Whispered Promises

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Whispered Promises Page 24

by Brenda Jackson

  “No, I’ve been in D.C. for the past three days attending the National Bar Association convention. She knew my flight had a layover here and suggested I look you up.”

  “How was the convention?”

  “Pretty good. I’m sorry you missed it. Senator Lansing was the keynote speaker, and as usual he kept the audience spellbound.”

  Syneda nodded. She knew the one thing she and Clayton did agree on was Senator Nedwyn Lansing of Texas. He was admired by both of them and had a reputation for taking a stand on more unpopular issues than anyone in Congress. “What was this year’s convention theme?”

  “Law and order.”

  “Not very original was it?”

  Clayton laughed. “No, not very.”

  Syneda smiled. “I know Justin, Lorren and the kids are all doing fine. How’s the rest of the Madaris clan?”

  Clayton smiled “My parents are doing great. They’re off again. This time the ever-traveling retirees are headed for the mountains in Tennessee.”

  He leaned forward in his seat. “Since Christy’s home from college for the summer, she went with them,” he said of his youngest sister. “Traci and Kattie and their families are doing all right. With me being their only single brother, they’ve been playing the roles of ardent matchmakers lately.”

  Syneda grinned. “How’re Dex and Caitlin?”

  “They’re fine. The baby isn’t due for another six months but Dex is coming unglued already. Since he and Caitlin weren’t together when she was pregnant with Jordan, he’s really into this pregnancy big-time.” Clayton laughed. “Sometimes I wonder who’s really having this baby, him or Caitlin. He swears he’s been having morning sickness.” Clayton shook his head. “By the way, you missed Jordan’s birthday party.”

  “Yeah, and I hated that. Unfortunately I was deeply involved in a case and couldn’t get away.” A cloud covered Syneda’s features. “We went to court on Monday and lost.”

  Clayton noticed the shadow of disappointment in her eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She nodded. She did want to discuss it. Maybe doing so would unleash all the frustration, anger and resentment that had plagued her since the judge’s decision. Although she and Clayton usually took opposing sides on most issues, she knew that, like her, he was a dedicated attorney, and hopefully on this one he would understand how she felt, even if he didn’t agree with the position she had taken.

  Syneda took a deep breath. “It was a custody fight. The natural mother gave the child up at birth six years ago. She fought the adoptive parents for custody…and won. That has happened a lot lately, and I don’t like the message being sent to adoptive parents. They don’t have any protection against this sort of thing under our present legal system.”

  Clayton frowned. “In the last two cases that received national attention, I thought the only reason the child was returned to its natural parents was because the natural fathers had not given their consent.”

  “True, but in our case the consent was given. However, the biological mother claims that at the age of fifteen, she’d been too young to know her own mind and had been coerced by her parents to give up her child. She contends the contract was between her parents and the Jamisons, and that she wasn’t a part of it. How’s that for a new angle?”

  Clayton shuddered at the thought of a fifteen-year-old giving birth. “You’re right. That is a new angle.”

  Syneda leaned back in her seat. “As far as I’m concerned, the real issue is not why she gave up the child. No one seems concerned with what’s best for Kasey. She’s being snatched from the only parents she’s ever known and is being given to a stranger. That’s cruel punishment for any child, especially a five-year-old.”

  Clayton nodded. “Hopefully things will work out. But you can’t allow what’s happened to get you depressed.”

  “I know I shouldn’t, but at times I can’t help wondering if what I do really makes a difference.”

  “Of course it does.”

  Syneda smiled. “Do you know this is the first time we’ve been able to talk about a case and not take opposing sides?”

  Clayton chuckled as he rested back comfortably in his seat. “Just because I didn’t oppose anything you said doesn’t mean I fully agree. Tonight you needed someone to just listen to your thoughts and feelings, and not force theirs on you. I gave you what I thought you needed. But what I really think you need is a vacation.”

  “I took a vacation earlier this year.”

  “I mean a real vacation. You usually use your vacation time to mess around here and not go anywhere. You need a real vacation to get away, relax and do nothing. I’m sure you can take time off from your job if you need it, so what’s the problem?”

  Syneda shrugged. “There isn’t a problem. I just never thought about it.”

  “Well, I’m giving you something to think about. What about going someplace with that guy you’re seeing.”

  “Marcus and I are no longer seeing each other,” she said slowly. “We decided it was for the best.”

  “Mmm. Could it be you’re also suffering from a broken heart?”

  Syneda frowned. “Not hardly.”

  Suddenly Clayton sat up straight. His eyes gleamed bright with an idea. Before checking out of the hotel, he had phoned his parents and asked their permission to spend a week at their time-share condo in Florida. They had given him the okay. “I have a wonderful idea,” he said.


  “My parents have a condo in Saint Augustine, Florida. It’s right on the ocean. I’m leaving next Sunday and will be there for a week. Come with me.”

  Syneda’s brows arched in surprise. “Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly? You want me to go on vacation with you?”

  A wide grin broke across Clayton’s face “Sure. Why not? You need a rest and I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

  She shook her head. “Clayton, get real. You know I can’t go on vacation with you.”

  “Why not?”

  “For a number of reasons.”

  “Name one.”

  “My work. I’ve appealed the Jamison case.”

  “So? It’ll be a while before the courts review it. If you ask me, you need a vacation to deal with what you’ll be up against when they do.”


  An Arabesque novel published by Kimani Press January 2008

  First published by BET Publications, LLC in 1996.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-1135-7

  Copyright © 1996 by Brenda Streater Jackson

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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