Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3)

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Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3) Page 13

by Sabrina Rue

  “For your Mate, my son. Guard it well and do not falter as you wait for her. Today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow one hundred millennia into the future, you must watch over our people, protect our history, and destroy those who would reverse the progress we have made. You are the strongest. You will prevail. Share the power of your birthright with your queen, Titus. Never forget who you are.”

  Shaking, gasping for air, Desiree wallowed in the light that filled her, surrounded her. Titus held her firmly, watched her without blinking, and waited for something she did not understand.

  The light grew bright, brighter still, until it was too bright to keep her eyes open. Pleasure, a transformation she did not understand, and then absolute darkness and silence.

  As she drifted away, she heard Titus whisper, “My Queen.”


  Three days later…

  Titus and Desiree appeared in the side yard of Texas Pack and it took less than thirty seconds for Harmony, Ryker, and Jax to gather around them. Redbird ran from the house moments later.

  Her mother skidded to a stop several feet from her daughter with a gasp. “Desiree…?”

  “Mom, you mustn’t worry.” She walked to the woman who’d always been a source of strength and love. Taking her shoulders, she smiled. “Every time I see you, you’re more beautiful than I remember.”

  “Darling, I don’t…” Redbird lifted her hand and trailed her fingertips over the brilliant silver streaks that now adorned her black hair. Holding her face, she stared into eyes that were still dark blue but now contained flecks of silver in the depths. “Like a galaxy.”

  “Don’t be frightened.” Moving her hands to cup her mother’s face, she focused her energy. “May I take some of your pain?”

  Tears instantly slipped over her cheeks. “It’s not a pain that can be managed. No one can do that, my love.”

  “I can.” Her palms glowed brightly and she explained, “You’ve grieved long enough, Mom. It’s time to keep the joy and lessen the agony you struggle to hide from those around you.”

  After almost a minute, Redbird released a sob. “Desiree!”

  “It’s alright. You’ll never forget the love you felt for Father, for Tin, but you deserve relief. For once, I can give something back for all you’ve given me. It is an honor to be able to do this.”

  The glow gradually faded and Desiree allowed her hands to drop away.

  Everyone was quiet as Redbird remained still and silent, staring at a daughter that was very different from the young woman who’d left to complete the bond with her Mate.

  Rubbing her hand over her chest, she released a sigh. “I can breathe. For the first time in almost a decade, inhaling doesn’t h-hurt.” She covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

  Desiree took her mother into her arms and murmured at her ear, “Now you can stroll through your memories without pain. The thick grief of their loss was all you could see, all you could feel. I wanted their beauty, their laughter, and their love returned to you.”

  Redbird hugged her tightly. “It was hard to recall what came before th-they were taken from me. To remember how your father always seemed fascinated by me doing simple tasks or how Tin could always make me laugh. I missed them but felt disconnected from all that we shared when they were alive. Thank you for giving them back to me.”

  “They loved you more than anything or anyone on this planet. They wouldn’t want you to experience never-ending pain.” Leaning back, she whispered, “I didn’t want you to either.”

  Kissing her cheek, Desiree turned to her brother. “Ryker.” She placed her fist over her heart and bowed her head. “I renew my vow to Texas Pack, to you as my Alpha, and to the Blackwell bloodline.”

  He grabbed her in a hug and held her against his chest. Pressing his lips to the top of her head, he said, “An unnecessary formality but thank you. You feel strong. Powerful in ways I don’t understand.”

  Alphas could sense the power signatures of Pack. It helped them determine strengths and weaknesses of their members and ensured they could determine threats to Pack hierarchy before rivals threw down a challenge to lead.

  His finger under her chin, he lifted her face and stared into her eyes with a frown. “It’s as if you…are as much Daemon kind as Were kind now. How can that be?”

  “I’ll explain everything later. For now,” she turned to her female leader with a smile. “Alpha.” She bowed her head and placed her fist over her heart again. “Until a replacement can be found, I’d like to continue as your Second. Over time, I think you’ll prefer me in another roll.”

  Harmony tugged one of her silver strands. “As long as you pop in every so often, you’ll remain my Second. I’m not giving up your skills, Desiree. Particularly now that you have some extra party favors.”

  “Understood. Thank you, Alpha.” She looked at the blonde beside her. “Hello, Jax.”

  “Half pint. I agree with Ryker. Your scent has changed dramatically.” He grinned. “It makes my nose tingle.”

  Unable to stop her laughter, she replied, “Not too much, I hope. That would be distracting.”

  He bent to kiss her temple. “I’d say just the right amount.”

  Moving back, she asked, “Are the children still here?”

  “They returned to West Texas once everyone realized Titus was fully healed and whisked you away to do very naughty things.” Harmony winked. “We had no idea how long the two of you might be gone.”

  Looking over her shoulder at Titus, she asked, “Will you, darling?” He transitioned away with a grin. “Let’s wait for him to get back.”

  Everyone kept their eyes on her as they waited. She stood utterly still, her hands folded in front of her, staring into the distance.

  Her mother moved in front of her and held her gaze. “Tell me what’s happened, Desiree. I-I’ve never seen a Mating alter someone like this.”

  Smiling gently, she hugged her favorite person again. “I swear to you, I’m better than I’ve ever been, better than I ever could have been without Titus. I ask for your patience. I’m still adjusting as well.”

  “Whatever you need, darling.”

  Seconds later, Titus appeared with Justice and Juliette at his sides. Hope and Talon were with them.

  “Phoenix is helping New Mexico Pack…” Hope’s voice trailed off as she took in Desiree’s changed appearance. “How beautiful you are.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. I hope we didn’t interrupt your day.”

  Talon shrugged. “We were watching the kids work with their tutor.” He approached Desiree and inhaled deeply. “I see what’s happened.” Tilting his head, he added, “When your father placed you in my arms the first time, you were the tiniest Were baby I’d ever seen. So fragile and yet, emanating a strength I couldn’t pinpoint.”

  He stroked his palm over her black and silver hair. “Now, I understand. Tell us what you need, Lady Desiree.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “My grandfather lived almost two-hundred years. In his lifetime, he often worked with Lord Titus and Lady Tatiana to beat back the growing Purist threat. Drake and Phoenix have interacted often after attacks. I’ve seen many Matings among Daemon kind, though never with one of Were kind. The cells in your body have been transformed to their strongest and most efficient state.”

  “Yes,” she answered softly.

  “Show us what you’ll do with the new existence your Mate has made possible, Lady Desiree. How are you going to change the world? Since you discovered your empathic nature, that’s been important to you.”

  Nodding, she took his hand. “First, I want to be sure you and Hope know that we would never put the children in danger.”

  Talon chuckled. “Not something you needed to say to any of us. I’ll keep my Mate company while the four of you work.”

  The adult Weres all stepped back and Juliette flew at Desiree, hugging her as hard as she could. Wrapping her arms around the little girl, she said quietly, “Thank you for help
ing me get Titus back.”

  “I was afraid for both of you.” Leaning back, she stared into Desiree’s eyes for a long moment. “We’re connected even more now. Justice and I won’t be a-alone when we lose our Were family.”

  “You’ll never be alone. We’ll see to it that you meet many more members of Daemon kind so there are always others you can depend on. That makes me happier than you know.” Justice leaned against Desiree’s side and she bent, placing Juliette on her feet as she hugged the little boy. “Hello, darling.”

  “I’m getting stronger, Aunt Desiree. By focusing on pulling more energy from the ground, I’m able to transport Juliette now.”

  “That’s wonderful! Will you show me?”

  He kissed her cheek and stepped away, holding out his hand to his sister. She took it with a small laugh.

  “Watch the tree line!”

  Then they transitioned away with a light puff of odorless smoke and sparks Desiree knew were cool to the touch. An instant later, they appeared several hundred yards away.

  Juliette grabbed her brother under his arms and flew them back. She let him go a few feet above the ground and he landed easily.

  Dropping beside him, she folded her wings and said with a smirk, “I’m getting stronger, too.”

  “Wonderful, children! You’ve been practicing.”

  Justice nodded. “I hope to be able to transition Mom in the next few months. I need a bit more power. Juliette can lift Slade but can only carry him a quarter mile. We tested it.”

  Desiree placed her hands on top of their heads. “It will all come in time. How is your uncle doing?”

  Harmony snorted. “Obnoxious little shit is doing great. He’s grown about half a foot since you saw him last.”

  Snickering, Juliette whispered, “He beat Aunt Harmony in a race and she’s pretty mad about it. She doesn’t care that she’s pregnant.”

  Titus knelt in front of the twins. “Are you ready to do something a little frightening but incredible?”

  They nodded, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

  Holding out his palm, Titus made a cut along the pad and they put their fingertips in the blood that welled up. Touching it to their tongues made their eyes glow, their teeth extend, and Juliette’s wings unfurl with a snap.

  “Why…?” Hope murmured.

  Desiree met her eyes. “It’s to ensure Titus can transition to them instantly.” The mother stiffened. “Nothing more than a precaution, Hope. Considering who we’re going to be dealing with, we don’t want to take a single risk with their safety. I’d never forgive myself.”

  Her Mate stood and stared down into her face. “Are you ready?” She nodded. “I’ll be right outside.”

  Turning, the four of them walked across the yard to the building that housed the Daemons Harmony captured. She knew her family followed but didn’t look back at them.

  The Were guarding the outside of the building opened the main door with a confused nod. Crossing the threshold, she met Steele’s eyes and he stood in confusion.

  “Is everything alright, Miss Desiree?”

  “If you look out front, you’ll see people waiting, including your Alpha. I need to take the prisoners outside.”

  He gasped in surprise. “Ma’am! Are you certain?”


  After a long moment of hesitation that Desiree respected, Steele gave a single nod and pulled the massive door back.

  She walked through and down the corridor with confident steps.

  The Daemons stood near the bars in confusion, waiting for her as she approached. The female stumbled back when she laid eyes on Desiree. The male whimpered in confusion.

  Walking closest to the female’s cell, she held out her hand. The Daemon looked at it in true fear.

  “Take my hand,” Desiree ordered firmly.

  “Why? What are you going to do?”

  “Take my hand,” she repeated. Reaching through the bars, the female took it lightly, ready to pull away. “No.” She gripped her tightly and the Daemon’s eyes widened. “I need a good grip to read you.” After a small pause, she whispered, “Arabelle.”

  The woman shrieked softly.

  Desiree released her and stepped back, walking to the opposite side of the hall and extending her hand to the male. The silence drew out between them for several seconds.

  Then he reached through and took her hand. She smiled. “Inkoshi.”

  Returning to the center of the hall, she told Steele, “Release them.” Both Daemons moved away from the exit. “Come with me.”

  They pressed their backs to the far walls of their cells as Steele disengaged the locks and slid the doors wide.

  “Daemon kind are not cowards. It could be a trick, I could be taking you to your death, but even if I were, Daemon kind walk to their execution with their heads high. They do not cower.” Pivoting on her heel, Desiree walked toward the exit.

  The male stepped from his cell.

  She called over her shoulder without looking at him, “Yes, you could try to kill me. I wouldn’t advise it.” Laughing as the woman joined her partner, she added, “Aren’t you the least bit curious? I’m always so nosy…I’d wish to know what’s happening.”

  Through the building, Desiree stepped out on the covered concrete porch that protected the Were guarding the outer door from the elements.


  “It’s alright. Move away from the door, Rigor.”

  He obeyed instantly. A few feet away, Titus and the twins waited. Beyond them were their families.

  The male and female Daemon walked outside with Steele behind them. They took in the scene and went to their knees just beyond the building that housed them for two months.

  “Lord Titus.” The male Daemon’s voice shook. “We did not know our people would ever consider attacking a member of the royal family. If we’re to be executed, I ask it be merciful.”

  The female’s tears fell into the dirt between her knees as she kept her head bowed. “The laws regarding the royal bloodline are absolute, my lord. We wouldn’t have broken them for any reason.”

  “Stand and face me,” Titus said sharply.

  The pair instantly gained their feet, put their shoulders back, and awaited their fate with blank expressions. Desiree could see the slight tremble of their bodies that they fought to hide.

  Approaching with his hands clasped at his back, Titus circled them, scented them, and stared them down. Returning to stand in front of them, he let the silence draw out.

  “You would not strike a member of royal blood?”

  “Never, Lord Titus,” they answered together.

  “Had you known the plans of your three dozen Purist brethren who attacked me, would you have stopped them?”

  The male growled. “I would have slaughtered them without remorse, my lord. These laws are absolute, a biological imperative.”

  “I see.” He let the silence extend again. “Yet, you feel no remorse for the massacres you’ve participated in, the terror you’ve caused, the lives you’ve taken?”

  “It…we must eliminate the abominations, Lord Titus!” the woman told him frantically. “Until the world is cleansed of them, we will never find our Mates! The prophecy is clear!”

  “Desiree.” Her Mate said her name and she walked to his side. He put his hands on her shoulders, positioning her in front of his body. “This is my Mate. Desiree is a full-blood Were of the Blackwell legacy. Following your logic, you would kill her. Isn’t that correct?”

  “Not your Mate! We would never harm your Mate, my lord!”

  “Ah. My Mate is safe then. Protected by my royal blood.” Holding out his hand, he motioned to the twins and they came to him. “What of these children? Would you kill them?”

  Everyone gathered was still and silent. Their answer would determine the Daemons’ fates. While rehabilitation was the greatest hope, mercy would not be granted to those who refused to see the truth.

  Desiree knew her Mat
e would behead them on the spot if they intended harm to the twins.

  She had mixed feelings about the prospect. Her gentle past self would have opposed more bloodshed.

  The new version of herself was ready to spill it personally if need be.


  Titus didn’t need to adjust his position to protect the young Kassis twins from their Purist captives. No matter how strong these Daemons were, they moved in slow motion compared to him.

  Only his Mate in Heat had ever had the ability to distract him, slow down his reflexes, and leave him vulnerable.

  The scent of Desiree the day he left her in the protected cells beneath the Texas Pack compound had tested the very limits of his power.

  Their air lock was nothing to one such as him. Even outside the formidable house, he could still smell her, hear her in his mind.

  Come back to me, Titus. Don’t leave me…

  Practically foaming at the mouth from a situation he never could have prepared himself to face, he glared at Harmony as she left the house and walked toward him.

  Her steps were slow, careful, meant to put him at ease.

  “Titus, remove yourself from the ache. Go to your dimension. She’ll be under the influence of Heat for at least a week. Perhaps longer. I’ll tell her to contact you as soon as she’s clear of it.”

  He remembered growling, his teeth fully extended, as he calculated how to get past the pregnant Alpha female without hurting her. Ryker and Jax exited the house but didn’t come any closer.

  Standing between him and his Mate.

  “You love Desiree and want to make her happy. She isn’t in control, Titus. You’re stronger and you’ll regret it if you cave to the overwhelming temptation you feel now. You gave your Mate your word, Titus. You never go back on your word.”

  Fighting instincts that were physically painful, he managed, “Guard her while I cannot, Harmony Kassis.”

  “Of course. I would never allow your Mate, my sister now, to come to harm. I’ll protect her until you can return.” Lifting her hand, she raked her nail over it. “I vow it in blood, Titus.”


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