Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3)

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Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3) Page 15

by Sabrina Rue

  The stunning redhead stood and approached. Holding Desiree’s shoulders, she smiled. “You’re going in order of age, so I can’t be upset that two dozen others have gone before me.” She winked and it made Desiree laugh softly.

  “Listen to me, darling. I’ve used Shamans ten times and there wasn’t a flicker. Nothing. I’ve born no children and continued to live alone. Year after endless year, I’ve endured my Heats with those of our Pack I genuinely like but can never love.”

  “I-I’m sorry.”

  “No. You misunderstand me. When I sit with you, with your Mate and the children, I’ll know for certain. Even if my Mate died, I’ll feel relief to at least know once and for all. That’s an incredible gift.”

  Desiree nodded but couldn’t stop the tears that slipped beneath her lids as she stared at the floor of the porch.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” She managed to meet the other woman’s brown eyes. “The last Were you saw, he was sobbing when he left. Those of us here now are old, alone, and have grown frightened as we’ve watched Purists systematically wipe out our people. You and your Mate, those adorable children, will change so much. Be strong and know that even the most stubborn of us feel great gratitude.”

  Sobbing, she put her hands over her face and Maliah held her close.

  “There now, little one. You’re shouldering a responsibility that didn’t exist just a few months ago. Breathe, take care of yourself, and know that no one expects you to work miracles.”

  Kissing her hair, she added in a whisper, “You need a break. We wait with true patience. If you told us to come back in six months, no one would begrudge you the time you needed.”

  Lifting her head, Desiree replied, “I need a couple of hours. We’ll try to get through everyone today. I-I want to hurry.”

  “That’s because you’re young,” her aunt explained. She gestured to the dozen Weres standing and sitting along the rails of the large wraparound porch. “No one here is younger than six decades. Age forces you to pause, to understand the world doesn’t rush, no matter how we may wish it.”

  Hugging her mother’s best friend tightly, she said at her ear, “I won’t stop today until you have the answer you need.”

  Stepping away, she gave a small wave to the others waiting. They smiled as she descended the steps with her Mate. As they started in the direction of the main compound, he took her hand.

  He gave Desiree a few minutes of silence to process.

  Finally, he said, “You needed to hear that, Mate. I understand your people and take no offense that they look at me with suspicion. The pain the Purists have caused can’t be healed overnight. That we’ve now found three Pack Mates among the Purists is a bitter irony.”

  Tightening her fingers around his, she nodded. “It breaks my heart to know they’ve killed so many. There’s no doubt in my mind that every member of the Lesser Kingdom’s was someone’s Mate but now we’ll never know how many would have eased one of Daemon kind.”

  “I need to talk to you about something.”

  Stopping, she turned to him with a frown. “Is something wrong?”

  “Lucian requested that we make time to see Daemons over the age of seven millennia. There are fewer than a hundred at this point.”

  Her eyes widened. “Lucian made the request personally?”

  “The situation is dire. The oldest of us are most in danger of severe psychosis and their conditions will continue to worsen. Una is kept busy chasing down those who’ve lost control and set out to slaughter. In most cases, humans are the easiest victims.”

  Wrapping her arm around his waist, she nodded. “Let’s start with the oldest and work our way to the youngest as we’ve done for Texas Pack. Hmm.” She considered logistics. “At this rate, we’re going to have to come up with a better system. The twins are going to tire long before we run out of Others in search of their Mates.”

  They walked in silence for several minutes.

  Finally, he said, “Eventually, we could split into two teams but the children are too young to work alone right now. Our circumstances are unique. I’m unsure how we can enlist others to help.”

  “Let me think about it. There must be a viable solution.”

  “I think we should meet with Daemon kind at my home. I imagine the Pack would be terrified if unknown, on-edge Daemons started appearing in their midst.”


  “Love, it’s no fault of the Lesser Kingdoms that they’ve been forced to fear my people. It was only a few hundred Daemons who originally wished to subjugate the weaker humans upon our arrival here. It’s a battle that continues to play out to this day.”


  “Lucian and his brother have been on opposite sides of a war for nine thousand years. Mikael wished to rule the humans, Lucian to guide them. The majority of our people sided with Lucian but those who didn’t are dangerous.”

  “I didn’t know that…”

  “It was the chaos stirred by Mikael that gave weight to the notions embraced by the Purists. Their thousand members were determined to wipe out all those created from our blood mixing with what they considered inferior beings. Daemon kind fall to the same weaknesses they lay at the feet of those they consider less.”

  Again, the silence drew out between them. “I don’t understand. I thought there were a lot more than a thousand Purists, Titus.”

  “With our power, we’re capable of catastrophic destruction. Weres, Shifters, and the rest quickly learned that if Daemon kind turned on them, the fight would not be an easy one to win.” Stopping, he turned and took her shoulders. “The sooner we disband the Purists, the sooner Lucian can redirect all his focus on his brother.”

  Desiree heard his words, understood what he was saying, but couldn’t stop staring at the hollow of Titus’s throat. In a daze, she reached out to stroke her fingertip over the soft skin there.

  Stepping closer, she licked the exposed flesh above his dress shirt with a low moan. His palm massaged the side of her neck and up to fist the hair at the base of her neck.

  Tilting her head back, he released a low growl. “Desiree.”

  “I know they’re probably waiting for us but…I need you.” Lifting her eyes, she whispered, “Please, Titus.”

  “How quickly your mind refocused, Mate. I’m glad not to be the only one.” Lowering, his mouth covered hers and she sighed. He pulled back enough to whisper, “Every kiss is like the first time I kissed you. Your scent, your sounds, the softness of your skin beneath my hands, the way you touch me back…you are magnificent, Desiree.”

  “Take me away, Titus. Love me.”

  He turned, taking them into the Between and she wanted to cry with relief. Another turn and they were naked together, floating in an explosion of light and beauty.

  She captured his lips and gripped his hair in both hands. Their tongues dueled as her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Now, Mate.”

  Titus never obeyed the Wolf inside her whose needs were basic but he always gave her pleasure that left her weak even as he made her stronger. The being who shared her existence was primal and it was sometimes difficult to maintain the upper hand.

  Her back touched a solid surface she couldn’t see and he pulled her legs away from his body. She whimpered, needing him.

  “Wait, little Wolf.” Taking her wrists in both hands, he held them as he moved down her torso, leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake. “I can’t let you distract me from the details of loving you.”

  “Titus…inside me! I need you!”

  “Soon, Desiree. You’ll have all you want and need. Wait.”

  He settled his shoulders between her legs and she hazily remembered the first time he showed her this. Their first three days together were much like the fevered dreams she experienced during Heat. Wild, out of control, and almost manic in their intensity.

  She barely remembered anything after the first hour.

  This time, before he touched her most sensitive f
lesh, he looked up the length of her body. Holding her gaze, he said firmly, “Relinquish.”

  Instantly, her Wolf submitted.

  Titus smiled as he dragged his tongue through her folds. “Already slick, hot, and ready for me. I love to devour you.”

  Licking, sucking, and grazing his teeth on her left her writhing and moaning with need for more. Holding her hips made it impossible for her to get the upper hand.

  Not that she could have anyway. No matter her training or Mating, she would never be capable of turning the tide in her favor physically.

  “Let me have you, Titus.” Her chest was arched, her words said through gritted teeth. “Give me your cock to suck at least. I need it!”

  Growling, vibrating with need, he bit the skin of her inner thigh. She begged as he drank of her.

  “Give me what I want, Mate!” she shouted. “It’s mine!”

  Maintaining his grip, he rolled to his back and lifted her in a crouch over his body. She was stunned to stillness, staring at his silver eyes between her legs as he continued to eat her.


  “Take what you want, Desiree.” His breath was hot against her pussy and it made her shiver. “Show me.”

  She took his hair in her hand and pressed her palm to his forehead, showing him what she felt as she experienced it. His body jerked beneath her before he applied his efforts to tearing her apart sexually.

  Desiree let him do it.

  Riding his mouth, rocking her hips to set the rhythm of his attentions, she let her mind drift, to simply experience all that he offered.

  The first orgasm made lights flash behind her closed lids. The second made her fall to her hands, still grinding her body against his mouth. Taking with complete selfishness as her release slipped over his cheeks.

  “Mate…” she managed. “P-please.”

  Then she was flat on her stomach, her knees slightly bent as he shoved his cock to the root in a single thrust. He fisted her hair, turning her face to the side to receive his kiss.

  Every stroke held an edge of pain in its’ strength and depth but she never would have dreamed of telling him to be gentler, to go slower.

  She wanted every part of him. The parts that were dignified, elegant, Daemon royalty…as well as the rough, commanding, dirty pieces that completed her Mate.

  Desiree loved every aspect of him. His people’s Lord Titus and her Daemon lover.

  Taking every brutal drive as deep as he could get inside her, she smiled. “Yes. Yes, my love. Show me who I belong to…”

  He threw back his head, growling as he increased the force behind his thrusts before dropping his mouth to her shoulder and sinking his teeth into the Mark he’d left there.

  Slipping his arm beneath her body, he held his wrist to her lips. She bit him, drank of him without hesitation. Every time she did, she swore she felt the changes taking place inside her.

  She welcomed them.

  Every drop of Titus’s blood made her a better champion for her people and ensured more time for her to spend with her Mate.

  Harder he fucked her. Harder still. Until she was screaming her pleasure, the sound muffled against his skin.

  Holding her immobile, he thrust twice more and came inside her, filling her up as he closed the wound he made and pressed his face to her hair. “Yes, Desiree. My love, my love, my love.”


  She drifted, then slept, in the silence and beauty of the Between as her Mate’s seed filled her and he kept their bodies sealed together.

  Throbbing so hard that she realized the pace of their hearts were now beating perfectly as one.


  Hours spent in the Between meant enough orgasms to ensure Desiree could focus for the rest of the day.

  After Titus cleaned them up and got them dressed with a spin that she would never tire of, he took her to the main house of Texas Pack.

  Entering the main dining room, she nodded at the presence of Slade, her second oldest brother, and her two youngest brothers. They’d been training for months, scouting expansive areas of Pack land.

  As a result, they hadn’t had the opportunity to meet her Mate.

  All three stiffened sharply before standing and taking up fighting positions around their mother.

  “Dayden, Bryce, Brennan…this is Titus.” Their mouths dropped open in shock. To the beautiful Daemon at her side, Desiree added, “The order is Ryker, Dayden, me, then Bryce and Brennan. Ryker and I share the same father. Tin was father to Dayden and the twins.”

  “A pleasure to meet you. I knew Tin before he was adopted by your grandfather. We fought side-by-side in battle many times.”

  Dayden walked around the table. He stared at Titus for a long moment. “We…seem to have missed a lot the last months.” He held out his hand and they shook firmly. “Uh, I think someone needs to catch us up.”

  “Get the story from Alpha Harmony. It will be more entertaining that way.” Gesturing to the Kassis half-brother the siblings hadn’t known about, she told Titus, “This is Slade Kassis. He was born after the twins’ father died. We met him when we rescued Juliette.”

  Eyes wide, Titus bowed. “I should have known by the scent. I thought it was strange that Justice’s was stronger recently. It appears you’ve imprinted on the twins. Fascinating.” Tilting his head, he added, “I’m honored to meet you, Slade.”

  “You don’t smell like a Were.”

  “I’m not a Were.” Titus’s smile was slow. “Have you never scented one of Daemon kind before now?”

  The young man whispered, “What?”

  “Titus would never harm one of our people, Slade. Again, let Harmony tell you the tale for extra laughs.” Looking at Dayden, she shooed him and said, “Go away. I need food.”

  Her brother returned to his chair and lowered, watching them closely.

  Justice and Juliette hadn’t been back at the house long. Only a moment had passed in the Between. Desiree appreciated their ability to get what they wanted without losing daylight.

  Harmony wasn’t fooled. “So. That dimension comes in pretty damn handy, I guess. The two of you don’t lose much time.”

  Titus met the female Alpha’s eyes and said, “Mind your business, brat.” She laughed for a solid thirty seconds while he tried to hide his smile. Pulling out a chair for Desiree, he handed her into it. “Eat, love.”

  Platters of food were brought to the table and everyone chatted about unimportant subjects while they consumed every bite.

  Once the main priority of food was met, Hope said cautiously, “I know finding Mates is critical to Pack but…we need to find a better method for all of you. You won’t be able to maintain such a pace forever.”

  Desiree shrugged. “Titus and I can but yes, I’m worried about the long-term strain on the children.”

  Staring at each other, the brother and sister started laughing. Justice said, “They don’t get how it works for us.”

  To their family around the table, Juliette said, “We’re not like human children who need naps. Justice recharges from the planet. It’s a never-ending battery. When he gets tired, he pulls up some more. Because he can share it with me, we’re both good to go.”

  Folding her hands in her lap, Hope replied, “You need time to be children. To play and do things that make you happy.”

  Her children got up and walked around to stand beside her. Juliette stroked her hand over her hair. “Mommy, I’m sorry. We’ll never be children. We know too much that can’t be unknown.”

  “You think because it’s work that we can’t like it,” Justice added with a sigh. “You’re wrong.” He lifted her hand from her lap and held it between both of his. “We have gifts we shouldn’t have. How can we ignore those who need our help?”

  “I worry.”

  Wrapping her arm around Hope’s shoulders, Juliette said, “That’s because you’re a very good mommy. Aunt Desiree and Uncle Titus are stronger than we are. He gives us a huge power boost
that speeds things up. Desiree uses her empathic gifts to focus in on details we need. Eventually, we’ll be able to work in teams to help more people.”

  Justice nodded. “Imagine how many are desperate for their Mates!” Patting Hope’s hand, he took a deep breath. “We’re going to need another day to spend with them every week.”


  “Mommy. We can’t see Daemon kind here with the rest of our Pack. As the oldest living beings on Earth, finding their Mates is a matter of safety for everyone else. They don’t have a way to do it…”

  Juliette tapped her chin. “I think it’s because they’re more scientific than the Lesser Kingdoms. That’s why they don’t get many emotional gifts like empathy.”

  “Uh huh. Makes sense,” her brother replied. “We need a day every week to help the oldest Daemons and another to get through the rest of Texas Pack.” He gave a sort of bounce.

  Desiree was surprised they’d read Titus’s mind and he looked at her with a wink.

  Justice leaned over and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. “After that, we’ll figure out a game plan but our Pack and Daemon kind have to be the priority. You understand that, don’t you, Mommy?”

  “You’ll tell us if you get tired?”

  “Titus and Desiree watch us closely,” Juliette said softly. “The time with them is teaching us more about how to not only use our gifts but…how to control them. That’s important. We’re really powerful and without proper training, we could be dangerous.”

  Hope looked at Talon. “What do you think?”

  “I think they know their limits. I know we can trust Desiree and Titus to keep an eye on them, protect them if need be.” He gave her a gentle smile. “They’re years ahead of human children with their tutor. Let them ramp things up and let’s see what happens.”

  Meeting Titus’s eyes, he added, “I don’t want to keep bringing Hope back and forth. She’s tired and Phoenix wants her to rest.”

  Frowning, Titus stood and walked around the table. Kneeling beside Hope’s chair, he asked, “May I?” She nodded and he placed his palm on her barely rounded belly. He was quiet for more than a minute. “Hope. I’d like to give you my blood and have Drake come to you.”


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