Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3)

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Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3) Page 2

by Sabrina Rue

  At the heart of the thoughts in her mind was fear.

  Since she was a little girl, she’d feared Daemons. Specifically, Purists who landed in the middle of Were villages and slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could.

  Deep inside herself, she knew all Daemons weren’t the same. Just as not all Weres were like Gregor, the greedy and cruel former Alpha of Montana Pack.

  Still, the fear persisted.

  Wearing nothing but her dressing gown, Desiree walked through the silent, sleeping house to the back porch and shrugged it off her shoulders. It slipped down the length of her body.

  Moving into Change before it pooled around her feet, she ran for the tree line. Her Wolf was happy for the freedom she granted more often in the past weeks.

  Being in her alternate form gave her clarity and temporary peace. It blanked the noise of the world around her and gave her the opportunity to break things down to their simplest parts.

  For weeks, her thoughts had been racing.

  The Blackwell name was hundreds of years old. The Alphas in their line numbered more than a dozen. They were old blood, old money, and respected by Others around the world.

  Desiree felt too weak to possess the name.

  Since she was a little girl, she’d been guarded, protected, and coddled until she wanted to scream. The only blood female Blackwell in two generations, the males around her remained on edge for her safety.

  Her mother more so than anyone else.

  It was why Harmony’s arrival, her Mating to Desiree’s brother Ryker and his Second Jax, had been such a breath of fresh air in a life that stifled her.

  The half-breed Alpha was the only person to ever hit her, the only one to expect her to sweat, to exercise, to take on the primal role of protector…even if it was only to protect herself. Harmony was the role model she hadn’t known she needed.

  Desiree had always known she wouldn’t be joined to someone who wasn’t her Mate, not even to secure a critical alliance for Texas Pack.

  No matter how many decades it took, if she ever wanted children, she had to wait for him.

  Unlike many females, she didn’t have the luxury of making do regarding a life partner. As a full-blood Were, she was infertile with anyone other than the Mate meant to plant his seed in her belly.

  Always, she’d expected it would be one of her people. She’d hoped to strengthen her Pack and her family.

  To bring something to the table since her other skills were few. To bring honor to the Blackwell name.

  Running the forest, she listened to the night creatures scurry from the predator she was.

  In Change, she was fierce, followed her instincts, and could protect herself.

  In her human form, only Harmony could be trusted to give her the same confidence.

  The moon was barely a sliver in the sky and she didn’t scent any other Wolves in the area. The nearest members of her Pack were miles away patrolling the borders of their massive lands.

  She had the night to herself. It was the one time she didn’t feel scheduled.

  Allowing her muscles to stretch, she embraced the freedom to run wild at full speed. It was exhilarating.

  No one in her family knew of her nightly runs. She didn’t want guards to join her or her mother to worry.

  She simply wished to feel the wind, the world, whip past her fur without an audience, without conditions.

  Cutting through the heavy forest, she changed direction and leapt a fallen log. She saw the man mid-air and her landing was hard as she skidded to a stop.

  A stranger in the woods of Texas Pack.

  She turned to run back to the compound, back to safety. Back to the people and life she knew.

  “Wait, Desiree.” He knew her name.

  His voice was deep, almost melodic. The timbre struck to the bone, made her turn slowly to face him. The scent he carried exploded over her, seemed to sink into her pores, and she released a low growl.

  Dressed in an elegant dark gray suit, the stranger placed a midnight blue silk robe over a fallen log and turned his back to her.

  He wanted her to leave Change. She backed up several feet, her paws silent on the earth.

  “Don’t leave. I won’t hurt you. I swear it. I would never hurt you, Desiree.”

  He held his arm out to the side, his hand in a fist, and she could see and smell his blood dripping to the pine needle covered dirt below.

  “I vow it in blood.”

  They were exactly the right words to say.

  Returning to her human form, she pulled the robe around her naked body and tied it. Raking her fingers through her hair, she inhaled deeply.

  Walking closer to him, he didn’t turn as she used her canines to nick the pad of her palm. The blood welled and she took his hand.

  The instant they touched, everything about her life changed. It would never, could never, go back to the way it was before she took his hand.

  The girl she used to be was gone.

  He looked over his shoulder and she stared up into a face that was painfully beautiful. He had thick silver hair that moved in the slight breeze, silver eyes, long black lashes tipped in silver, and full lips.

  At five-eight, she thought he might be six-four. She held his gaze even as she held her breath.

  “My name is Titus.”

  “I know.” After touching him, she knew many things about the Daemon in front of her. Her Mate. “You didn’t b-block me.”

  He turned to her fully and removed a handkerchief from an inner pocket of his jacket. Lifting her hand, he cleaned it of their blood but didn’t release it.

  “It would be foolish to begin our acquaintance in such a way. Your gift, as with the gifts used by my people, is part of you. There is no one in the universe with more right to my memories, my mind.”

  “You grant me too much trust.”

  “You understand why I’m here, Desiree.” She nodded and knew he felt the way she trembled. “The moment I felt a ripple of your presence in the world, I reached out to every Daemon who’d ever met you. Scanning Daemon kind is one of my gifts.”

  Tilting her head, she whispered, “Who? I don’t…”

  “Young Justice and Juliette Kassis were the first.” He smiled. “They’re as high-spirited and clever as their mother and aunt.”

  Unable to help herself, she chuckled. “Yes.”

  Titus reached out and smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. It caused a shiver to race up her spine.

  “The moment Justice inhaled the scent of you, Juliette found me. They’re incredibly powerful.”

  “You made that possible.”

  “Mm. Had the Kassis children not received my blood, Hope might not have given birth to children who could transition or fly but they would have been powerful nonetheless. On their own, the twin sisters have a higher concentration of Daemon DNA than other Weres. Far more than other half-breeds.”

  “A genetic anomaly?”

  “One that made them faster, stronger, more resilient.” Holding her hand in both of his, he said, “You weren’t frightened of Justice when he displayed his powers and found the traitor among the rogues. You didn’t recoil from Juliette when she revealed her wings.”

  “They’re children…”

  “Not unlike the children you will one day bring into the world, Desiree.” Her eyes widened as she realized her future offspring would be half-Daemon.

  They would exhibit Were abilities from their mother and receive other gifts from their biological father.

  “I understand your fear. I also know you’re incredibly young for talk of such things.”

  “I’m not going to get older very quickly.”

  The curve of his lips made her heart slam in her chest. “The time I must wait is nothing to me.”

  Inhaling carefully, she asked, “You…would wait?”

  “As long as you need. I’ve already waited an eternity without knowing if I would ever find you.” He stepped slightly closer. “The ability to se
e you, to breathe you in, is a gift I began to doubt would ever materialize.” His hands tightened around hers. “The opportunity to touch you is surreal.”

  She didn’t realize she’d lifted her other hand until she placed it over his. His eyes brightened, his canines extended slightly, and then he seemed to calm.

  “You h-have excellent control.”

  “I’ve had a long time to perfect it.” One side of his mouth lifted. “You challenge every skill I possess.”

  “I’ve never…touched someone warmer than me.” She stroked her thumb over the back of his hand and his body tightened before relaxing. “Humans always feel as though they’re chilled. Do I feel like that to you?”

  Titus shook his head but didn’t speak. He stared at her, into her, and she had no idea how much time might have passed.

  From his jacket, he removed a small leather pouch. “When you return to Change, take this with you.”

  She took it with the hand on top of his. As she removed her touch, he seemed to follow it until he caught himself and stilled.

  “What is it?”

  “A gift. A promise.”

  Breathing slowly, she took the delicate scent of raw cacao into her lungs. She stared at him for a long moment in silence.

  He explained softly, “Our signature is subtle, lovely. Like you.”

  “Thank you.” After a pause, she added quietly, “I didn’t think this would happen for a very long time…if ever. I’ll try not to be afraid.”

  Stepping closer, his voice was low. “It’s alright to be afraid. You’re stronger than you believe yourself to be, Desiree.” The glint of his canines was bright in the dim light of the crescent moon. “You’ll know it as I do.”

  Swallowing, she whispered, “Thank you, Titus.”

  He closed his eyes. “To hear you utter my name after so many millennia…” Opening them, the silver glowed bright. “I look forward to hearing you say it in the future.”

  Lifting her hand, he bowed and kissed the back, pressing it to his forehead.

  Finally straightening, he told her, “You should return to your home. Dawn approaches.” He slowly released her and turned his back to give her privacy. “I’ll bring the robe when I visit.”

  “Titus?” He met her eyes over his shoulder. “You make me less afraid.”

  With a sharp exhale, he whispered, “You cannot know how happy that makes me, Desiree.”

  She smiled and he returned it before facing away from her. She slipped the robe from her body, laid it over the log, and entered Change.

  Releasing a small huff to get his attention, he turned and went into a crouch. He stroked long fingers over her head, through her blue-black fur, and her Wolf wanted out, wanted control, wanted her Mate.

  “How beautiful you are in both your forms, little Wolf. I’ll see you again.”

  Stepping close, she nuzzled the side of his face with hers. His fingers tightened in her fur.

  Titus murmured hoarsely, “You must go, Desiree. Before I’m unable to let you out of my sight. I’ll come back again. You have my word.”

  Huffing against his neck, she licked him and stepped back. Slowly, his fingers released her. She picked up the pouch he’d given her in her teeth and ran for home.

  Twice, her Wolf dragged her to a stop, tried to get her to turn back. It took every ounce of strength she had to deny the primitive instinct to return to his side.

  Finally reaching the back porch of Texas Pack, she left Change, pulled on her dressing gown, and went to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  In her bathroom, she took a cool shower to lower a body temperature that was suddenly uncomfortably high. Her heart raced and so did her thoughts.

  Drying, she picked up the pouch and opened it. A necklace and a slim cell phone fell into her hand.

  The pendant was large with a gem she didn’t recognize affixed to a platinum base. The delicate image of a wolf mid-howl had been carved into the metal, reflecting softly through what she thought was probably a priceless stone. The chain was delicate but she imagined it was stronger than it looked.

  She put the necklace over her head and it fell between her breasts. Long enough for her to wear in Change and hide beneath her clothes.

  As she turned on the cell phone, a text appeared on the screen, startling her.

  I never wish to be far from you, Mate. I felt the modern approach was appropriate with the young woman I wish to pursue. Until we see each other again, I dream of you.

  Smiling, Desiree slipped into her bed and pulled her blankets over her naked body.

  Wrapping her fingers around the pendant, she whispered, “Goodnight, Titus.”

  Warmth spread from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and she released a small moan.

  Then it was gone.

  In her mind, she walked through the many images and memories she’d taken from Titus. Some were good, others were bad, but the worst were periods of infinite loneliness that ate him from the inside out.

  Then there were his dreams.

  In them, she looked down at her own face from his body, watched her eyes flutter in obvious pleasure, listened to her moans, the way she sighed his name.

  Every part of her body grew hot, shaky. Outside of Heat, she’d never experienced such sensations. Most Weres became sexually active in their late teens and didn’t place many boundaries on partners or frequency.

  She’d never been like the men and women around her and it was something that secretly worried her. More than once, she thought she might be abnormal.

  Her inability to be touched worsened the problem.

  To go from feeling nothing, desiring no one, to such intensity regarding a male not of her people was shocking, a little frightening.

  And more than a little exhilarating.

  As the sun peeked over the horizon, the need grew stronger, more focused, and she knew she’d never be able to sleep or function if she didn’t sate it.

  Slipping her hand down her torso, she returned to his dream, touching herself as she experienced his ecstasy in fucking her.

  Quickly, ferociously, she came with a low gasp. The pleasure gradually released her and she slid into a deep sleep filled with images from his life.

  Desiree had been restless, irritable, and off-balance since returning from Montana.

  It seemed, at last, she’d found the cure.



  It was hard to focus the next day and Desiree found herself counting the hours until she could see Titus again. She carefully masked her thoughts to everyone around her and trained harder than she ever had.

  For a little while, she wanted something for herself. Time with him that wasn’t placed under restrictions or their kinds’ Old-World traditions.

  Harmony asked no questions and showed her no mercy. Every move was picked apart and Desiree did it again and again until she got it right.

  That night, Titus waited for her deep in the forest at the same clearing. Again, he made a blood vow and she took his hand.

  This time, it was Desiree who didn’t release him.

  They stared at one another for a long time after he cleaned the blood from her palm.

  “You wear your necklace.”

  “It’s beautiful. I don’t recognize the stone.”

  Reaching out, he traced his fingertip over the pendant where it nestled between her breasts.

  “The raw stones came with my parents from our home world.” He told her the name and her eyes widened. “I had this one shaped into a piece for you.”

  “Thank you, Titus. It’s perfect.”

  “I’ve collected gifts for you since I was young. Accumulating them year after year, hoarding them like a dragon.” He met her eyes and smiled. “There is much I wish to give you, Desiree.”

  “I need very little.”

  “Which will make the giving all the more pleasurable.”

  He held her gaze while she considered their nightly ritual. “In Montana,
Justice requested a drop of my blood. He wanted to track me while we were in enemy territory, to make sure I was safe.” She swallowed. “Is that why you do it?”

  Squeezing her smaller hand in his, he said softly, “I make it so you know, deep within yourself, that you can trust me not to hurt you.”

  “I trust you, Titus.”

  “Not fully, not yet. It will take time.” Reaching up, he traced the back of his fingertips along the curve of her face. “I knew you’d read me when we touched. I wanted you to do so, to know me as no one else has ever known me. I hold your hand for the pleasure of it knowing that you continue to absorb my thoughts, my memories, my dreams.”

  Blushing hotly as she recalled her foray into his dreams, she asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. I wish for you to take whatever you want from me. I belong to you as I have never belonged to anyone or anything in the universe.”

  He stepped closer. “The added safeguard in exchanging our blood is that you can always call for me and I can always find you. With Justice, the bond was temporary. It is not temporary with me.”

  “I can call for you…?”

  “Our blood blending means that you now have enough pure Daemon blood for me to scan you with my gift and I have enough Were blood for you to bridge the distance between us with your gift.”

  Placing her palm against his chest, he cupped the column of her neck. “It’s not enough to trigger a full Mating for you but more than a casual exchange.”

  “Not enough for me but…enough for you, Titus?”

  He was still for a long moment. With a small nod that made her gasp, he explained, “For ten millennia, I’ve lived alone. Over the last two, I’ve nearly slipped into psychosis a dozen times. A state where loneliness distorts our thoughts and reduces our ability to control our actions.”

  Blinking against tears, she held his gaze.

  “I am tempering my memories of those periods of weakness because I don’t wish to frighten you.” His fingertips gently stroked the skin of her nape.

  “Losing you now would destroy my psyche, Desiree. Exchanging the blood we have ensures that should anything happen to you, I will follow you into death. The effect would be milder for you as a Were.”


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