’s hair. “But you’re with me now. Stay with me.” Kamiko nodded as he exhaled. “I’m here and I’m ready.” Takeo gifted him with a sexy half smile as he eased the rest of the way in. Kamiko felt so full that he thought he was going to split in two. He pulled his legs back and then wrapped them around Takeo’s hips, giving a small tug to let Takeo know he was ready in every possible way.


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